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of the seamen, as they gazed at the English ships, were, however, soon forgotten in the attention that was required to their own vessel. The drums beat the retreat, the guns were lashed, the wounded again removed, and every individual able to keep the deck was required to lend his assistance in repairing the damages to the frigate, and securing her masts.

16. The promised hour carried the ship safely through all the dangers, which were much lessened by day-light; and by the time the sun had begun to fall over the land, Griffith, who had not quitted the deck during the day, beheld his vessel once more cleared of the confusion of the chase and battle, and ready to meet another foe.

SUMMARY.-An American frigate was in danger of attack from an English vessel of similar size and fitting. Preparations had been made on board of the English vessel to enter upon the action, as soon as she was somewhat nearer. The pilot of the American ship, however, resolved to take flight, and gave orders to spread all the sails at once. The order was obeyed, but the enemy fired a broadside which killed many of the men in the rigging. The sails of the English ship were quickly spread, and the American vessel also followed with a cannonade. The ships then sailed away in parallel lines, but the American gained the lead. She was safely guided through some dangerous shoals, and managed to escape into the open sea without further danger.

The Pilot-who appears in this story, under disguise, is John Paul Jones, a celebrated American naval officer during the Revolu tion. He was born in Scotland, in 1747, and was apprenticed when only twelve years old as a sailor. He was familiar with the waters about the British Islands, and during part of the war he hovered about their coasts in a daring way, capturing many vessels, often against heavy odds, and causing great terror to the enemy.

The ninety-refers to a large ninety-gun ship, part of a fleet which was chasing the American vessel.

The Devil's Grip- the name of a dangerous reef in the English Channel.

One point open-Directions for steering, referring to the compass. The two-and-thirty—i. e., another of the enemy's ships, carrying thirty-two guns.

Art-i-fice, skilful contrivance; trick.

As-sur-ance, full confidence. Broad-side, a discharge of all the guns on one side of a ship at the same time.

Equi-page, furniture; fitting out
Frigate, a war vessel, usually
carrying from twenty-eight to
forty-four guns.
Man-i-fest, visible to the eye.
Sway, control; rule.


How was the English ship prepared? What course was taken by the pilot of the American ship? What was done by the other ves

sel? What danger threatened the course of the ship? How was it known? What happened to the American ship? To the English?

EXERCISES.-1. Parse and analyse-The promised hour carried the ship safely through all the dangers.

2. Nouns are formed, from other nouns or adjectives and verbs, by adding acy, age, ance, or ancy, which mean "the state of being," as delicate, delicacy; intimate, intimacy; bond, bondage; dote, dotage. Give other words formed in the same manner from obdurate, supreme, peer, pilgrim, forbear, brilliant. Make sentences to show the use of these words.






[blocks in formation]





hand-ker-chief tot-ter-ing mul-ti-pli-ca-tion

1. Without further preface the schoolmaster conducted them into his little schoolroom, which was parlour and kitchen likewise, and told them they were welcome to remain under his roof till morning. The child looked round the room as she took her seat. The chief ornaments of the walls were certain moral sentences, fairly copied in good round text, and well-worked sums in simple addition and multiplication, evidently achieved by the same hand, which were pasted round the room,-for the double purpose, as it seemed, of bearing testimony to the excellence of the school and kindling a worthy emulation in the bosoms of the scholars. "Yes," said the schoolmaster, observing that her attention was caught by these specimens, "that's beautiful writing, my dear."

2. "Very, sir," replied the child modestly; "is it yours?" "Mine!" he returned, taking out his spectacles, and putting them on, to have a better view of the triumphs so dear to his heart; "I could not write like that now-adays. No: they are all done by one hand; a little hand it is; not so old as yours, but a very clever one."

3. As the schoolmaster said this he saw that a small blot of ink had been thrown upon one of the copies; so he took a penknife from his pocket, and going up to the wall, carefully scratched it out. When he had finished, he walked slowly backward from the writing, admiring it as one might do a picture, but with something of sadness in his voice and manner, which quite touched the child, though she was unacquainted with its cause.

4. "A little hand, indeed," said the schoolmaster. "Far beyond all his companions in his learning and his sports too. How did he ever come to be so fond of me? That I should love him is no wonder, but that he should love me" And there the schoolmaster stopped, and took off his spectacles to wipe them, as though they had grown dim.

5. "I hope there is nothing the matter, sir," said Nell, anxiously.

6. "Not much, my dear," returned the schoolmaster : "I hoped to have seen him on the green to-night. He was always foremost among them. But he'll be there to-morrow."

7. "Has he been ill?" asked the child, with a child's quick sympathy.

8. "Not very. They said he was wandering in his head yesterday, dear boy, and so they said the day before. But that's a part of that kind of disorder; it's not a bad sign-not at all a bad sign."

9. The child was silent. He walked to the door and looked wistfully out. The shadows of night were gathering, and all was still.

10. "If he could lean on somebody's arm, he would come to me, I know," he said, returning into the room. "He always came into the garden to say good-night. But perhaps his illness has only just taken a favourable turn, and it's too late for him to come out, for it's very damp, and there's a heavy dew. It's much better he should not come to-night."

11. The next day towards night, an old woman came tottering up the garden as speedily as she could, and meeting the schoolmaster at the door, said he was to go to Dame West's directly, and had best run on before her. He and the girl were on the point of going out together for a walk, and without quitting her hand the schoolmaster hurried away, leaving the messenger to follow. They stopped at a cottage door, and the schoolmaster knocked softly at it with his hand. It was opened without loss of time. They passed into an inner room, where his infant friend, half dressed, lay stretched upon a bed.

12. He was a very young boy-quite a little child. His hair still hung in curls about his face, and his eyes were very bright; but their light was of heaven, not of earth. The schoolmaster took a seat beside him, and stooping over the pillow, whispered his name. The boy sprang up, threw his wasted arms round his neck, crying out that he was his dear, kind friend.

13. "I hope I always was. I meant to be, God knows," said the schoolmaster.


14. "Who is that?" said the boy, seeing Nell. "I am afraid to kiss her, lest I should make her ill. her to shake hands with me."

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15. The sobbing child came closer up, and took the little languid hand in hers. After a short time, the sick boy took his hand out of hers and lay gently down.

16. "You remember the garden, Harry," whispered the schoolmaster, anxious to rouse him, for a dulness seemed gathering upon the child, "and how pleasant it used to be in the evening? You must make haste to visit it again, for I think the very flowers have missed you, and are less gay than they used to be. You will come soon, my dear, very soon now, won't you ?"

17. The boy smiled faintly, very faintly, and put his hand upon his friend's grey head. He moved his lips too, but no voice came from them; no, not a sound.

18. In the silence that ensued, the hum of distant voices, borne upon the evening air, came floating through the open window.

"What's that?" said the sick child, opening his eyes. "The boys at play upon the green."

19. He took a handkerchief from his pillow, and tried to wave it above his head. But the feeble arm dropped powerless by his side.

20. "Shall I do it?" said the schoolmaster.

"Please, wave it at the window," was the faint reply. "Tie it to the lattice. Some of them may see it there. Perhaps they'll think of me, and look this way."

21. He raised his head, and glanced from the fluttering signal to his idle bat, that lay, with slate and book, and other boyish property, upon a table in the room. And then he lay down softly once more, and asked if the little girl was there, for he could not see her.

22. She stepped forward and pressed the passive hand that lay upon the coverlet. The two old friends and companions for such they were, though they were man.

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