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1. How old are you? I am 16. 2. How old is your mother? She is 45. 3. The Emperor of Germany is 78 years old; he is the oldest of the monarchs of Europe. 4. I shall leave the college when I am 18. 5. Most boys leave [the] school at the age of thirteen. 6. How old are the daughters of your elder sister? 7. Her elder daughter is 15, but her younger daughter is only four. 8. My grandmother died at the age of 91, but she did not look that [= her] age; she still retained [had] all the powers of mind and body to her last moment. 9. How old are these children? 10. They are 5, 6, and 7 years old. II. What is the age of that woman? 12. She is old, she is at least 80 years. Charles XII. died in 1718, aged 36 years.


14. And

you, how old are you? 15. I am not 20 yet. 16. Then

* Quel âge avez-vous?

Quel est votre âge?

J'ai 16 ans.

+ Quel âge a madame votre mère?
Quel âge madame votre mère a-t-elle ?
Agés de, or: à l'âge de.

Elle a 45 ans (elle est âgée de 45 ans).

you are as old as your friend Frederick. your two cousins Henry and William as 18. They are older than I; for Henry is 21, is already 27.

6. elder

17. And are

old as you? and William

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7. younger 8. look, to


Time of the day, and Parts of the year.

(a) 12 o'clock (midnight)

at 12 o'clock

12'15 A.M.
12.30 A.M.

12'45 A.M.
I o'clock

I'30 P.M.

I'45 P.M.
2 o'clock

ten minutes to 2
twenty minutes to 2
2.30 P.M.

12 o'clock (noon)
a quarter of an hour
half an hour

three quarters of an hour

what o'clock is it?

It is 2 o'clock


à minuit

minuit et (un) quart

minuit et demi

minuit et trois quarts
une heure moins un quart
une heure

une heure et dix minutes
une heure et demie

une heure et trois quarts
une heure moins un quart
deux heures

deux heures moins 10 minutes

deux heures moins 20 minutes
deux heures et demie

un quart d'heure
une demi heure
trois quarts d'heure

{quelle heure est-il?

quelle heure est-ce ?*
il est deux heures

* This expression is used when the clock is heard striking.

(b) a week
a fortnight
three weeks

a month

eighteen months

to-day week
to-morrow fortnight

he died 2 months ago

three days before, after
the day before
the next day
every day

every other day

the year after

huit jours

quinze jours
trois semaines

quatre semaines

un mois
dix-huit mois

un an et six mois
d'aujourd'hui en huit
de demain en quinze
il y a

il est mort il y a deux mois
il y a deux mois qu'il est mort
trois jours avant, après
la veille

le lendemain

tous les jours

tous les deux jours

l'année d'après

1. At what o'clock will you dine? 2. To-day we shall dine only at three, but generally we dine as early as [= already at] one o'clock. 3. What o'clock is it? It is eight o'clock, or rather five minutes to eight. 4. Our lectures begin at half-past nine and finish only at 25 minutes past four. 5. The battle began at seven o'clock in [de] the morning, and lasted until 8 o'clock in [de] the evening. 6. We rose at a quarter to five, we dined at 2 o'clock precisely, we supped at a quarter past eight, and we went to bed at half-past ten. 7. What o'clock is it [ have you] by your watch? 8. It is ten minutes to eleven.

9. You ought to dine with me, because I shall not be back by [a] twelve o'clock. 10. It is nine o'clock now, my sister will be here in a quarter of an hour. 11. Three months ago you [have] promised all manner of things: but you have not kept your promises. 12. Our vacations will

begin to-morrow week, and they will last* for more than three months. 13. His father died the day before Christmas. 14. They arrived on the 6th of October, and did not leave before the following day. 15. I have been here a fortnight. 16. They have been learning French for more than three months. 17. How long have you had this carriage? 18. I have had it for eighteen months. 19. How long have you been in this country? 20. I have been here for about 10 months. you been long in England?

21. Have 22. I have now been in

England for more than 8 years.

23. How long is it

since your brother settled in New York?

24. It is ten years since he went to America. 25. He is working for 5 hours every day.

* For, referring to time, is generally not translated: I lived in Paris for three years j'ai passé trois ans à Paris; yet it is translated:


1. By pendant, in order to mark the whole duration of a state or action: ils ont assiégé la forteresse pendant trois mois.

2. By depuis, in order to mark the beginning of a state or an action:

I have been here for a long time


Je suis ici depuis longtemps;


Il y a longtemps que je suis ici.

N. B.-These examples show that in French the Present Tense is to be used, if the state or the action to which we refer has begun in the Past and is still continuing.

How long is to be translated:

1. By depuis quand or by combien y a-t-il, with the Present Tense if the state or action is still continuing; with the Pret. Indf. if the verb expresses a past state or action:

(Depuis quand êtes-vous malade?

(Combien y a-t-il que vous êtes malade?

Combien y a-t-il que vous êtes allé le voir?

2. By combien de temps with the Pret. Indf., if the state or action is past : Combien de temps est-il resté chez vous?

3. By combien de temps with the Future, if the state or action is future: Combien de temps resterez vous à la campagne?

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