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of the advantage which he had gained, he had not a remnant of his former awkwardness; he spoke with fluency, and moved with grace. True it was, that he came to the house of Eleanor's friends every day - that he showed Eleanor his cottages and his schoolhouse, and accompanied the ladies in their rides and drives; but he never offered to show Eleanor his own house, and this was a proof to her, that he no longer wished her to be its mistress. Her friend thought it a proof of the contrary, but was too wise to say so, especially as the confusion and awkwardness, once Edward Vincent's, seemed now, at times, transferred to poor Eleanor herself, who would have been glad to have heard him stammer and lisp again, and by his sheepish stare of admiration, have deserved to be likened to Cymon in the fable.

In the meanwhile Edward Vincent, who, in his heart, was no uninterested observer of what was passing, saw, that as Eleanor was now left to her own unbiassed judgement, that judgement was in his favour; and being, therefore, convinced that he was now not likely to be refused, he called on her silent but observant friend, to lay his whole case before her. Beginning by asking her whether Eleanor had told ,,She was too honorable, too delicate," cried she interrupting him,,,to tell me any thing; but I am too penetrating my dear friend, not to have discovered every thing; but say no more to me; you will find Eleanor alone in the library." He took the hint, and when Eleanor's sisters returned from abroad, they found her, to the great joy of their parents, the happy wife of Cymon, alias Edward Vincent.



Go-you may call it madness, folly;
You shall not chase my gloom away,
There's such a charm in melancholy,
I would not, if I could be gay.

Oh, if you knew the pensive pleasure
That fills my bosom when I sigh,
You would not rob me of a treasure
Monarchs are too poor to buy.



The noon was far advanced, as I found myself entering the park in which Devereux Court is situated. I did not enter by one of the lodges, but through a private gate. My horse was thoroughly jaded; for the distance I had come was great, and I had ridden rapidly; and as I entered the park, I dismounted, and throwing the rein over my arm, proceeded slowly on foot.

The great gates of the outer court were open as usual: I passed unheedingly through them, and was soon at the door of the hall. The porter, who unfolded to my summons the ponderous door, uttered, when

he saw me, an exclamation that seemed to my ear to have in it more of sorrow than welcome.


How is your master?" I asked.

The man shook his head, but did not hasten to answer: and impressed with a vague alarm, I hurried on without repeating the question. On the staircase I met old Nicholls, my uncle's valet: I stopped and questioned him. My uncle had been seized on the preceding day with the gout in his stomach, medical aid had been procured, but it was feared ineffectually, and the physicians had declared, about an hour before I arrived, that he could not, in human probability, outlive the night. Stifling the rising at my heart, I waited to hear no more I flew up the stairs I was at the door of my uncle's chamber there, and listened; all was still — I opened the door

I stopped

gently I stole in, and creeping to the bedside, knelt down, and covered my face with my hands; for I required a pause for self-possession, before I had courage to look up. When I raised my eyes, I saw my mother on the opposite side; she sat on a chair with a draft of medicine in one hand, and a watch in the other. She caught my eye, but did not speak; she gave me a sign of recognition, and looked down again upon the watch. My uncle's back was turned to me, and he lay so still, that for some moments I thought he was asleep; at last, however, he moved restlessly.

,,It is past noon!" said he to my mother,,,is it not?" It is three minutes and six seconds after four," replied my mother, looking closer at the watch.

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My uncle sighed. They have sent an express for the dear boy, Madam ?" said he.

,,Exactly at half past nine last evening," answered my mother, glancing at me.

,,He could scarce be here by this time," said my uncle, and he moved again in the bed.

» Pish

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how the pillow frets one."

,Is it too high?" said my mother.

,,No," said my uncle, faintly,,, no no the discomfort is not in the pillow, after all

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'tis a fine

Very!" said my mother;,,I wish you could go out. "


My uncle did not answer: there was a pause. „Od'sfish, Madam, are those carriage wheels?“

,, No, Sir William but



There are sounds in my ear —

my senses grow dim," said my uncle, unheeding her, —,,would that I might live another day I should not like to die

without seeing him. thing behind! the old knight?"

saw me.

,, My dear

no more.

'Sdeath, Madam, I do hear someSobs, as I live! Who sobs for and my uncle turned round, and

dear uncle!" I said, and could say

,,Ah, Morton!" cried the kind old man, putting his hand affectionately upon mine. ,, Beshrew me, but I think I have conquered the grim enemy now that you are come. But what's this, my boy?

tears, cheer up cheer up."

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But seeing that I wept and sobbed the more, my uncle, after a pause, continued in the somewhat figurative strain which he sometimes adopted, and which perhaps his dramatic studies had taught him.

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,Nay, Morton, what do you grieve for? that

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Age should throw off its fardel of aches and pains, and no longer groan along its weary road, meeting cold looks and unwilling welcomes, as both host and comrade grow weary of the same face, and the spendthrift heart has no longer quip or smile wherewith to pay the reckoning? No-no- let the poor pedlar shuffle off his dull pack, and fall asleep. But I am glad you are come: I would sooner have one of your kind looks at your uncle's stale saws or jests, than all the long faces about me, saving only the presence of your mother;" and with his characteristic gallantry, my uncle turned courteously to her.

,,Dear Sir William!" said she,,,it is time you should take your draft; and then would it not be better that you should see the chaplain he waits without." turning again to me,

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Od'sfish," said my uncle,

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,,'tis the way with them all when the body is past hope, comes the physician, and when the soul is past mending comes the priest. No, Madam, no, 'tis too late for either. Thank ye, Morton, thank ye, (as I started up took the draught from my mother's hand, and besought him to drink it),,'tis of no use; but if it pleases thee, I must," and he drank the medicine.


My mother rose, and walked towards the door it was ajar, and, as my eye followed her figure, I perceived, through the opening, the black garb of the chaplain.

,,Not yet," said she quietly;,, wait." And then gliding away, she seated herself by the window in silence, and told her beads.

My uncle continued:


,,They have been at me,

Morton, as if I had been a pagan; and I believe, in

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