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16th and S Streets, N. W.,

Washington, D. C.


PHOENIX, ARIZONA, November 22, 1917.

Words of sincere approbation, words without flattery, the flowers by life's wayside, and the delight of those who, in passing, try to make life easier, more enlightened and better for others.

Fully believing that "Nemo," who has so ably written on the subject, "The Religion of Freemasonry," will appreciate a kind word, permit me, through you, to say to him that, should THE NEW AGE never again print anything of worth, what Nemo has said should be treasured, learned and practiced by all; and every Mason should, after reading, know that, until he learns and practices what Nemo has said, he may be a Mason in name, but never in fact.

Anything good that is adopted, practiced and put into effect by any man or woman, is religion. It is the basic fact upon which this universe and all therein was first created and built therefrom. It is that live ember that has always smoldered, never has been, and never will be, completely put out or smothered by humanity's ignorance. It has withstood the selfishness and the intrigue of the worst that is in man since time began, and from out of every chaos has risen brighter, stronger, and discernible by more men and women. The world has tried to deny that we are our brother's keepers. Men have lived, believed, taught, preached and died, for this idea: we are our brother's keepers. Christ came, did all these things, and one thing more-the last act in proof-He demonstrated the Truth and, as He said, had He not done the things He did, then men could find an excuse; but He removed the last vestige of doubt and firmly established the proof.

From the world-chaos in which we now are will come forth this truth, startling in its distinctness, to men who, having ears, heard not, and having eyes, saw not, but will be forced to see. We are our brother's keepers, and to this truth all men will subscribe sooner or later and will gladly practice it.

They tell us the struggle is between autocracy and democracy. Nay, nay, the struggle is between the wrong philosophies of the world and the right philosophy. The philosophies upon which governments have, so far, been founded and interpreted from the Pharisaical standpoint, and the one and only true philosophy that was taught, preached, lived, exemplified, demonstrated and died for, by the Christ; the one that requires neither priest nor preacher, neither lawyer nor doctor-the great obstacles to man's progress; its only requirement being, live simply and humbly, pray, keep pure, and, loving thy brother as thyself, be a


Sincerely yours,

GEO. U. YOUNG, 32°.


602 MASS. AVE., ARLINGTON, MASS., November 25, 1917.

MR. JOHN H. COWLES, Secretary General.

Another year has passed into eternity, and I am just as much in love with THE NEW AGE as I have been for the last seven or eight years. When I consider

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the daily events through which we are now passing, it makes me feel almost degenerate to think that the human family has fallen to the lowest standard of barbarism. Instead of trying to glorify God and practice the principles of the brotherhood of man, they are tearing each other like wolves and are inventing and planning the greatest and most horrible implements of destruction the world has ever known, without the least regard for religion and the moral teachings that have come down to us from past ages.

When I consider all these things I do pray the Great Architect of the Universe to take me away to the "house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.' But since this cannot be granted me until He shall decide that my work here is done, I find great consolation for all my mental disturbances in the beautiful articles which I read in THE NEW AGE MAGAZINE. There I find the greatest and most hopeful expressions for future generations of the human race.

Now, my dear Sir and Brother, I hope you will pardon me for this writingI cannot help it, for I love humanity with (I hope) that boundless love which we owe to one another according to the command of our Heavenly Father.

May the Lord bless and prosper you and all the contributors to THE NEW AGE MAGAZINE, that it may always be the guiding star for all who are seeking the truth.

Enclosed find $1.50 in stamps in payment for another year's subscription, and you will also find enclosed a stamp for the return of the receipt for same. Hoping that this may find you and all of you in the best of health and spirits, I remain Yours fraternally,


COLUMBUS, OHIO, December 16, 1917.

Washington, D. C.


I wish you would allow me space to tell all our Masonic brethren how much they can do and are doing for the soldier boys.

I am from Canton Lodge No. 60, Canton, Ohio; and we are stationed in the Masonic Temple at Columbus, Ohio. Our brethren here have treated us exceedingly well. But all Masons, everywhere, can do a great deal for the boys who are going to the front for our country by always greeting them with a cheering word, and always remembering them in their prayers, that we may all soon come back in great joy and glory from a victory completely won. Let us hope that they will all do so.

Yours in F. & A. M.,



Because being officers of his kingdom ye did not judge aright, neither kept ye the law, nor walked after the counsel of God, awfully and swiftly shall he come upon you; because stern judgment befalleth them that be in high place; for the man of low estate may be pardoned in mercy, but mighty men shall be searched out mightily.-The Wisdom of Solomon.


For her true beginning is the desire of discipline; and the care for discipline is love of her. The Wisdom of Solomon.


Our address is, House of the Temple, 16th and S Streets, N. W., Washington, D. C., and not 433 Third Street, N. W. Our exchanges especially will please take notice and act accordingly.

Note the "Tableau" of the Supreme Council and the addresses of active members which will be found on the inside of the front cover of this magazine. Mail comes addressed to members of the Supreme Council who have been dead for three years.

Remember, each and every time, in notifying us of changes of address to give the old address as well as the new.

We endeavor to mail out THE NEW AGE MAGAZINE, beginning the 15th of each month. It requires a week or ten days to get eighty thousand copies in the mail, so do not be impatient if you do not receive your magazine until the latter part of the month.

Only a few extra copies are printed. We can supply a few copies of the 1917 issues at 15c. each, and those previous to 1917 at 25c. each, with some exceptions.

There is no corporation or company called The New Age, The New Age Company, or The New Age Publishing Company, etc. THE NEW AGE MAGAZINE is the official organ of the Supreme Council and is owned entirely by the Supreme Council; so send all communications, and make all checks and money orders payable to the Secretary General, who, under the law of the Supreme Council, is the Business Manager of THE NEW AGE MAGAZINE.

THE NEW Age Magazine is sent free to all Scottish Rite Masons of the 32° in good standing, of the Southern Jurisdiction. To all other persons the subscription price is, domestic, $1.50 per annum, or $500 for five years. Foreign subscriptions are $2.00 per annum.

Some of the books advertised on the back cover of the magazine are for sale to Masons only, so it is necessary, in ordering them, to send some evidence of Masonic membership, such as a receipt for dues, secretary's receipt, etc., which will be returned.

Shipments by freight are especially slow on account of the great congestion of traffic, such that, in many places, there is an embargo. Even shipments by express are very slow for the same reasons. So that all orders that must be sent either by freight or express, should be filed an ample time in advance.

Do not make out checks or money orders payable to John H. Cowles, 33°, or Sovereign Grand Inspector General, or anything of that sort; but simply to John H. Cowles, Sec. Gen.



But if there were, in any part of the world, a national church regarded as heretical by four-fifths of the nation committed to its care, a church established and maintained by the sword, a church producing twice as many riots as conversions, a church which, though possessing great wealth and power, and though long backed by persecuting laws, had, in the course of many generations, been found unable to propagate its doctrines, and barely able to maintain its ground, a church so odious, that fraud and violence, when used against its clear rights of property, were generally regarded as fair play, a church whose ministers were preaching to desolate walls, and with difficulty obtaining their lawful subsistence by the help of bayonets, such a church, on our principles, could not, we must own, be defended. -Macaulay.



The Bodies of the Rite in Washington, D. C., hold their meetings every Tuesday evening.

The San Francisco and the California Bodies of the Rite in San Francisco, Cal., hold their meetings, the former every Friday evening, and the latter every Wednesday evening.

The Bodies of the Rite in Oakland, Cal., hold their meetings every Monday evening.

The Bodies of the Rite in Seattle, Wash., hold their meetings every Tuesday evening.

The Bodies of the Rite in St. Paul, Minn., hold their meetings every Wednesday evening.

The Bodies of the Rite in San Diego, Cal., hold their meetings every Wednesday evening.

The Bodies of the Rite in Los Angeles, Cal., hold their meetings every Friday evening.

The Bodies of the Rite in Pasadena, Cal., hold their meetings every Saturday evening.

The Bodies of the Rite in Tucson, Ariz., hold their meetings every Friday evening.

The Scottish Rite Bodies in Juneau, Alaska, hold their meetings every Friday evening.

The Bodies of the Rite in Chicago, Ill. (Northern Jurisdiction), hold their meetings every Thursday evening.

The Bodies of the Rite in New Orleans, La., will hold their mid-winter reunion January 25, 26 and 27, 1918.

The Bodies of the Rite in Santa Fe, N. M., have decided to hold only two reunions during the year 1918. The first has been definitely determined on for the third week in February, and the second for August, probably in the third week.

The Bodies of the Rite in Fargo, N. D., have decided to hold their next reunion March 11 to 14 inclusive, 1918.

The Scottish Rite Bodies in Denver,

Colo., will probably confer the Chapter

degrees in January, the Council de

grees in February, and the Consistory degrees in March, 1918. The next reunion will probably be held in the month of April.

The Scottish Rite Bodies in the

Valley of Hamilton, Canada, will hold

a reunion commemorative of the SemiCentennial of Scottish Rite Masonry in Canada, January 22 to 25 inclusive, 1918.



The No. 1 Bodies held a most successful reunion on November 19 to 22 inclusive, 69 being added to the membership of the Consistory. It is allowed to have been the best in many ways that the Bodies have ever had. Their bulletin says: "During the entire four days the very atmosphere of the old temple seemed surcharged with cheerfulness, hopefulness, good will and helpfulness; it was an inspiration."


Our informant states that the reunion was marked throughout by a remarkable demonstration of Masonic

fellowship and united effort. The new class was organized under the name of "The C. A. G. Blomquist Memorial Class." Twenty-three took the degrees of the Lodge of Perfection, 17 those of the Chapter of Rose Croix, 18 were dubbed Knights Kadosh, and Richard Joseph Nunn Consistory closed the work, adding to its roll of membership 21 Masters of the Royal Secret.


The reunion of the Bodies in Boise, Idaho, held November 19 to 22 inclusive, was a very happy and successful The class was the largest since the organization of the bodies. Fifty


four took the degrees of the Lodge of Perfection, 42 the degrees of the Chapter, 43 those of the Council, and 43 the degrees of the Consistory. The Brethren announce that they intend to do still better at their Spring Convocation.



The Fall Reunion of the Nashville Bodies, held November 19 to 22 inclusive, is stated to have been a feast of wisdom and a flow of brotherly love, including an excellent banquet in the banquet hall of Cumberland Lodge.

There were 57 candidates in the Lodge of Perfection, 47 in the Chapter of Rose Croix, and 45 who went through to the 32d degree.



The "Liberty Class" at the reunion. of the Bodies in San Antonio, Tex., was the largest ever assembled in the Lone Star State, and one of the largest of the Southern Jurisdiction; and the brethren of that Valley are greatly rejoiced and encouraged. The class numbered 423 in all; 70 of which stopped at the 14th degree, 44 at the 18th, 19 at the 30th, and 289 were made Master of the Royal Secret. A most excellent showing.


The Reunions at Dallas are always great. In the Fall Reunion, the "Soldiers of Liberty Class" consisted of 291 in the Lodge of Perfection, 291 in the Chapter of Rose Croix, 297 in the Council of Kadosh and 305 in the Consistory. Better than all, the personnel of the class was such as to commend it to all who love good citizenship, and who have an appreciation of manhood and good character.



The thirty-fourth semi-annual reunion of the bodies of Galveston, Tex., began on October 8. Over 140 candi

dates were present to receive the degrees. This number is considered very gratifying considering the fact that the army had reduced the number of brethren eligible for the degrees.



A Masonic Bureau for the Allied Armies in France, open every day from 2 to 5 P. M., is located at No. 16, Rue Cadet, Paris.

The Headquarters of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite in France are to be found at the office of the Grand Chancellor, Secretary General, Bro. A. Ibert, at No. 8, Rue Puteaux, Paris.


From the Boletin Oficial del Grande Oriente Español, issued in Madrid October 31, 1917, we learn that the said Grand Orient has established at Selinsgrove, Pa., a Symbolic Lodge denominated Susquehanna, No. 391. Also, in the Valley of Leighton, Pa., a lodge called Temple of Truth, No. 392. These are in addition to a number of other lodges established by the said Grand Orient in this country, chiefly in Pennsylvania. It is quite needless for us to state that neither the Spanish Grand Orient nor any of the Lodges established by it in the United States or its territories are recognized as legitimate by any regular Masonry in this country. Brethren are cautioned to be on their guard against all these spurious Masons.

As for the Supreme Council of Spain, it also has established bodies in this country; but, judging from statements made in the Constitution of the Spanish Grand Orient (which document we have in our possession) that body is completely under the domination of the said Grand Orient and, under the law of our Supreme Council, is therefore not a Supreme Council, and its degrees are to be considered as spurious.

This whole matter will be found

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