the fleet can be formed into double columns from the centre of squadrons, according to the same principles. 10. The fleet being in line, heading N., to form it into column of vessels from the right, at right angles to the original direction. FIG. 35. 24 1 The commander-in-chief makes general signal E., which is repeated by the division command ers. All come E. in the wake of the leader of the column, and continue onward. It is evident that the fleet can be formed into column from the left, at right angles to the original direction, according to the same principles. 11. The fleet being in line, heading N., to form it into double column from the right, at right angles to the original direction. 24 1st. Method. Pololololololololololole 24 The commander-in-chief signals : Flag-ships of divisions signal: Division-by twos-wheel to E. The fleet steers N. E.; the pivot-vessels (the odd-numbered vessels in this case) under steerage way, the others maintaining their speed. When the leader of the column-the right pivotvessel-finds her consort bearing from her on a line perpendicular to the course given by the commander-in-chief (N. is the bearing in this case), she breaks the stops of compass signal E., which has been "rounded up at the fore, when all come together E., and the column is formed.* 2d. Method. The commander-in-chief makes general signal E., which is repeated by the division command ers. Executed as in manœuvre 10, Fig. 35, and afterward: Fleet-form double column-left oblique. It is evident that the fleet can be formed into triple column, column of fours, etc., from the • Column will be formed in one minute and forty-five seconds, when the fleet is moving ten knots an hour. ? right, at right angles to the original direction, as also into double column, triple column, etc., etc., from the left, according to the same principles. 12. The fleet being in line, heading N., to form it into column of divisions from the right, at right angles to the original direction. The commander-in-chief signals: By divisions-wheel to E. The flag-ships of divisions signal: Divisionwheel to E. The fleet steers N.E., the pivot-vessels (1, 9, and 17) under steerage-way; those farthest from the pivots at full speed, and the intervening vessels* as shown by annexed table. When the pivot-vessels find their consorts* bearing from them on a line perpendicular to the given course, they hoist the position pennant, when all come together E., and the column is formed. * Or they may proceed at full speed and slow to steerageway, so soon as they bring the pivot-vessel to bear S. from them, until the vessel farthest from the pivot gets into position. NOTE TO 1ST METHOD. - The divisions will change front eight points, by wheeling, in 12 minutes, supposing the speed of the pivot-vessels to be four knots, that of the ves sels farthest from the pivots ten knots, and that of the intervening vessels as shown by the annexed table. I think the change of front by the 2d method infinitely preferable : * It must be carefully borne in mind that every vessel wheeling is to keep her position pennant "rounded up," in readiness to "break stops" the instant she brings the pivotvessel on a line of bearing at right angles to the course signalled by the commander-in-chief. † Column formed in eight minutes. The fleet is first formed into columns of vessels from the left of divisions, as prescribed in manœuvre 2, after which the commander-in-chief makes general signal E., which is repeated by the divisional commanders, and the column is formed. Should the fleet be formed into column of vessels from the right of divisions, in this case, and then into columns of divisions to the right, it would be steaming in natural order, that is with the van division leading, while its divisions would be in order reversed, with their right squadrons on the left. 3d Method. The fleet is formed into column of vessels, as in manœuvre 10, Fig. 35, and afterward into column of divisions as in manœuvre 29, Fig. 58. It is evident that the fleet can be formed into column of divisions from the left, at right angles to the original direction, according to the same principles. |