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phenomena can be accounted for by supposing that like ends of the magnets repel each other, that unlike ends attract each other, and that the intermediate parts of the magnets have no sensible mutual action.

The ends of a long thin magnet are commonly called its Poles. In the case of an indefinitely thin magnet, uniformly magnetized throughout its length, the extremities act as centres of force, and the rest of the magnet appears devoid of magnetic action. In all actual magnets the magnetization deviates from uniformity, so that no single points can be taken as the poles. Coulomb, however, by using long thin rods magnetized with care, succeeded in establishing the law of force between two magnetic poles *.

The repulsion between two magnetic poles is in the straight line joining them, and is numerically equal to the product of the strengths of the poles divided by the square of the distance between them.

374.] This law, of course, assumes that the strength of each pole is measured in terms of a certain unit, the magnitude of which may be deduced from the terms of the law.

The unit-pole is a pole which points north, and is such that, when placed at unit distance from another unit-pole, it repels it with unit of force, the unit of force being defined as in Art. 6. A pole which points south is reckoned negative.

If m1 and m, are the strengths of two magnetic poles, the distance between them, and f the force of repulsion, all expressed numerically, then



But if [m], [L] and [F] be the concrete units of magnetic pole, length and force, then

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[m] = [L} T−1M3].

The dimensions of the unit pole are therefore as regards length, (-1) as regards time, and as regards mass. These dimensions are the same as those of the electrostatic unit of electricity, which is specified in exactly the same way in Arts. 41, 42.

* His experiments on magnetism with the Torsion Balance are contained in the Memoirs of the Academy of Paris, 1780-9, and in Biot's Traité de Physique, tom. iii.

375.] The accuracy of this law may be considered to have been established by the experiments of Coulomb with the Torsion Balance, and confirmed by the experiments of Gauss and Weber, and of all observers in magnetic observatories, who are every day making measurements of magnetic quantities, and who obtain results which would be inconsistent with each other if the law of force had been erroneously assumed. It derives additional support from its consistency with the laws of electromagnetic phenomena.

376.] The quantity which we have hitherto called the strength of a pole may also be called a quantity of 'Magnetism,' provided we attribute no properties to 'Magnetism' except those observed in the poles of magnets.

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Since the expression of the law of force between given quantities of Magnetism' has exactly the same mathematical form as the law of force between quantities of Electricity' of equal numerical value, much of the mathematical treatment of magnetism must be similar to that of electricity. There are, however, other properties of magnets which must be borne in mind, and which may throw some light on the electrical properties of bodies.

Relation between the Poles of a Magnet.

377.] The quantity of magnetism at one pole of a magnet is always equal and opposite to that at the other, or more generally thus:


In every Magnet the total quantity of Magnetism (reckoned algebraically) is zero.

Hence in a field of force which is uniform and parallel throughout the space occupied by the magnet, the force acting on the marked end of the magnet is exactly equal, opposite and parallel to that on the unmarked end, so that the resultant of the forces is a statical couple, tending to place the axis of the magnet in a determinate direction, but not to move the magnet as a whole in any direction.

This may be easily proved by putting the magnet into a small vessel and floating it in water. The vessel will turn in a certain direction, so as to bring the axis of the magnet as near as possible to the direction of the earth's magnetic force, but there will be no motion of the vessel as a whole in any direction; so that there can be no excess of the force towards the north over that towards the south, or the reverse. It may also be shewn from the fact that magnetizing a piece of steel does not alter its weight. It does alter the apparent position of its centre of gravity, causing it in these

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latitudes to shift along the axis towards the north. The centre of inertia, as determined by the phenomena of rotation, remains unaltered.

378.] If the middle of a long thin magnet be examined, it is found to possess no magnetic properties, but if the magnet be broken at that point, each of the pieces is found to have a magnetic pole at the place of fracture, and this new pole is exactly equal and opposite to the other pole belonging to that piece. It is impossible, either by magnetization, or by breaking magnets, or by any other means, to procure a magnet whose poles are unequal.

If we break the long thin magnet into a number of short pieces we shall obtain a series of short magnets, each of which has poles of nearly the same strength as those of the original long magnet. This multiplication of poles is not necessarily a creation of energy, for we must remember that after breaking the magnet we have to do work to separate the parts, in consequence of their attraction for one another.

379.] Let us now put all the pieces of the magnet together as at first. At each point of junction there will be two poles exactly equal and of opposite kinds, placed in contact, so that their united action on any other pole will be null. The magnet, thus rebuilt, has therefore the same properties as at first, namely two poles, one at each end, equal and opposite to each other, and the part between these poles exhibits no magnetic action.

Since, in this case, we know the long magnet to be made up of little short magnets, and since the phenomena are the same as in the case of the unbroken magnet, we may regard the magnet, even before being broken, as made up of small particles, each of which has two equal and opposite poles. If we suppose all magnets to be made up of such particles, it is evident that since the algebraical quantity of magnetism in each particle is zero, the quantity in the whole magnet will also be zero, or in other words, its poles will be of equal strength but of opposite kind.

Theory of Magnetic Matter.'

380.] Since the form of the law of magnetic action is identical with that of electric action, the same reasons which can be given for attributing electric phenomena to the action of one fluid' or two fluids' can also be used in favour of the existence of a magnetic matter, or of two kinds of magnetic matter, fluid or

otherwise. In fact, a theory of magnetic matter, if used in a purely mathematical sense, cannot fail to explain the phenomena, provided new laws are freely introduced to account for the actual facts.

One of these new laws must be that the magnetic fluids cannot pass from one molecule or particle of the magnet to another, but that the process of magnetization consists in separating to a certain extent the two fluids within each particle, and causing the one fluid to be more concentrated at one end, and the other fluid to be more concentrated at the other end of the particle. This is the theory of Poisson.

A particle of a magnetizable body is, on this theory, analogous to a small insulated conductor without charge, which on the twofluid theory contains indefinitely large but exactly equal quantities of the two electricities. When an electromotive force acts on the conductor, it separates the electricities, causing them to become manifest at opposite sides of the conductor. In a similar manner, according to this theory, the magnetizing force causes the two kinds of magnetism, which were originally in a neutralized state, to be separated, and to appear at opposite sides of the magnetized particle.

In certain substances, such as soft iron and those magnetic substances which cannot be permanently magnetized, this magnetic condition, like the electrification of the conductor, disappears when the inducing force is removed. In other substances, such as hard steel, the magnetic condition is produced with difficulty, and, when produced, remains after the removal of the inducing force.

This is expressed by saying that in the latter case there is a Coercive Force, tending to prevent alteration in the magnetization, which must be overcome before the power of a magnet can be either increased or diminished. In the case of the electrified body this would correspond to a kind of electric resistance, which, unlike the resistance observed in metals, would be equivalent to complete insulation for electromotive forces below a certain value.

This theory of magnetism, like the corresponding theory of electricity, is evidently too large for the facts, and requires to be restricted by artificial conditions. For it not only gives no reason why one body may not differ from another on account of having more of both fluids, but it enables us to say what would be the properties of a body containing an excess of one magnetic fluid. It is true that a reason is given why such a body cannot exist,




but this reason is only introduced as an after-thought to explain this particular fact. It does not grow out of the theory.

381.] We must therefore seek for a mode of expression which shall not be capable of expressing too much, and which shall leave room for the introduction of new ideas as these are developed from new facts. This, I think, we shall obtain if we begin by saying that the particles of a magnet are Polarized.

Meaning of the term Polarization.'

When a particle of a body possesses properties related to a certain line or direction in the body, and when the body, retaining these properties, is turned so that this direction is reversed, then if as regards other bodies these properties of the particle are reversed, the particle, in reference to these properties, is said to be polarized, and the properties are said to constitute a particular kind of polarization.

Thus we may say that the rotation of a body about an axis constitutes a kind of polarization, because if, while the rotation continues, the direction of the axis is turned end for end, the body will be rotating in the opposite direction as regards space.

A conducting particle through which there is a current of electricity may be said to be polarized, because if it were turned round, and if the current continued to flow in the same direction as regards the particle, its direction in space would be reversed.

In short, if any mathematical or physical quantity is of the nature of a vector, as defined in Art. 11, then any body or particle to which this directed quantity or vector belongs may be said to be Polarized*, because it has opposite properties in the two opposite directions or poles of the directed quantity.

The poles of the earth, for example, have reference to its rotation, and have accordingly different names.

The word Polarization has been used in a sense not consistent with this in Optics, where a ray of light is said to be polarized when it has properties relating to its sides, which are identical on opposite sides of the ray. This kind of polarization refers to another kind of Directed Quantity, which may be called a Dipolar Quantity, in opposition to the former kind, which may be called Unipolar.

When a dipolar quantity is turned end for end it remains the same as before. Tensions and Pressures in solid bodies, Extensions, Compressions and Distortions and most of the optical, electrical, and magnetic properties of crystallized bodies are dipolar quantities.

The property produced by magnetism in transparent bodies of twisting the plane of polarization of the incident light, is, like magnetism itself, a unipolar property, The rotatory property referred to in Art. 303 is also unipolar.

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