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the pencil are peculiarly observed ed, that many of his pictures pass in all their pictures.

for those of his master. Having now given these short Innocentio de Imola, pupil of sketches of the illustrious and Raphael ; he designed much like ancient academies of painting, we his great master. His pictures proceed to the drudgery of births, are rare and valuable. dates, and deaths.

Frederico Barroci, born 1528,

died 1612 ; his pictures are very OF THE ROMAN SCHOOL striking ; he resembled Corregio

much in the beauty of his colourRaphael Sanzio, tom at Urbin ing; his heads are particularly A, D. 1483, died 1520. He is es- graceful. teemed the most perfect of the Dominichino, born at Rome, painters. His genius was of the 1589, died 1624. He copied the highest intelligence. Grace and Antique, and Julio Romano. His love make all his female figures imagination was full of spirit and angels, and relined dignity and genius. His pictures striking, and majesty elevate his men into the remarkable for the sombre tone of nature and form of the gods. As their colouring. you behold the “ SCHOOL OF A- Claude Lorrain, born 1600, died THENS,” you are at once in the 1682, at Rome. He is considered midst of the awful solemnity of the the first of the landscape painters. Academia of Plato. The heads of His beauty is in the aerial perspechis philosophers are full of vener- tive and distance of his painting, able wisdom; their visage solemn, and in his power of displaying naand fixed in the holiness of medi- ture. But he failed in the figures tation. His Parnassus partakes in his landscapes. Those, that are much of the air of the heavens, and good, are by his scholar Bourgig. the gods, who have lit on it, have brought, from the other, world, Andrea Sacchi, born at Rome, forms that cannot be described. - 1599, died 1661 ; a pointer worthy But was ever a spot so pleasant for of the finest period of the art. His Apollo to rest upon, in his acrial pictures are of admirable design, course, and divert himself with the and full of grace and tenderness, sound of his lyre! His great works and glowing with the colouring of are at Rome, in the Vatican, with his niaster Albano. the exception of the Transfigura- Salvator Rosa, born 1614, died tion, St. Gecilia, and the Virgine del 1673. His pictures are full of Sedia.

truth and nature strongly expresJulio Romano, born 1492, died sed; he seemed to have studied 1546 ; the favourite pupil of Ra- nature only. He excelled in batphael. His colouring is faint and tles, ferocious animals, and wild feeble, but his figures tender and landscapes. delicate.

Michael Angelo de Carravagio, Polidore, born 1495, died 1543. born 1569, died 1609.

His picIlis colouring is fine, his design tures are remarkable for depth of correct, and his heads remarkable shade, and style of nature. for strength.

Perino de Bonacorri, born 1500, OF THE FLORENTINE SCHOOL. died 1547 ; he painted at the Vatican under the instruction of Ra- Cimabue, born 1230, died 1300. phacl, whom he so closely imitat. He is regarded as the father of


modern painting. He learnt the art from some Grecian painters at Florence, and he imitated them with much spirit.

Leonardo da Vinci, born 1445, died.1520; also sculptor and ar chitect; the greatest genius, which has graced the fine arts. His famous picture of the Last Supper was painted in fresco in the refectory of the Convent of Dominicans, in Milan. The modern Gauls, on their first inroad into Italy, attempted to cut out the wall to make this one of their spoils of painting; but failing in their purpose, with their wonted barbarity they reduced its beauty and magnificence into a state of ruin and decay, and the Last Supper of Leonardo is now extant only by its masterly preservation in the engraving of Morghens. He was the first painter of his age, and died in the arms of Francis I.

Pietro Perrugino, born 1446, died 1524. The heads of his fig ures are full of grace and beauty; his colouring is faint.

Bartolameo della Porto, born 1465, died 1517. He taught Raphael colouring.

Michael Angelo Bóunarotti, born in Florence 1475, died 1564; so well known as the greatest painter, sculptor, and architect of modern times. His principal pictures are in fresco, in the Vatican. His statue of Moses is ranked with the antique. There is about it a supernatural majesty and grandeur, which constitute as much original character, as force and strength do in the Farnese Hercules. Had Michael Angelo have done no more than his Moses, his fame would remain forever among the sculptors of antiquity; but the figures of Morning and Evening Twilight, and of Day and Night, in the Medici Chapel at

Florence, sprung also from his infinite genius. His picture of the LAST JUDGMENT is the work of an age, and the great sketch of all that is mighty and majestick in the art. The imagination is forever falling in the abyss of hell, drawn by his demons, or rising into the highest heavens on the rustling motion of his angels.

Andrea del Sarto, born 1478, died 1530, is among the first painters of this school. His manner is large and his pencil soft and delicate, and his pictures have yet a wonderful freshness. He is esteemed the greatest colourist of his school. His pictures are chiefly in Florence, particularly in the church del' Annunziazione, belong. ing to the convent of the Dominicans. They are in fresco, and wonderfully fresh. Michael Angelo is said to have sat for hours to study his picture of the Virgin on the sack.


Antonio Allegro, called Il Corregio, born 1494, died 1534. Nature and genius made Corregio a painter, he having seen nothing of the masters. He painted much before he knew his own perfection, and discovered it by comparing his powers with a picture of Raphael. No one has been able to imitate the enchanting tints and mellow softness of the pencil of Corregio.

Francisco Massuotti, called Ip Parmegiano; his manner is graceful, his colouring fresh and natural, and the drapery of his figures graceful and flowing.

Pelegrine Tibaldi, a good painter and fine architect, born 1522, died 1592.

Luca Cambiagi. His pictures are bold. He painted with great

facility and expedition, being able 1477, died 1511; his colouring is to paint with both hands at once. beautiful, and his pictures full of

i Carracci, Loudovico ; Augus. nature. His portraits admirable. tino and Annibale j...born at Bologna Titiano, born 1477. The death about 1560. Annibale is consid- of Georgione, at so early a period, ered the greatest, his designs be- gave fuli scope to his genius, and ing grand, his colouring strong and he became the head of the school

, composition admirable. Their of Venice. The expression and pictures are chiefly at Bologna. colouring of his figures and landThey there had a school of paint- scapes are in the fulness of nature, ing, where Guido, Albano, and and his portraits teem with fresh Schedoni formed themselves. and perpetual life. In this last

Bartholomeo Schedoni, born 1560, branch of the art he excels all died 1616, he closely imitated Cor- others. regio.

Sebastiano del Piombo : he was Guido Rheni, born at Bologna, a successful scholar of Georgione. 1575, died 1640. All that is ten- He was considered by Michael der, beautiful, and lovely in nature Angelo the first painter of his age, is in his pictures. The visage and superiour even to Raphael. The form of his women are full of famous Descent of the Cross, in beauty and love. His most fa- fresco, at Rome, was sketched by mous picture is that of Peter and this great master, and finished by Paul in the Palace Zampierri, at Sebastiano. Bologna. He is said to have stud- Gio Antonio Gegillo, born 1508, ied much the theatre of Niobe, and died 1580. He was a powerful thereby attained that enchanting rival of Titian. beauty, which remains unequalled. Paolo Veronese, born 1532, died

Albano, born 1578, died 1660. 1588. His pictures will forever His pictures show much attention, delight by their fulness of componicety, and fine colouring ; his in- sition, beauty of colouring, and fants are remarkable for beauty and gracefulness of design. nature.

Benedetto Castigliane, born at The churches of Rome, as well Genoa, 1616, died 1670. He imi- as of the other principal cities of tated all the painters with suc- Italy, have for ages been the halcess, and excelled, ail in pasto- lowed sanctuaries of the magnifiral scenes and landscapes. The cent works of these great masters. touches of his pencil delicate, and Some of them have been violated his light pure.

by the sacrilegious hands of French

soldiers ; and the Holy Virgin, OF THE VENETIAN SCHOOL. who was drawn to shed a benign

look on the devotee at the altar, is I Bellini, brothers, are consid- now smiling on the prinking Parered as the founders of this school, isian petit maitre, in the Louvre. born between 1440 and 1445, and The French have, in some mealived to a great age; their pictures sure, been to the modern Roo remarkable for clear and brightmans what the ancient were to colouring. They were the mas-, Greece, with this difference, the ters of Georgione and Titian. . Romans took from Greece all that

Il Georgione deserves a rank was minutely beautiful and exa amongst the first painters, born quisite in the arts; the French

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Late Regius Professor of Divinity, and Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, Eng. [Continued from page 414.]

Τιμιώτατα μεν και πρωτα τα περ την ψυχήν αγαθα.

TO return to Johnson. While he was censuring another writer for egotisms, he should have excluded them more carefully from his preface, in which the de se dicta are infinitely too numerous.

At the end of the first part of these remarks, for he afterwards continued them, though in a less elaborate manner, through the rest of Horace's works, he published a stanza of an old English ballad, with English annotations, in the style of Bentley. There is some drollery in these remarks, but they never can diminish the value of his criticisms. Mr. Addison's tragedy of Cato was once burlesqued, and Gray's Elegy in a country churchyard has been frequently parodied. Homer and Virgil have been travestied; yet surely no reader ever perused these authors with less pleasure on this account. The test of truth will never be found

in ridicule.

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PLATO, de Legib. IV.

acquired their author some reputation. He had already introduced himself to the learned world, by his "Grammatical Commentaries," which were notes on Lilly's Grammar, published in 1706, in English. He was a very accurate grammarian, and investigated authorities with uncommon perseverance. As a critick, he was able to judge with accuracy of the Latinity of a phrase, but he was very deficient of taste, that rare qualification, which is so essential in the formation of a sound critick. The style of his commentaries is beneath criticism, at once vulgar and pedantick. Those who have read his book, without any knowledge of the time in which he lived, will scarcely believe that he was contemporary with Addison, and lived in the Augustan age-of English literature.

In 1716 or 1717, Bentley was elected Regius Professor of Divinity at Cambridge, and soon after preached before his Majesty. The sermon was published. The attack on it, and the answer, we have already mentioned. But this and

Johnson's Aristarchus Anti-Bentlei- Middleton thought himself entitled anus, were not the only source of to demand the retúm of his four uneasiness which opened upon him guineas, although neither the senin the year 1717. He found him. timents of the King, nor of his self involved in a dispute with the lawyers, had pronounced the ProUniversity, about the fees which fessor's claim unjust. were usually paid by Doctors of Bentley refused to give back the Divinity on their creation. He money ; Dr. Middleton sent, and was likewise accused of contempt then called : but the message and towards the Vice-Chancellor. the visit proved equally fruitless.

This dispute originated in Octo- He next obtained a decree from ber, on the day after his Majesty's the Vice-Chancellor, and a known visit to the University, when sever- enemy of the Professor was sent al Doctors in Divinity, who had on September 23d, to arrest his been named by the royal mandate, person : either through mistake attended at the senate house to re- or design, however, the decree was ceive their degrees. Dr. Bentley, left at Trinity Lodge, and the oron creation, demanded four guineas ders of the Vice-Chancellor were from each, besides the broad piece, not executed. On Wednesday, the which was the usual present on first of October, another beadle arsuch occasions. A warm dispute rested him, and the Doctor, though ensued, but on his absolutely re- he refused to obey it at first, put in fusing to create those who would bail, and the following Friday was not give the extraordinary fee, Dr. appointed for the day of trial. Middleton and some others agreed Dr, Bentley did not appear, but to pay the money, upon condition sent his proctor. Dr. Middleton that the Professor should return obtained permission of the court it, whenever it was declared by the to appoint another proctor for himKing, or by any authority delegat self, who accused the Professor of ed from him, that the demand was contempt, for not appearing. The illegal. Those who refused to beadle who went with the first deacquiesce to this proposal he would cree was examined, and a comnot create doctors.

plaint was made out of his ill usage The affair was laid before the at Trinity Lodge. Among other Duke of Somerset, who was Chan- things it appeared that the Doctor cellor of the University, and pro- had said, “ I will not be concluded mised to take cognizance of the by what the Vice-Chancellor and 'affair, if it was not soon settled. two or three of his friends shall Dr. Bentley, however, still insisted determine over a bottle.” upon his claim, but at last was con- His words were accounted crimtented with a promissory note from inal, and Dr. Bentley was suspendseveral of them, by which they en- ed by the Vice-Chancellor from all gaged to pay the fee, if the dispute his degrees, without citation, withwas determined in his favour, and out hearing, without notice, who even without money or bond he declared that he would vacate the submitted to create one of the Divinity Professorship in a few King's doctors.

days, if he did not make humble As the Chancellor had declared submission. against this new fee, and as Dr. For several years the affair re. Bentley had created some doctors, mained in this situation. During without either fee or note, Dr. this time several pamphlets were

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