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for ever. Nelson now desired to be turned upon his right side, and said: "I wish I had not left the deck; for I shall soon be gone."

5. Death was indeed rapidly approaching. He said to the chaplain, "Doctor, I have not been a great sinner;" and after a short pause, "Remember that I leave Lady Hamilton and my daughter Horatia as a legacy to my country;" but he was often heard to say, "Thank God, I have done my duty." These words he pronounced; and they were the last which he uttered. He expired at thirty minutes after four-three hours and a quarter after he had received his wound.

6. Within fifteen minutes after Nelson was wounded, above fifty of the Victory's men fell by the enemy's musketry. They, however, on their part were not idle; and it was not long before there were only two Frenchmen left alive in the mizzen-top of the Redoutable. One of these was the man who had given the fatal wound. 7. He did not live to boast of what he had done. An old quartermaster had seen him fire, and easily recognised him, because he wore a glazed cocked hat and a white frock. This quartermaster and two midshipmen, Mr. Collingwood and Mr. Pollard, were the only persons left in the Victory's poop. The two midshipmen kept firing at the top, and he supplied them with cartridges.

8. One of the Frenchmen, attempting to make his escape down the rigging, was shot by Mr. Pollard, and fell on the poop. But the old quartermaster, as he called out,-"That's he; that's he," and pointed to the other, who was coming forward to fire again, received a shot in his mouth and fell dead. Both the midshipmen then fired at the same time, and the fellow dropped in the top.

When they took possession of the prize they went into the mizzen-top and found him dead, with one ball through his head, and another through his breast.

9. The total British loss in the battle of Trafalgar amounted to one thousand five hundred and eighty-seven men. Twenty of the enemy's ships struck, but it was not possible to anchor the fleet as Nelson had enjoined. A gale came on from the south-west; some of the prizes went down, some went on shore, one made its escape into Cadiz, others were destroyed; four only were saved, and these by the greatest exertions.-Southey.

SUMMARY.-Captain Hardy, on his return about an hour afterwards, was able to congratulate Nelson on a complete victory. Nelson then gave orders to anchor. He asked that he might not be thrown overboard (according to the usual way of burying sailors), but that he might be cared for by his parents, unless the king should order otherwise. Death was rapidly approaching. was often heard to thank God that he had done his duty. These were the last words which he uttered, and he died about three hours after he had been wounded.


Trafalgar A cape to the south-west of Spain, off which a battle was fought in 1805, in which the French and Spanish fleets were completely destroyed by Nelson.

En-deav-our-ing, trying.
Ex-er-tions, efforts, trials.
Ex-pired', died.

Leg-a-cy, bequest.

Pal-let, a straw bed.
Pro-nounced', uttered.
Rec-og-nised, knew again.
Re-vert-ing, turning back.


What was Captain Hardy able to report on his return? How many ships were taken ? How many had Nelson expected? What wish was expressed by Nelson as

to his burial? What were some of his latest wishes? How was he thankful at the end? What happened to the sailor by whom Nelson had been shot?

EXERCISES.-1. Parse and analyse-Hardy stood over him in silence for a moment or two.

2. Verbs are formed from nouns and adjectives by adding ish, ise, and ize, which mean "to make;" as poor, impoverish; extempore, extemporise; equal, equalise. In the same way make verbs from the following-public, chaste, fertile, apology. Make sentences to show the use of these words.

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[Dr. DAVID LIVINGSTONE (b. 1813, d. 1873), the great African traveller, was born at Blantyre, upon the banks of the Clyde, near Glasgow. His parents being poor, he was sent early to work. Being extremely eager for knowledge, he wrought hard until he had gained sufficient means to take him to Glasgow, where he studied at the University during the winter session. He took his degree in medicine, and resolved to devote his life to missionary labour. He was sent in 1840 by the Loudon Missionary Society to Port Natal, where he became acquainted with the language and customs of the natives. He twice crossed the continent of Africa, and made very important and interesting discoveries. He succumbed to an attack of dysentery while endeavouring to discover the source of the Nile.]

1. When one in a troop of lions is killed, the others take the hint and leave that part of the country. So the next time the herds were attacked, I went with the people in order to encourage them to rid themselves of the lions by destroying one of their number. We found the lions on a small hill about a quarter of a mile in length, and covered with trees. A circle of men was formed round it, and they gradually closed up, ascending pretty near to each other. Being down below on the plain with a native schoolmaster named Mebálme, a most excellent man, I saw one of the lions sitting on a piece of rock within the closed circle of men.

2. Mebálme fired at him before I could, and the ball struck the rock on which the animal was sitting. He bit at the spot struck, as a dog does at a stick or a stone thrown at him; then, leaping away, broke through the circle and escaped. The men were afraid to attack him, perhaps on account of their belief in witchcraft.

3. When the circle was again formed, we saw two other lions in it, but we were afraid to fire lest we

should strike the men, and they allowed the beasts to burst through also.

4. Seeing we could not get them to kill one of the lions, we bent our footsteps towards the village. In going round the end of the hill, however, I saw one of the beasts sitting on a piece of rock as before, but this time he had a little bush in front. Being about thirty yards off, I took a good aim at his body through the bush, and fired both barrels into it.

5. The men called out, "He is shot, he is shot!" Others cried, "He has been shot by another man too; let us go to him!" I did not see any one else shoot at him, but I saw the lion's tail erected in anger behind the bush ; and, turning to the people, said, "Stop a little till I load again." When in the act of ramming down the bullets I heard a shout. Starting and looking half round, I saw the lion just in the act of springing upon me. I was upon a little height. He caught my shoulder as he sprang, and we both came to the ground. Growling close to my ear, he shook me as a terrier dog does a rat.

6. The shock produced a stupor similar to that which seems to be felt by a mouse after the first shake of a cat. It caused a sort of dreaminess, in which there was no sense of pain or feeling of terror, though quite conscious of all that was happening. This singular condition was not the result of any mental process. The shake removed all fear, and I had no sense of horror in looking round at the beast. This peculiar state is probably produced in all animals killed by beasts of prey; and if so, it is a merciful provision by our benevolent Creator for lessening the pain of death.

7. Turning round to relieve myself of the weight, as he had one paw on the back of my head, I saw his eyes

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directed to Mebálme, who was trying to shoot him at a distance of ten or fifteen yards. His gun, a flint one, missed fire in both barrels. The lion immediately left me, and, attacking him, bit his thigh. Another man, whose life I had saved before, attempted to spear the lion while he was biting Mebálme. Him he left, and caught this man by the shoulder, but at that moment the bullets he had received took effect, and he fell down dead.

8. The whole was the work of a few moments, and must have been his pang of dying rage. Besides crushing the bone into splinters, he left eleven wounds on the upper part of my arm.-Livingstone.

SUMMARY.-Livingstone's party found the lions at first on a small hill, but they were able to escape unhurt. Two other lions were afterwards seen, but they also escaped uninjured. In going towards the village, however, they came on one of the beasts, seated on a rock about thirty yards away. Livingstone fired two shots, but while re-loading the lion leaped upon him, and shook him as a terrier might do a rat. He was stupefied by the shock, but felt neither pain nor terror. The lion turned to attack Mebálme, and then another who tried to spear it; but suddenly the beast fell dead from the wounds which it had received.

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Where were the lions found? him? With what result? How often did they escape? did Livingstone feel when seized Where did the party then go? by the lion? Who else was atWhere did they find the next tacked by the lion? To what lion? How far off? Who shot at extent was Livingstone wounded? EXERCISES.-1. Parse and analyse- The men were afraid to attack him on account of their belief in witchcraft.

2. Adjectives are formed from nouns by adding ac, aceous, al, an, which mean "belonging to;" as elegy, elegiac; pert, pertinaceous; music, musical; suburb, suburban. In the same way form adjectives from the following-demon, arena, duke, republic. Make sentences to show the use of these words.

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