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As these pages were going to press, we regret to learn that the principal part of the beautiful city of Casan has again been reduced to ashes, by a tremendous fire, the origin of which is involved in mystery, not without strong suspicion of its being the work of an incendiary. The University and Observatory scem to have been destroyed, which is truly a national calamity. These were splendid buildings worthy of any country. The little town of Perm has also almost ceased to exist owing to the ravages of the same destructive element.


Moscow. Sparrow Hills.-State of Prisoners there.-Dr. Haas. -Converting the Jews.-Roskolniks.-Their departure for Siberia. Their treatment on the Road.-Our own start for Siberia.-Travelling in Russia.-Route to Makatelum. -Visit to Mr. de Karamsin.-Country Life in Russia.Crossing Volga at Murom.-Simbirsk.-Crossing it again at the frontier of the Government of Orenburg.-Postmasters.-Dishonesty of Russian Chinovniks.-Russian Artillery.-Mode of purchasing Cavalry troop-horses.— Cossacks of the Ural.-Russian Merchants.-Arrival at Orenburg


Description of Orenburg.-Inhabitants of the Steppes.Kirghis.-Trade with them.-Russian Expedition to Khiva.-General Perofski.-General Molostof.-Reciprocal Judgments of Russians and Englishmen of each other.Russian Manufactures.-War in the Caucasus.-Society of Orenburg.-Mr. Khanikof.-Captain Abbott.--Count Simonich.-Lieutenant Vikovich.-Sir R. Shakespear.Frontier Route.-Russian Fortresses.-Ural River.Escort.-Ural Mountains.-Guberlinski Range.-Orska. -Troitska.-Description of the Steppes.-Camels.-Siberian Frontier two hundred versts beyond Troitska


Siberia. Similar Language and Religion.-Ancient History of the Country.-Conquest by the Russians.-Tatars.Khazars.-Yermak Timoféef; his Death.-Fire of Tobolsk.-Ancient Remains found.-Different Inhabitants. -Name whence derived.-Old Inhabitants of Perm.Latitude and Longitude of Siberia.-Area.-Treaty with the Chinese.-Amur.-Albasyne.-Russian Embassy at



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