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estimates; by Mr. Huskisson, that the application of the money voted would be matter of subsequent consideration; and by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, that it was certainly intended to reward the captors out of the stores, or the value of them.

luded to.-After some further conversation | Ward that there was no diminution in the it was finally agreed, that the two motions should be to the following purport: 1. "That, an humble address be presented to his majesty, that he will be graciously pleased to give directions, that there be laid before this house, an Account of the number of Licences which have been recommended by the lords of his majesty's privy council to be granted by his majesty, under his sign manual, to persons applying for the same, for commercial objects, from

the commencement of hostilities in May 1803 to the first of Nov. last; distinguishing the number in each month or year. 2.That there be laid before this house,an Account of the whole amount of Fees or Gratuities which have been yearly paid and received at the Office of his majesty's most honourable privy council, or at any other of the public offices, by or on account of persons who have obtained or have applied for Licences permitting them to navigate or trade, from the commencement of hostilities in May 1803 to the 31st of Dec. last, specifying by what persons in the said offices respectively such Fees, or any proportion of them, have been ultimately received, or in what other manner the whole amount of such Fees has been disposed of; and stating by what regulation, or according to what rate, such Fees are required." [NAVY ESTIMATES.] The house resolved itself into a Committee of Supply, Mr. Wharton in the chair. On the motion of Mr. R. Ward, the following resolutions were agreed to, viz. 1. "That the number of 130,000 men should be employed for the sea service of the present year, including 14,000 royal marines. 2. That a sum not exceeding 3,126,500l. be granted to his majesty for the wages of the above men for 13 months, at the rate 17. 17s. per man per month. 3. That a sum not exceeding 3,211,000l. be granted to his majesty for victualling the above men for 13 months, at the rate of 17. 18s. per man per month. 4. That a sum not exceeding 5,070,000l. be granted to his majesty, for the wear and tear of the Navy, for 13 months, at the rate of 31. per man per month. 5. That a sum not exceeding 521,500l. be granted to his majesty for defraying the charges of Ordnance for sea service, for 13 months, at the rate of 7s. per man per month." In answer to a question from Mr. Tierney, whether any diminution was made in the Navy Estimates, in consideration of the stores brought from Copenhagen, it was stated by Mr.


Monday, February 1. [MINUTES.] Viscount Carthcart was introduced by lords Wentworth and Lake. His patent of creation having been read at the table, his lordship took the oaths and his seat. The Lord Chancellor communicated the thanks of the house severally to viscount Carthcart and lord Gambier, each noble lord standing in his place whilst the thanks were delivered. Viscount

Cathcart and lord Gambier severally addressed the house, expressing their thanks for the high honour conferred upon them, and speaking in the warmest terms of approbation of the ability, skill, discipline, and valour displayed by the Army and Navy employed in the Expedition to Copenhagen.


Monday, February 1.

[VOTE OF THANKS-EXPEDITION TO COPENHAGEN.] The Speaker acquainted the house, that he had received from admiral the right hon. lord Gambier, the following Letter, in return to the Thanks of the house, signified to him, in obedience to their commands of Thursday last :

"Sir; I have the honour to acknow, ledge the receipt of your Letter of the 29th inst. in which you inform me, that you are commanded by the house of commons to communicate to me their Resolutions of Thanks for the services performed by me, and the Fleet under my command, on the late Expedition to Copenhagen, transmitting to me at the same time authenticated copies of those Resolutions, and requesting of me to signify the same to vice admiral sir Henry Edwin Stanhope, rear admiral Essington, rear admiral Keats, and the several captains and other officers referred to therein.

In answer thereto, I beg leave to assure you, that this signal mark of approbation which the house of commons has been pleased to confer upon the officers, seamen, and marines, late under my command, and upon myself, has impressed

my mind with a deep and lasting sense of
so highly distinguished an honour; and I
am at a loss for terms to express how
highly gratifying it is to my feelings.
I shall lose no time in communicating the
Resolutions of the house of commons to
the admirals, captains, and other officers
referred to therein, and shall desire the
captains and commanders to make the
same known to the officers, seamen, and
marines under their command. I must
beg of you, sir, to accept my most cor-
dial thanks for the honour of your Letter,
and the obliging terms in which you are
so good to express yourself towards me
therein. I have the honour to be, &c.
GAMBIER. Admiralty, 30th Jan. 1808."

Major general the hon. Edward Finch, major general Thomas Grosvenor, and major general the right hon. sir Arthur Wellesley, being come to the house, the Speaker acquainted them, that the house had, upon Thursday last, resolved, That the Thanks of this house be given to them for the zeal, intrepidity and exertion which they displayed in the various operations which were necessary for conducting the siege, and effecting the surrender of the Navy and Arsenal, of Copenhagen. The Speaker gave them the Thanks of the house accordingly, as follows:

I am charged to deliver the Thanks of this house to you all, and I do accordingly thank you in the name of the Commons of the United Kingdom, " for your zeal, intrepidity, and exertion, displayed in the various operations which were necessary for conducting the siege, and effecting the surrender of the Navy and Arsenal, of Copenhagen."-Upon which,

Major general Finch said, "Mr. Speaker, I beg leave most respectfully to return you my thanks for the obliging and very flattering terms in which you have communicated a resolution of the house, which reflects such high and distinguished honour on every individual included in it; allow me, sir, (if I may judge from my own feelings) to assure you and the house, that nothing can make a stronger impression on the mind of any one devoted to the service of his country, than to know that any act of duty, in which he may have had even an humble part, has been thought worthy of the notice and approbation of this house."

Major general Grosvenor then said, "Mr. Speaker; It is impossible to have communicated to me, in my place in this house, the high and distinguished honour, such as I hold the thanks of parliament to be, without exciting in my breast feelings and sensations such as I am unable to suppress. Sir, the proudest recompence, the most valuable remuneration, a soldier can look to as a reward for public service, is the thanks of his country. When I consider my own humble services, I feel oppressed and overcome as it were by the value I cannot but attach to the communication you make me; and the more open, sir, to this feeling, impressed as I am with the handsome and flattering manner in which you have been pleased to convey the vote of the house to my brother officers and myself."

Major general Finch, major general Grosvenor, and major general sir Arthur Wellesley; This house, contemplating the services performed by his majesty's Army on the late Danish expedition, and applauding the zeal, intrepidity, and exertion displayed by the general officers employed in the reduction of Copenhagen, has conferred upon them the high honour of its approbation and thanks; a higher reward this house has not to bestow. In distributing these honours, it is at all times matter of just pride and satisfaction to this house, to behold within its own walls any of those distinguished persons whose merit has raised them to this eminence." But I should indeed be wanting to the full expression of those sentiments which animate this house and the whole country, if I forbore to notice, that we are on this day crowning with our Thanks one gallant officer, long since known to the gratitude of this house, who has long trodden the paths of glory, whose genius and valour have already extended our fame and empire, whose sword has been the terror of our distant enemies, and will not now be drawn in vain to defend the seat of empire itself, and the throne of his sovereign.

Major general sir Arthur Wellesley said; Mr. Speaker; I consider myself fortunate that I was employed by his majesty on a service which this house has considered of such importance, as to have marked with its approbation the conduct of those officers and troops who have performed it. The honour which this house has conferred upon my honourable friends and myself, is justly considered by the officers of the navy and army as the highest which this country can confer; it is the object of the ambition of all who are employed in his majesty's service, and to obtain it has doubtless been the motive

of many of those acts of valour and good conduct which have tended so eminently to the glory, and have advanced the prosperity and advantage of, this country. I can assure the house, that I am most sensible of the great honour which they have done me, and I beg leave to take this opportunity of returning you, sir, my thanks for the handsome terms, respecting myself, in which your kindness to me has induced you to convey the resolution of the house." Captain sir Home Popham being come to the house, the Speaker acquainted him, that the house had, upon Thursday last, resolved, That the Thanks of this house be given to him for his cordial and effectual co-operation with the land forces during the siege of Copenhagen, and for his indefatigable activity and exertions in equipping the Danish navy for sea, and effecting the embarkation and removal of the naval stores from the arsenal at that place. The Speaker then gave him the thanks of the house accordingly, as follows: "Captain sir Home Popham; The prompt and able distribution of his majesty's fleet, during the late important expedition to the Baltic; the zeal and intelligence displayed by his majesty's naval forces in supporting the operations of the besieging army; and their subsequent exertions on compleating the service upon which they were employed; have obtained the approbation and thanks of this house. Amongst the gallant officers of that fleet, whose names have been honoured with this high distinction, I have to congratulate you, that yours also stands recorded. And I do now accordingly, by the command of this house, give their Thanks to you," for your cordial and effectual co-operation with his majesty's land forces during the siege of Copenhagen; and for your indefatigable activity and exertions in equipping the Danish Navy for sea, and effecting the embarkation and removal of the naval stores from the arsenal at that place."-Upon which

Sir Home Popham said; " Mr. Speaker; I beg leave, sir, to express through you to this honourable house, my most profound sense of the notice it has been pleased to take of my humble participation in the operations of the late expedition to Copenhagen. No man, sir, can be insensible to the distinction which this house has conferred upon the Army and Navy on the present occasion; no man prizes that distinction higher than the value I set upon it; and I beg leave to assure the VOL. X.

house, as the only tribute of gratitude which I can offer, that it shall be the first principle of my life, regardless of all consequences to myself, to promote, by the full exercise of my poor faculties, the service of our much esteemed country, and the glory of our virtuous sovereign. With the manner which you have conveyed this honourable testimony of approbation I am most deeply impressed; and I beg leave to offer you my sincere and very grateful acknowledgments."

[OFFICES IN REVERSION BILL.] The Offices in Reversion bill was read a third time. On the motion that it do pass,

Sir Samuel Romilly expressed his regret, that the bill had reached this stage without the house knowing what was the opinion of his majesty's ministers, as to its merits. He supposed, that they were not hostile to it because they had not opposed it, but it was of no small importance for the house to know, whether it had their support or not. He remembered, that on a former occasion when a bill similar to the present had been brought into parliament, a right hon. gent. had said, that in his opinion it was a matter of very great indifference, whether it passed or not, that on the one hand it was no invasion of the king's prerogative, and that on the other little practical good could result from it. He was of a different opinion from that right hon. gent. for he thought, that if no practical good could be derived from it, the bill ought not to pass, but he was convinced that much good would result from it, and therefore it had his hearty support.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer said, that he did not know what right his honourable and learned friend had to call apon him, or any of his colleagues, to give his or their sentiments on the present occasion. He had never seen any reason to expect much benefit from the passing of this bill, however much some persons might think it would be productive of advantages. It had come originally recommended by a committee, as being calculated to diminish the public expenditure; and, therefore, it appeared to him not to be a subject that ought to meet with opposition. As it had passed this house formerly, and had afterwards been thrown out in another place, rather by surprise, he thought it but reasonable to allow it to be restored to a similar stage with the former one. These were the motives that induced him to vote Q

for its third reading, and for its passing the period peremptorily prescribed to his that house. The bill was then passed. majesty, for the acceptance of the Russian [PAPERS RELATIVE TO RUSSIA] Mr. Se-mediation, had created in London a very cretary Canning presented to the house, pursuant to their address to his majesty, the following papers:



No. I.-Dispatch from the right hon lord Granville Leveson Gower to Mr. Secretary Canning, dated St. Petersburg, Sept. 2d, 1807-Received Sept. 19th.

unfavourable impression against the intervention of his imperial majesty; that however, notwithstanding his majesty had just reason to be offended with the terms of the 13th article, such was his desire to embrace any opening which afforded the prospect of the conclusion of an honourable peace, that he would not retract the conditional acceptance of the mediation, which had already been conveyed to the Russian government, in the note addressed by you to M. Alopeus; that his majesty at the same time, looked for some mark of the good will of the emperor of Russia towards great Britain; that M. Alopeus had before the late unfortunate events of Friedland and Tilsit, requested of you a project of a new treaty of commerce, and had given the as

Sir: I have the honour to inform you, that on Saturday evening, 29th August, I received by sir Stephen Shairp, who left the fleet off Copenhagen upon the 24th of August, your dispatches, Nos. 32 and 33, and on Sunday the messenger Ruff deli-surance of the disposition of his court_to vered to me those from No. 26 to 31 inclusive. Being thus completely put in possession of the sentiments of his majesty's government upon all the points which could come into discussion between this country and Great Britain, I lost no time in requesting a conference with general Budberg, who, though extremely unwell, invited me to call upon him last night.-I began the conference by observing that his excellency being already apprised by the answer given by his majesty's secretary of state, to M. Alopeus, of the conditional acceptance by the court of London, of the proferred mediation of Russia, I had to state to him, that I was instructed in the first instance to request the communication of the secret articles of the treaty of Tilsit, and a frank disclosure of the general views and intentions of the court of St. Petersburgh. That impartiality was the first requisite in the character of a mediator, and that before the British government agreed to avail itself of the mediation of this court, it was essentially necessary that England should be placed, with regard to the mediating power, on an equal footing with France; that the confidential intercourse which had taken place between the emperor and Bonaparte at Tilsit, and by which his imperial majesty became acquainted with the principles upon which the French government proposed negociating with the court of London, had naturally excited an uneasiness in England, which could only be removed by an unreserved communication; that I could not conceal from him, that

proceed to the definitive conclusion of a commercial arrangement between the two countries; that a project had in compliance with his wish been communicated and transmitted to St. Petersburgh; and that if the good-will of his imperial majesty towards England continued unaltered, I trusted no delay would take place in proceeding to the negociation of this treaty; that the existence of any stipulation in this project, which was not approved of by this government, was no obstacle to our entering into negociation upon it, because I should take upon myself to agree to any modifications which did not appear to change the basis and principles upon which it had been framed; that as France had, by the 27th article of the Tilsit Treaty, secured the re-establishment of her former commercial relations with Russia, a natural and obvious mode of proving the impartiality of the emperor would be the renewal of the commercial treaty with Great Britain.-General Budberg began his reply by acknowledging the existence of secret articles belonging to the treaty of Tilsit. There were some, he said, which in no way concerned the interests of England; that he could assure me, and as an honest man, he would not say it if it were not truth, there existed no secret article whatever, which stipulated the shutting the Russian ports against the British commerce; that, with respect to the project to the treaty of commerce, he had to confess, that, from the press of other business, and the bad state of his health, he had not had time to lay it before

replies of the Russian minister to the questions which I had thought it my duty to put to him in previous conferences, I found a very mild and conciliating manner, and an apparent anxiety to remove every difficulty in the way of a perfectly good un

regretted the reserve which had marked the conduct of the Russian government towards England; he answered that Russia had just grounds of complaint against England; he went into a long detail of the little attention that had been given to the repeated representations of the emperor of Russia, and I could not be surprised, he said, that in the first moment of misfortune arising from the want of co-operation, he should testify some degree of discontent. I replied, that we could not better serve the cause of Bonaparte, than by in

the emperor; that it must necessarily be considered by the minister of commerce, before he could confer with me upon it; and that, as to the 27th article of the Tilsit treaty, it only placed the commercial re lations of the two countries upon the same footing that they had been before the com-derstanding between the two countries. I mencement of hostilities; that the commercial treaty with France was not renewed, and would expire in two years; and that it by no means followed because Bonaparte had communicated to the emperor of Russia, the basis upon which he was ready to conclude peace with England, that his imperial majesty had made any communications at Tilsit of the future views and system of the court of Petersburg. The general appeared to wish that I should consider this answer as sufficiently satisfactory to authorize me to accept the mediation of his court. I observed indulging in mutual recrimination on the reply, that it was difficult to conceive any articles of a peace between Russia and France which did not directly or indirectly concern Great Britain; but that I asked the communication of the secret articles, not only as an object which might affect the interests of England, but as a mark of the continuance of that friendship and confidence on the part of this court, which could alone afford any prospect of good, from the acceptance of the mediation of the emperor of Russia; that with the same view, I had proposed continuing the negociations begun by Mons. Alopeus, and that if his excellency had no authority at present to say any thing more satisfactory than what I had as yet heard from him, I must request him to ask the permission of the emperor to communicate to me without reserve the secret articles of the treaty between Russia and France, and to empower him to continue the negociations, and conclude a treaty of commerce with Great Britain. General Budberg promised me, that he would lose no time in bringing these two requests under the consideration of his imperial majesty. I have the honour, &c.

GRANVILLE LEVESON GOWER. No. II.-Extract of a dispatch from the right hon. lord Granville Leveson Gower to Mr. Secretary Canning, dated Saint Petersburgh, Sept. 2, 1807. -Received Sept. 19th.

I had the satisfaction of finding last night, that a considerable change had taken place in the tone and temper of general Budberg's conversation. Instead of that coldness and reserve which characterised the

past conduct of each government; that I wished our whole attention should be turned to the future, and that I was persuaded, if the emperor of Russia still entertained his former opinions of the danger to be apprehended from the preponderance of France, the cause of the independance of Europe was by no means desperate.

No. III-Extract of a dispatch from the right hon. lord Granville Leveson Gower to Mr. Secretary Canning, dated St. Petersburgh, 2d Sept. 1807.Received Sept. 19th.

As general Budberg carefully avoided every allusion to the late transactions at Copenhagen, during the interview which took place between us on Tuesday, I was somewhat surprised on the following morning to receive the note of which I have the honour to enclose a copy. In my answer, also inclosed, I have endeavoured to follow closely those among the reasons stated in your dispatches, which I conceive likely to prove the least offensive to this government, reserving other arguments for my first future conference with the minister.

(First inclosure referred to in No. 3.) His majesty the emperor has just learned with the utmost surprise by accounts from his minister at Copenhagen, as well as by a dispatch from his Danish majesty's minister at this court, that Mr. Jackson, his Britannick majesty's Plenipotentiary, has made propositions as derogatory to as incompatible with the dignity of every independent power, and that, upon the refusal of the prince royal of Denmark to accede to a pretension so extraor dinary, the English fleet has taken a posi

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