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Maundrell, 1616, O. A Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem at Easter, A. D. 1697. With an account of the Author's Journey to the Euphrates, &c. By Henry Maundrell, M. A. Plates. Dublin, 1749.

Michaelis, 1639, D. Recueil de Questions proposées à une Société de Savans qui par ordre de S. M. Danoise font le Voyage de l'Arabie. Par Monsieur Michaelis. Traduit de l'Allemand. A Francfort, 1763. Mirabel, 1669, D. Voyage d'Italie et de Grece; avec une Dissertation sur la Bizarrerie des Opinions des Hommes. Par M. Mirabel. A Paris,


Misson, 283, D. Nouveau Voyage d'Italie. Par M. Misson. Tomi II. A la Haye, 1694. L.

Montaigne, 1162, D. Journal du Voyage de Michel de Montaigne en Italie, par la Suisse el l'Allemagne en 1580 et 1581. Avec des Notes par M. de Querlon. 3 tom. en 1. A Rome, 1775.


Montfaucon, 7, F. The Travels through Italy, in the years 1698 and 1699. With cuts. By Bern. de Montfaucon. Translated into English by Joseph Henley. London, 1725. L.

Monroe, 1956, D. A Narrative of a Tour of Observation in 1817. By James Monroe, President of the United States. Philadelphia, 1818.

Moore, 1577, O. A View of Society and Manners in France, Switzerland, Germany and Italy; with Anecdotes, &c. By John Moore, M. D. &c. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1783.

Muller, 1367, D. Voyages et Découvertes faites par les Russes le long des Côtes de la Mer Glaciale et sur l'Ocean Oriental, &c. L'Histoire du fleuve Amur et pays adjacens, &c. Traduits de l'Allemand de Mr. G. P. Muller, par C. G. F. Dumas. Avec Carte. 2 tom. A Amsterdam, 1766. Musgrave, 741, O. Muscovian Letters; containing an Account of the Government, Customs and Manners of that Empire. Translated from the French, by William Musgrave. London, 1736. L.

Navarette, 1134, Q. Coleccion de los viages y descubrimientos, que hicieron por mar los Españoles desde fines del siglo XV. con varios documentos ineditos concernientes á la historia de la marina Castellana y de los establicimientos Españoles en Indias. Coordinanda e illustrada por Don Martin Fernandez de Navarette. Tom. 4. Madrid, 1825. Niebuhr, 791, O. Voyage de M. Niebuhr en Arabie, et en d'autres pays de l'Orient, avec l'extrait de sa description de l'Arabie, et des observationes de M. Forskal. En Suisse, 1780.

Nodales, 2470, O. Relacion del viage de los Capitanes Nodales al Estrechos de Magallanes, y San Vicente. Cadiz, 1618.

Nuttall, 2187, O. A Journal of Travels into the Arkansas Territory in 1819. By T. Nuttall. Philadelphia, 1821.

Ogden, 1920, D. A Tour through Upper and Lower Canada. By John C. Ogden. Wilmington, 1800.

Olearius, 791, Q. Relation du Voyage de Moscovie, Tartarie et de Perse, fait à l'occasion d'une Ambassade envoyée au Grand Duc de Moscovie, et du Roy de Perse; par le Grand Duc de Holstein: depuis l'an 1633, jusques en 1639. Traduite de l'Allemand du Sieur Olearius, Secretaire de la dite Ambassade. A Paris, 1656. M.

Ortega, 917, Q. 3. Resumen Historico del primer Viage hecho al rededor del mundo, emprendido por Hernando de Magallanes, &c. Su Autor Don Casimiro de Ortega. En Madrid, 1796.

Osbeck, 2303, 0. A Voyage to China and the East Indies. By Peter Osbeck. 2 vols. London, 1771.

Osborne, 380, F. A collection of Voyages and Travels, in Asia, Africa, America and Europe, from the earliest account to the present time; with notes and plates. By Thomas Osborne. 2 vols. London, 1747. L.

Puges, 1591, O. Voyages autour du monde, et vers les deux poles, par terre

et par mer, pendant les années 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1773, 1774 et 1776. Par M. de Pages. 3 tom. en 1. A Berne, 1783. Pallas, 1562, O. Histoire des Decouvertes faites par divers Savans Voyageurs dans plusieurs contrées de la Russie et de la Perse, relativement à l'histoire civile et naturelle, a l'economie rurale, au commerce, &c. Par P. S. Pallas et autres. Avec figures. 6 tom. A Lausanne,


Parival, 708, D. Les Delices de la Hollande. Par M. Parival. A Amsterdam, 1678. L.

Paulding, 1268, D. A Sketch of Old England, by a New England Man. By James Paulding. 2 vols. New York, 1822.

Pennant, 1444, O. A Tour in Scotland, MDCCLXIX. By Thomas Pennant. Plates. Chester, 1771.

890, Q. A Tour in Wales. By Thomas Pennant. Plates. London, 1778.

1338, O. nant, Esq.

The Journey from Chester to London. By Thomas Pen-
Dublin, 1783.

Piganiol, 1528, D. Nouveau Voyage de France. Avec un Itineraire, et des
Cartes, &c. Par M. Piganiol de la Force. 2 tom. A Paris, 1755.
Pike, 2169, O. Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi. By Major Z. M.
Pike. Philadelphia, 1810.

Pinkerton, 1159, O. Recollections of Paris, in 1802-3-4-5. By J. Pinkerton. 2 vols. London, 1806.

Pinto, 823, F. Les Voyages adventereux de Fernand Mendez Pinto, fidelement traduicts de Portugais en François par le Sieur Bernard Figuier, Gentil-homme Portugais. A Paris, 1628. M.

Poivre, Le, 1496, D. The Travels of a Philosopher. Being observations on the custom, manners, arts, agriculture and trade of several nations in Asia and Africa. From the French of M. Le Poivre. London, 1769.

Ponz, 2312, D. Viage de España en que se da noticia de las cosas mas apreciables, y dignas de saberse, que hay en ella, su autor D. Antonio Ponz. Tomos XVIII. Madrid, 1776-1794.

Portlock, 1009, Q. A Voyage round the World.-Particularly to the N. W. coast of Africa in 1785-6-7-8. By N. Portlock. London, 1789. Pouqueville, 1547, O. Voyage en Morée, à Constantinople, en Albanie, et dans

plusieurs autres parties de l'Empire Othoman, pendant les années 1798, 1799, 1800 et 1801. Par F. C. H. L. Pouqueville. Avec un Précis historique et geographique sur l'ancienne Epire, des cartes, des figures, des pieces justificatives, &c. 3 tom. A Paris, 1805. Purchas, 468, F. Pvrchas his Pilgrimes; contayning an history of the known World in Voyages and Travels. By Englishmen and others. With L.

plates. 5 vols. London, 1624. Ramusio, 969, F. Delle Navigation et viaggi, raccolto Gio da M. Gio. Battista Ramusio, et con molti et vaghi discorsi, da lui in molto luoghi dichiriato et illustrato. Tom. 3. In Venetia, 1563.

Ray, 389, O. A collection of curious Travels and Voyages; with catalogues of such trees, shrubs and herbs, as grow in the Levant. By John Ray. Two volumes in one. London, 1693.


497, O. Topographical, moral and physiological observations; made in a journey through parts of the Low Countries, Germany, Italy and France; with a catalogue of plants, not native of England. By John Ray. To which is added, a brief account of Francis Willughby's voyage through a great part of Spain. London, 1673. L.

Riesbeck, 1645, O. Voyage en Allemagne, par Mr. le Baron de Riesbeck; tra

duit de l'Anglois. Avec Portraits, Plans et Carte. 3 tom. A Paris, 1788. Rubin, 2564, O. 2. Nouveau voyage dans l'Amerique Septentrionale en l'année 1781, et Campagne de l'Armée de M. le Comte de Rochambeau. Par l'Abbé Robin. Paris, 1782.

1863, O. 1. New Travels through North America: exhibiting the History of the Victorious Campaign of the Allied Armies, &c. 1781, &c. From the French of the Abbé Robin, one of the Chaplains to the French Army in America. Philadelphia, 1783.

Rochon, 1349, O. A voyage to Madagascar and the East Indies. By the Abbé Rochon. Translated from the French. With a Memoir on the Chi

nese Trade. Map. London, 1792.

Russell, 1125, O. A Tour in Germany, and some of the Southern Provinces of the Austrian Empire, in 1820, 1821, 1822. By John Russell, Esq. Boston, 1825. Saint-Fond, 1388, O. Travels in England, Scotland and the Hebrides; undertaken for the purpose of examining the state of the arts, sciences, natural history and manners in Great Britain. With Mineralogical descriptions, &c. &c. Translated from the French of B. Faujas SaintFond. 2 vols. London, 1779.

Saint John, 1593, O. Lettres d'un Cultivateur Americain, addressées a W. S-on, Esq. depuis 1770 jusqu'en 1776. Par M. St. John de Creve Cœur. Traduites de l'Anglois. Avec figures. 3 tom. A Paris, 1787.

Sall, 1137, O. A Voyage to Abyssinia, and Travels into the interior of that country, by order of the British Government in 1809 and 1810, &c. Maps. By Henry Salt, Esq. &c. Philadelphia, 1816.

Sandys, 10, Q. A relation of a Journey begun in the year 1610, containing a description of the Turkish Empire, of Egypt and the Holy Land, of the remote parts of Italy and the Islands adjoining. By George Sandys Fourth edition. London, 1637. L.

473, F. Sandys' Travels, containing an history of the original and present State of the Turkish Empire, and a description of Greece, Egypt, the Holy Land and Italy; with cuts. Seventh edition. London, 1673. L.

Sarmiento, 714 & 1131, Q. Viage al estrecho de Magallanes por el Capitan Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa en los años de 1579 y 1580, y noticia de la expedicion que despues hizo para poblarle. En Madrid, 1768. Saugrain, 52, D. Nouveau Voyage de France, geographique, historique et curieux dispose par differentes routes á l'usage des etrangers et de François. Par M. Saugrain. A Paris, 1723. L.

Saussure, 684, Q. Voyages dans les Alpes, précédés d'un Essai sur l'histoire naturelle des environs de Geneve. Par Horace Benedict de Saussure. 2 tomes. Neuchatel, 1786.

Sauvan, 1043, Q. Picturesque Tour. The Seine from Paris to the Sea, with particulars historical and descriptive. By M. Sauvan. London,


Schoolcraft, 2172, O. Narrative and Journal of Travels through the American Lakes in 1820. By Henry R. Schoolcraft. Albany, 1821.

Schöpf, 2124, O.

Reise durch einige der mittlern und südlichen vereinigten Nord Amerikanischen Staaten nach Ost-Florida und den Bahama Inseln in 1783-1784, von Johann D. Schöpf. 2 Theil. Erlangen, 1788.

Schottius, 654, & 709, D. Itinerarium Italiæ à Andrea Schottio. Vesaliæ, 1612. Amstelodami, 1655. L.

525, D. Itinerarii Italiæ rerumque Romanorum libri tres. A Francesco Schottio.

Antwerpiæ, 1625. L.

Scott, 1279, D. A Visit to Paris in 1814. By John Scott. Philadelphia, 1815. 1280, D. Paris Revisited in 1815, by way of Brussels: including a Walk over the Field of Battle at Waterloo. By John Scott. Philadelphia, 1816.

1275, D. Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk.

phia, 1819.

By Walter Scott. Philadel

Shaw, 241, F. Travels; or, Observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the Levant. By Thomas Shaw, D. D. With plates. Oxford, 1738. L.

Sherlock, 1551, O. Lettres d'un Voyageur Anglois. Par Mr. Sherlock. A Londres, 1780.

Shoberl, 1045, Q. Picturesque Tour from Geneva to Milan, by way of Simplon; illustrated with Views by J. and J. Lory, and accompanied with particulars, historical and descriptive. By Fred. Shoberl. London, 1820.

Sloan, 1149, O. Rambles in Italy; in 1816-1817. By an American. (J. Sloan.) Baltimore, 1818.

Sloane, 277, & 939, F. A Voyage to Madeira, Barbadoes, Nieves, St. Christopher's and Jamaica, with the Natural History of those Islands. By Sir Hans Sloane, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1707.

Smart, 1226, O. The World Displayed; or, a Curious Collection of Voyages and Travels, selected and compiled from the Writers of all Nations; by Smart, Goldsmith and Johnson. Plates. 8 vols. Philadelphia, 1795.

Smith, 630, F. 2. The True Travels, Adventures and Observations of Captain John Smith in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, from 1593 to 1629, together with a continuation of his Generall History of Virginia, &c. from 1624 to 1629. London, 1630.


Sonnerat, 770, Q. Voyage aux Indes Orientales et à la Chine, fait par ordre du Roi depuis 1774 jusqu'en 1781, avec plusieurs planches. Par M. Sonnerat. 2 tom. A Paris, 1782.

Southey, 1171, O. Letters written during a short residence in Spain and Portugal. By Robert Southey. London, 1799.

Spon, 1110, D. Voyage d'Italie, de Dalmatia, de Gréce, et du Levant, fait aux années 1675 et 1676. Par Jacob Spon et George Wheeler. Avec plusieurs figures. A La Haye, 1724. M.

Sprat, 487, D. Observations on M. de Sorbier's Voyage into England.
Thomas Sprat. London, 1665. L.


Sterne, 1450, D. A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. By Laurence Sterne, A. M. Portrait. London, 1794.

Tavernier, 1567, D. Les Six Voyages de Jean Baptiste de Tavernier, Ecuyer, Baron d'Aubone, qu'il a fait en Turquie, en Perse, et aux Indes, pendant quarante ans. Avec cartes et figures. 6 tom. A Paris, 1724. Thevenot, 201, D. Voyage de M. Thevenot, tant en Europe qu'en Asie et en Afrique. Tomi III. A Paris, 1689. L.

2342, D.

Recueil de Voyages de M. Thevenot. A Paris, 1682.

1630, D. Voyage de Mr. Thevenot au Levant, aux Indes Orientales, &c. Avec figures. 5 tom. A Amsterdam, 1727.

Tralles, 1921, O. Amanitatum Roswaldensium levis adumbratio. Auctore Balt. Ludv. Tralles. Vratislaviæ, 1774.

Ulloa, 974, F. Relacion historica del Viage á la America Meridional hecho de orden de S. Mag. Por Don Jorge Juan, y Don Antonio de Ulloa. Tom 3. En Madrid, 1748.

Vidal, 1044, Q. Picturesque lilustrations of Buenos Ayres and Monte Video. By E. E. Vidal, Esq. London, 1820.

Volney, 1333, O. A View of the Soil and Climate of the United States of America; with remarks on Florida, the French Colonies on the Mis

sissippi and Ohio, and on the Aborigines. Translated from the French of C. F. Volney, by C. B. Brown. Maps and Plates. Philadelphia, 1804. Von Troil, 1260. O. Letters on Iceland: containing observations on the civil, literary, ecclesiastical and natural history; antiquities, volcanoes, &c. Made during a voyage in 1772, by Sir Joseph Banks and others. Written by Uno Von Troil, D. D. with the Letters of Dr. Ihrie and Dr. Bach, on the Edda and Elephantiasis of Iceland, &c. Maps. London, 1780.

Weld, 2042, O. Travels through the States of North America and Canada. By Isaac Weld, Jr. 2 vols. London, 1800.

Wenderborn, 1320, O. A View of England towards the close of the eighteenth

century. By Fred. Aug. Wenderborn, LL. D. Translated from the original German, by the Author himself. 2 vols. London, 1791. Williams, 1456, O. A Tour in Switzerland; or a view of the present state of the governments and manners of those Cantons; with comparative sketches of the present state of Paris. By Helen Maria Williams. 2 vols. London, 1798.

Wolstonecraft, 1637, D. Letters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. By Mary Wolstonecraft. Wilmington, 1796. Wraxall, 1199, O. A Tour round the Baltic, through the Northern Countries of Europe, particularly Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Russia, and Prussia, by N. W. Wraxall, Esq. London, 1807.

1902, O. 3. Voyage au Nord de l'Europe, particulierement à Copenhague, Stockholm, et Petersbourg. Traduit de l'Anglois de N. Wraxall, Jun. A Rotterdam, 1777.

Zinzerlingius, 2230, D. Jodoci Sinceri (Justus Zinzerlingius) Itinerarium Gallicæ, cum appendice de Burdigalio. Amstelodami, 1649.

1131, D. Voyage de Siam des Peres Jesuites, envoyées par le Roy, aux Indes et a la Chine. Avec leurs Observations, &c. Enrichi de figures. A Amsterdam, 1689. M.

956, D. Guia general de Postas para el año de 1785. Madrid. L.

729, O. Letters from several parts of Europe, and the east; containing observations on the productions of nature, the monuments of art, and the manners of the inhabitants. Written in the years 1750, &c. 2 vols. London, 1753. L.

1267, D. Recollections of the Peninsula. By the Author of Sketches of India. Philadelphia, 1824.

1738, D. A Relation of Mr. R. M.'s Voyage to Buenos Ayres, and from thence by land to Potosi. London, 1716.

2481, O. Relacion del viage hecho por las goletas Sutil y Mexicana en el Año de 1792, para reconocer el estrecho de Fuca. Madrid, 1807.

1148, Q. Relacion del ultimo viage al estrecho de Magallanes de la Fragata de S. M. Santa Maria de la Cabeza en los años de 1785 y 1786. Madrid, 1788.

2482, O. Appendice á la Relacion del viage al Magallanes de la Fragata Santa Maria de la Cabeza. Madrid, 1793.

1289, D. Journal of Events in Paris from June 29, 1815, to July 13, 1815. By an American. Philadelphia, 1815.

2169, D.

itinerary. 2189, D.

A Guide to all the Watering, and Sea Bathing places, with an London, 1808.

The Fashionable Tour, or a trip to the Springs and Niagara in 1821. Saratoga, 1822.

1792, D. Etat Actuel de Paris, ou le Provincial à Paris; Ouvrage indispensable a ceux qui veulent connaitre et parcourir Paris, sans faire aucune question. Avec 5 cartes. 4 tom. A Paris, 1788.

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