P. 198, line 3. not for news at large, i. e. not merely a matter which concerned all persons alike, no piece of ordinary news. 14. the other, i.e. the case of Ferdinand. P. 199, line 7. poor amity of Aragon. Poor, because Ferdinand would have lost Castile. 13. Queen of Naples. This was Joan widow of Ferdinand II of Naples, and niece of Ferdinand of Aragon. 16. goal a matter of contention. 20. Francis Marsin. Sir Francis Marsin was also employed in the communications between Lewis XII and Henry. See Gairdner's Letters, &c. (1. 289). He was likewise one of those present at the meeting between Henry and the Archduke Philip in 1500. James Braybrooke. Braybrooke is mentioned among the grooms and pages of the chamber present at the same meeting. 21. John Stile. Stile is alluded to in the instructions given to Wolsey about the treaty of marriage between Henry and Margaret of Savoy. He must have at some time been in trouble, for he received a pardon 16 June, 1502. See Gairdner, II. 378. The commissioners went first to Valencia, where the two Queens were, and then to Segovia, where they arrived on the 14th of July, 1505, and had their interview with Ferdinand shortly afterwards. Marsin and Braybooke were paid 5s. a day and Stile 45. a day for four months, which was the time occupied by the mission. 29. the old... Queen of Naples. This was Joan, widow of Ferdinand I of Naples. She was a daughter of John II king of Aragon, and mother of the widowed queen mentioned p. 119, 1. 13. 31. Doctor de Puebla. Rodrigo de la Puebla. For much of the correspondence of this envoy with Ferdinand, see Gairdner's Letters, &c. In 1507 King Henry granted to him the office of Master of Sherborne Hospital (Rymer, XIII. 167). P. 200, line 5. curious and exquisite. The commissioners report in regard to one point of their directions, "to mark and note well the features of her body," that the young queen was so covered with her mantle that they could only see her visage. P. 201, line 10. by continuance, by a long residence in the country. 13. Pluto was better to him than Pallas, i.e. Pluto representing wealth and Pallas wisdom, the phrase implies that his plans did not succeed, though in gain of actual wealth he was very fortunate. 22. which was the King's own case, i.e. Prince Henry's popularity was greater than that of his father, and for this same reason, that the King had grieved the people by his exactions. See text. p. 211. 25. Amason. Michael Peter d'Almacan, secretary of Ferdinand and Isabella (see Rymer, XIII. 86). 27. Charles Prince of Castile: afterwards the famous emperor Charles V. He was born at Ghent 24th February, 1500. 31. Angolesme. This was Francis of Angoulême, duke of Valois, afterwards King Francis I of France. P. 202, line 1. Madame de Fois, i.e. Germaine de Foix, niece to Lewis XII. 12. entire, &c., to act more confidently and heartily towards Ferdinand, but to give great outward observance and diligence to his conduct towards Philip. 16. both allies, both Philip the father of Charles, and Ferdinand, who was grandfather to that prince. 23. As a specimen of the English of Grafton's Chronicle, a portion of the description of the unintended visit of the Archduke Philip to England is subjoined: "In this very season, and the yere of our Lord 1505, Elizabeth Queene of Castell, wife to Ferdinand king of Arragon dyed without any issue male, by reason whereof the inheritance of Castell (because that kingdoms be not partible) discended to Lady Jane her eldest daughter by king Ferdinando, the which was maried to Philip Archduke of Austrich and Burgoyne, and Erle of Flaunders. Which kingdome he obtayned by hys wife, and had the possession of the same and was named, reputed, and taken, as king of Castell and Lyn. Wherefore the yere folowyng, about the sixt day of January, havyng a great navy prepared, he sayled out of Flaunders with his wife towarde Spaine, but he had sayled no great way, before that a sore tempest, by reason of contrariety of windes sodainly arose, so that the whole navy was tossed and chafed with the waves and sodaine scourges. In so much the winde havyng the maistry, dispersed and separated the ships asunder into divers places on the coast of England, The kinges ship with two other vesselles were blowen by tempest on the west part of the realme to the porte of Weymouth in Dorsetshire. Then king Philip which was not expert, and had not frequented the seas before, beyng weryed and unquieted both in minde and bodie, enteryng the ship boate to refreshe and repose himselfe a little, came a land contrary to the mynd of his counsaile and capitaynes, which foresaw and knew well that the same landyng should be the occasion of lenger tariyng there. When it was knowen that straunge shippes were arrived there came thether a great number as well of noblemen, as of rurall persons that dwelle about that coast, to repulse and beate away him if he were their enemie. But when they perceyved he was their friend and lover, and driven thether by force of weather, Sir Thomas Trenchard knight, the chiefe of that companie, went to Philip king of Castell with all humanitie and lowlinesse, invityng and desyring him (if he would so vouchsafe) to visite his Manor and Mancion, which was even nighe at hande, trustyng thereby to have great thankes of the king his maister, if he could protract and cause him to tarye there, until such tyme as king Henry were certifyed of his arrivall, to whom with all diligente celeritie, he sent divers postes to notifie to his grace of king Philips landyng. This rumour beyng farther blowne abrode of this straunge Princes commyng, in a short space there assembled together a great multitude of people all a long the sea-coast. And among other there came first Sir John Carew with a goodly band of picked men. Which Sir John and Sir Thomas Trenchard entreated the king of Castell, not to depart until such tyme as he had spoken with king Henry his lovyng and faythful friend and allye, assuryng him that he would repayre thether within two or three daies at the most. King Philip excused himselfe by the necessitie of his weightie enterprise and importunate cause, affyrming that long tariyng in matters of gravitie and doubtfull, ought to be excluded: wherefore he alleged that protractyng of tyme might turne him to great prejudice,-denying at the first to expect and tary the commyng of the king of England: but yet being perswaded by reason in himselfe, that he might be let and interrupted, if he woulde proffer once to go abrode to his shippes againe, at their gentle desyre and lovyng contemplation, assented to their humble petition and request. 32. Sir Thomas Trenchard, of Wolverton. For an account of this family, see Hutchin's Dorset, II. 151. It is there stated that John Russell of Berwick was sent for, as having been resident in Spain, to help his relative Sir Thos. Trenchard in interesting the archduke, and thus his family came into favour with Henry VII and that the foundation of the honours of the illustrious family of the Duke of Bedford dates from this time. P. 203, line 4. Sir John Carew. A member of the family of Carew of Haccombe in Devonshire. See Lyson's Britannia (Vol. VI. p. 46). II. the Earl of Arundel. Thomas Fitz-Alan. He had served in Flanders in the wars in aid of Maximilian. His wife was a daughter of Earl Rivers, and one of his daughters had been the wife of John Earl of Lincoln. 27. when they met last. 33. See text, p. 180, 1. 16. were raised, i. e. by his accession to the kingdom of Castile. P. 204, line 5. changing his countenance, &c. The Latin has Vultuque nonnihil ad serium composito, "with his looks somewhat changed to a solemn cast." 30. shall not take his life. Henry so far kept his word, but the Earl was put to death in 1513 by Henry VIII. P. 205, line 7. enforced, i. e. forced by Henry to send for the Earl of Suffolk from Flanders. 19. received at the Tower. This was, according to the old Chronicle, about the end of March, 1505-6. 24. Golden Fleece. The order of the Golden Fleece was instituted by Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy, in 1429. The King of Spain as duke of Burgundy became Grand Master of the Order. P. 206, line 3. in the treaty of undecimo, i.e. in the intercursus magnus granted in the eleventh year of the King. II. the school-house. Dean Colet's school was established in 1512 between the end of Henry VIIth's reign and Bacon's time. 21. deceased. Philip died 25 Sept. 1526. 32. fell distracted. She is reported to have shewn signs of insanity before this time. P. 207, line 2. the felicity of Charles the eighth, in his conquest of Naples. 7. Pope Julius, i. e. Julius II who occupied the pontifical throne from 1503 to 1513. 8. his famous prediction, mentioned afterwards in the text, p. 220, 1. 31. He is said to have foretold that Henry of Richmond would be King of England at a time when such a statement seemed most improbable. 12. Julius was too dear. Against this notion, see Hook's Lives of the Archbishops (1st series, Vol. V. p. 460), where it is shewn that Henry VII did actually pay the sum required (1500 ducats) for the canonization of Anselm, and such sum he would not have spared to accomplish his end if money could have done it. 22. Lady Margaret duchess dowager of Savoy. This was the princess who in the commencement of Henry's reign had been betrothed to Charles VIII of France and called Queen of France. She was sent from the court of France where she was being educated, at the time when Charles married Anne of Brittany. She was sent to Spain in 1496, and married the duke of Savoy and was now his widow. 28. Thomas Wolsey, afterwards the famous archbishop of York. P. 208, line 4. a little of the wheel, i. e. to experience a change of fortune. 12. the government of Castilia. Dr Lingard says that, after the death of Philip, Maximilian urged Henry to make this claim. P. 209, line 12. the Savoy. Henry VII rebuilt this palace which had first been the residence of Peter duke of Savoy under Eleanor queen of Henry III. Henry VII made it a charitable foundation, and by his will left an endowment for a master and four chaplains. Over the gate were these lines, 66 'King Henry the seventh to his merit and honour This hospital founded poor people to succour." 23. Sir William Capel. See before p. 128. 33. Knesworth. Thomas Kneesworth was one of the sheriffs of London in 1495 and mayor in 1505. P. 210, line 6. Sir Lawrence Ailmer. He was sheriff in 1501. 10. Empson was committed in his place. On the accession of Henry VIII. 22. was perfected. Dec. 17, 1508. P. 211, line 11. a general pardon, a boon bestowed by Kings at the time of their coronation. 22. 1508. This should be 1509, but is thus printed in Speed and in the edition of 1622. Henry completed his twenty-third year on 21st Aug. 1508 and died 22nd April, 1509. P. 214, line 3. to discharge, &c. i.e. to take the blame away from their princes, even though they lay it unfairly upon others. 13. sought to purge, e.g. by the execution of Empson and Dudley. P. 215, line 11. Hastings. William, Lord Hastings of Ashby de la Zouch, executed by Richard III. 12. Charles Brandon, afterwards duke of Suffolk and husband of Mary, Henry VIIth's younger daughter. See P. 216, line 28. to give them credence, to cause people to believe them to be his real enemies as Henry did by having them cursed. text, p. 116, 1. 15. P. 217, line 13. till himself were declared, till he had made his own intention known. 27. Hussey. Sir William Hussey was chief justice of the King's Bench. (See Gairdner's Letters, &c. 1. 67.) Frowick, one of the King's serjeants at law. P. 219, line 2. Cardinal Adrian, i. e. Adrian de Castello. See note on p. 68, 1. 11. P. 220, line 13. tres magi, i. e. the three wise men. 14. long of, i. e. owing to. This expression is not common, but see Shaksp. Cymb. V. 5. 271, "O, she was naught and long of her it was That we meet here so strangely." P. 221, line 6. daintiest monuments. Henry VIIth's chapel will still bear the praise which Bacon here gives to it. |