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second magnetic shell whose strength is p', the values of F, G, H

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where the integrations are extended once round the curve s', which forms the edge of this shell.

Substituting these values in the expression for M we find

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where the integration is extended once rounds and once round s. This expression gives the potential energy due to the mutual action of the two shells, and is, as it ought to be, the same when s and s are interchanged. This expression with its sign reversed, when the strength of each shell is unity, is called the potential of the two closed curves s and s. It is a quantity of great importance in the theory of electric currents. If we write for the angle between the directions of the elements ds and ds', the potential of s and s may be written

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It is evidently a quantity of the dimension of a line.




424.] WE have hitherto considered the actual distribution of magnetization in a magnet as given explicitly among the data of the investigation. We have not made any assumption as to whether this magnetization is permanent or temporary, except in those parts of our reasoning in which we have supposed the magnet broken up into small portions, or small portions removed from the magnet in such a way as not to alter the magnetization of any part.

We have now to consider the magnetization of bodies with respect to the mode in which it may be produced and changed. A bar of iron held parallel to the direction of the earth's magnetic force is found to become magnetic, with its poles turned the opposite way from those of the earth, or the same way as those of a compass needle in stable equilibrium.

Any piece of soft iron placed in a magnetic field is found to exhibit magnetic properties. If it be placed in a part of the field where the magnetic force is great, as between the poles of a horse-shoe magnet, the magnetism of the iron becomes intense. If the iron is removed from the magnetic field, its magnetic properties are greatly weakened or disappear entirely. If the magnetic properties of the iron depend entirely on the magnetic force of the field in which it is placed, and vanish when it is removed from the field, it is called Soft iron. Iron which is soft in the magnetic sense. is also soft in the literal sense. It is easy to bend it and give it a permanent set, and difficult to break it.

Iron which retains its magnetic properties when removed from the magnetic field is called Hard iron. Such iron does not take




up the magnetic state so readily as soft iron. The operation of hammering, or any other kind of vibration, allows hard iron under the influence of magnetic force to assume the magnetic state more readily, and to part with it more readily when the magnetizing force is removed. Iron which is magnetically hard is also more stiff to bend and more apt to break.

The processes of hammering, rolling, wire-drawing, and sudden cooling tend to harden iron, and that of annealing tends to soften it.

The magnetic as well as the mechanical differences between steel of hard and soft temper are much greater than those between hard and soft iron. Soft steel is almost as easily magnetized and demagnetized as iron, while the hardest steel is the best material for magnets which we wish to be permanent.

Cast iron, though it contains more carbon than steel, is not so retentive of magnetization.

If a magnet could be constructed so that the distribution of its magnetization is not altered by any magnetic force brought to act upon it, it might be called a rigidly magnetized body. The only known body which fulfils this condition is a conducting circuit round which a constant electric current is made to flow.

Such a circuit exhibits magnetic properties, and may therefore be called an electromagnet, but these magnetic properties are not affected by the other magnetic forces in the field. We shall return to this subject in Part IV.

All actual magnets, whether made of hardened steel or of loadstone, are found to be affected by any magnetic force which is brought to bear upon them.

It is convenient, for scientific purposes, to make a distinction between the permanent and the temporary magnetization, defining the permanent magnetization as that which exists independently of the magnetic force, and the temporary magnetization as that which depends on this force. We must observe, however, that this distinction is not founded on a knowledge of the intimate nature of magnetizable substances: it is only the expression of an hypothesis introduced for the sake of bringing calculation to bear on the phenomena. We shall return to the physical theory of magnetization in Chapter VI.

425.] At present we shall investigate the temporary magnetization on the assumption that the magnetization of any particle of the substance depends solely on the magnetic force acting on

that particle. This magnetic force may arise partly from external causes, and partly from the temporary magnetization of neighbouring particles.

A body thus magnetized in virtue of the action of magnetic force, is said to be magnetized by induction, and the magnetization is said to be induced by the magnetizing force.

The magnetization induced by a given magnetizing force differs in different substances. It is greatest in the purest and softest iron, in which the ratio of the magnetization to the magnetic force may reach the value 32, or even 45*.

Other substances, such as the metals nickel and cobalt, are capable of an inferior degree of magnetization, and all substances when subjected to a sufficiently strong magnetic force, are found to give indications of polarity.

When the magnetization is in the same direction as the magnetic force, as in iron, nickel, cobalt, &c., the substance is called Paramagnetic, Ferromagnetic, or more simply Magnetic. When the induced magnetization is in the direction opposite to the magnetic force, as in bismuth, &c., the substance is said to be Diamagnetic.

In all these substances the ratio of the magnetization to the magnetic force which produces it is exceedingly small, being only about 100000 in the case of bismuth, which is the most highly diamagnetic substance known.

In crystallized, strained, and organized substances the direction of the magnetization does not always coincide with that of the magnetic force which produces it. The relation between the components of magnetization, referred to axes fixed in the body, and those of the magnetic force, may be expressed by a system of three linear equations. Of the nine coefficients involved in these equations we shall shew that only six are independent. The phenomena of bodies of this kind are classed under the name of Magnecrystallic phenomena.

When placed in a field of magnetic force, crystals tend to set themselves so that the axis of greatest paramagnetic, or of least diamagnetic, induction is parallel to the lines of magnetic force. See Art. 435.

In soft iron, the direction of the magnetization coincides with that of the magnetic force at the point, and for small values of the magnetic force the magnetization is nearly proportional to it.

* Thalén, Nova Acta, Reg. Soc. Sc., Upsal., 1863.




As the magnetic force increases, however, the magnetization increases more slowly, and it would appear from experiments described in Chap. VI, that there is a limiting value of the magnetization, beyond which it cannot pass, whatever be the value of the magnetic force.

In the following outline of the theory of induced magnetism, we shall begin by supposing the magnetization proportional to the magnetic force, and in the same line with it.

Definition of the Coefficient of Induced Magnetization.

426.] Let be the magnetic force, defined as in Art. 398, at any point of the body, and let I be the magnetization at that point, then the ratio of I to H is called the Coefficient of Induced Magnetization.

Denoting this coefficient by K, the fundamental equation of induced magnetism is

J = KH.


The coefficient K is positive for iron and paramagnetic substances, and negative for bismuth and diamagnetic substances. It reaches the value 32 in iron, and it is said to be large in the case of nickel and cobalt, but in all other cases it is a very small quantity, not greater than 0.00001.

The force H arises partly from the action of magnets external to the body magnetized by induction, and partly from the induced magnetization of the body itself. Both parts satisfy the condition of having a potential.

427.] Let be the potential due to magnetism external to the body, let be that due to the induced magnetization, then if U is the actual potential due to both causes

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Let the components of the magnetic force 5, resolved in the directions of x, y, z, be a, ẞ, y, and let those of the magnetization I be A, B, C, then by equation (1),

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Multiplying these equations by dx, dy, dz respectively, and adding, we find

A dx+B dy+Cdz = к (a dx + ẞ dy + y dz).

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