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Preached on
Several Occafions.
By the Most Reverend Father in GOD,
Late Lord Archbishop of YORK.
The Sirth Edition.
Printed for the Executrix of MARY KETTILBY; And Sold by W. PARKER, at the King's Head in St. Paul's Church-Tard. M. DCC.XXIX.
SERMON I Page 1.
HE Things that make for Peace: Or, The
Obligation of Chriftians to Church-Commu-
nion, and mutual Charity.
Rom. xiv. 19. Let us therefore follow after the
Things that make for Peace.
Preach'd before the Lord-Mayor, &c. 1674.
SERMON II. Page 29.
The Profitablenefs of Godliness: Or, The
Advantages of Piety, for the promoting all Mens
Interests in this World.
1 Tim. iv. 8. Godliness is profitable unto all things,
having a Promife of the Life that now is, and of that
which is to come.
Preach'd before the Lord-Mayor, 1675.
SERMON III. Page 70.
Of doing Good in our Lives; fhewing, that it is
every one's great Concernment, and is in every
one's Power.
Ecclef. iii. 12. I know that there is no good in them,
but for a Man to rejoice, and to do good in his Life. Preach'd at the Torkshire Feaft, 1680.
SERMON IV. Page 104.
The Rich Man's Duty, and the Encouragement he hath to practise it,
A 3
I Tim.
1 Tim. vi. 17, 18, 19. Charge them that are rich in
this World, that they be not high-minded, nor truft in
uncertain Riches, but in the living God, who giveth
us richly all Things to enjoy.
That they do Good, that they be rich in good Works,
ready to diftribute, willing to communicate.
Laying up in ftore for themselves a good Foundation
against the Time to come, that they may lay bold on
Eternal Life,
Preach'd at the Spittle, 1680.
SERMON V. Page 140.
A Defcription of the Upright Man, and his Se- curity in evil Times.
Pfal. cxii. 4. To the Upright there arifeth Light in the Darkness.
Preach'd at the Election of the Lord-Mayor, 1680.
SERMON VI. Page 172.
A ftanding Revelation of more Force to perfuade
Men, than one rifing from the Dead. With the
Evidence we have at this Day for the Truth of the
Christian Religion.
Luke xvi. 31. If they hear not Mofes and the Pro- phets, neither will they be perfuaded though one rofe from the Dead.
Preach'd at White-Hall, 1684.
SERMON VII. Page 206.
Rules for the Conduct of ourselves, where we are
at a Lofs to distinguish the Bounds of Duty and Sin;
Lawful and Unlawful in any Action.
Galat. v. 13. Ufe not Liberty for an Occafion to the Flesh.
Preach'd before the Queen, 1690.