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Y Reason of the many Additions and Improvements to this Edition, now offered to the Public, this Work will, on the nearest Computation, make Three Volumes in Folio; to be printed on a fine Paper and beautiful Letter; 180 Sheets to each Volume, or thereabouts, exclufive of the Maps and Prints, Four Sheets of which, ftitch'd in blue Paper, will be delivered to the Subfcribers every Saturday, at Six-Pence each.

II. There will be upwards of Forty Maps accurately drawn, according to the Geographical Part of the Work, and engraved by HERMAN MOLL; befides a great Number of other Prints, representing the Habits of the People, Buildings, &c.

III. The first Number will be 'published, on Saturday, the Fourteenth of January next.

SUBSCRIPTIONS are taken in by the Proprietors,

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By the Printers and Bookfellers, in all the Cities and noted Towns in Great-Britain and Ireland.

N. B. Although there will be included in this Work fo large a Number of Moll's Folio Maps, reprefenting all the Countries of the World, befides other Prints, &c. yet, as an Encouragement to the Subscribers, they will be given Gratis, of which the Public are defired to take Notice; and which we hope will be an Inducement for Gentlemen to be early in their Subfcriptions, efpecially as this Undertaking is by much the cheapest, and moft correct, ever yet offered to the Public.


For Printing, by Weekly Numbers,


A THIRD EDITION (with confiderable Additions and Improvements, interfperfed in the Body of the Work, alfo the Hiftory and Revolutions of each Country, brought down to the prefent Time.)

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Their respective Situations, Perfons, Habits, Buildings, Manners, Laws and Customs, Religion, Policy, Arts and Sciences, Trades, Manufactures and Husbandry, Plants, Animals, and Minerals.


In which are comprehended, not only fuch Voyages and Travels, as have been published already, but the Accounts and Obfervations of feveral judicious Travellers, who have lately vifited the remoteft Parts of the Globe, and had great Opportunities of informing themselves of the present State of the refpective Nations they describe.

This EDITION alfo contains an ABSTRACT of the antient HISTORY of moft of the Countries defcribed, and brings it down to the present Times.

The Whole adorned with CUTS of the various INHABITANTS, and MAPS of the feveral COUNTRIES, projected by HERMON MOLL, the most accurate and correct GEOGRAPHER of this Age.


S the Author is not so vain as to think himself Master of every Talent requifite for writing Hiftory, yet he apprehends he has fome Advantages that others want, who have attempted Works of this Nature. He has, in Perfon, travelled almoft through every Climate; all the Travels extant, of any Value, have been perused by him. He has had the Affiftance of great Numbers of Travellers, who have refided in the feveral Countries he defcribes; and has, with unwearied Application, for near Twenty Years, examined into the Credibility of the various Relations, throwing out the Rubbish, the numerous Repetitions and Abfurdities, with which most of our Collections of Voyages and Travels abound; after which, he has ranged the feveral Particulars treated of, under proper Heads, and endeavoured to render them equally useful and entertaining.

AND, as it is no fmall Satisfaction to him, to find the last Impreffion fo well received, as to go off in a very short Time, he is encouraged thereby to redouble his Efforts to render this Impreffion as free from Error as can be expected, in a Work fo vaftly extenfive, and confifting of fuch Variety of Matter.

Socinian Controversy. QUARTO.


7389 King-killing Doctrine of the Jefuits, delivered in a plain and fincere Difcourfe to the French King


7390 True Teft of the Jefuits; or the spirit of that Society, difloyal to God, their King, and to their Neighbour



7391 The Miffionaries Arts difcovered 7392 The Jefuits Reasons unreasonable; or Doubts propofed to the Jefuits


7393 Hiftorical Account of the Behaviour of the Jefuits and their Faction, for the first 25 Years of Q. Elizabeth's Reign


7394 7395

Books relating to the Socinian Controversy. QUARTO.



Aked Truth, or the true State of the primitive Church Mr. Smirke; or, the Divine in Mode; being certain Annotations upon the Animadverfions on the Naked Truth 1676 7396 The Naked Gofpel


This was condemned and ordered to be publickly burnt by. the Convocation of the University of Oxford, Aug. 19, 169r. 7397 The Fires continued at Oxford; or, the Decree of the Convocation, for burning the Naked Gofpel, confidered.

7398 Answer to an Heretical Book, called, The Naked Gofpel, by Wm. Nicholls 1691 7399 Impartial Account of the Word Mystery, as it is taken in the Holy

1691 7400 Defence of the brief History of the Unitarians, against Dr. Sher


lock's Anfwer

1691 7401 Accurate Examination of the principal Texts ufually alledged for the Divinity of our Saviour

1692 7402 Tinitarian Scheme of Religion concerning God and Mankind con

fidered 1692 7403 Reflections on two Difcourfes concerning the Divinity of our Saviour 1693 7404 Platonism Unveil'd; or, an Effay concerning the Notions of Plato, in Relation to the Logos, and the Doctrine of the Trinity in general 7405 Prefent State of the Socinian Controverfy, by Sherlock 1698 7406 The Socinian Controversy difcuffed; wherein the Chief of the Socinian Tracts are confidered, by C. Leslie


1708 7407 Critical History of the Athanafian Creed, reprefenting the Opinions of Ancients and Moderns concerning it, by Dr. Waterland 1724


7408 Collection of Tracts, by Tho. Chubb 7409 Dialogue by Way of Queftion and Anfwer, concerning the Deity, all the Refponfes being taken verbatim out of the Scriptures. This Treatife was prefented to both Houses of Parliament 1693, and ordered by them to be burnt by the common Hangman. 7410 Of Worshipping the Holy Ghost exprefly, as a Perfon equal to, and diftinct from the Father.

7411 Two Letters touching the Trinity and Incarnation the first urging the Belief of the Athanafian Creed; the Second an Antwer




7412 Let

7412 Letter of Refolution concerning the Doctrines of the Trinity and

the Incarnation.

7413 The Senfe of the Fathers and Expofitors of the three firft Ages. concerning the Divinity of our Lord Jefus Chrift; done from the Latin of the learned Dr. Bull, 2 vol. MS. very fairly wrote.

Philofophia, Latine, Gallice, Italice, & Hifpanice. QUARTO.

7414 N


Ewtoni Philofophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Ch. max.
in form. fol. cor. Turc, deaurat. fol. deaurat.
Idem, Charta maxima

Lond. 1726 ib. 1726 7416 Fladoie pour le S. Girard Vanopftal, un des Recteurs de l'Acad. Royale de la Peinture & de la Sculpture, gr. Pap. doree fur la a Paris 1668 7417 De Moivre Mifcell. Analytica de Seriebus & Quadraturis Lond. 1730 7418 Architecture Hydraulique l'Art de conduire d'Elever & de menager les Eaux pour les differens Befoins de la Vie, par M. Belidor, avec


tran be


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fg. a Paris 1737 Hypficlis Anaphoricus, five de Afcenfionibus, qua Græce, qua Latine vulgatus, per Jac. Mentelium, Ch. max. cor. Turc. Parif. 1657 Heliodori Lariffæi de Opticis Lib. II. gr. lat. a E. Bartholino, Ch. 1657 7420 Newtoni Analyfis per Quantitatum Series, Fluxiones, ac Differentias cum Enumerat. Linearum tertii Ordinis, Ch. max. cor. Turc. fol. Lond. 1711 7421 Traite Analytique des Sections Coniques, & de leur Ufage, par le Marq. de l'Hofpital, avec fig. a Paris 1707 7422 H. Witek indi Conformatio Horologiorum Sciotericorum in Superficiebus planis, utrumque fitis jacentibus, erectis, reclinatis, &c. interfol. cum multis Notis MS.



7423 La Science du Calcul des Grandeurs en Gen. ou les Elemens des Mathematiques a Paris 1714 7424 Effay d'Analyfe fur les Jeux de Hazard ib. 1713 7425 Joh. Craig de Calculo Fluentium Lib. II. quibus fubjunguntur Lib. II. de Optica Analytica, Ch. max.

Lond. 1718

7426 Memoirs de l'Acad. Royale des Sciences, contenant les Ouvrages adoptez par cette Academie, avant fon Renouvellement en 1699, 5 tom. avec. fig. a la Haye 1731 7427 Commentarii Acad. Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanæ, 6 tom. avec. fig. Petropoli 1728 7428 Defcription abrege d'une Horologe d'une nouvelle Invention, pour la juite Mefure du Temps fur Mer, par Hen. Sully, avec fig. a Paris 1726 tom. avec fig. a Paris 1725

7429 Nouvelle Mecanique ou Statique de M. Varignon, 2

7430 Traite des Lignes du premier Genre expliques par une Methode nouvelle & facille, par Ozanam, avec fig.

a Paris 1687

7431 Heliodori Lariffei de Opticis Libri II. gr. lat. per E. Bartholinum

Parif. 1657

7432 Memoirs de Mathematique & de Phyfique tirez des Regiftres de l'Acad. Royale des Sciences a Paris de l'Imp. Royale 1692

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