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Editor introduces an extract from one of thefe documents in the following manner. "Since the departure of Mr. Magruder

from this place, a communication was inclofed to the editor. for him, from which the following is extracted. Some parts of the communication will, doubtlefs, be considered interesting.

The French were the firft nation of white people that ever were known among the NorthWeftern Indians. When the British and French commenced a war against each other in North America, the North-Western Indians joined the French, and

of the Six Nations joined

the British. My knowledge of the actions that: were fought between them, is derived from the old Indians, that I have converfed with on that Lubject, and is not to be relied on.

After the British got poffeffion of this country from the French, a Tawway chief, by the name of Potacock, renewed the war against the British, and took all the potts that were occupied by them on the lakes and their waters, in one day, (Detroit excepted,) by ftratagem. After this, in 1774,the war broke out between the North-Western Indians and the Whites. The principal action that was fought between the parties, was at the mouth of the Great Kanhaway-there were 300 Shawanees and Delawares, and a few Miammies, Wyandots and Mingoes, commanded by the celebrated 3hawanee chief, called Comstock. This was the war that ended at the treaty of Greenville. Although at different times, individual nations would treat, or pretend to do so, with the Americans; it was only a temporary thing; for it frequently happened, that while a party of Indians were treating with the Whites, fome of their own people would be killing the very people that their own chiefs were treating with.

The Indians that opposed general Sullivan were the combined forces of the fix nations. Their numbers and by whom commanded, I do not know. The Indians that defeated general Crawford at Sandusky, were the Wyandots,Delawares, Shawances, and a few of the fix nations, or Senacas-Powtowottomics and Ottoways, faid to be 800 in number. I never heard who commanded them. As the Indians always keep the number of their killed and wounded as much a fecret as poffible, I thall not undertake to fay what numbers were killed and wounded at either of the actions above mentioned.

Bowman's campaign was against the Shawanees on the Little Miami River. 1 am not acquainted with any of the particulars of the action that took place between him and thofe Indians; alfo my knowledge of the different campaigns carried a gainst the Shawances, on Mad River and Big Miagi, by general Clarke, is not to be depended on. When general Harmar arrived at the Miami Tows, he fent Col. John Harden in fearch of the Indians, with a body of men, when he met 300 Miamies, on the head of Eel River, commanded by the celebrated Miami chief, the Little Turtle an action took place-the whites were defeat

ed-the Indians had one man killed and two wounded. The Indians that fought the troops under the command of Col. Harden, in the Mia

mi town, were the 300 above mentioned, commanded by the fame chief. Alfo a body of soo Indians, compofed of Shawanees, Delawares, Chippeways, Pottowotomies and Ottoways-the Shawanees commanded by their own chief, Blue Jacket; the Delawares by Buckingeheles; the Ottoways and Chippeways, by Agafhewah, an Ottoway chief. The Indians fay they had 15 killed, and 25 wounded. General Scott's campaign was against the Weas Town on the Wabash, where he met with little or no oppofition; as the warriors of the Weas expected that General Scott was going against the Miami Town, and had all left their own village to meet him. At that place 8 men and z women were killed by the troops under Gen. Scott. At the Weas, the number of women and children he took prisoners, I do not remember.

Gen. Wilkinson's campaign was against the Eel River Town, where there were but a few women and children, and ten old men and three young ones, who made no defence, Four men were killed, with one woman. The number of women and children taken, I do not recollect. In the autumn of 1790 an army of Indians, compofed of Miammies, Delawares, Shawanees, and a few Pottowottomies, 300 in number, commanded by the Little Turtle, attacked Dunlap's Station, on the Big Miammi River. This poft was commanded by lieutenant Kingsbury. The Indians had 10 killed, and the fame number wounded.

There were 1133 Indians that defeated Gen. St. Clair, in 1791. The number of different tribes is not remembered. It was compofed of Miammies, Pottowottomies, Ottowics, Chippeways, Wyandots, Delawares, Shawanees, and a few Mingoes and Cherokees. Each nation was commanded by their own chief, all of whom appeared to be governed by the Little Turtle, who made the arrangement for the actions, and commenced the attack with the Miammies, who were under his immediate command. They had 30 killed, and died with their wounds, the day of the action, and it is believed 50 wounded.

In the autumn of 1792 an army of 300 Indians, under the command of the Little Turtle, compofed of Miammies, Delawares, Shawanees, and a few Pottowottomies, attacked Col. John Adair, under the walls of Fort St. Clair, where they had two men killed.

The 30th June, 1794, an army of 1450 Indians, compofed of Ottoways, Chippeways, Miammies and Wyandots, Pottowottomies, Shawanecs, Delawares, with a number of French and other white men, in the British intereft, attacked Fort Recovery. The Indians were commanded by the Bear chief, an Ottoway. The white men," attached to the Indian army, it is faid, were commanded by Elliot and M'Kee, both Briti officers. The garrifon was commanded by captain Gibfon, of the 4th fublegion. The Indiane have told me repeatedly, that they had between 40 and 50 killed, and upwards of 100 wounded a number of whom died. This was the feverett

blow I ever knew the Indians to receive from

the Whites.

The Indians that fought Gen. Wayne the 20th of Auguft, 1794, were an army of 800, made up of Wyandots, Chippeways, Ottoways, Delawares, Shawanees, Miammies and Pottowottomies, with a number of white traders from Detroit. The Indians were governed by British influence, and had no commander of their own; confequently they made but little refiftance. It is faid they had 20 killed and 15 wounded. This battle was what may be called the finishing blow; as no action of confequence has taken place between the Whites and Indians fince that time.

There was no feparate caufe for each campaign of the Indians against the Whites. The

prevalent disorder has been a mild typhoid fever. A few cases of cynanche maligna have appeared.

Vaccination under the hands of the Boston physicians has flourished uncommonly during this month and the two preceding. From the data we can obtain, it seems proable that never before had there been so great a number of cases, during the same space of time. No accident has occurred to impede

war that began in 1774, which was caufed by the progress of this practice. We

the ill treatment the Indians received from the Whites, on the frontiers of the white fettlement, was continued by the Indians, owing to the great Influence the British had among them. This in

fluence was kept up by the large supplies of arms and ammunition the Indians received from the British government every year. From this it is evident, that if the United States had have got. ten poffeffion of the pofts on the lakes, that the British government had agreed to deliver up to them in 1783, there would have been no Indian war after that time.

would however hint the necessity of constant watchfulness, lest any imperfect cases should escape attention.

Statement of Diseases, from June 20 to July 20.

THE winds of the month past have been principally from the westward. The south-west has prevailed most: next, the northwest; and the pure west more

Statement of Diseases, from May than usual. Many small showers

20 to June 20.

THE close of May was remark able for a cloudless atmosphere, and regular east winds. Vegetation began to suffer from want of moisture. June commenced with pleasant showers, which have since fallen every few days, though not in sufficient abundance to saturate the soil. The winds have been almost equally from the south-west and east, and sometimes from the north-east and north-west. No remarkable atmospherick phenomena succeeded the eclipse on the 16th, unless that the winds have been rather more violent than ordinary.

The month of June is commonly considered here to be the healthiest month of the year; and the present has so well verified that opinion, as that we have scarcely any disease to record; for the only

of rain have fallen; and the temperature of the atmosphere has been for the most part moderate.

Derangements of the stomach and intestines have been more common than any other complaints. They have generally appeared with the symptoms of colick, and yielded readily to medicine. Some of them have been more obstinate, and seemed to produce, or at least to precede, an invasion of fever. This last, of which there has been a number of cases, was of a mild character. A very few instances. of typhus gravior have occurred. This is the moment which demands the vigilance of the police to prevent, as far as their powers can do so, the generation or introduction of malignant diseases. Some instances of acute rheumatism have been seen this month. Many cases of vaccination exist in Boston.

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AUGUST, 1806.


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I OBSERVED in your publication, some months ago, a description of the falls of Niagara. Of the view of that wonderful cataract, more justly than of a perusal of Homer or of Milton, may it be said, decies repetita placebit. If therefore think a second picture worth look ing at, you may publish the following. But that you might not turn with disgust, as from an old subject, I have transcribed from my journal an account of two other curiosities in the remote part of New-York. Aug. 25. We had from our host at Onondaga a very copious description of the salt springs, distant only six miles from the Western turnpike, and, altho' the road was unpleasant, we did not regret following his advice to visit them. These springs are on the border of Onondaga lake, and at present above its level; but they are sometimes covered with the fresh water of the lake. Yet the works are not often retarded by the freshes, as the specifick gravity and strong saline virtue is not diminished, unless the wind blows very hard. We know, that in rivers, as the tide rises, the fresh water often floats above. These springs may perhaps be found in any part of Vol. III. No. 8. 3B

the marsh, but there are only six pits sunk. From these are made ninety-two thousand bushels of salt yearly, that pay a duty of four cents per bushel, as the propriety

of the soil is claimed by the state; but we may suppose, that no small quantity is carried off, without satisfying that trifling requisition.

Almost every thing here is conducted without system; for the government of the state will dispose of the soil only in leases, never exceeding seven years. This may indeed prevent monopoly ; but it also restrains the employment of capital, and diminishes the utility of the gift of nature. The water is raised from the pits by pumps, which have heretofore been worked by men; but this year has so far enlightened the overseers, as to induce them to construct machinery for raising the water to be moved by a horse. From these pumps spouts run to the boiling houses on the bank, about seven or eight feet above the marsh; but as the wood in the immediate vicinity is nearly exhausted, an aqueduct carries this cious fluid two miles along the borpreders of this fresh water lake.

We were told that no Glauber salts could be obtained from the water; but this is the fault of the

workmen, rather than the unkind- soon covered with the slimy mato ness of nature. They neglect too ter, deposited by the water ; and the manufacture of pot and pearl the virtue, or rather vice of this 'ashes, carelessly mixing the worth- fluid is so great, as to turn silver less substance, which first settles black in five minutes. In the bed in the operation of boiling, with of the stream are petrefactions, of the valuable contents of their ovens. which the most curious, being This sediment is collected in a' leaves and mosses, are torn off with ladle put into the bottom of the difficulty, and are seldom brought kettle,

or adheres to the sides; from away whole. which it must be removed by an From one of the springs, nearaxe before it acquires the thickness est the road, the water, which is of three inches, or it will burst the clear and very cold, is conveyed to stoutest of them.

the bathing-house. Its taste is The workmen here are miser- disagreeable, but horses drink it ably poor, commonly selling their with avidity. I think Dr. Morse salt on the spot at not more than has said the same for the Ballstown one fourth of a dollar per bushel ; and Saratoga waters ; but, though and they say ardent liquors are true of the principal spring at the absolutely requisite for their sup- latter place, every body assured port, for the subterranean blower's me it was incorrect, as to the at the forges of Vulcan never former. sweat more.

The soil of this hill is very soft,so Aug. 27. We turned once more that one may thrust a stick as farinto from the great road to visit the it, as into the clay pit of a marsh. sulphur springs, distant about four. To the depth of two feet nothing teen miles from Geneva. This but brimstone is found, partially spot in a Popish country would be mixed with fibres of vegetables, called the outlet of hell. These and roots of trees, “ fit to be the springs are discoverable by the mast of some great admiral." nose, at some reasons, for a mile Had this place been known to round ; but we were not favoured Milton before his blindness, how with the fragrance, more than a would his inexhaustible imaginaquarter of that distance. The tion have exulted in the copiousroad within two or three miles in ness of description it might have cach direction is as bad, as rocks, yielded. But the palace of Satan stumps, prominent branches and is well situated at present, though roots of trees, with ruts on the it might have found a better scite. side and holes in the middle, can make. Bridges of large logs,

There stood a hill not far, whose grisly commonly called gridiron bridges, Belch'd fire and rolling smoke, the rest

top occasionally intervene to make us entire regret, that we could no longer Shone with a glossy scurf, undoubted be permitted to pass thro’ the mud.

sign, The springs are very numerous,

That in his womb was hid metallick ore,

The work of sulphur. bursting out in every part of the hill, down which, united, they pour The accommodations (we must a river of sulphur, running over use that word) are not worth the rocks of sulphur, cloathed with name. A log house is the chief, sulphureous moss. This is indeed which contains two rooms ; but the appearance, for every thing is the owner is building another house


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Translated for the Anthology from the Cours de Literature of La Harpe. Continued from page 348.


herself for the consort of Nero, it is from fear that a mistress would have too much influence over him. She even employs the simulation of a maternal tenderness, which she does not feel, to recover Nero,who endeavours to escape from her snares.


have but one fon. Oh Heaven, who now hears me!

BOILEAU, and that small number of men of taste, who judge and are silent, while the multitude is clamorous and deceived, perceived in this new work an improvement in diction. In that of Andromache, admirable as it is, there was still some traces of youth, some verses which were feeble,incorrect,or neglected. Here every thing carries the impression of maturity. Every thing Have I ever made any vows but for him? is masterly, every thing is finished. The conception is vigorous, and the execution without a blemish. Agrippina is represented, as in Tacitus, greedy of power, intriguing, imperious, caring little to live but to reign, employing equally for her purposes the vices, the virtues, and the weaknesses of all who surround her; flattering Pallas to get possession of Claudius; protecting Britannicus as a check upon Nero; making use of Burrhus and of Seneca to soften the ferocious nature which she dreads in

Remorse, fear, danger, nothing has refrain'd me. I have conquer'd his contempt; } turn'd away my eyes

her son, and to conciliate popularity to his government which she shares with him. If she interests

From misfortunes which at that time were announc'd to me.

I have done all in my power: you reign, that is


with my liberty, which you have ravifhed from me, Provided that by my death this exafperated people Would not ravish from you, what has cost me fe

Take alfo my life, if you wifh it,


This plain and literal translation in prose gives no idea of the original.

Je n'ai qu'un fils: O Ciel, qui m'entends cujourd'hui !

T'ai-je fuit quelques vans qui ne fussent

pour lui ?

Remords, craintes, périls, rien, m'a retenve.
J'ai vaincu ses mépris ; j'ai detourní la vuj

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