Corp. I. R. 32. Ritschl, tab. xxxvIII. E. The additions in italics are from Ritschl's conjecture. honcoino ploirume cosentiont.r. omai pud vos Arranged by Ritschl as Saturnian metre, as follows (except that the words are here modernised), the accents denoting the arses, and the vertical lines the cæsuras. Hunc únum plurimi con séntiunt római (i.e. roma) consul, censor, ædilis bic fuit apúd vós. ان Hic cépit Corsicam Aleri |ámque urbém pugnando; VII. On a bronze tablet fixed to a wall at Tibur in Latium. 'Probably at end of 5th century when the final -os was giving place to -us.' Ritschl. The inscription on the second side is probably a little later than on the first. Corp. I. R. 62. on one side, Ritschl, tab. xcvII. B. c.placentios.herofo | marte sacr om. | on the other side, c.placentius her.f | marte donu dede | Caius Placentius, Herii filius. Marti sacrum. Marti donum dedit. (The small rounds are probably marks of nails.) VIII. On L. Cornelius Scipio Barbatus, Consul 456. The inscription dates not later than 520 U.C.' Ritschl. Corp. Í. R. 30. Ritschl, tab. xxxvII. B. cornelius.lucius.scipio barbatus. gnaiuod patre prognatus fortis uir sapiensque-quoius. forma. uirtutei parisuma | fuit-consol censor. aidilis. quei · fuit • apud uos-taurasia cisauna | samnio cepit-subigit. omne .loucanam opsidesque abdoucit. Cornélius Lucius | Scipió Barbátus, Subigit omném Lucaniam, óbsidésque abdúcit. Mommsen considers Samnio to be the ablative, Taurasia and Cisauna being towns ‘in Samnium.' Lucanam is for Lucaniam. IX. On a bronze plate found in the mountains of Gibraltar near Alcala de los Gazules by a Polish engineer in A.D. 1867. Published in facsimile and with Commentaries by E. Hubner and Mommsen, Hermes, III. 243 sq. Decree made 565 U.C., and inscription is probably of this date. Corp. I. R. II. No. 5041. laimilius. 1.f.inpeirator decreiuit | utei quei hasten sium seruei | in turri lascutana habitarent sent agrum oppidumqu| quod ea tempestate posedisent | iter possidere habereque | iousit. dum poplus senatus que romanus uellet act incastreis | ad-xii.k febr L. Æmilius, Lucius' son, general, decreed that such slaves of the people of Hasta as dwelt in the tower of Lascuta should be free. With regard to the land and town which they had possessed at that time, he ordered them to continue to possess and hold it so long as the people and senate of Rome should will. Done in the camp 19 January. This inscription though of the same age as the S. C. de Bacanalibus is not so antique in spelling, probably owing to the more formal legal nature of the S. C. de Bac. The ei in inpeirator appears to be an inscriber's blunder. This inscription affords the earliest instance of doubled letters, e. g. essent, vellet. Cf. § 58. Ritschl has discussed the peculiarities in his Neue Plautinische Excurse, 1st Heft. 1869, p. 16 n. X. On bronze, found at Tiriolo a village in the country of the Bruttii. Supposed to be written at the time of the event referred to, i.e. 568 A.U.C. See Liv. XXXIV. 8—19. Cic. Leg. 11. 15, § 37. Corp. I. R. 196. Ritschl, tab. XVIII. marcius 1.f.s.postumius.l.f.cos senatum consoluerunt. n.octob.apud aedem ualeri.p.f.q.minuci.c.f. de bacanalibus quei-foideratei! esent. ita exdeicendum censuere neiquis eorum · sacanal· habuise uelet sei ques |esent quei sibei.deicerent nece | ro ..audita. susese bacanal. habere eeis utei ad. pr. urbanum mam · uenirent dequeeeis rebus.ubei.eor m.utr a. esent. utei senatua | noster decerneret. dum ne · minus. senator bus.c.adesepit. rescosoleretur | bacas uir .nequisadiese uelet ceiuis romanus neue. nominus.latin neue socium quisquam nisei. pr. urbanum. que e senatuos sententiad | minus senatoribus • c. adesent. quom. ea res cosoleretur. iousisent ce suere sacerdos nequis uir eset magister nequeuir.neque. `mulier. quisquam ese t neuepecuniam. quisquameorum .comoin abuise ue et neue magistratum neue. promagi stratuo neque. uirum ier.em quiquam fecise. uelet | neue post hac.inter.sed conioura e. e.comuouise. neue conspondise | neue.conprome. siseuelet neue quis quamfidem inter · sed · dedise. uelet dquol tod ne quisquam fecise uelet. neue in | preiuatod neue · exstrad. urbem sacra quisquaın · fecise · uelet nisei pr. ur anum adieset isque de senatuos. sententiad dum. ne. minus | senatoribus. c. adesent. quom ea res cosoleretur. iousisent censuere plous . u . oinuorsei · uirei · atque mulieres sacra · ne · quis quam fecise uelet. neue inter ibei uirei plaus duobus. mulieribus ploustribus | arfuise. uelent. nisei de pr.urbani. senatuosque sententiad utei suprad | scriptumest. utei in couentinoid exdeicatis ne minus trinum dinum senatuosque sententiam utei scientes esetis. sententia ita fuit. sei ques⚫ esent⚫ quei. aruorsum. ead. fecisent quam suprad | scriptum est. eeis." remcaputalem faciendam censuere atque utei | hoce. in tabolam ahenam inceideretis. ita senatus aiquom cen suit uteique eam figier. ioubeatis. ubei · facilumed . gnoscierpotisit. atque utei ea bacanalia. sei qua sunt . exstrad. quam sei quid.ibei sacri.est | ita utei suprad .scriptum est. in diebus.x quibus uobeis tabelai.datai erunt faciatis utei dismota. sient in agro teurano The letters in italics are such as appear from the facsimile to be those inscribed. But in line 6 nt would be very nearly right for pit. In the 12th and 13th lines I have omitted some letters, which have been supplied on a modern insertion in the broken plate. Q. Marcius, Lucii filius, Spurius Postumius, Lucii filius consules senatum consuluerunt nonis Octobribus apud ædem Bellona. Scribendo adfuerunt M. Claudius, Marci filius, L. Valerius, Publii filius, Q. Minucius, Caii filius. De Bacchanalibus qui fœderati essent ita edicendum censuere: (i.c. decreed the issue to those who were in league with the Romans, of a proclamation in the matter of the feasts of Bacchus) nequis eorum Bacchanal habuisse vellet. Siqui essent, qui sibi dicerent necesse esse Bacchanal habere, ei uti ad prætorem urbanum Romam venirent, deque eis rebus, ubi eorum verba audita essent, uti senatus noster decerneret, dum ne minus senatoribus centum adessent, quum ea res consuleretur. Bacchas vir nequis adiisse vellet civis Romanus, neve nominis Latini, neve sociorum quisquam, nisi prætorem urbanum adiissent, isque de senatus sententia, dum ne minus senatoribus centum adessent, quum ea res consuleretur, jussisset. Censuere, sacerdos nequis vir esset: magister neque vir neque mulier quisquam esset: neve pecuniam quisquam eorum communem habuisse • vellet, neve magistratum, neve pro magistratu neque virum neque mulierem quisquam fecisse vellet. Neve posthac inter se conjurasse neve convovisse, neve conspondisse, neve compromisisse vellet, neve quisquam fidem inter se dedisse vellet. Sacra in occulto nequisquam fecisse vellet, neve in publico, neve in privato, neve extra urbem sacra quisquam fecisse vellet, nisi prætorem urbanum adiisset, isque de senatus sententia dum ne minus senatoribus centum adessent, quum ea res consuleretur, jussisset. Censuere, homines plus quinque universi, viri atque mulieres sacra ne quisquam fecisse vellet, neve interibi viri plus duobus, mulieribus plus tribus, adfuisse vellent, nisi de prætoris urbani senatusque sententia, uti supra scriptum est (i.e. that not more than five persons in all men and women, celebrate the rites, that the five should be two men, and three women. quisquam is in apposition to homines). Hæc uti in contione exdicatis ne minus trinum nundinum (i.e. not less than three assembly days); senatûsque sententiam uti scientes essetis. Eorum sententia ita fuit: siqui essent qui advorsum ea fecissent, quam supra scriptum est, eis rem capitalem faciendam censuere. Atque uti hoc in tabulam ahenam incideretis: ita senatus æquum censuit ; Utique eam figi jubeatis, ubi facillume nosci possit; Atque uti ea Bacchanalia, siqua sunt, extra quam si quid ibi sacri est, ita uti scriptum est, in diebus decem, quibus vobis tabella data erunt, faciatis uti dimota sint. In agro Teurano. The document is evidently a letter (tabella) from the consuls to the local magistrates conveying to them a copy of (as Mommsen thinks, part only of) the decree of the senate, an intimation of the penalty which the senate ordered for a transgression of it, and directions for its publication. XI. On the son of P. Scipio Africanus major. Augur 574 A.U.C. 'End of 6th century U.C.' Ritschl. There is a vertical fracture in the middle of the stone, occasioning a loss of several letters. Corp. I. R. 33. Ritschl. tab. xxxix. F. quei apiceinsigne dial aminis gesistei gloria atque in genium. quibus.sei publio.corneli Qui apicem insignem diális flaminis gessisti, Quaré lubens te in grémium, Scipio, récipit Terrá, Publi, prognátum | Públió Cornéli (i.e. Cornelio). On stone at Sora. XII. 'Not later than 620 A.U.C., perhaps more proRitschl. bably at the very beginning of the century.' Corp. I. R. 1175. Ritschl. tab. LII. A. a.p.uertuleieis.c.f. quod re sua d eidens asper parens.timens | heic uouit uoto.ho c solut cuma. facta | polouctaleibereis lube. te s donu danunt. hercolei maxsume. mereto semol.te |