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Hi magistri Veneris Jovia murum ædificandum curaverunt pedes CCLXX (i.e. 270 feet long) et ludos fecerunt, Servio Sulpicio Marco Aurelio consulibus.

The 'magistri' appear to have been the town council.


On stone, found at Aeclanum 'circiter 664 U.C.,' Ritschl.
Corp. I. R. 1230. Ritschl, tab. LXX. C.

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C. Quinctius, Caii filius, Valgus patronus municipii,

M. Magius, Minatii filius, Surus, A. Patlacius, Quinti filius, Quattuor viri de senatus sententia portas, turres, muros, turresque æquas cum muro faciundum curaverunt.

'faciundum' is carelessly put for ‘faciundas.' The c is almost a g.


On bronze, found in the ruins of the temple of Saturn at foot of the Tarpeian mount at Rome. Sulla's law de XX. quæstoribus, A.U.C. 673 (674, Ritschl). Cf. Tac. Ann. 11, 22.

Corp. I. R. 202. Ritschl, tab. xxix.

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q.urb. quei aerarium. prouinciam . optinebit. eam mercedem deferto quaestorque. quei aerarium. prouin ciam optinebit eam pequniam ei scribae scribeisque. herediue | eius soluito idque ei. sine fraude. sua. facere liceto quod sine malo que. e.hominibus eam | pequniam capere. liceto cos quei nunc sunt. iei ante. k. decembreis eis quei ciues romanei sunt uiatorem unum · legun to. quei · in | ea decuria uiator · appareat. quam. decuriam uiatorum ex-noneis. decembribus primeis .quaestoribus ad aerarium | apparere oportetoportebit. A part only of the law has been preserved: the above is the first two sections of what has been preserved.

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He shall report the salary to the city quæstor, who shall have the treasury as his department, and the questor who shall have the treasury department shall pay the money to the clerk and clerks and his beir, and it shall be lawful for him to do so without incurring any risk, so far as it is done without dishonest embezzlement, and it shall be lawful for the men to receive the money.

The present consuls shall before the first of December next choose a messenger from those who are Roman citizens, to act as the messenger in that detachment of messengers which is or shall be bound to attend the questors at the treasury after the seventh December next (i.e. the day on which the quæstors entered on office).


On stone, at Rome on the Appian road. 'Of the age of Sulla,' Ritschl.

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hospes gratum est. quom apud
meas. restitistei seedes

bene.rem geras. et ualeas
dormias sine qura

Hoc est factum monuméntum | Márcó Caecilio.
Hospés, gratum est cum apud meas | réstitísti sédes.
Bene rém gerás et váleas: | dórmiás sine cúra.


A leaden plate, formerly doubled, found about 500 paces from Rome on the left-hand of the Latin road among the tombs. 'Written at the end of the republic or in the Augustan time.' Mommsen. The formation of the letters is very rough, as that of a person writing hastily on an unyielding material. N.B. The first three letters project in the original. I have not noted the spaces at end of lines.

Corp. I. R. 818. Ritschl, tab. XVII. 30.

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quomodomortuos qui istic supultus ustnic loqui | nii.c surmonari potust suc. | rhodinu apud.m.licinium | faustum mortua sit. nuc | loqui. nuc surmonari possit | ita uti.mortuos.nic.adduos nuc ad hominus acciptus ist | sicrhodinu aput.m.licinium | accuptasit uttantum ualuat | quantum illu mortuos qui isticspultus ust. ditupatur."

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rhodinu tibi commundo. uti sumpur | odio sit.m.licin io faustoitum mhudium amphionum | itum c. popillium a pollonium itum unnonia hurmiona | itum surgia glycin


In the first line on this page the nu in Rhodine is in the original written below (as in xvII). The double 1 is an old form of the letter E (see § 226). So suc is seic, i.e. sic. In the original, of course, no i has a dot, but they are often tall, without reference to the quantity.

As he is dead who is buried there, and can neither speak nor discourse, so may Rhodine at M. Licinius Faustus' house be dead, and not be able to speak or discourse. So as he being dead has been received neither to the gods nor to men, so may Rhodine at M. Licinius' be received and have as much strength (or be good for as much) as the dead man who is buried there. Father Ditis I commend to thee Rhodine, that she may ever be hateful to M. Licinius Faustus.

Likewise (I commend to thee) Marcus Hedius Amphion. Likewise Caius Popillius Apollonius. Likewise Vennonia Hermiona. Likewise Sergia Glycinna.

N.B. The name of Rhodine occurs thrice to make the imprecation effective.


On bronze, found at Heraclea. Lex Julia municipalis, 709 U.C. Corp. I. R. 206. Ritschl, tab. xxxIII.

(Two sections only are given here: a considerable number are extant.)

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quae uiae in urbem.rom propiusue. u.r.p.q.ubei. con tinente habitabitur. sunt erunt quoius ante. aedificium. earum quae uiae. erunt. is. eam. uiam arbitratu · eius · aed quoi ea pars urbis.h.1.ob. uenerit. tueatur. isque aed . curato. uti quorum | ante · aedificium · erit · quamque · uiam.h.1. quemque tueri oportebit. ei⚫ omnes. eamuiam arbitratu eius tueantur. neue eo | loco ao consistat. quomi nus.conmode.populus ea uia utatur

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aed cur aed pl.quei nunc sunt quei h.1.r. factei. createi erunt eumue. mac inierint.iei. indiebus.v.proxumeis | quibus eo. mac · designatei⚫erunt. eumue mag. inierint. inter se paranto. aut sortiunto. qua. inpartei urbis quisque | eorum uias. urbem roma propius ue.u.r.p.m refi ciundas sternendas. curet;

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eiusque rei procurationem

habeat quae pars quoique.

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aed.ita.h.1.ob. uener it. eius. aed ineis⚫ loceis. quae. inea. partei erunt. uiarum. reficien

procuratio esto utei h.1.oportebit

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The c in mac might be read g.

| darum. t. uemdarum ·

With regard to the roads which are or shall be into the city of Rome, or nearer to the city of Rome than 1000 paces (p.q, is a mistake for p.m. i.e. passus mille: there is a correction in the plate), where the dwellings shall be continuous, the person, before whose house any of the said (earum) roads shall be, must protect such road according to the discretion of the adile on whom that part of the city shall by this law have devolved; and such ædile shall take care that all such persons, before whose house it shall be, shall protect at his discretion the road which (the que in quamque is really superfluous) by this law they shall severally be required to protect, and shall take care that water (ao mistake for aqua) do not settle in the place so as to inconvenience people using the road.

The curule adiles, the adiles of the commons, both those now and whosoever shall after the proposal of this law (post hanc legem rogatam) have been made, or created or shall have entered on that office, shall within the five next ten days after that they shall have been elected to (lit. marked with) that office, or shall have entered on that office, prepare or settle by lot among themselves in what part of the city each of them shall see to the reparation and paving of the public roads into the city of Rome (roma for romam) or nearer to the city of Rome than 10001 paces, and have the charge of the matter. The ædile to whom any part of the city shall thus by this law be assigned shall be charged, as shall be incumbent by this law, with the reparation and protection of the roads in such places as shall be in that part.


1 The letter for 1000 in Ritschl's facsimile is blurred so as to be illegible.

Literally, the persons before whose house it shall be and the road which, &c.; the part which and the adile to whom, &c.


On stone, found at Rome. 'At end of Republic,' Mommsen. Ritschl.

Corp. I. R. 1009. Ritschl, tab. LXXXI.

eucharis liciniae. /

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docta erodita omnes artes uirgo. uixit an xiiii
heus oculo errante quei aspicis.léti. domus
morare.gressum. et titulum nostrum.perlege
amor parenteis quem dedit.natae suae

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et denecauit ultra ueitae spiritum
docta erodita paene musarum. manu
quae modo nobilium ludos decorauichoro
et.graeca inscaena prima populo. apparui
en hoc intumulo cineremnostri corporis
infistae parcae. deposierunt carmine

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studium patronae cura amor. laudes decus
silent ambusto corpore et leto.tacent
reliqui fletum nata
et antecessi genita post-leti diem
bis hic septeni mecum natales dies
tenebristenentur ditis aeterna domu

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The letters printed in italics are supplied from (as is believed) a transcription previous to the breaking of the stone. See Mommsen. Two words, leti, hora, exhibit the apex, § 59 (3).

Some of the peculiarities are due merely to careless inscribing. Thus 7. propiravit for properavit; 9. denecavit for denegavit; 14. infista for infesta.

In line 18 genita post should be taken together; though born later, I preceded the day of their death.



i. From many adjectives two derivative adjectives are formed in order to denote the degree of the quality exprest by them. The simple form is called the positive. The comparative expresses a higher degree of the quality in a comparison of two things or persons. The superlative expresses a higher degree in a comparison of more than two things or persɔns; as, dūrus, hard, dūrior, harder, durissimus, hardest.

The comparative is sometimes used to express that the quality is possessed in too high a degree.

The superlative is sometimes used to express that the quality is possessed in a very high degree.

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