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Aberdare, The late Lady, 261.
Agnesi, The Angelic, 73.
American Psychologist on the Theory of
Education, 255.

Appointments, 20, 66, 138, 175, 214, 254,

255, 318, 375, 413, 449, 489. Architecture and National Character, 143. Astell, Mary, a Seventeenth-Century Reformer, 138.

Australia, Elementary Schools in, 225. Bacon, Anne, Lady: A Mother of Giants, Bascan, Prof., on Public Education in France, 450.


Bond, F., on Architecture, 143.
Bowen, H. C., on English and Language
Teaching, 493.

Business of the Teacher, 419.

Charles, R. F., on Geography in History Teaching, 23.

Charles, R. F., on Historical Romances and History Teaching, 455.

Clayden, A. W., on University Extension Colleges, 881.


Distribution of Diplomas, Prizes, and
Certificates, 215, 496.
General Meetings, 69, 321.

Meetings of Council, 37, 82, 140, 184, 218,
262, 293, 329, 415, 460, 500.
Certificate Examinations. -Pass List,
Christmas, 1896, 97, 140; Midsummer,
1897, 339, 416.

Professional Preliminary Examinations. -Pass List, March, 1897, 193; September, 1897, 415.

Teachers' Diploma Examinations.-Pass List, Christmas, 1896, 76; Midsummer, 1897, 354.

Junior Forms Examinations.-Pass List, Christmas, 1896, 120; Midsummer, 1897, 352.

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French Holiday Course-P. Barbier, 255. Retrospective History -R. K. Wilson,

287; H. E. Malden, 288. Divorce of History Teaching from LifeM. S., 330.

Right of Appeal-T. Allen, 388.

A Difficult Problem-Stickler, 430. Geographical Nomenclature-C. C. Grundy, 466.

New Geometry-Ex Nihilo Nihil, 466. Educational Gossip, 20, 66, 138, 175, 215, 254, 285, 319, 376, 413, 449, 489.

Elyot, Sir T.: a Pioneer of the Vernacular,


English as the Beginning of Language Teaching, 493.

English Composition, Teaching of, 221. Evening Meetings at the College of Preceptors, Papers read at:-Geography as a Basis of History Teaching: by R. F. Charles, 23. Architecture as a Reflex of National Character: by Francis Bond, 143. Geometry in Schools: by G. Heppel, 181. The Teaching of English Composition: by F. Storr, 221.

Retrospective History: by H. E. Malden, 257.

Claims of Individuality in Education: by Dr. Wormell, 289.

The Business of the Teacher: by J. J. Findlay, 419.

Use of Historical Romances in the Teaching of History: by R. F. Charles, 455. English as the Beginning of the Teaching of Language: by H. Courthope Bowen,


Faceti Præparatorienses, 460.
Findlay, J. J., on the Business of the
Teacher, 419.

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Geometry in Schools, 181.

Gibberd, V., on Froebelian Philosophy, 176. Gumption Papers, 139.

Hackney Girls' Schools at the Commonwealth, 424.

Hardman, W. M., on the Findings of the
Heppel, G., on Geometry in Schools, 181.
Secondary Training Commission, 74.
High-School Mistress, Evolution of, 414.
Historical Romances and History Teach-
ing, 455.

Individuality in Education, 289.

International Technical Congress, 285. Keith, A. L., on State Boarding Schools,382. Kirkman, F. B., on Memory Games, 383.


Annus Mirabilis, 133.
Art in Education, 15.
Cambridge in Need, 210.
Cambridge in Reaction, 248.
Child, The, 314.
Delay of the Inevitable, 209.
Duke's Warning, 247.
Feeble Minds, 60.
Intellectual Spiced Meats, 409.
Latin Verses, 443.


London University Bill, 313.
New Developments, 59.

New Year at the Universities, 443.
Note of Utility, 170.
Prizes, 15.

Proofs of Faith, 133.
School Journeys, 484.
Secondary Organization, 280.
Technical Congress, 279.
Title of a Degree, 169.
Universities in the Air, 483.
University Problemn, The, 371.
Literary Gossip, 35, 82, 154, 192, 234,
266, 298, 329, 388, 429, 466, 507.
London Mathematical Society, 40, 86,
158, 196, 238, 270, 302, 510.
Malden, H. E., on Retrospective History,


Master and Pupil, 459.

MATHEMATICAL QUESTIONS AND SOLUTIONS:-Aley, Prof., 84; Anderson, Prof., 194; Arnold, I., 235, 301, 433; Ball, Sir R. S., 156; Barisien, Prof., 83; Barniville, J. J., 237; Barrett, E. P., 267, 483, 509; Bates, G. N., 156, 268, 269, 300, 332, 508; Bernés, Prof., 432; Bickerdike, C., 389; Bickmore, C. E., 83, 508; Biddle, D., 37, 38, 83, 84, 194, 300, 508; Billups, H. B., 156; Blater, J., 508; Bogle, Prof., 332; Booth, Dr., 156, 391; Brierley, M., 83, 84, 156, 194, 236, 267, 268, 390, 432, 507; Brocard, Capt. H., 235; Burnside, Prof., 507; Cavallin, Prof., 155, 235; Cazamian, Prof., 84; Chakri varti, Prof., 194; Chapman, R. W., 431; Chartres, R., 38, 237, 333, 390, 482, 467, 508; Christie, R. W. D., 38, 83, 194, 268, 467; Clayton, Prof., 156; Cochez, Prof., 268, 301, 389; Collins, M., 391; Constable, W. J., 468; Coondoo, Prof., 37, 38, 332; Cooney, W. S., 269, 300, 301, 468; Cooper, T. M. A., 333; Crawford, G. E., 390; Crofton, Prof., 37, 268, 299, 390, 467; Cullen, J., 37, 38, 84, 194, 236, 268, 269, 301, 332, 333, 389, 390, 431, 468, 469, 507, 508; Cunningham, A., 467, 508; Curjel, H. W., 37, 38, 83, 84, 155, 194, 235, 236, 237, 267, 268, 269, 299, 300, 332, 333, 389, 390, 391, 432, 433, 467, 468, 508, 509; Davis, R. F., 83, 235, 269, 299, 300, 390; 468, 508; Dickson, Prof., 268; Dobbs, W. J., 38, 83, 198, 332, 389, 468, 508; Dougnac, Prof., 467; Droz-Farny, Prof., 38, 39, 83, 155, 193, 195, 236, 237, 267, 269, 300, 301, 331, 332, 389, 390, 431, 508, 508, 509; Editor, 84, 268, 433; Finkel, Prof., 332; Flood, P. W., 83, 84, 156, 235, 269, 331; Fortey, H., 84; Gaskin, T., 156; Genese, Prof., 37, 237; Gopalachanar, Prof., 38, 83; Gordon, A., 237; Grace, G. M., 509; Greenstreet, W. J., 194, 236, 237, 267, 300; Harley, R., 299, 389, 391, 431; Heal, W. E., 83; Heppel, G., 195; Hill, M. J. M., 267; Hillyer, C. E., 155, 193, 236; Jeffares, W. E., 38, 83, 84, 156, 194, 235, 236, 269, 299, 300,

301, 331, 332, 333, 389, 431, 468, 507, 508; Kitchin, F. A. L., 83; Kitchin, J. L., 432; Knowles, R., 38, 155, 236, 431, 468, 509; Khrishnamachandra De, Prof., 237; Khrishnamacharry, Prof., 194; Lampe, Prof., 37; Lemoine, Prof., 432; Lewis, W., 332; MacColl, H., 300; Matz, Prof., 37; Mitchell, C., 236, 390; Mitcheson, T., 509; Moore, E. H., 389; Morley, Prof., 194; Muirhead, R. F., 468; Mukhopadhyay, Prof., 37, 84, 156, 235, 237; Neuberg, Prof., 37, 195, 236, 268, 299, 300, 388, 389, 509; N'Importe, 156; Orchard, Prof., 237, 300, 431; Orfeur, H., 268; Peachell, F. H., 390, 508; Percépied, Prof., 194; Priestley, W., 156; Puckle, G. H., 389, 390; Putnam, K. S., 156, 299; Radhakrishnan, Prof., 38, 84, 157; Reay, L. E., 268, 300, 332, 333, 389, 390, 391, 431, 432, 468, 507, 508; Roach, T. T., 37, 194, 333, 507; Roberts, W., 156; Robinson, T. W., 194, 431; Rowton, S. J., 467, 468; Sadler, J., 390, 468; Sanders, J. B., 300; Sanjána, Prof., 84, 193, 237, 300, 331, 332, 390, 507, 508; Sarkar, Prof., 38, 269; Savage, Prof., 83, 468, 509; Schmitt, Prof., 332; Schwatt, Prof., 38, 83, 193; Sircom, S., 390; Siverley, Prof., 237; Stanham, W. C., 37, 157, 193, 235, 236, 267, 268, 332; Steggall, Prof., 155; Stewart, H. J., 84; Swaminatha, Prof., 37; Sylvester, Prof., 155, 268; Thomas, W., 237; Tissot, Prof., 432; Todd, E. W., 83; Townsend, Prof., 468; Turrell, I. H., 236; Walker, J. J., 37, 236, 333; Wasson, J. C., 467; West, J. W. 84, 156, 333, 390, 431; Whitworth, Prof., 37, 84, 332; Wiggins, T., 38, 83, 84, 268, 301, 332, 390; Wolstenholme, Prof., 194; Woodall, H. J., 156, 300, 389, 432, 468; Zerr, Prof., 156, 237. Memory and Memory Games, 383. Miller, W. J. C., Testimonial to, 267, 430. Month, The, 18, 62, 135, 172, 213, 250, 282, 316, 374, 411, 446, 486. Mother of Giants, 184.

Comenius' School of Infancy (Monroe), 230.
Da Feltre (Woodward), 188.
Davies' First Stage Physiography, 295.
Diet. of Nat. Biog., Vols. L. & LI., 325.
Diderot's Rameau's Nephew (Hill), 296.
Dobson's English Literature (Griffin), 203.
Dowden's French Literature, 462.
Engel's English Literature, 264.
Engel's Shakespeare, 264.
English Lyric Poetry (Carpenter), 263.
Frazer's British India, 227.
Graham's Victorian Era, 296.
Great Public Schools, 30.
Gregorovius' City of Rome, Vol. IV., 78.
Hannibal (Morris), 385.
Harpur, Hugo D., Memoir of, 31.
Harrison's Greek Art, 187.
Hauschmann's Kindergarten
(Franks), 294.
Herford's Age of Wordsworth, 150.
Heyne's German Dictionary, 79.
Historical Society's Transactions, Vol. X.,31.
Hogarth's Philip and Alexander, 293.
Holman & Irvine's Questions on Logic, 426.
Hunter's Thackerays in India, 230.
Jannaris' Historical Greek Grammar, 461.
Jena Training College Lectures, 78.
Johnson's Europe in the 16th Century, 386.
Kirchoff's Akademische Frau, 463.
Kluge's German Literature, 264.
Leach's English Schools at the Reformation,



Love's Theoretical Mechanics, 502.
Lyttelton's Latin Verses, 444.
Lytton's Harold (Gomme), 294.
Mackenzie's Manual of Ethics, 426.
Magnus's Primer of Wordsworth, 462.
Masterman's Age of Milton, 295.
Mayor's Choice of Classical Books, 31.
Miall's Thirty Years of Teaching, 324.
Miller's The Balkans, 150.

Morley's Studies in Board Schools, 502.
Murray's Ancient Greek Literature, 228.
Perkin and Lean's Study of Chemistry, 149.
Phillips & Fisher's Geometry, 79.
Plato's Philebus (Bury), 501.

Notes, 16, 61, 134, 170, 211, 249, 281, 314, Plato's Republic (Adam), 501.
373, 410, 444, 484.

Oxford Don on Training, 27.
Promotion without Examination, 323.
Reports on Educational Subjects, 379.
Retrospective History, 257.
Rothery, G. C., on a Seventeenth-Century, 138.

Ralegh's Life (Hume), 425. Russell's Foundations of Geometry, 325. Ryland's Psychology, 500. Saintsbury's Flourishing of Romance, 227. Simmons' Physiography for Beginners, 77. Social England, 324. Sophocles (Jebb), 501. Rothery, G. C., on Lady Bacon, 184. Souttar's Glimpses of our Empire, 296. Rothery, G. C., on Sir Thomas Elyot, 499. Speight's Temple Reader, 427. Rothery, G. C., on the Angelic Agnesi, 73. Spencer's Aims and Practice of Teaching,187. Scholastic Zoology, 185. Spenser's Classical Mythology(Sawtelle), 151. Secondary Training, 260. Story of the Nations--Balkans, Canada, 150. Secondary Training Commission, Findings Streitberg's Gotisches Elementarbuch, 503. of, 74. Shop, 261.

Sully's Teacher's Psychology, 500. Swift's Prose Works (Lecky), Vol. I., 294. Tennyson's Idylls, Growth of (Jones), 79. Spencer, M., on the High-School Mistress, Thatcher's Europe in the Middle Age, 229.

Simplicity in Poetry, 147.


Tozer's Ancient Geography, 327. Urbanitzky's Electricity, 503.

State Boarding Schools, 382.
Storr, F., on the Teaching of English Com- Voight & Koch's German Literature, 264.
position, 221.
Walker's Age of Tennyson, 462.
Walker's Manual of Needlework, 326.

Titular Degrees for Women, 225.
Universities, 27, 65, 136, 173, 252, 284, 317, Ward's Short History of England, 386.
383, 413, 447, 487.
University Extension Colleges, 381.
Victorian Era Exhibition, 319.
Watson, F., on Hackney Girls' Schools,


Wormell, Dr., on the Claims of Individuality in Education, 289.


REVIEWS. Aristotle's Ethics (Stock), 263. Arnold of Rugby (Findlay), 294. Arnold, Thomas and Matthew (Fitch), 461. Arnold's English Literature, 150. Barnett's Teaching and Organization, 334. Boissier's Cicero and his Friends, 189. Bourinot's Canada, 150. Bréal's Essai de Sémantique, 425. Bremner's Education of Girls, 262. Breul's English Education, 188. Brookes' English Literature, 150. Burns' Select Poems (George), 264. Cambridge Greek Test.: Philippians, 229. Canning's History in Fact and Fiction, 230. Chambers' Hist. Rdrs., St. I., IV., & VII., 386. Cliffe's Italian Literature, 32.

Waverley Historical Reader, Book V., 386. Wells' Short History of Rome, 32. Winworth's Epic of Sounds, 387. Woodward's Humanist Educators, 188.

Abel-Musgrave's French Conversations, 328.
About's Roi des Montagnes (Ropes), 153;
(Davey), 329.

Adventures in Toyland, 452.
Eschylus' Prometheus Bound (Haines), 80.
After long Waiting, 30.

Ahn's French Method (Thimm), 33.
Aimée Furnis, 30.

Allcroft and Haydon's Early Principate, 189.
Andrew Sargeant's Wedding, 30.
Arnold's Fritz auf Ferien (Spanhood), 191.
Arnold's Object Lessons, Book III., 190.
Arnold's Poems (Macaulay), 190.
Arnold's Story of Lancashire, 506.
Auerbach's Schwarzwalder Dorfgeschichten
(Davis and Weiss), 34.
Augier's Gendre de M. Poirier (Wells), 231.
Aymard's Trappeurs de l'Arkansas (Ninet),

Ayrton's Practical Electricity, Vol. I., 32.
Aytoun's Burial March of Dundee (Leask),


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