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[Feb. 18,









It will be seen that the first three of the gases just analyzed are very similar in composition, while the gas escaping from the spring at Cherry Tree differs very considerably from the others. The larger amount of carbonic acid and the presence of free oxygen and nitrogen are the chief points which distinguish it. It is only natural, however, that a gas escaping from fresh spring water should contain these gases, as they are the gases usually dissolved in spring water. As to the other constituents of these gases, hydrogen, marsh-gas, and ethyl hydride are the most important ones. In the case of two of the gases, the Burns gas and the Leechburg gas, qualitative tests directly proved the presence of this last constituent. The other two ingredients can also be proved to be there by the application of Bunsen's formulas to the result of the eudiometric analysis. Thus, as the volume of gas taken for the eudiometric analysis can contain only hydrogen, hydrocarbons of the marsh-gas series and nitrogen, we need for our formulas four known values; the volume taken, the contraction after passage of the spark, the carbonic acid produced by the combustion and the free nitrogen in the sample of gas taken.

In the three gases first analyzed this last constituent proved to be absent, so that we had only three values, and could form only three equations, containing three unknown quantities. These equations were:

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where V equals the volume taken, C the carbonic acid formed, and A the absorption or contraction, consequent upon the explosion, where also z was taken as hydrogen (H), y was taken as marsh-gas (CH), and z was taken as ethyl-hydride (C, Hg). When in these equations were substituted the found values of C and A, I got plus values for x, y, and z. On the other hand, if I assumed two constituents only, a as hydrogen and y as marshgas, they was made equal to C at once, which was obviously incorrect, and would have given a minus value to x. If again, I assumed a to be equal to CH, and y equal to C, H, I got false values for x and y. One other assumption only was open to me, that was to take x as hydrogen, y as marsh-gas (CH1), and z as propyl hydride (C, H ̧). This would have given

plus values for x, y, and z, but the previous qualitative tests had shown conclusively the presence of C2 Hg.

I found, however, unexpectedly in Fonqué's memoir the strongest confirmation of my interpretation of my results. Using the three equations that I have given above, he finds that when x, y, and z represent three successive members of the marsh-gas series, the equations are as follows:

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In other words, when an eudiometric analysis of a mixture of hydrocarbons of the marsh-gas series is made, the carbonic acid formed is equal to twice the contraction, minus three times the volume of gas taken.

He says, therefore, (Compt. rendus. LXVII. p. 1048) when the marsh-gas hydrocarbons are mixed with free hydrogen, this fourth equation is not realized. I did not find it realized in any of my analyses. Thus in the analyses of the Burns Well gas, I had the following figures:

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2 A C+3V, we get, for the first, 36.6 + 98.22 = 134.82, of which the half is 67.41. But the observed contraction is 70.4, or 2.99 greater than that demanded by Fongué's formula for the marsh-gas hydrocarbons. So for the second we get 27.5+ 73.47 100.97, of which the half is 50.485, while the observed contraction is 52.75.


If now we turn to to the formulas first stated by me, we find the explanation in the third equation where we have 3x, assuming x to be hydrogen ; and in the second equation where we have Ox, assuming x to be hydrogen. I have not been able as yet to make any experimental determinations of the specific gravity of these gases, but have the material reserved, and expect to do so. The specific gravities as calculated from the analyses given, are as follows:

Burns Well gas..

Sp. gr.

Mr. Lesley mentioned that Mr. Hall had found three casts of an Orthis of the Trenton (Bala) Limestone in a subangular fragment among the moraine (?) natter cut into for a drain in front of the University buildings in West Philadelphia.

Mr. McArthur presented through Mr. Walter nine photographs of models of ornaments for the Public Buildings.

Pending nomination No. 791 and new nomination No. 792 were read.

The minutes of the last meeting of the Board of Officers and Council were read.

Mr. Blodget, from the Committee on the Progress of Science Exhibition at the Centennial, reported that his Committee had met, and would act with a committee appointed by the Acad. Nat. Science, Phila. (Dr. Le Conte, Mr. C. E. Smith, Mr. W. Vaux), and he read a paper expressing the views of the joint committee, and explained that a room 24' by 48′ in the southeast end of the Main Building, up-stairs, had been appropriated by the Commis sion to their use, and there was good reason to believe that learned Societies would respond cordially enough to fill this


Prof. Campbell disclaimed for the Commission all responsibility, except for guaranteeing the right of placing whatever it saw fit in this room by the joint committee.

Prof. Fraley said that an application would be made to the Society for permission to exhibit its Elliot Bible.

There being no other business, the meeting adjourned.

Stated Meeting, March 3, 1876.

Present, 10 members.

Mr. Eli K. Price in the Chair.

Letters of acknowledgment were received from Dr. Jacob Bigelow (95); Silliman's Journal (95); the Smithsonian Institution (95); the Emden Society (92); and the Physical Society in Berlin (87 to 91; xiv, 3, xi, 1).

Letters of envoy was received from the Coast Survey; from the Physical Society in Berlin; and from the

Royal Irish Society, requesting missing Parts 2 of Vol. iii, 1

of xiii,and 2 of xiv, to complete the set, which was on motion so ordered; also from

The K. Leop. Car. Deutsch Akademie der Naturforscher requesting exchanges, having only Trans. Vol. I. O. S. 1769. The request was referred to the Publication Committee with power to act; also from

A. J. Holman & Co., 930 Arch street, tendering a request for the loan of the Elliot Bible in the Library of the Society. The request was referred to the Library Committee with power to act.

The request of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy for No. 93 to complete their set, was granted.

Donations for the Library were received from the Geological Institute at Vienna; the Leop. Car. German Academy at Dresden; the Prussian Academy, and Horticultural Society, and Herr Schwalbe of Berlin; the Society at Emden; the Belgian Academy; the Geographical Society and Reviews in Paris; the R. Astronomical and Geographical Societies in London; the Natural History Society at New Castle; the R. Irish Academy; the Boston Society N. H; the Cambridge Museum C. Z.; Silliman's Journal; American Chemist; Dr. J. S. Newberry; Poughkeepsie Society of Natural Sciences (ordered to be placed on the list to receive the Proceedings); Journal of Pharmacy; Penn Monthly; U. S. Department of the Interior; U. S. Coast Survey; Georgia Historical Society, and the San Francisco Mercantile Library Association.

Mr. Wootten communicated, through Dr. Cresson, a paper on the successful use of anthracite coal-dirt on a new form of locomotive, drawing coal trains, on the Reading Railway, and described on the blackboard the form of firebox floor, draft tuyeres, absence of exhaust and smoke stack, length of flame, &c., &c.

Pending nominations Nos. 792, 793 were read, and the meeting was adjourned.


[March 3,

A Combination of Apparatus by which ordinary Anthracite Coal-waste, from the Dirt-banks at the Mines, can be successfully and profitably burned in the Furnaces of Stationary and Locomotive Boilers.


(Read before the American Philosophical Society, March 3, 1876.) Prominent and peculiar features in the landscape of the Coal Mining Regions are the enormous heaps of black and apparently useless material collected near the outlet of each mine. The nature of this material can be best understood by a brief consideration of the source from which it comes. The coal measures are made up of veins of coal of varying thicknesses and constitution. The coal of which they are composed, especially in the thicker veins, has mixed with it layers of slate, sometimes in mass, at other times finely laminated and disseminated throughout the seam.

As the coal is found in beds interstratified with rocky formation, it is subject to similar accidents as are the rocks themselves when disturbed by convulsions of nature; therefore when portions of a vein are crushed and rendered unfit for use as marketable fuel, it must, notwithstanding its unfitness, be removed from the mine to permit access to the more valuable coal. Seams of considerable thickness are usually divided into separate beds of varying thickness, by deposits of slate, which impurity must be removed in the preparation of the coal for the market; and the same seam may furnish several qualities of coal.

The great heaps of material to which we have referred, are thus the results of the various operations of mining and preparation of the coal for market. They contain therefore, in addition to the earthy matter, slate and rock already mentioned, a large portion of the purest coal taken from the colliery, not only that which is crumbled into small fragments during the operation of mining, but also that, which having passed through the breaking rollers is crushed into particles of too small size to be merchantable, and is for that reason consigned to the dirt heap. The last named contribution to the heap constitutes from twelve to fifteen per cent. of all the good coal that is mined, and is the result of the wasteful method which is employed to reduce the large lumps to the uniform sizes required by the demands of the trade.

Some of these heaps are the accumulations of half a century, and have been exposed during their formation to the action of the weather and such atmospheric influences as have lessened their value for heating purposes by loss of carbon and saturation with moisture.

We have therefore, in dealing with these masses as fuel, to overcome the difficulties consequent upon their containing a very large amount of incombustible matter, all of the elements for the ready production of clinker and incapability for producing an active or vigorous fire in the ordinary furnace.

To consume this material with useful effect, it is necessary either to sub

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