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appears from the authority of Sir William Dugdale.

2. The bones, thought to be those of the anchoress Rosia, were but lately discovered in a cell at Royston, entire, fair, and undecayed, though they must have lain interred for several centuries, as is proved by Dr. Stukely.

3. But our own country, nay, almost this neighbourhood, supplies another instance: for, in January, 1747, was found by Mr. Stovin, accompanied by a reverend gentleman, the bones, in part, of some recluse, in the cell at Lindholm, near Hatfield. They were believed to be those of William of Lindholm, a hermit, who had long made this cave his habitation.

4. In February, 1744, part of Woburn abbey being pulled down, a large portion of a corpse appeared, even with the flesh on, and which bore cutting with a knife; though it is certain this had lain above 200 years, and how much longer is doubtful; for this abbey was founded in 1145, and dissolved in 1538 or 9.

What would have been said, what believed, if this had been an accident to the bones in question?

Further, my lord, it is not yet out of living memory, that a little distance from Knaresborough, in a field, part of the manor of the worthy and patriot Baronet, who does that borough the honour to represent it in parliament, were found, in digging for gravel, not one human skeleton only, but five or six, deposited side by side, with each an urn placed at its head, as your lordship knows was usual in ancient inter


About the same time, and in another field, almost close to this borough, was discovered also, in searching for gravel, another hu

man skeleton; but the piety of the same worthy gentleman ordered both the pits to be filled up again, commendably unwilling to disturb the dead.

Is the invention of these bones forgotten, then, or industriously concealed, that the discovery of those in question may appear the more singular and extraordinary? Whereas, in fact, there is nothing extraordinary in it. My Lord, almost every place conceals such remains. In fields, in hills, in highway sides, in commons, lie frequent and unsuspected bones. And our present allotments for rest for the departed, is but of some centuries.

Another particular seems not to claim a little of your lordship's notice, and that of the gentlemen of the jury; which is, that perhaps no example occurs of more than one skeleton being found in one cell; and in the cell in question was found but one; agreeable, in this, to the peculiarity of every other known cell in Britain. Not the invention of one skeleton, then, but of two, would have appeared suspicious and uncommon.

But then, my lord, to attempt to identify these, when even to identify living men sometimes has proved so difficult, as in the case of Perkin Warbeck and Lambert Symnel at home, and of Don Sebastian abroad, will be looked upon perhaps as an attempt to determine what is indeterminable. And I hope too it will not pass unconsidered here, where gentlemen believe with caution, think with reason, and decide with humanity, what interest the endeavours to do this is calculated to serve in assigning proper personality to those bones, whose particular appropriation can only appear to eternal Omniscience.

Permit me, my lord, also

very humbly to remonstrate, that, us human bones appear to have been the inseparable adjuncts of every cell, even any person's naming such a place at random as containing them, in this case, shews him rather unfortunate than conscious prescient, and that these at tendants on every hermitage only accidentally concurred with this conjecture. A mere casual coin cidence of words and things.

But it seems another skeleton has been discovered by some la bourer, which was full as confidently averred to be Clark's as this. My Lord, must some of the living, if it promotes some interest, be made answerable for all the bones that earth has concealed, and chance exposed? And might not a place where bones lay be mentioned by a person by chance, as well as found by a labourer by chance? Or, is it more criminal accidentally to name where bones lie, than accidentally to find where they lie?

Here too is a human skull produced, which is fractured; but was this the cause, or was it the consequence of death; was it owing to violence, or was it the effect of natural decay? If it was violence, was that violence before or after death? My lord, in May 1732, the remains of William Lord Archbishop of this province were taken up, by permission, in this cathedral, and the bones of the skull were found broken; yet certainly he died by no violence offered to him alive, that could occasion that fracture there.

• Let it be considered, my lord, that upon the dissolution of religious houses, and the commencement of the Reformation, the ra vages of those times both affected the living and the dead. In search after imaginary treasures,

coffins were broken up, graves and vaults dug open, monuments ransack'd, and shrines demolished; your Lordship knows that these violations proceeded so far, as to occasion parliamentary authority to restrain them; and it did, about the beginning of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. I entreat your Lordship suffer not the violences, the depredations, and the iniquities of those times to be imputed to this.

Moreover, what gentleman here is ignorant that Knaresbor ough had a castle; which, though now a ruin, was once considerable both for its strength and garrison. All know it was vigorously besieg ed by the arms of the parliament; at which siege, in sallies, conflicts, flights, pursuits, many fell in all the places round it: and where they fell were buried; for every place, my lord, is burial earth in war; and many, questionless, of these rest yet unknown, whose bones futurity shall discover.

I hope, with all imaginable submission, that what has been said will not be thought impertìnent to this indictment; and that it will be far from the wisdom, the learning, and the integrity of this place, to impute to the living what zeal in its fury may have done ; what nature may have taken off, and piety interred; or what war alone may have destroyed, alone deposited.

As to the circumstances that have been raked together, I have nothing to observe; but that all circumstances whatsoever are precarious, and have been but too fre quently found lamentably fallible; even the strongest have failed. They may rise to the utmost degree of probability; yet are they but probability still. Why need I name to your lordship the two Harri sons recorded in Dr. Howel, whe

both suffered on circumstances, because of the sudden disappear ance of their lodger, who was in credit, had contracted debts, borrowed money and went off unseen, and returned again a great many years after their execution? Why name the intricate affair of Jacques du Moulin, under King Charles II. related by a gentleman who was council for the crown? and why the unhappy Coleman, who suffered innocent, though convicted upon positive evidence, and whose children perished for want, because the world uncharitably believed the father guilty. Why mention the perjury of Smith, incautiously admitted King's evidence; who, to screen himself, equally accused Faircloth and Loveday of the murder of Dunn; the first of whom, in 1749, was executed at Wincester; and Loveday was about to suffer at Reading, had not Smith been proved perjured, to the satisfaction of the court, by the surgeon of the Gosport hospital.

For the Anthology.


Omnibus, qui patriam conservarint, adjuverint, auxerint, certum esse in cælo definitum locum, ubi beati ævo sempiterno fruantur. Nihil est enim illi principi Deo, qui omnem hunc mundum regit, quod quidem in terris fiat, acceptius, quam concilia catusque hominum, jure sociati.—CIC. SOMNIUM SCIPIONIS.

I SHALL not be suspected of having borrowed the lesson from antiquity, when I say, that to live according to the law of his being is the glory of every rational mind. Indeed, we are taught this lesson by our own experience, as well as by volumes of philosophy. If we look around us, and survey the sublime objects of nature, we shall find that they all obey that primitive rule, which was imparted to them by their divine author. "If," Vol. III. No. 9.


Now, my lord, having endeavoured to shew that the whole of this process is altogether repugnant to every part of my life; that it is inconsistent with my condition of health about that time; that no rational inference can be drawn, that a person is dead who suddenly disappears; that hermitages were the constant repositories of the bones of the recluse ; that the proofs of this are well authenticated; that the revolutions in religion, or the fortune of war, has mangled, or buried, the dead; the conclusion remains, perhaps, no less reasonably than impatiently wished for. I, last, after a year's confinement,equal to either fortune, put myself upon the candour, the justice and the humanity of your lordship, and upon yours, my countrymen,gentlemen of the jury.

The Judge declared that the reasoning of Aram was the strongest he had ever met with, but that it could not avail against direct and positive evidence. He was tried on the 3d of August, 1759.

No. 13.

in the language of a writer on Ecclesiastical Polity, "nature should intermit her course; if the frame of that heavenly arch, erected over our heads, should loosen and dissolve itself; if celestial spheres should forget their wonted motions, and by irregular volubility turn themselves any way as it might happen; if the prince of the lights of heaven, which now as a giant doth run his unwearied course, should as it were by a lan

guishing faintness, begin to stand and to rest himself; if the moon should wander from her beaten course, the times and seasons of the year blend themselves by disordered and confused mixture, the winds breathe out their last gasp, the clouds yield no rain, the earth be defeated of heavenly influence, the fruits of the earth pine away, as children at the withered breasts of their mother, no longer able, to them relief; what would become of man himself, whom these things do now all serve?" Where would empires and communities exist, and where would man find rest to his weary feet, if he should forget, and they should cease to obey, those laws, which regulate the conduct of beings superiour and subordinate? The principles of these laws flow from the fountains of nature and philosophy; and the study of them expands the powers of the intellect, while it gives life and activity to the virtues of the heart.

Ancient lawgivers enlisted poetry and musick in the civilization of society, and in extending the influence of the laws. In the early stages of Grecian history the judicial codes were expressed in verse and adapted to musick. Let us not however suppose, that the science of jurisprudence lost any

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committed their laws to memory
"with accompaniments of musical
melody, in order that, by the en-
chantment of harmony, the senti-
ments might be more forcibly im-
pressed on their minds."
not wonder then, that Plato in his
republick should commend musick,
and that in his enthusiasm, he
should declare, "that education,
so far as it respected the mind,
consisted in harmony."

It was an elegant and just remark of the Roman orator, that the sciences are associated together and delight in each other's company. Their harmonious intercourse resembles the dance of the Muses round the altar of Jupiter. The law claims kindred with the noblest of the sciences, and even aspires to an alliance with our divine religion. Both flow from the same source, and both promotě the felicity of those beings, on which they jointly operate. They unite to impose restraint on the injustice of men, but in different modes: the one by the silent but powerful operations of conscience; the other by the machinery of the civil power. The laws of human society would confessedly be imperfect without the aid of religion, whose voice, though uttered in whispers, is heard in the morning and in the evening, by in the retire

of its dignity by the use of verse day and by his life, and in the

and song, since there was a
time, according to Plutarch, "when
even history, philosophy, every ac-
tion and passion, which required
grave or serious discussion, was
written in poetry and adapted to
musick. The praises of their gods,
their prayers and thanksgivings af-
ter victory, were all composed in
verse, some through the love of
harmony, and some through cus-
tom." The laws of Charondas
were sung at the banquets of the
Athenians; and the youth of Crete

ment of domestick
intercourse of civil society,,

This favourite science must, like every other, sit at the feet of religion, and own its obligations to her sacred instruction, To the votaries of christianity are we indebted for the preservation of what little science gleamed through the long night, in which the moral world was for centuries invelloped. To them are we indebted for the discovery and preservation of the Institutes of Justinian, and the


works of the civil law, a more il. country, whoever has 4 soul, which lustrious monument to the glory of can discern and estimate the beauthat emperour, than titles of victo- ty of order įn the conduct of afry. To christianity are we indebt. fairs, of harmony among states ed for political knowledge and for and individuals, of right, of secusettling upon a proper foundation rity, and truth, will duly respect the civil and religious rights of the system of jurisprudence, which subjects and rulers. While we is the bond of society, and from recognize our common obligations which all its happiness proceeds. to that system, which breathes Finally the professor of the law, "peace on earth,” and confess, while he drinks deeply of the that the science of jurisprudence fountains of his science, ought to owes to it all its perfection ; we purify and exalt bis taste by the devoutly hope, that the child may diligent study of the models of never lift up its hand against its ancient genius in eloquence, poeparent, lest it should wither, nor try, and morals. Those writings dishonour its divine original. though now grown venerable by

Were I to be asked the qualifi. time, still retain the purple light cations of a professor of the law, I of beauty and genius.' They deshould say, that, like the orator monstrate the sublime heights, to whom Cicero describes, he should which the intellect may aspire, and know the nature and powers of they exhibit the superiority of its language, and the great variety of glory ta that of arts and arms. things. To elegance, wit, learn, In any community, that the ing, rapidity of thought, and ur- courts of law, may be fountains of banity of manners, he should add justice, from which may issue the an intimate acquaintance with the healthful streams of equity, not heart, the source of human con only should the judges be men of duct. No man can converse well learning and yirtue, having no fear on things, of which he is ignorant, but the fear of God, but the legis, The empty flourish of words will lator should be adorned with illus soon betray the puerility of the trious qualifications. "His intellisentiment, and the feebleness of gence must discover and apply the images in the speaker's mind. those principles of right and And therefore Sir Edward Coke, wrong, which are applicable to the whose authority may always be variety of things, on which laws quoted without a charge of pedan-' must operate. He ought to know try, recommended to the students the history of nations and of his the study of all arts and sciences. own country, the forms of their « I cannot exclude;" he says, “ the government, and the tendency of knowledge of the arts and scien- different political systems to proces from the professor of juris- mote hựman happiness. He prudence. “Since the knowledge should be endowed with a geneof them is necessary and profit- rous naturen enriched with the able.” In this science, ignorance treasures of learning, adding to a contracts the liberality of the mind, clear intellect and passions subduand is as closely comected with ed, not only innocence of life and litigiousness and the low and des, freedom from suspicion, but the picable arts of the pettifogger, as positive virtues and excellencies in religion it is united with fanati- of the heart, In fine, if he is a cism and spiritual pride. Who- man of honour, experience, integ. ever glows with a pure love to his rity, disinterested, freely chosen,


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