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The Atlantic Monthly Advertiser


Mr. Hoffmann's *GUIDE to the BIRDS


I have to acknowledge the receipt of a copy of Mr. Hoffmann's Guide which came yesterday. I have been interested in your announcements of it- of course; for, to put out a new manual in the face of the many now already before the world, must take the courage of one's convictions that he has a good thing, and on my examination of the book I think Mr. Hoffmann has a good point, and one well worth making a book on

the appearance of the bird in the field. I have often wished that the description in the books pictured the bird as we see him, not as he looks in a museum skin. There are certain striking features in many birds which the amateur always sees first - but which he seeks in vain in the book descriptions.

I think too that Mr. Hoffmann has caught the sound of the notes and common calls of the birds better than any writer I knowin many cases they are almost exactly like my own records - which naturally makes them seem correct to me. Besides this he notes many little tricks of manner that are familiar to me as a close observer of "tricks and manners"- which no other writer I know has mentioned or probably even seen. Cordially yours,


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Special Limited Edition


I. The Limits and Bounds of L

isiana. By THOMAS JEFFERSON II. The Exploration of the Red the Black, and the Washita Riv ers. By WILLIAM DUNBAR.


IN this volume there are made accessible for the first time two memorable documents in Amer cana, often alluded to by historians but never be fore printed. The first is a summary of the variou claims of France, Spain, and England to territory in the Mississippi Valley, written by Thoma Jefferson while president of the United State which lays down the boundaries of the Louisi Purchase.

The second is the manuscript of the journal kept by William Dunbar, Esq., of Natchez, on a voyage of exploration undertaken by him by direction of President Jefferson in 1804.

The Journal of William Dunbar is comparable to the more famous Lewis and Clark Journals, likewise placed in the keeping of the American Philosophical Society, at the instance of Mr. Jefferson, and like them is a contribution of the first order to the history of early exploration.

In addition to the two documents already mentioned, are included letters from Mr. Jefferson bearing upon both subjects, two excellent photogra vure portraits, and a reproduction of King's great map of the Washita district.


In format the volume is unusually distinctive. The type large and handsome old style, with bold titles and antique head and tail pieces. The paper is of pure unbleached rag stock and was made under the immediate supervision of the Publishers. It is bound uncut in smooth dark English cloth, with paper label.

The edition in one octavo volume will be strictly limited a five hundred and thirty numbered copies, of which free hun dred will be for sale, at $6.00, net, postpaid.

Send for descriptive circular, mailed free. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & COMPANY BOSTON AND NEW YORK

Riverside Bulletin

Containing Announcements and News of
the Publications of

Houghton, Difflin & Company



Vacation Fiction Just Out

THE PENOBSCOT MAN. By Fannie Hardy Eckstorm, author of "The Woodpeckers," and "The Bird Book." With frontispiece. Narrow 16mo, $1.25.

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Those who love the woods, but cannot go to the woods, will find that this book brings the woods to them; while all those who have ever been to northern Maine for sport or recreation will find old scenes and possibly old acquaintances brought to mind, and an interpretation of much that they have seen and heard. For any one meditating a trip down the West Branch of the Penobscot or to Katahdin, this book will be almost indispensable. It is a unique adventure among books a portrait, an appreciation, and an analysis of the character and mind of the Maine woodsman in his rôle of river-driver, done in the form of true stories. As the author was born and reared among these men, it has been possible to tell the stories with the greatest detail of place, date, and name, and yet with the hearty approval and coöperation of the very men who form their subject-matter. It is a book for the optimist or for any one who likes cheerful, courageous stories, as well as for those who love out-of-doors simply for the sake of out-of-doors, and who rejoice in heroic deeds because they are large and inspiring. The best is that it is all true, as true as history ever can be.


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Adams, author of "The Log of a Cowboy." A TEXAS MATCHMAKER Illustrated by E. Boyd Smith. Crown 8vo, $1.50. An old cattleman, holding a vast range in the semi-feudal manner of early Texas ranchmen, is the Matchmaker and the leading character of this book. The narrator of the story is Tom Quirk, himself a subject of the Matchmaker's experiments. In the casual but vigorous manner of the cowboy, Quirk recounts his brief and stormy love affair, his rash attempt at an elopement and its disastrous consequences. He tells, besides, of the life at the Las Palomas ranch day by day: its regular duties, the round-up, branding, cattle shipping, horse-breaking its regular amusements, -dances, celebrations of the Fourth of July and San Jacinto

Day; its less usual events, wild pigeon and cougar hunts, tournaments, and a long fight with drought. As a true picture of a by-gone life characteristically American, this book will appeal to lovers of the outdoor world, and will satisfy, also, those whose taste inclines to a well sustained story. The striking illustrations by E. Boyd Smith are further evidence of this artist's skill in the Western field. Mr. Adams's earlier book went through ten editions in ten months, "having," as Life remarked, "the interest that always attaches to a good description of the real thing."

"The Great War Governor"

THE LIFE OF JOHN A. ANDREW by Henry G. Pearson, just published, has been made the subject of editorials in most of the Boston papers. The Transcript says: "Every citizen of the State has reason to be thankful for the tribute to the memory of her great war governor which is contained in a book so full of information, so careful in detail, so conscientious in spirit as Mr. Pearson's. It is a treasury of the times which it covers, an invaluable contribution to history. Not only are we given a full and particular account of the life and experiences of John A. Andrew and the means for a profound understanding of his character; but we are given also the story of the most important era of the country's existence (an era more vital, even, than that of the Revolution), together with a deal of information about the prominent personages of the time." "The book is really a life,” says the Boston Herald, "not a collection of speeches and letters. The author's style is rhetorically unpreten tious, but clear, vigorous, and swift. If there is a dull page, we have not observed it. In fact, the story, as a story, took such hold of our attention that we gave little thought to the author's manner." "In this monumental work" the Boston Journal finds that "the personal side of the great war executive is very happily illustrated. One can see and hear the eager, energetic, unselfish patriot, with the heart of a child and the mind of a statesman." The Boston Globe describes it as "a most interesting and entertaining study." The Nation, N. Y., “commends this admirably written book to all the rising generation of America. Without doubt it is a true and faithful portrait of a true and faithful man and confirms the verdict returned by his friend, the late Martin Brimmer, 'No man believed in the people more, or truckled to them less.'" In an editorial the New York Times says: "It forms a valuable and unique contribution to the history of those stirring and eventful days. Probably no governor of Massachusetts ever better embodied the spirit of his people and of the people of New England stock throughout the North than did Andrew, or possessed in fuller measure the qualities that made that stock so potent in the affairs of the Nation." "It will take its place among the notable biographies of the time," in the opinion of the Chicago Chronicle.

High Noon

"Exquisite fitting of language to idea characterizes Alice Brown's style," observes the Chicago Record-Herald. 'It is to be noted in the felicity of the title of her new book, HIGH NOON, a collection of short stories each of which paints the moment when the clock of some one's life strikes twelve when the tide is at the flood, when the turning point has been reached. An exquisite feeling for the soul of things is Miss Brown's, and a highly developed sympathetic imagination." The New York Post describes

the collection as "the vividest, most original, quaintest, most fascinating. love stories that could be imagined. Such ingeniousness of insight into feminine consciousness! Such dainty, delicate highmindedness in the maidens she portrays! Such perfect spontaneity in the conversations!" "Every story in the book," the Brooklyn Eagle finds, "is marked by a strong individuality, and travels outside of the beaten paths followed by most story writers. It is this quality of originality and freshness that makes Miss Brown's short fiction something that is always worth while. She has abundant humor, her pathos never becomes bathos and she never descends to melodrama. Some of her most characteristic work is found in this collection." "This is a volume of excellent short stories," remarks The Nation," and when a short story is well done, it is about the best thing there is in fiction. These stories are as fresh and fragrant of the woman heart as pleasant perfumes are of flower gardens; they are teaching tales that explain the vast fastnesses of the feminine spirit, proving beyond question that they are every one accessible and that there are really no hermit cells in our ideas of personal seclusion." The Providence Journal believes that "Miss Brown's latest volume contains some of her best work. The analysis is often astonishingly keen." One of the stories, "The Map of the Country," the New York Times considers "a masterpiece—a marvel of revelation. We do not hesitate to place it among the few short stories that shine as stars."

Industrial Peace

"Professor N. P. Gilman," to quote the Philadelphia Ledger, “has compressed into the pages of his work on METHODS OF INDUSTRIAL PEACE Such a vast mass of information bearing upon trades-unionism, wage agreements and the general relations of employer and employed in this country and in England that the book will prove to be a valuable text-book for all students of social economics, whether they are or are not in full sympathy with the views of the author. He deals with subjects still in bitter controversy, and, while he tries to be fair to both sides, he concedes to the trades-unionists a position more nearly on a level with their own professions than will be agreeable to many employers, and on the other hand controverts claims of the labor unions with a force and incisiveness which they will not relish." "Probably no subject," says Dr. J. C. Bayles in the New York Times, "has a wider range of contemporaneous interest than that of industrial peace. Prof. Gilman has made an honest and obviously conscientious effort to suggest methods of procedure in the readjustment of the relations between capital and labor which will diminish the existing friction and offer a basis for enduring peace in mutually advantageous and profitable coöperation. It would be impossible in the brief space available even to suggest the interest and value of the mass of data which Prof. Gilman has gathered. Whether one agrees with his conclusions or not, his references and quotations are useful and should make the book a welcome addition to every library of economic literature." In a review in The Literary World Dr. Edward Abbott says: "No employer can examine these pages without finding his own economic physiognomy actually reflected therein; no workman can read them without feeling that Prof. Gilman understands him, appreciates his needs, and sympathizes with his motives. The passionate will find themselves rebuked, and the indifferent aroused, while all just considerations and generous sentiments are promoted on both sides." The Brooklyn Standard-Union believes that "Prof. Gilman's new and compre

hensive work deserves to rank as a standard authority upon the subject, just as his previous book on 'Profit Sharing' has been so accepted."

The Frontiersmen


A second edition of Charles Egbert Craddock's new book, THE FRONTIERSMEN, was quickly called for. The Philadelphia Ledger considers that "the sterling work done by Miss Murfree in the past has been repeated in the present book. Many of the stories are pastorals, while others are war sketches. Miss Murfree's admiration for the natural beauties of her southern mountains is again shown in the detailed descriptions of the scenery, these hymns of praise being a popular feature of all her books." Running from grave to gay," says the Nashville Banner, "these stories all show Miss Murfree's strong mastery of her subject. With her comprehensive imagination she has pictured the Indians and the early, rugged settlers, giving to the description of customs the more intimate touches of sentiment and fancy that make them live and breathe for us." The Brooklyn Eagle finds "an atmosphere of realism about these tales which is well calculated to give the reader the impression that he has here a chronicle of real happenings and not a series of fictional narratives." The Providence Journal thinks the book contains several stories in her best manner. Particularly delightful is 'The Linguister,' which goes back to the earliest days and gives the flavor of the pioneer existence with piquant freshness." "The Tennessee Mountains belong to Charles Egbert Craddock," says the Cleveland Leader, "just as Mary Wilkins and Alice Brown. have New England in joint ownership, and Rose E. Young has preempted modern Missouri." The Outlook believes that "Miss Murfree's charm of style and unconventionality in choice and treatment of her themes is too well known for comment."


The Neighbor


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In a long editorial the Boston Herald describes Professor N. S. Shaler's new volume on THE NEIGHBOR as a book of extraordinary interest. The facts, motives, and problems of the relations of man to his neighbor have not before been set forth as they appear to the studious, scientific naturalist in terms so well adapted to engage the attention of the reader who is but superficially acquainted with the scientific investigation of the nature of man. Much in the book will have the charm of novelty, and much, we suspect, is in fact novel, certainly in the method of its scientific applications of general principles. Especially interesting are the two chapters in which the general idea is specifically illustrated by careful historical and philosophical studies of the remarkable persistence of race prejudice in respect of the Jews and the Negroes. These chapters deserve the thoughtful attention of every student of social conditions."" The Springfield Republican calls it "a book which is sure to stimulate thought and is likely to provoke discussion." The Chicago Tribune thinks "it is a book that both the Negro and the Jew will be glad to read. It appears to be a fair book, written without

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