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"Drowsed with the fume of poppies "-the juice of the poppy is a narcotic, that is, it induces sleep, particularly that of one species, called the white or opium poppy. Of the unripe capsules of this species opium is the dried juice. River-sallows-the sallow was a kind of willow-tree.

Bourn, a limit.

Choir (pronounced quire) a band of singers.

Gran-ar-y, storehouse for grain. Swath (pron. a as in all), a row of cut corn.

Treb-le, sounding high and shrill.

Whistles, makes a shrill sound. Win-now-ing, blowing the chaff from the grain.

Gnat, a small insect that bites.


"thatch - eaves?" "the core" "sweet kernel?" "clammy cells:" "fume of poppies?' barred clouds?" wailful choir?"


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What are said to prevail in Autumn? What are ripened then? How are the bees provided for? What is meant by the following :EXERCISES.-1. Parse and analyse-Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?

2. Adjectives are formed from nouns by adding ate, full, ire, which mean “full of;" as fortune, fortunate; play, playful; mass, massive. In the same way form other adjectives from the following-passion, plaint, joy. Make sentences to show the use of these nouns.

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1. When I entered the university, as a mere boy of fourteen years of age, a lad sat near me in the Latin class, who afterwards became a physician in the city in which I labour as a minister of the gospel. He took his place beside me once on a temperance platform. grasped his hand with much cordiality, for I was told that he had become a total abstainer, and was making an effort to overcome a craving for stimulants, which had threatened to ruin his prospects for life. One day soon afterwards I saw him standing on the public street,

ragged and wretched. He had broken his pledge and commenced the downward career once more. In a year

or two he filled a drunkard's early grave.

2. When I reached the logic class a young man sat on one of the front benches, who was generally admitted to be the finest-looking student in the large class. He sat also in the church which I attended on the Sabbath-day, and I knew that his parents were pious and wealthy. But he had early contracted a love for strong drink, and began to become degraded under its power. Not many years after our college studies were ended, I happened to meet him on the public street of a great city. Alas! what havoc the dissipation of a year or two had wrought in the beautiful countenance ! How swollen and bloated it had become ! He turned away from me in conscious shame and self-condemnation. I learned soon afterwards that he, also, had filled a drunkard's grave.

3. In the same class a young man, a minister's son, gained the second prize in the middle division. He was even yet more distinguished in the senior mathematical class, where he carried off the first prize easily from all competitors. I was often filled with admiration of him as he would demonstrate the most difficult problems which he had not seen till they were written down by the learned professor on the black board. His proud parents sent him to the University of Cambridge to pursue his mathematical studies, fully expecting that his career there would be a credit to them. But, alas! he had contracted a love for liquor as well as for learning, and the former love began to be stronger than the latter. He was "rusticated," that is, expelled, from Cambridge for intemperance and immorality; and in a fit of delirium tremens he flung himself out of a ferry-boat

into one of the great American rivers, as I was informed when I visited the United States a few years ago.

4. This reference to the United States reminds me of another contemporary at the university. Although I never was in the same class with him, as he was a year before me, I knew him well. So great was his university reputation that I would have thought it an honour if at any time he had condescended to speak to me. He had gained the highest honours in Latin, including the Blackstone gold medal. But he had acquired that same terrible love of liquor, as well as of languages and of logic, and was dragged down by it, like him of whom I have just spoken.

5. His weary wanderings ended in Washington, as I learned on the occasion of the visit already referred to. He had been teaching Latin to the children of some of the best families in that city, to whom he had borne letters of introduction from influential people in this country. At last he was found lying on a stair, where he had lain all night in a state of intoxication, and, having contracted a severe cold, he was taken to the hospital, as he was too poor to command any medical attendance in lodgings of his own. He soon after died.

6. When I reached the moral philosophy class a young man, another minister's son, sat on the same bench with me. At first I became somewhat intimate with him, but when I found that he wished me to drink ale with him at night, against which I had been fortified by an early total abstinence pledge, I gave up his company. He became a minister of the gospel himself; but, when yet a young man, he was deposed from his sacred office for drunkenness, and died soon afterwards, far from his friends, a moral wreck.

I.R. V.


7. I might easily prolong this list of melancholy recollections, but I forbear.. Is not such a lesson necessary in a school-book for the young? What although boys and girls make splendid passes and gain great acquirements, if they should fall victims to the vice of intemperance? The percentage of those who, after leaving school and college, strike on this rock and perish, is truly alarming. Therefore clergymen of all churches, and philanthropists of all shades of political opinion, are beginning to recommend total abstinence from all intoxicating drinks as the best protection against this giant evil.-Dr. Fergus Ferguson.

SUMMARY.-The writer of this lesson describes the sad fate which happened to several of the friends of his youth on account of their love of liquor. With good looks, great abilities, and respectable connections, they had a bright future before them if they had rightly used their advantages. All these were useless, however, to help them when they became the victims of strong drink. Health and character were lost by men who might have otherwise enjoyed a long and prosperous career. Total abstinence is the great protection against such evils as those by which the writer's friends were overthrown.

Con-de-scend-ed, humbled him-

Con-tem-por-ar-y, one who was
at the same time.
Cor-di-al-i-ty, heartiness.

In-flu-en-ti-al, having influence
or power.

Phil-an-thro-pists, people who
love to do kind actions.
Phys-ic-ian, a doctor.


Where did the writer of this lesson first meet his friends? What was the occupation of the first? What happened to him? What was peculiar about the second? What led to his death?

In what way was the third distinguished? What fate befel him also? How did ruin come to his fourth friend? the fifth? What caused their ruin? What is the best way to avoid such danger?

EXERCISES.-1. Parse and analyse-Total abstinence from all intoxicating drinks is the best protection against this giant evil.

2. Adjectives are formed from nouns by adding ish, like, ly, which mean "likeness or similarity;" as fool, foolish; man, manlike; earth, earthly. Form adjectives in the same way from knave, war, prince. Make sentences to show the use of these words.

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[JAMES HENRY LEIGH HUNT (b. 1786, d. 1859), poet and essayist, was born in London, and educated at Christ's Hospital. He began to write at an early age. When twenty-four years of age, in conjunction with his brother, he became joint proprietor of "The Examiner." For certain articles offensive to the government, the brothers were fined £500 each, and condemned to two years' imprisonment. Leigh Hunt wrote several works during his confinement in prison. He was on intimate terms with Byron, Shelley, Moore, and Keats, and was associated with Byron and Shelley in the publication of a political and literary journal. His last years were peacefully devoted to literature, and in 1847 he received a pension from the government.]

1. The title is a little startling; but "style and sentiment," as a lady said, "can do anything." Remember, then, gentle reader, that talents are not to be despised in the humblest walks of life; we will add, nor in the muddiest.

2. The other day we happened to be among a set of spectators who could not help stopping to admire the patience and address with which a pig-driver huddled and cherished onward his drove of unaccommodating élères down a street in the suburbs. He was a born genius for manœuvre. Had he originated in a higher sphere, he would have been a general, or a stage-manager, or, at least, the head of a set of monks.

3. Conflicting interests were his forte,-pig-headed wills, and proceedings hopeless. To see the hand with which he did it! How hovering, yet firm! how encouraging, yet compelling! how indicative of the space on each side of him, and yet of the line before him! how general! how particular! how perfect! No barber's hand could

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