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We were,

bile attitude, unless at the hour when

so much labour lost. tyranny and injustice are in array against however, somewhat staggered in us? Do we get our money for French this determination, as it is one of masters? do the freemen of the United States plough every sea, from Green- those productions which set criti. land to Cape Horn, and round to Kamts. cism at defiance ; the author havchatka, and home again ? do they visit ing apparently sworn (as Shadwell every climate, and gather the precious is said to have done by Dryden) to wares of the globe, all for Napoleon's

keep no truce with sense. As for splendour ! And do the American artisans and farmers pay an addition of general observations, therefore, we price for the articles which they con- can only remark, that, together sume, because of an extra duty of two with the usual appendages, this. and a half per cent. laid on certain im- discourse forms a neat pamphlet ported articles, all for the pockets of of about twenty pages, stitched in Frenchmen ? What sort of indepen. dence is this, which looks so like slave. blue, and printed at Boston. The ry? Is this the spirit of seventy-six ? text (we call it so by courtesy) is In seventy-six we would not pay a part of the concluding salutation shilling of tax upon tea, because they, of the 3d Epistle of St. John. who asked it, asked it unjustly; and, now, we give two millions of dollars At no great distance from the more, than the tea tax would have come beginning of the sermon, we found to in a dozen years, to buy a peace from the following cluster of sentences : tyrants, who will never be at peace with independence.' P. 155.

• Time may weaken them, (preju. • The prayers of the good are ever dices) but they exist in the character ascending to heaven, that war may be

of man. Victory is not by consent, and averted from their country ; but, when conquests seldom make friendships. its horrours can no longer be deferred,

At best, we are in a country, in which the prayers of the good are for success

we may easily excite open rebellion. to the arms of a righteous cause. So

Not all the causes, which have concurwill it ever, I hope, be with us. They,

red to recommend christianity, have who are privileged to approach and con.

preserved peace among its professors.' verse with omnipotence, will never fail, in their greatest duty, to pray for the

As the last sentence but one apo happiness of this free land, and for its peared to us entirely disconnected, preservation against foreign and domes- we thought, at first sight, that it tick enemies; and, surely, he is no might perhaps be a political obAmerican, who would seek to embroil servation, thrown in at random. us with any nation, or say that, war was necessary, when peace is our certain However, we shall not be very conbappiness.' P. 175.

fident in hazarding any opinion

about Mr. B.'s meaning. ART. 69,

After forcing our way a little far

ther through the miserable brushA Sermon, delivered July 2d, 1806, wood of half-grown ideas, we came

at the ordination of the Rev. Jo- very abruptly upon the following seph Richardson, 1. M. to the observations : pastoral care of the church and congregation of the first parish in • When life is sacred to good offices, Hingham, by the Rev. William men will confess its worth, and love its

virtues. Bentley, A. M. pastor of the sea

No prejudices will be open -

against it. No bigotry will exclude it, cond church in Salem.

no superstition will refuse it, and every We notice this sermon, because angry passion will pronounce it divine. having read it through for that angel of their strength, who is sure to

Among good men such a friend is the purpose, we do not choose to have comfort them.'

If the reader can discover sense in this passage, it must be ascribed rather to his own sagacity, than to the author's manner of using the English language.

The following was the next passage, which stopt us on our wearisome progress; it being somewhere toward the bottom of the third page.

'A father Gay may leave a good name, though a witness of the interruptions of life. And a Dr. Price may have indulged a friend, who could aim to rob age of its divine consolations.'

We confess that we are able to form no conjecture of the purport of the first sentence, which we have quoted. Of Dr. Gay, how ever, who, as a clergyman, was the predecessor of the present Professor Ware, we have heard nothing but good, and are sufficiently displeased to see his name introduced with such indecent familiarity, into such a sermon.

We will now bring forward an extract, somewhat longer than any we have yet offered :

But though a good name may be the reward of integrity, yet it is to be gained by a good life. It seldom accompanies a man in all parts of his life. The disposition of light and shade in the picture, serve to finish it. He, who seeks no other recommendation, than present opinion may bring with it, may be seen, in the worst temptation, to abandon all just claim to virtue. A christian minister should not fall into such

an errour.

It is true, his doctrine is drawn from simple records, but he is not the only man who has examined them. Truth is pure, but the discipline of every christian association has not been drawn from truth itself. Like a father, he may prefer some ancient example....Like a friend, provide for a more pure state of society... As a christian, he may aspire after more generous affection.'

Surely no one will deny us praise, when, as drudges in the cause of Vol. III. No. 12.


literature, we have toiled through fifteen pages like this. We have not, however, the heart (like Dog▾ berry) to bestow any more such tediousness upon our readers.

If we were to judge, from this production, we should conclude, that its author had not an whole idea in his mind. He certainly shines as a distinguished luminary among those stars, that Addison somewhere speaks of, which ray out darkness. Menenius (in Shakes. peare) says of Coriolanus, that he is "ill schooled

In boulted language; meal and bran together

He throws without distinction."

There is nothing worth notice in the other performances delivered upon the occasion.

ART. 69.

The Christian Monitor, a religious periodical work. By a society for promoting Christian knowledge, piety, and charity. No. III. containing eight sermons on the means of religion. Boston, Munroe & Francis. 12mo. boards, pp. 192.

A RELIGIOUS periodical work, well conducted, is always in place. The subject, being of universal and constant importance, should be presented in every form that promises to be useful. Small tracts and fugitive pieces are among the obvious means of maintaining and extending the principles and prac tice of religion. They are adapted to that numerous class of persons, who want leisure, capacity, or inclination to consult voluminous and systematick works. Publications of this popular cast are peculiarly suited to the condition of a people,among whom the readers are many and the students few; and among whom, consequently, the reception and useful

ness of books are affected by the gant, as not to offend the taste, por circumstances of their form and forfeit the regard of more cultivatsize. It must be admitted, that ed readers, who, however informed this avenue to the minds of men in other respects, have frequently has not been neglected any where, as much need of religious knowlat any period, since the discovery edge as the illiterate. of printing, and may seem with We think a religious periodical us to be at present sufficiently oc- work of such a character cannot cupied by religious productions, fail to be acceptable and useful to native and imported, of every size many. It must serve to withstand and character. But in this wide the causes of irreligion and vice field there is room for successive in general, and those, which mark labours. Much good may always the present times and state of sobe done by reviving old works, ciety in particular. It must counwhich have fallen into undeserved teract the effects of ignorance and neglect; bringing into general no- unbelief, of a disposition to thoughttice others, which have a limited lessness and levity ; of misguided circulation, and by writing new zeal and an arrogant, censorious, treatises adapted to the state of and uneharitable temper in some ; opinions, and the spirit, taste, and of indifference and coldness in manners of the times.

others. In one respect, if the exTo conduct and support a pub- ecution comport with the design, lication comprising these objects, it will fill a place hitherto unoccuis the avowed design of the society pied by similar publications in this under whose auspices the Chris- country. The latter incorporate tian Monitor appears.

It is in- with their practical instruction tended to contain, in a series of speculative principles, which are numbers, original and selected es- contested, and particular phrase

, says and serions on the leading clogy, by many deemed exceptiondoctrines and duties of christiani- able. This work professes to aty, explanations of scripture, pray- void resting the truth or excellence ers, meditations, and other species of christianity upon the certainty of composition on sacred and mo- or value of those tenets, or the ral topicks. In regard to theolog- propriety of those phrases which ical opinions and questions of par- have for ages divided and disturbed ty the Monitor professes to be the christian world. It must therecatholick, and to give instruction fore be suited to those, who feel which the enlightened & serious of incompetent and indisposed to be different sentiments may approve. controvertists; and who would have It proposes to wear a practical, a creed, comprising the general and

not disputatious aspect ; to pro- evident doctrines of revelation, uni mote improvement, not to foment perplexed with the subulties of

contention. It will therefore not metaphysicks and unincumbered go out of its way to treat contro- with the dogmas of technical theverted points ; and when they ne- ology. One class of persons only cessarily occur, observe the laws cannot endure such a method of of christian moderation. In style teaching and inculcating the chrisand manner it would be so intelli- tian religion. It consists of those, gible and affecting, as may be re- who regard christianity, when requisite to profit and please the presented without their peculiar unlearned ; and so correct and ele- and favourite constructions and inferences, as good for nothing ; humble our pride. Men can read and a christian, not belonging to the scriptures, so as to become actheir party, nor using their phrase- complished textuaries ; and yet ology, as no better than a heathen. be strangers to the spirit breathed But as the dissatisfaction of these in the word of God. They can be persons with the design of the pious with the mouth and tongue, Monitor is founded on what, in the and talk earnestly in all places and opinion of its editors, constitutes companies upon serious subjects, its merit, the latter cannot be ex- and yet grossly fail to live as they pected to prevent or remove it. profess.“ A pharisee's trumpet,

We had occasion to commend says an old writer, shall be heard the former numbers of the Moni- to the town's end, when simplicity tor, as adapted to its professed end. walks through the town unseen.“ We spoke of the first, especially “ Observed duties maintain our in the second edition, as an excel. credit, but secret duties maintain lent manual of devotion ; and of our life.” the second, as a happy illustration But the danger to the cause of of the nature and spirit of practical reiigion among us probably arises christianity, as they are displayed from another extreme ; and we in the character and conduct of have less reason to fear the prevour Saviour.

alence of superstition, hypocrisy, The present number is upon the and enthusiasm, than indifference, Means of religion. It treats of the scepticism, and a mistaken fiberimportance and utility of religious ality. A great number, including means in general, religious consid- some who have the character of eration, prayer, the religious obser- enlightened men, able to rise above vance of the sabbath, publick wor- the power of prejudice, are more ship, hearing the word, reading the inclined to undervalue and neglect holy scriptures, and religious con- the forms and means of religion, versation.

than to exalt them into a disproThese are topicks at once sea- portionate importance. They have sonable and important. It is very a disposition to depreciate instrupossible and has been very com- mental and positive duties ; to mon in religion to lay undue stress consider themselves above the need upon instrumental duties and ex- of such assistances to piety, and ternal performances. Enthusiasm that if they cultivate its spirit, they has idolized its reveries and su- have no occasion to trouble them. perstition rested upon rites and selves about its ceremonies. Hence forms. Mankind, wishing for a they look to be religious, without cheap religion, have substituted the meditation and prayer. They remeans for the end, the sign for ject the aid of publick solemnities, the thing signified, the form for or attend them without seriousthe power of godliness. It is far ness. Many are becoming inclinmore easy to be orthodox, than ed to remove the “ inark of disgood; to maintain a grave exte. crimination from the christian sabriour, than inward sanctity ; to bath, and to blend it in the mass of separate seasons for devout exer- unhallowed days.” The custom cises, than to connect piety with of reading the scriptures, once so the course of ordinary life. It general, is falling into neglect, and costs far less self-denial to roll the serious topicks are very much exeye, than to lift the soul to God, cluded froin conversation. and to bend our knees, than to The volume under review dis.


plays the obligation and advantage of some of those exercises, called the means of religion, in a very satisfactory and engaging manner.They are here represented both as holding an important place in the scale of human duties, and as necessary and suitable means for the formation of a virtuous and pious character. These discourses are marked by good sense, just theology, and a style easy, perspicuous, and pleasing. The author illustrates and enforces the sentiments he advances, not only by apt citations of passages of scripture, but by occasional extracts from the works of divines of venerable name. viewing a production of this kind it is not proper to try every expression by the rules of strict criticism; though in a literary view, and as a specimen of accurate composition, this volume is highly respectable. But whatever is written with a design to make men good should be estimated, not so much by its literary execution as by its tendency to effect its leading purpose. Whoever, be be learned or unlearned, shall read these sermons with a desire of being made wiser and better; of being informed and excited in his duty, will not need to be told that they are entitled to commendation. We present two extracts; the one from the sermon on "religious consideration," the other from the sermon "on prayer."

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heavens and the earth with increased attention, and is penetrated with a nevolence of their glorious author, sense of the wisdom, power, and bewhich he has not been accustomed to feel. He turns his thoughts within and, in the curious structure of his body, and the wonderful properties of his soul, recognizes incontestible evidence of his derivation from an infinite intelligence, to whom he is indebted for existence and all its blessings. He recounts the numerous tokens of parental his heavenly father, in the distinguishkindness, which he has received from ed rank allotted him among the crea tures of God; in the abundant provi sion made for his subsistence and accommodation; and in the still more illustrious manifestations of grace and truth for his eternal redemption by Jesus Christ. Convinced by these beneficent arrangements and signal inter. positions, that man is formed for more dignity and durable enjoyment than earth can boast, it becomes a question of the first magnitude, whether he have not pursued the shadow to the neglect of the substance, and relied for happiness on possessions and gratifica. tions incapable of yielding it? He therefore, "thinks on his ways;" considers with himself, what fruit he has already had, and what he is yet to expect from the course he has taken. Past experience thus called to testify bears witness that no sensual indulgence, or worldly acquisition has afforded the bliss it always empty in participation and dispromised; that forbidden pleasures are gusting in review; and that the gaina of ungodliness are invariably attended with remorse and foreboding fear. The more he reflects, the more sensibly does he feel, that nothing below the sun is adequate to the desires and capacities of an immortal mind; and the more clearly does he see, that "the wages of sin is death"; that beside the pain life, and which not unfrequently hasten and sufferings, which it inflicts in this the hour of dissolution, it entails the votaries beyond the grave. p. 37. most insupportable evils on its deluded

In re

Behold then the man who imitates the laudable example of the psalmist, and adopts a measure favourable to his recovery from guilt and misery to virtue and glory. Roused from the visionnary dream of lasting peace and comfort, independent of the approbation and favour of his God, he takes a comprehensive view of the nature, circumstances. and relations of his being; and diligently inquires to what end he was born, and for what purpose he came in. to the world? He contemplates the

2. To pray for our connexions and friends, serves to purify domestick and social attachments; and to inspire principles and views, which exalt the ordinary interchange of civility and kindness into religious obedience.

This is a most effectual method of

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