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A Military Catechism; with a metha, together with a number of favourite od to form company, and an explana? pieces from different authors outro tion of the exercise ; with directions which is prefixed, an introduction tờ for the officers and soldiers ; 'to which the grounds of musick. By Abijah is added, some explanation and improve: Forbush. Boston, Manning & Loring ment of the formation and exercise of a A Collection of Hymns on Baptism, regiment. By Joseph Lord, brigade suitable to be sung at the administramajor and inspector, Columbia County, tion of that ordinance in the apostoliek New-York. A new edition, with the mode': 'with doctrinal and experimenaddition of one third more useful mat, tal hymns, suited to occasional meetings Hudson.

for social worship ; designed to estab.

lish in the heart those gospel truths, IN THE PRESS.

which are consonant to the experience

of a' work of the Holy Spirit in all true The 3d American edition of The Se, believers. Boston, Manning & Loring cret History of the Court and Cabinet of St. Cloud. This highly interesting PROPOSED BY SUBSCRIPTION. and entertaining work has run through two editions of 1500 copies each, in the The Works of William Paley, D. D. short period of ten weeks. Philadel. archdeacon of Carlislc. With a por. phia, J. Watts, for Brisban & Brannan trait and life of the author. 4 vols. 8vo. and Riley & Co. New-York. ·

pp. 500 each, on superfine wove paper. Locke on the Human Understanding. Price $2 per volume in boards, or 12mo. 3 vols., Boston, John West. 2,25 bound. Boston, William Andrews.

The Baptism of Believers only, and Byrom's System of Stenography the particular Communion of the Bap- or universal standard of short-hand tist Churches, explained and vindicated. writing, with considerable alterations In three parts. The first published and improvements. Containing plain originally in 1789; the second, in 1794 ; and comprehensive rules, systematical. the third, an appendix, containing ad- ly arranged ; with explanatory notes, ditional observations and arguments, &c. By an English Gentleman. 1 with strictures on several late publica- small quarto volume, price to subscritions. By Thomas Baldwin. Boston, bers $1,25 in boards. Windsor, Ver. Manning & Loring.

mont, H. H. Cunningham. Some of the false arguments, mis- Ferguson's Lectures on select sub. takes, and errours of the Rev. Samuel jects in Mechanicks, , Hydrostaticks, Austin, examined for the benefit of the Hydraulicks, Pneumaticks, Opticks, publick. By Daniel Merrill. Boston, Geography, Astronomy, and Dialing: Manning & Loring.

A new edition, corrected and enlarged. The Doctrine of the Law and Grace With notes and an appendix, adapted unfolded. Being a discourse, she wing to the present state of the arts and scithe different natures of the law and ences. By David Brewster, A.M. Regospel ; and the very dissimilar states vised, and corrected, by Robert Patter. of those who are under the law, and son, Professor of Mathematicks, and those who are under grace, or inter- Teacher of Natural Philosophy, in the ested in Jesus Christ. By John Bun. University of Pennsylvania. In 3 vols. yan. Boston, Manning & Loring, two in octavo of letter press, and one

Charnock's Life of Lord Nelson. 8vo. quarto volume containing 48 engravings. Boston, Etheridge & Bliss.

Price to subscribers $6. Pluiladelphia, Johnson's Dictionary of the English Mathew Carey, and Etheridge & Bliss, Language in miniatnre. Boston. Boston. William Andrews.

Letters to a Young Lady, in which The Death of legal Hope the Life of the duties aud character of women are evangelical Obedience. By Abrahain considered, chiefly with a reference o Booth. Boston, Manning & Loring. prevailing' opinions. By Mrs. West,

Watts”. Psalms and Hymns, with the anthor of Letters to a Young Man. fats and sharps affixed, for the come- 1 volume octavo, pp. 500. Price $2,50 nience of choristers. Boston, Manning boards; 2,75 bound. Troy, Obadiah & Loring

Penniman & Co. and Isaac Riley & Co. The second edātion of the Psalmo. NewYork. dist's Assistant : containing an original A second edition of The Harmonia composition of psalm and hymn tunes's Amcricana, with corrections and addi

tions. By S. Holyoke. pp. 200. Pr. to subscribers $1,50.


A Collection of Sacred Musick, expressly calculated for the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church consist ing of Chants for the different services, Anthems and Hymns for particular occasions, and plain psalmody, from the most celebrated, authors ancient and

modern, arranged in full harmony, for the use of Choirs; with the bases figured and the proper accompaniments annexed in small notes, for the Organ or Piano-Forte. By John Cole. The work will be handsomely engraved, and contain about 60 folio pages, an elegant vignette title-page,and a list of subscribers. Pr. $4. Philadelphia, J. Watts.


Our most fervent wishes for a liberal patronage of the publication, of which the following is a prospectus, induces us to give it an early insertion in the Anthology.

"Proposals by John Watts, of Philadelphia, for publishing by subscription, in medium octavo, Select Speeches, forensick and parliamentary, with illustrative remarks, by N. Chapman, M.D. Pietatem gravem ac meritis si forte virum quem Conspexere, silent; ad rectisque auribus adstant; Iste regit dictis animos et pectora mulcet.-Virg.

The design of the work, as the title imports, is to draw from the exchequer of modern eloquence the most distinguished speeches, and to publish them collectively. These splendid productions, to many of which "Demosthenes would have listened with delight, and Cicero with envy," are permitted, by a strange insensibility to their value,to be scattered, with the refuse of literature, in the perishable shape of a pamphlet, or to be preserved imperfectly in the rapid sy nopses of the Chronicles of the day. It is to be regretted that, in consequence of this neglect, some of the finest displays of modern elocution are already irretrievably lost, and that the rest must inevitably be swept away by the current of time, if an effort be not fostered to give them a more permanent form.

The diligent researches of the Editor, though sometimes disappointed, have been, on the whole, rewarded with a success very disproportioned to the moderate expectations with which he went to the task.

He has found, concealed in the cabinets of the curious, and in the hoards of "literary misers," a sufficient number of the "brightest gems," to authorise him to exchange the toils of gleaning for the perplexity of selection.

He proposes to make indisputable evidence of the genuineness of every speech the invariable criterion of his choice, and will admit no one into the work which has not distinct claims from importance of matter and brilliancy of diction.

Without hazarding a decision of his own,on the intricate question of the respective excellence of ancient and modern eloquence, he confidently trusts that his compilation will not be thought to weaken the opinion that, were a collection of the best specimens of the latter to be formed, it might fearlessly challenge a comparison with the celebrated exhibitions of Grecian and Roman oratory."

Of the pretensions of the work to publick favour the Editor conceives little need be said.

1. It is an attempt, and the only one, to perpetuate Modern Eloquence.

What direct memorial, says a late writer, would remote posterity have received, even of the existence of the talent, were not a few of Mr. Burke's Orations incorporated with his works? But, gorgeous as is certainly the rhetorick of Edmund Burke, will his speeches alone convey an adequate representation of the extent, variety, and richness of the eloquence of the age in which he lived?

II. It will present at one view to the Lawyer and Statesman, those learned and lucid discussions of politicks and jurisprudence, which are eminently subsidiary to his investigations, and which, as now dispersed, are always difficult of access, and frequently not to be procured at any price.

III. It will afford a correct model for the study of Oratory.

The calm, temperate, argumentative manner of the moderns differs too widely from the boid, vehement, figurative style of the ancient orations, to render them, notwithstanding their various beauties, a standard altogether proper for emulation.

A speaker, who should at this time adventurously imitate the impetuous strains, or the lofty flights, which mark the classick elocution-who should dare to pour "the torrent, or spread the splendid conflagration," would proba bly excite not more surprise, or provoke greater merriment, by appearing

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before his audience enrobed in the gro: Let us therefore encourage its tesque costume of antiquity : growth till it becomes the distinguish

Whatever tends to improve or to wi- ing feature of the American peopler den the dominion of speech cannot be Let us, since we are excluded from an object of indifference in a common many of the means which advance the wealth.

glory of a nation, endeuvour to exalt Eloquence has always been admired our fame by excelling in one of the noand studied by every free people. It blest qualities of our nature. engages particularly their attention, be. Like a polished republick of anti. cause it opens to them the widest ave- quity, we will be content to be characnue to distinction. Compared to it, the terized by our commerce and our ora. influence of the other attributes, which tory. The winds which waft the reelevate to rank, or confer authority, is dundant products of our industry to the feeble and insignificant. In Greece and remotest regions may also bear'our reRome it rose, by cultivation, to the nown as the most eloquent people of loftiest pitch of refinement, and the his-' the earth. tory of those states confirms, by innu

Conditions. -I. The work will be comprised in

3 or 4 yols. 8vo. Il. It will be elegantly printed merable instances, the truth, “ that

on finc paper, and with a type bold and distinct. Eloquence is Power."

III. The price to subscribers will be two dollars But no wliere has á condition of things

and fifty cents, each volume. To non-subscri

bers, three dollars. IV. It is contemplated to put prevailed, holding out stronger incite. the work to press on the first of November. ments to its acquirement, or more aus. picious opportunities for its profitable

Mr. Field of this town has published exertion, than in the United States. an engraving of Gen. Hamilton from a There are, indeed, in the peculiar con- portrait painted by Trumbull. struction of our political institutions, Dr. Ramsay, of South Carolina, auadvantages to the orator, which did not thor of the history of the American rebelong even to the ancient democracies: volution is writing a life of Washington. The complex fabrick of our federative We learn that I. Riley & Co. of New system has multiplied, beyond the ex- York, have now in press, which they will ample of any government, legislative shortly publish, the translation of a new assemblies and judiciary establish- & very interesting work, which first ap ments : each of which is not only a peared in Paris, only about two months school to discipline eloquence, but also since. This work is entitled, “A a field that yields the abundant harvest Voyage to the Eastern Part of Terra of its honours and emoluments.

Firma, or the Spanish Main, in South With us an additional motive exists, America, during the years of 1801, to stimulate generous ambition to the 1802, 1803, and 1804 : containing å culture of oratory. The nation has a description of the Commandery or Dis. character to receive. We can scarcely trict of Caraccas, composed of the hope to create, and emblazon one with Provinces of Venezuela, Maracaibo, the glitter of, military deeds. The nat- Varinas, Spanish Guiana, Cumana, and ural felicities of our situation will for- the Island of Margaretta-with partibid, perhaps for a considerable period, . culars: relative to the Discovery, Con. our becoming warlike. Reputation quest, Topography, Legislation, Com. from the improvements of literature, or merce, Finances, Inhabitants and Proscience, or the arts, is equally denied ductions of those Provinces ; with á to us.

Centuries must elapse before view of the manners and customs of we can arrive at this enviable eminence, the Spaniards, and of the Indians both The adolescence of a pecple is not the civilized and uncivilized, by F. Depons, season which produces such improve late Agent of the French Government ments. They are the offspring of a at Caraccas.” This work . which, much riper age.

from our daily increasing conimerce Hitherto we are chiefly known by a and communication with the Spanish hardy spirit of commercial enterprise, Colonies, with that of Caraccas, more and by the uncommon possession of the particularly, would at any time attract faculty of publick speaking, which are in a bigh degree, the curiosity of the the probable germinations of our future American Publick must, we presume, character. Into these directions the from recent occurrences, be, at this mogenius of the country is pressed by ment, peculiarly interesting: We feel causes not readily to be controled. Elo- desirous to ascertain, from the report of quence seems to flourish well among an acute and well qualified observer

who has long resided on the spot, the which has fallen is almost without parcharacter and other particular's rela- allel, in the same space of time. The tive to a people with whom our inter winds have been principally from the course is already an object of great N.E. and S.W. quarters. It is well to mercantile importance, and of whom remark, that the furious storm from the we know at present little more from north-east, which committed such havcorrect information than we do of the ock among the shipping along the whole inhabitants of Japan.

coast of the United States, was first felt Rural Economy.- We are happy to in the southern latitudes. In Carolina, announce that I. Riley & Co. have just it commenced on the 21st of August. published in 1 vol. 8vo. a very valuable Along the coast of the middle states, it work upon a method of building, much raged on the 22d and 23d. In Boston, employed in Italy and France, known it was not noticed till the 24th, although by the name of Pisè, the materials of there was some rain on the day prewhich are earth, which promises to be vious. This interesting fact copfirms an of great utility in the country, more observation, respecting the storms of particularly as applied to farm houses, this country, first made by Franklin, and cottages and out buildings. It is the after him by Williams and Volney. production of S. W. Johnson, Esq. of Phenomena of this nature should be Brunswick, New Jersey, a gentleman carefully noted, in order to

assist who has long devoted his attention to in explaining the peculiarities of the improvements in husbandry and rural climate of the United States. The economy. This mode of building has weather has been cooler than common received the sanction of the Board of during great part of the month. agriculture in Great Britain by whom The cholera of children has probably it is highly recommended to the been the most common disease. It has government both for its cheapness, not been so frequent nor so fatal, as it healthiness, and security from fire. usually is at this season. Nearly the The author who appears to have paid same remark may be applied to the all that attention to the subject which common disease of adults, the autumnal its importance demands, has suggested fever. This has generally been of a some very material improvements upon mild character, and rarely fatal. the plan recommended by the Board of There have not been many cases of agriculture, together with such altera- cow-pock during the past month. tions as the difference of climate in this country may require. This publi. cation contains also some general instructions relative to the site and ar

Editors' Notes. rangement of buildings appertaining to the farm, strictures on the cultivation

IN our present number we have the pleasure of the vine, and an essay on the manner of presenting for the perusal of our patrons the of making Turnpike Roads, with the Poem of Mr. Whitwell, which afforded so much advantages arising from them, accom- delight to those who heard it and conferred panied with scales of elevation and de. honour on the Society of which he is a member. pression for convex and concave roads, The poem abounds with beautiful verses and pun. and a number of plates explanatory of gent satire. We congratulate the author that, the different subjects.

amid the buftle of the bar and the jargon of From the cursory examination which clients, he can sweetly tune the lyre ; and that, we have been able to bestow upon this

after repeating the diffonant accents of Normanwork, we hesitate not to recommend it

French and Leoninc Latin, he can fing harmo

nious strains. We hope the author will occafion. to the publick as one that will probably ally decorate our columns with wild flowers from prove of the greatest utility particular the banks of Kennebeck, and, in the words of ly to the agricultural interest.-Herald. Shenstone, we entreat him,

“ Though form'd for courts, vouchsafe to rove

Inglorious through the thepherd's grove,

And ope the bathful springs."
From Aug. 20 to Sept. 20.

We regret that, in the hurry of copying,

some errours were committed, which we requeft On the 22d of August, the speil,

our readers to correct. In the 8oth line read, which seemed to have bound the hea.

" Lent to Saturnia to beguile her Jove." vens, was broken ; the rain fell in tor. In the 219th line read,

" Who spread Delulion like a mift around," rents, and since that time the quantity


OCTOBER, 1806.

For the Anthology.



THIS anniversary festival again invites the Brethren of the BK to renew their vows of friendship and fraternity; to revive the memory of former intimacies, and consecrate to futurity habits of affection more recently begun.

Greetings of cordiality await the attending members of our social institution, mingled with regret for those unavoidably absent.

We offer no incense to propitiate, and immolate no victim to appease heathen Divinities. In our Fasti this day is sacred to Candour and Philanthropy. Our only sacrifice is, of the worst to the best feelings of the heart; and the fragments gathered at our feast, which custom enjoins it as a duty to carry hence, are, the grateful remembrance of a mental repast, seasoned with the salt of Charity.

Thus, in the principles of your Association, is found an excuse for the imperfections of the speaker, who, yielding to a sense of duty and your partial suffrage, rather than the consciousness of his insufficieney, for the task he has this day assumed, anticipates only gra

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tuitous applause for well-meant endeavours.

By the mystery of our calling, my brethren, we are naturally attracted toward the fountains of Science, and to ramble without reserve in the pleasant fields of Philosophy.

Philosophy which ages of superstition idolized as a Divinity, and which, though stripped of attributes and attractions, worthy the homage, and challenging those false trappings, still retains the love and admiration of man in every age. The prolifick parent of the social virtues and moral graces, it has been usual to personify Philosophy as a female, and in that character has she been honoured with the glorious epithets of the Mistress of Manners, the Directress of Life, the Inventress' of Laws and Culture, the Guide to Virtue and Happiness." If these be her appropriate titles, no won der that Socrates, her great high priest, "who diverted the attention of his followers from abstruse speculations concerning the material world to the practice of virtue

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