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JULY 7th, 8th, & 9th, 1891.

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THE Association is to be congratulated on holding its second

meeting in so excellent a centre as Cambridge. As will be seen by the papers published in this Report, the Second Annual Meeting of the Museums Association was of an essentially practical character, the subjects considered and discussed bearing more especially on the practical and technical work of Museums. Two points of cardinal importance raised at the Liverpool Meeting received the careful consideration of special committees during the past year and workable schemes have been suggested and adopted for dealing with both questions. The questions considered were-(i.) a method for getting specimens correctly named, and (ii.) a uniform and satisfactory method of labelling. It is to be hoped that the schemes proposed will receive the hearty support of Museum Managers and Curators. The benefit that would result if all the collections in the Kingdom were accurately named and instructively labelled is too obvious to need comment, and this, it is hoped, will be done by carrying out the systems suggested in the Reports of the Label and Specialist's Committees printed at the end of this Volume. Curators are particularly desired to peruse these Reports and to acquaint the editors with their views on the subjects.

The local arrangements were of the most satisfactory nature, and the Association is much indebted to several prominent members of the University for kind help and friendly hospitality. Conspicuous amongst these were the President (Mr. J. W. Clark, Registrary of the University) and Professor A. Newton. The Association also owes very much to Mr. S. F. Harmer, the local Secretary and Treasurer, to whose untiring energy the success of the meeting was largely due. Professor Macalister, Baron von Hügel, Mr. A. E. Shipley, Mr. James Carter, Professor Lewis, Professor Middleton, and Mr. Chapman gave much kind and useful help.

The main business of the meeting was the reading and discussion of papers, but a very important feature consisted of the visits paid to several Cambridge Museums and libraries, visits which were additionally instructive from the excellent guidance under which they were made. It was very encouraging to all engaged in Museum work to see the great importance attached to Museums in connection with the University teaching, as was evidenced by the extensive and magnificent buildings that had been erected for Museum purposes and the vast collections that had been got together. Excellent opportunities were afforded for the social intercourse of the members; we must especially mention a Reception and Soirée given by the President at Trumpington House where the most tasteful and agreeable surroundings rendered this intercourse doubly pleasant.

In this Report will be published the papers read at the meeting and the discussions on those papers and also a brief record given of other business transacted. In addition to this, queries relating to museum work will be printed at the end of the Report. Replies to these should be sent to one of the Editors who will, in the first instance, communicate them direct to the querist and afterwards print them in the next issue of the Report should they prove of general interest.


Adopted at the Liverpool Meeting.

1. That this Association shall be called the "MUSEUMS ASSOCIATION," and shall consist of representatives of the Museums situated in the United Kingdom, and of other persons engaged in scientific work or interested in Museums, who may be admitted as Associates.

2.-The object of the Association shall be the promotion of better and more systematic working of Museums throughout the Kingdom. In order to promote a better knowledge of Museums, the Association shall meet in a different town each succeeding year.

3. That each Museum contributing not less than one guinea a year be a Member of the Association, and that individuals interested in the scientific work be admitted as Associates on payment of 10s. 6d. annually.

4. That each Museum be represented by three delegates, each having one vote. Each Associate to have one vote.

5. That each Museum belonging to the Association and each Associate receive one copy of the publications of the Association.

That the affairs of the Association be managed by a Council consisting of a President, two Vice-Presidents, two Secretaries, a Treasurer and eight ordinary Members. Three to constitute a quorum. All past Presidents to be ex-officio members of Council. The President, Vice-Presidents and two ordinary Members of Council to retire each year and to be ineligible for re-election for one year.

7..-The Council to be elected at the Annual General Meeting, and to hold office for one year. The Council shall have power to fill any vacancies that may occur in its ranks between Annual Meetings.

8. That a General Meeting of the Association be held annually, for the transaction of business, the reading of papers, and the discussion of matters relating to Museums.

9.-The place and time of the Annual Meeting to be determined by the Council.

10. All new rules, and all resolutions affecting existing ones, to be submitted to the Annual General Meeting. One calendar month's notice to be given of all resolutions affecting the rules,

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