Page images

McCarthy, Justin. A history of our own times,
from the accession of Queen Victoria to the
Berlin Congress. In 2 v.; v. I. N. Y.,
Harper, 1880. 559 p. D. cl., $1.25.

This v. runs from death of William IV. to the Invasion
of the Crimea and close of the war, with a survey of the
literature of the reign. Saturday Review (Lon.): "This
is a really good book on a really interesting subject, and
words piled on words could say no more for it.


is the effect of its general justice, its breadth of view, and
its sparkling buoyancy, that very few of its readers will close
these volumes without looking forward with interest to the
one that is to follow."

O'Neill, T. Warren. Refutation of Darwinism, and the
converse theory of development, based exclusively upon
Darwin's facts, and comprising qualitative and quantita-
tive analysis of the phenomena of variation; of reversion;
of correlation; of crossing; of close interbreeding; of re-
production of lost members; of repair of injuries; of
reintegration of tissue and of sexual and asexual genera-
tion. Phil., Lippincott, 1880. 8°. cl., $2.50.

Phocylides. Poem of admonition; with introd, and com-
mentaries by J. B. Feuling; tr. by H. D. Goodwin. An-
dover, Mass., W. F. Draper, 1880. 12°. pap., 30 C.
Ruskin, J: The stones of Venice: introd.
chapters and local indices (printed separately)
for the use of travellers while staying in
Venice and Verona. V. I. N. Y., J: Wiley
& Sons, 1880. 5+ 210 p. il. D. cl., $1.25.
Cont. The quarry, The Throne, Torcello, St. Mark's,
and The ducal palace, chapters from the 1st and 2d v. of
old ed. The 2d v. of this ed. will cont, the most useful
matter out of 3d v. of the old one, closed by its topical in-
dex, abr. and corr. "This v. is the first of a series de-
signed by the author with the purpose of placing in the

hands of the public, in more serviceable form, those por-
tions of his earlier works which he thinks deserving of a
permanent place in the system of his general teaching."

Thayer, W: M: Charles Jewett: life and recollections.
Bost., Ja. H. Earle. 464 p. 8°. cl., **$1.50; hf. leath.,

Townsend, L. T., D.D. The art of speech. In
2 v. V. I, Studies in poetry and prose.

Y., Appleton, 1880. 247 p. S. cl., 60 c.


Author of "Credo," and Professor in Boston Univ.
Treatise on the laws and principles of speech Chapters
on: History of speech; Theories of the origin of speech;
Laws of speech; Diction and idiom; Syntax; Grammatical
and rhetorical rules; Style; Figures; Poetic speech; Prose
speech; Poetic prose speech. Supplemental notes (40 p.).
Designed as a text-book; subject-matter being the out-
growth of instructions given by author while occupying
chair of Sacred Rhetoric. Contains frequent reference to
the Bible as a source of illustration.


Ware, Lewis S. The sugar beet; incl. a hist. of beet
sugar industry in Europe, varieties of sugar beet, soils,
H: C. Baird & Co., 1880. 323 p. 90 eng. 8°. cl., $4.
Watson, Ja. C. Tables for the calculation of simple or
compound interest and discount, and averaging of ac-
counts; values of annuities, leases, interests in estates,
and accumulations and values of investments, at simple
or compound interest, for all rates and periods; also
tables for conversion of securities, and values of stocks
and bonds, with explanations for use, and coll. of miscel-
laneous examples to illustrate the problems arising from
the investment of money, or exchange of property. Ann
Arbor [Mich.] Printing Co., 1879. Imp. 8°. cl., $5.
Wheeler, C. Gilbert. Medical chemistry, incl. outlines
of organic and physiol. chemistry, anal. of urine, urinary
sediments and calculi, also general chemical pathol. 2d
rev. ed. Chic., S. J. Wheeler, 1880. 400 p. 8°. cl., $3.

[blocks in formation]

JAS. H. EARLE, Boston.

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King, Guide for regimental courts-martial,
corr. price......

S. J. WHEELER, Chicago.

Wheeler, Medical chemistry, 2d ed., rev... 3.00


Beardslee, Strength of wrought-iron and
of chain cables...

Thayer, Life of Chas. Jewett, subs..$1.50; 2.00 Ruskin, Stones of Venice.

ERASTUS DARROW, Rochester, N. Y, 1

Monroe Co. directory, with business directory of city of

A. D. F. RANDOLPH & CO., N. Y.
The Christian preacher, by Howard Crosby, 12°.





The floating light of Ringfinnen, by L. T. Meade, 12°.
Dicky and his friends, by Adeline Sergeant, 12o.

The Publishers' Weekly.

F. LEYPOLDT, Bibliographical Editor. R. R. BowKER, General Editor.

JANUARY 17, 1880.

PUBLISHERS are requested to furnish title-page proofs and advance information of books forthcoming, both for entry in


PHILADELPHIA, January 13, 1880.

THE past season has proved one of great success, and even exceeded the most sanguine expectations of all. The hope now expressed is that the revival so strongly begun may continue, and not begin to relax in the midst of golden dreams and deep calculations for the future. At the present most of our publishers are doing but little in the way of new publications, all being busily engaged in stock-taking and counting up the profits of the past year.

J. B. Lippincott & Co. expect to have pres

the lists and for descriptive mention. An early copy of ently the new novel by "Ouida," which, be

each book published should be forwarded, to insure correctness in the final entry.

The trade are invited to send "Communications" to the editor on any topic of interest to the trade, and as to which an interchange of opinion is desirable. Also, matter for "Notes and Queries." Notes from librarians will also be gratefully received.

In case of business changes, notification or card should be immediately sent to this office for entry under "Business Notes." New catalogues issued will also be mentioned when forwarded.

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A WESTERN dealer, in a pleasant letter as to the WEEKLY, writes: Now please insist upon the book trade becoming pure, and do what you can to stop the publishers and wholesalers from giving discounts to consumers. If they will quit it, I will carry five times the quantity of books I have been. Lower the price of books. Make discount uniform 25 per cent or, and retail at full price, and then I can not only pay my own debts, but my neighbor's also (as I have been doing, especially the latter)." This gives the pith of it; the retailer is willing to carry stock, if it is not to be made dead stock on his shelves by the very people who sell it to him.

OUR Annual Summary number will be the issue of January 31st. This is used as a reference number all through the season, and, with its index, is of very great use. Publishers will confer a favor by sending in their pages as early as possible, so as to give time for the indexing of their books.

ANNOUNCEMENT is made elsewhere of the offer of the Title-Slip Registry for 1879, bound up in boards, containing the full titles and notes from our Weekly Record, with the classified summary, etc., making this a complete and most convenient record of the books of 1879. If orders justify, we shall go to the expense of prefacing this with a complete index by author and title, one alphabet for the whole year. The price of it is but $1, and we venture to say that no attempt has ever been made to present so full an annual bibliography at so low a price.

cause by her, will have a tremendous sale. For a long time she has rested her pen, writing only short stories for the magazines, of which her latest, "Umilta," appeared recently in Lippincott's Magazine. The fear that many noted persons will appear under very thin disguise leads to much eagerness abroad as to the new book, significantly entitled 'Moths." Thackeray, whose popularity is steadily increasing, is, as previously announced, to be honored by a new edition called the Globe Edition, complete in twelve volumes, crown 8vo, at $1.25 per volume. The principal novels will be boxed separately, and the six volumes will retail at $9.

The Interoceanic Canal is the all-absorbing topic in certain circles at present, and Admiral Ammen, who represented the United States at the General Session in Paris, and is a strong advocate of the ship-canal via Lake Nicaragua, has written a work in which the question is discussed in all its bearings. Messrs. L. R. Ham. mersley & Co. are the publishers.

The Petersons have under way a striking novelty, in a parody on Zola's "L'Assommoir" -no very easy undertaking, considering the nature of Zola's works. The sequel to "L'Assommoir," "Nana," is already in its fourth edition, while "How She Won Him" and "Hyde

Park Sketches" are selling well.

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Mr. Prestley Blakiston is now thoroughly fixed in his new quarters. Having purchased the building, he purposes to make extensive alterations in the spring, when he will keep a large and varied assortment of medical and scientific stock. The location is a central one, and is well suited for the business, being near the Jefferson Medical College. He will shortly issue several new volumes in the American Health Primer Series, Brain-work and Overwork," by Dr. H. C. Wood, Professor of Nervous Diseases in the Pennsylvania Hospital, and the author of several important medical works, as well as the editor of the Philadelphia Medical Times; "Our Homes," by Henry Hartshorne, M.D., with forty-six illustrations, and a new "Postand enlarged edition of Virchow on Mortem Examinations," with colored plates. H. C. Lea has nearly ready "The Student's Guide to Diseases of the Eye," by Dr. Nettleship, Ophthalmic Surgeon to St. Thomas' Hospital, London. The object of the author is not to give an elaborate treatise that requires time and study for perusal-which few practitioners can give-but to give, in an easily accessible form, information which can readily be applied, as all are liable, at any moment, to be consulted in eye diseases and injuries, rendering almost indispensable a compact and convenient volume such as this is intended to be. It will be a 12m0, with numerous illustrations. C. E. B.



CLINTON T. DEWITT, the well-known publisher, died suddenly, Friday, January 2d, at his residence in Connecticut. His father, Robert M. Dewitt, was a member of the well-known firm of Dewitt & Davenport. Robert M. Dewitt died suddenly a few years ago, leaving his son to succeed him in the business. Clinton T. Dewitt was only twenty-five years of age at the time of his decease, but although comparatively young, he proved himself to be an energetic and successful manager in his line of business, and his amiable disposition made many friends for




THE special winter number of The British and Colonial Printer and Stationer is a handsome number, well printed and full of interesting in formation to printers everywhere.

known to the educators in all parts of the counA. D. MAYO, of Springfield, Mass., so well try as an able writer and lecturer on education, has become an associate editor of the New England and National Journals of Education.

THE February Atlantic Monthly will contain, in addition to its proper quota of reading, a supplement giving a full account of the "Holmes Breakfast," including the speeches, poems, and letters which made that so memora. ble an incident in our literary history.

THE two child-songs by Alfred Tennyson, written specially for St. Nicholas, appear in the February issue. Both songs have been set to music under Mr. Tennyson's supervision, and one of the musical accompaniments forwarded by him is also given in the same number.

MR. THEODORE L. DE VINNE, than whom no one nowadays knows more of the art of printing, will have a paper on "Woodcut Printing, Ancient and Modern," in an early number of Scribner. Mr. De Vinne's purpose is to show in this art are wrong. that the prevailing notions about deterioration

WIDE AWAKE has been enlarged so as to ON Saturday evening, January 10th, at about give its fortunate readers more of the same ex6 o'clock, Frank Leslie, the well-known pub-cellent variety and quality of stories, sketches, lisher, died at his residence in this city. Mr. poems, and pictures which have for years made Leslie's name was originally Henry Carter. He it so thoroughly good and wholesome a magawas born in Ipswich, England, where his father, zine for young folks. Joseph Carter, was a glove manufacturer of note, and Henry's early days were spent in his father's factory. At a very early age Henry displayed a passion for drawing and engraving, and practised those arts constantly in his leisure hours. His family so discouraged his artistic aspirations, that he was constrained to keep his work a secret from them, and, in order the better to insure his incognito, adopted the name by which he subsequently became known the world over, and which he adopted permanently through an act of legislature in this country-Frank Leslie. At the age of twenty years he married, left his uncle's establishment in London, where he had been employed for several years, and became a sketcher on the London Illustrated News, and, subsequently, on the Pictorial Times. He came to this country in 1848, and became, in 1850, permanently connected with Gleason's Pictorial in Boston, and from 1851 to 1852 had charge of Barnum & Beach's Illustrated Newspaper, published in the old Sun building in this city. He added to his artistic accomplishments those of a practical printer, and, in 1853, began business as a publisher on his own account. He soon became the head of a large establishment on the corner of Elm and Pearl Streets.

In 1877 he failed, while publishing thirteen illustrated journals, and made an assignment of all his property to Mr. I. W. England, to be managed, until the close of 1880, for the benefit of his creditors, who were principally paperdealers, and liberally disposed toward him. Mr. Leslie remained practical manager of the business, which was removed to the corner of Park Place and College Place after the failure. The establishment now periodically issues Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, Illustrirte Zeitung, Chimney Corner, Boys' and Girls' Weekly, Illustrated Times, Sunday Magazine, Popular Monthly, Lady's Magazine and Gazette of Fashion, Pleasant Hours, Chatterbox and Budget.

Mr. Leslie won upon his arrival here the medal of the American Institute for wood-engraving, and in 1867 was appointed a Commissioner in the Department of Fine Arts to the Paris Exposition of that year. He was pre sented with a prize medal by Louis Napoleon, and in 1876 was State Commissioner for New York to the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition.

THE success of recent numbers of Scribner has been so marked that the edition of the February number has been placed at 125,000. This number includes the first part of Eugene Schuyler's illustrated life of Peter the Great, which is said to be graphic and interesting to an unusual degree; also Mrs. Burnett's new story, Louisiana," which will present some strong contrasts of character and other features.

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series of articles on continental literature THE Athenæum for Dec. 27th gives its usual during 1879. Among them are Belgium, by MM. E. de Laveleye and P. Fredericq; Bohemia, by Prof. Durdík; Denmark, by M. Petersen; France, by M. G. Masson; Germany, by Hofrath Zimmermann; Greece, by Miss Yule; Holland, by E. van Campen; Hungary, tis; Norway, by M. Lassen; Poland, by Dr. by Prof. Vámbéry Italy, by Prof. de GubernaBetcikowski; Spain, by Señor Riaño; and Sweden, by A. Ahnfelt; Portugal, by M. T. Braga, will be given in the succeeding issue.

THE Paper World is the new organ of the paper trade, conducted by Clark W. Bryan, and published at Holyoke, Mass., where so large a proportion of the paper manufacture is centred. A circular letter, signed by leading houses, introduces Mr. Bryan as a trade journalist by requesting him to publish such a paper, which it suggests might become the journal of the world in this department. The Paper World accordingly proposes to occupy "the world as our field, in the interests of American paper." The first issue is very handsome and creditable, a sketch of the Hoe firm and establishment being especially of interest.


LITERARY AND TRADE NOTES. PROF. GEORGE M. LANE, of Harvard, expects to publish in the spring an "exhaustive Latin Grammar."

FRANCIS PARKMAN is at work on a new vol. ume of his series, "France and England in North America," which will be entitled" Montcalm."

HENRY HOLT & Co. have in an advanced stage Austin Dobson's volume of poems, for which Mr. E. C. Stedman, who edits it, also furnishes a preface.

"The ManliTHOMAS HUGHES' new work on ness of Christ" will be published in this country by Houghton, Osgood & Co. during the coming season.


In answering, always state condition and price.

Davies' Shades and Shadows. A chance to make immediate
State condition of stock, terms
delivered in N. Y., and number of copies on hand.

disposition of old stock.

HENRY HOLT & Co., 126 E. 23d ST., N. Y.

Winkelmann's Ancient Art. Osgood's edition.

A. D. F. RANDOLPH & Co., 900 BROADWAY, N. Y.

Annals of the Jewish Nation, by Dr. A. Alexander.
History of the Israelitish Nation, by Dr. A. Alexander.
Martin, 1853-

Philadelphia Monthly Magazine. 1827, 28, 29.

Our Life and Work at the Pyramid, by Piazzi Smith.
The Antiquity of Intellectual Man, by Piazzi Smith.
2 Psalms, Hymns and Selections.
sheep, roan or morocco.

Presb. Board.


Christian Oratory of First Five Centuries, by H. M. Moule.
Macmillan, 1859..

The Preacher and Pastor, containing Fenelon's Dialogues.
M. W. Dodd, 1849.

Christian Eloquence, by F. Gisbert. Translated from the
French by D'Oyle.

The Salvation Preacher, by Wm. Bramwell.

Manual of Devotions, for Sailors and Soldiers, by J. W.
Alexander. Presb. Board, 1847.

Complete set "Littell's Living Age," from beginning to
1872. State style of binding, etc.

Black cloth. Phillips,

V. 3, Prescott's Philip Second.
Samson & Co., 1855.
R. I.

Action on Providence.

YOHN BROTHERS, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. 100 Fresh Laurels. 2d hand. 100 Brightest and Best. 2d hand.

[blocks in formation]


Walker's Statistical Atlas, bound or unbound.
Hall's Polaris (scarce). Parts 1 and 2.
Revised Statutes (1880).-U. S. Charters and Constitutions.
Medical and Surgical History of the War. 4 parts complete.
U. S. Public Libraries, vols. 1 and 2.-Pacific R. R., 13 vols.
Vienna, Paris and London Expositions.-Mexican boundary.
Wheeler's, Hayden's, Powell's, and King's Reports, U. S.

Globes, Records, etc., and all Government books at reduced


A NEW edition of Estes & Lauriat's "Zigzag Journeys," which proved so popular as to have a very large edition exhausted before Christmas, will be issued the last of January. Fortunately it is a capital book for a birthday gift, and is by no means limited in interest or availability to the brief holiday season.

THE third volume of the English translation of the Comte de Paris' "History of the Civil War in America," comprising the fifth and sixth volumes of the French edition, will be published by Porter & Coates some time during the present year. The above two volumes of the French edition will be issued together, and the third volume of the English translation will be published at the same time.

[blocks in formation]


WANTED to purchase: Plates and copyright of desirable German text-books, or other German publications, by E. Steiger, 25 Park Place, N. Y.


SHORTLY will be published a, catalogue of scarce,

curious, and "Out of the way" books, manuscripts, etc., which will be forwarded gratis on application to Robert White. bookseller, Worksop Notts, England. R. W. will always be glad to be favored with the "wants" of gentlemen requiring "out of print" books.




wit: Be it remembered. That on the 17th day of daughter of John S. C. Abbott, deceased, of New York, has deposited in this office the title of a book, the title or description of which is in the following words, to wit: "The Child at Home; or, The Principles of Filial Duty Familiarly Illustrated, by John S. C. Abbott, author of 'The Mother at Home, Josephine,' Maria Antoinette,' 'Kings and Queens, Napoleon,' etc.; very greatly improved and enlarged with numerous engravings. New York, Harper & Brothers," the right whereof she claims as proprietor in conformity with the laws of the United States respecting copyrights. A. R. SPOFFORD,

(Signed). Librarian of Congress. In renewal for 14 years from May 15, 1880, when the first term of 21 years will have expired.

No. 15,460-K.


LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, COPYRIGHT OFFICE, WASHINGTON. O wit: Be it remembered, That on the 17th day of November, Anno Domini 1879, Susan Abbott Mead, daughter of John S. C. Abbott, deceased, of New York, has deposited in this office the title of a book, the title or description of which is in the following words, to wit: "The Mother at Home; or, The Principles of Maternal Duty Familiarly Illustrated, by John S. C. Abbott, author of 'The Child at Home,' 'Josephine,''Maria Antoinette,''Kings and Queens, Napoleon,' etc.; very greatly improved and enlarged with numerous engravings. New York, Harper & Brothers," the right whereof she claims as proprietor in conformity with the laws of the United States respecting copyrights. A. R. SPOFFORD, (Signed.) Librarian of Congress. In renewal for 14 years from May 15, 1880, when the first term of 21 years will have expired.



Her People, Polity, and Pursuits.

By T. H. S. ESCOTT. 8vo. Uniform with Wallace's "Russia."


"Mr. Escott's large and exhaustive treatise on England.

-Saturday Review.

A most useful

A massive achievement, and one which is likely to do excellent service."



By JOHN D. CHAMPLIN, Jr., author of the "Young Folks' Cyclopædia of Common Things." 16mo, 60 cents.


Mrs. Brassey's Sunshine and Storm in the East.

With 114 illustratrations and two maps. Author's edition. 8vo,


Cox's Popular Romances of the Middle Ages.


HENRY HOLT & CO., New York.

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