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Punctuate the following passages; mark any metrical or grammatical peculiarities, and give explanations or derivations of the words in italics. (N.B. The two last are from Ford.)


My fear says I am mortal
Yet I have heard (my mother told it me
And now I do believe it) if I keep

My virgin flow'r uncropt pure chaste and fair
No goblin wood-god fairy elfe or fiend
Satyr or other pow'r that haunts the groves
Shall hurt my body or by vain illusion
Draw me to wander after idle fires
Or voices calling me in dead of night
To make me follow and so tole me on

Thro' mire and standing pools to find my ruin
Else why should this rough thing who never knew
Manners nor smooth humanity whose heats
Are rougher than himself and more mishapen
Thus mildly kneel to me Sure's there's a pow'r
In that great name of Virgin that binds fast
All rude uncivil bloods all appetites

That break their confines. (i. 1.)

(b) And if I do not shew thee thro' the pow'r
Of herbs and words I have as dark as night
Myself turned to thy Amoret in sight
Her very figure and the robe she wears
With tawny buskins and the hook she bears
Of thine own carving where your names are set
Wrought underneath with many a curious fret
The primrose chaplet taudry-lace and ring
Thou gav'st her for her singing with each thing
Else that she wears about her let me feel

The first fell stroke of that revenging steel. (iv. 1.) (c) Not a twig that durst deny me

Not a bush that durst descry me

To the little bird that sleeps
On the tender spray nor creeps
That hardy worm with pointed tail
But if I be under sail

Flying faster than the wind

Leaving all the clouds behind
But doth hide her tender head
In some hollow tree or bed

Of seeded nettles not a hare
Can be started from his fare
By my footing nor a wish
Is more sudden nor a fish
Can be found with greater ease
Cut the vast unbounded seas
Leaving neither print or sound
Than I when nimbly on the ground
I measure many a league an hour (iv. 2).
(d) Hold him gently till I fling

Water of a virtuous spring

On his temples turn him twice

To the moonbeams pinch him thrice
That the lab'ring soul may draw
From his great eclipse (iv. 2).

(e) Our scene is Sparta. He whose best of art
Hath drawn this piece calls it the Broken Heart
The title lends no expectation here
Of apish laughter or of some lame jeer
At place or persons no pretended clause
Of jests fit for a brothel courts applause
From vulgar admiration such low songs
Tuned to unchaste ears suit not modest tongues
The virgin-sisters then deserv'd fresh bays

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When innocence and sweetness crown'd their lays
Then vices gasp'd for breath whose whole commerce
Was whipp'd to exile by unblushing verse

This law we keep in our presentment now

Not to take freedom more than we allow

What may be here thought fiction when time's youth
Wanted some riper years was known a truth

In which if words have clothed the subject right
You may partake a pity with delight (Prologue).
I feel no palsies

On a pair-royal do I wait in death

My sovereign as his liegeman on my mistress
As a devoted servant and on Ithocles

As if no brave yet no unworthy enemy

Nor did I use an engine to entrap
His life out of a slavish fear to combat

Youth strength or cunning but for that I durst not
Engage the goodness of a cause on fortune


But which his name might have outfaced my vengeance
Oh Tecnicus inspired with Phoebus' fire

I call to mind thy augury 'twas perfect
Revenge proves its own executioner

When feeble man is bending to his mother

The dust he was first framed on thus he totters—(v. 2),

"I do not know where to find in any play, a catastrophe so grand, so solemn, and so surprising as this."..." Ford was of the first order of poets." C. Lamb, note to the Broken Heart.

"And then after the song she dies... This is the true false gallop of sentiment: anything more artificial and mechanical I cannot conceive." Hazlitt's Lectures on Dramatic Literature.

Give your own views on the merits of the plot of the Broken Heart, and of the last scene in particular.

7. Give derivations or full explanations of the following words and phrases, adducing any quotations which may throw light on the history or meaning of any expression.

Had broached in blood. (i. 1.)

All eyes who gaze upon that shrine of beauty,

He doth resolve, do homage to the miracle (id.).
If opportunity but sort (id.).

Cal. Your friend-Pro. He is so, madam,

In which the period of my fate consists―(i. 2).
This Provincial garland-(id.).

At odds with nature—(i. 3).

The information

Of an unsettled mind (id.).
This spruce springal (ii. 1).

Bass. Hey-day! up and ride me, rascal!

What is't?

Phu. Forsooth, they say, the king has mew'd

All his gray beard-(id.).

Ambition, like a seeled dove (ii. 2).

Now, uncle, now; this Now is now too late.

So provident is folly in sad issue,

That afterwit, like bankrupts debts, stands tallied,
Without all possibilities of payment (iv. 1).

Disturb him not; it is a talking motion

Provided for my torment (iv. 2).


I. From what sources do you think it probable that Shakespeare derived the plot of the Tempest? When was it first played? Does the date of its production lead you to believe that contemporaneous events suggested some of the incidents?

2. (a) What cares these roarers for the name of king? (i. 1. 17.) Quote any other instances of a similar grammatical inaccuracy in the play.


But nature should bring forth
Of its own kind (ii. 1. 162).

Discuss Shakespeare's use of its,' 'it,' and 'his' with a neuter antecedent.

3. Paraphrase and explain the following passages:
(a) Thy false uncle-new formed 'em (i. 2. 77-83).
Like one


Who hauing into truth, by telling of it,
Made such a synner of his memorie
To credite his owne lie, he did beleeue
He was indeed the Duke (i. 2. 99—103).

This is the reading of the Folio. What emendation, if any, do you suggest?

(c) Although this lord-here swims (ii. 1. 232-238).
Punctuate this passage:


My sweet mistress

Most busie lest, when I doe it (iii. I. 11-15).

In the last line the reading and punctuation is that of the Folio. State some of the principal emendations that have been suggested. Which do you prefer?

4. Explain the following passages, with especial reference to anything that may appear to you to require illustration, in grammar, history, or allusion :


The bettering of my mind
With that which, but by being so retired,
O'erprized all popular rate (i. 2. 90).

Explain the derivation and use of 'but.'

(b) When I have decked the sea with drops full salt

(c) This is no mortal business, nor no sound
That the earth owes (i. 2. 406).

Discuss the etymology and use of the verb 'owe.'

(i. 2. 155).

(d) Seb. But for your conscience—



Ant. Ay Sir, where lies that? If 'twere a kibe,
'Twould put me to my slipper; but I feel not
This deity in my bosom; twenty consciences
That stand 'twixt me and Milan, candied be they
And melt ere they molest! (ii. 1. 275.)
Sometimes I'll get thee
Young scamels from the rock (ii. 2. 175).
Which now we find

Each putter-out of five for one will bring us
Good warrant of (iii. 3. 47).

(g) One dowle that's in my plume (iii. 3. 65).
(h) I have given you here a third of mine own life,
Or that for which I live (iv. I. 2).

(i) Thy bankes with pioned and twilled brims (iv. 1. 64). This is the reading of the Folio. State some of the best emendations that have been proposed.



What is known as to the date of the production of the "Tempest," and of the sources from which it is derived? Do you suppose it to belong to Shakespeare's earlier or to his later works? Give your reasons.

2. Compare the use made by Shakespeare in the Tempest of supernatural agents with their employment in Midsummer Night's Dream and Macbeth. Point out in each case their distinguishing characteristics, and the relation in which they stand to human beings.

3. Briefly discuss the characters of Caliban, and of Gonzalo. 4. Explain, and comment upon, the following passages, assigning each to the speaker of it.

(a) ...whiles you, doing thus-befits the hour (ii. 1. 284-289).

(B) Were I in England now, as once I was, and had but this fish painted, not a holiday fool there but would give me a piece of silver: there would this monster make a man: any strange beast there makes a man... Legged like a man, and his fins like arms! Warm o' my troth! (ii. 2.)

(y)...thou shalt be my lieutenant, monster, or my standard. Your lieutenant, if you list; he's no standard (iii. 2. 18). (8) When we were boys-Good warrant of (iii. 3. 43-49).

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