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"Nescire quod antequam natus esses
factum sit, id semper esse puer."-CICERO.

THE value of any scientific work is greatly enhanced by the
addition of a list of the principal works to which the Author
has been indebted. This acquaints his readers with the
school and age, the doctrines of which have influenced the
writer; it enables those who study as well as read to refer to
sources, and test the author's veracity and judgment; while
to subsequent labourers in the same field, such a list of refe-
rences is like a map to travellers in an unknown country; and
the importance of Medical Bibliography has greatly increased,
now that the Press teems every year with medical works,

It will have been observed that the medical press of the
last ten years has furnished me with facts on which to found
a wider view of ovarian pathology, and I am also indebted to
another source of medical bibliography-the theses which
are written and defended by those who take their degree in
Continental universities.

The importance of this branch of literature is somewhat
overlooked by English medical authors. In the great Con-
tinental medical schools the candidate for the doctoral cap
generally takes for the subject of his thesis some of the
striking cases he has met with in hospital practice, or the
latest discovery; and frequently the facts and theories of a
celebrated "Capo di scuola" are only to be found in the
thesis of their favourite pupils. It was so with Stahl, and
has been the case in our time with Recamier.
Thus many
facts are buried in dissertations which, although printed, have
scarcely been brought to light.


ARAN, Leçons cliniques sur les mala-
dies de l'uterus et de ses annexes,
published in three parts, Paris,

AXENFELD, Dr., Des neuralgies lom-
bo-abdominales, considerées comme
symptomatiques des affections de
l'uterus-Union Médicale, vol. iv.
Twointeresting papers, which should
be read with what Valleix has
written on the same subject.


BATTERSBY, Dr., Report on the patho-
logy, diagnosis, and treatment of
abscesses of the iliac fossa-Dublin
Med. and Surg. Review, vol. xxxi.,
1847. An elaborate paper, wherein
the history of modern researches on
pelvic abscesses is lucidly given.
BARNES, Dr., A case of peritonitis-
Obstetric Transactions, vol. iii.
BENNET, Dr., On inflammation of the
womb, 4th Ed., contains a chapter
on idiopathic ovaritis.
BELL, Dr., of Glasgow, Cases of pelvic
inflammation, ending in abscess-
London Medical Gazette, New Series,
vol. ii. A series of valuable papers.
BERNUTZ, Dr., Clinique médicale des
maladies des femmes. A work
written in conjunction with Dr.
Goupil, of which the two first
volumes had appeared in 1862.

BOIVIN and DUGÈS, On diseases of the
uterus. Mr. Heming's translation,
London, 1834, may be usefully con-

BOURDON, Des tumeurs fluctuantes du
petit Bassin-Revue Médicale de
Paris, July, 1841. These three in-
teresting papers resume Recamier's
practice as regards the treatment of
pelvic tumours.

BOURRAUD, De l'ovarite blennorrha-
gique, Paris-Thèse de Doctorat,
No. 60, 1847. Valuable on account
of six cases of idiopathic acute
ovaritis which it contains, four of
which had not been published.
RURGICAL REVIEW, A review of Lo-
enhardt's work, vol. ii., p. 528.

A review of the author's first
edition of a work on diseases of
menstruation and ovarian inflam-
mation, vol. vi., 1850.


CHEREAU, Dr. Achille, Mémoires pour
servir à l'étude des maladies des
ovaires, Paris, 1844. This is the
only work lately published ex pro-
fesso on the subject, and is well
worthy of perusal.

Observation d'abcès de l'ovaire-
Journal des Connoissances Méd.
Chir., August, 1845.

CHEREST, Des engorgements inflam-
matoires de la fosse iliaque après
l'accouchement, Paris-Thèse de
Doctorat, No. 172, 1841. A very
good thesis.

CHURCHILL, Dr. Fleetwood, On in-
flammation and abscess of the ute-
rine appendages—Dublin Quarterly
Journal of Medical Science, vol. xxiv.
This paper is equal to the high repu-
tation of its author. Two cases of
non-puerperal pelvic abscess are
given, but we doubt whether they
be cases of ovaritis.

Ovarian irritation-July, 1851,
vol. xii.; New Series.
plet des maladies des femmes, Paris,
1843. This contains little informa-
tion on the pathology of the ovaria.


DANCE, Sur quelques engorgements
inflammatoires qui se developpent
dans la fosse iliaque droite-Re-
pertoire d'Anatomie et de Physio-
logie, t. iv., p. 135, 1827.
DOHERTY, Pr. Queen's College, Gal-
way. On secondary pelvic inflam-
mation-Dublin Quarterly Journal
of Medicine, vol. xxii. This paper
resumes the practice of Dr. Ken-
nedy, late master of the Dublin
Lying-in Hospital.

review of the author's first edition
of Diseases of Menstruation and
Ovarian Inflammation, vol. x., New
Series, 1850.

DUGAST, De l'exploration des ovaires

-Thèse de Doctorat, Paris, 1839.
This will be consulted with interest.

FICHOT, Quelques mots sur les abcès
des ligaments larges chez les femmes
nouvellement accouchées-Thèse de
Doctorat, No. 379, Paris, 1839.
This will repay perusal.


GRISOLLE, Dr., Histoire des tumeurs
phlegmoneuses des fosses iliaques-
Archives Gén. de Médecine, Série 3,
tom. iv., 1839. Useful to establish
the differential diagnosis of ovarian

GOLDSCHMIDT, Des fongosités de la

cavité uterine-Thèse de Strasburg,
2nde Série, No. 461.
contains a very instructive review
of the second edition of this work.


HIRTZ, Sur les maladies des ovaires
-Thèse de Strasburg, No. 67, 1841.
I perused this thesis many years
ago with great interest. Hirtz is
now professor of the University of
Strasburg. This university stand-
ing on the frontiers of France and
Germany, its teachers have been
equally well acquainted with the
literature of both countries, which
has enabled them formerly, and
now, to advance medical science.


JENNETTE, Surgeon to the Birkenhead
Hospital. On inflammation and ab-
scess of the uterine appendages-
Lond. Med. Gazette, New Series,
vol. xlv. This paper contains three
original cases of post-partum pelvic
abscess, with judicious remarks.


KRÜGER, a Thesis, with the following
title: Pathologia Ovariorum, Göt-
tingen, 1782. The work is rare,
it is not to be found in the libraries
of the College of Surgeons, or in
that of the Roy. Med. and Chir.


LANDOUZY, Traité complet de l'hys-
terie, Paris, 1846. This is the best
monograph on hysteria, and a
model worthy of imitation by those
who wish to investigate thoroughly
any disease.

LATIS, Des inflammations des an-
nexes de l'uterus-Thèse de Doctorat,
Paris, after 1848. I understand
this to be one of the best mono-
graphs written on the subject.

LEBATARD, Des abcès de la fosse ili-
aque-Thèse de Doctorat, Paris,
No. 397, 1837.

LEVER, Dr., On pelvic tumours ob-
structing parturition-Guy's Hos
pital Reports, 1842.

On pelvic inflammation with ab-
scess occurring after delivery
Guy's Hospital Reports, 1844.

MADGE, Dr., On uterine hæmatocele.
The paper contains an interesting
case, illustrated by coloured draw-
ings-Obstetric Transactions, vol. iii.
MARCHAL DE CALVI, Sur les abcès
intra-pelviens-Thèse de Concours
pour l'agrégation à la Faculté de
Paris, 1844. This thesis princi-
pally refers to the puerperal varie-
ties of pelvic abscesses, and is worth

MARTIN, le Jeune, of Montpellier,
Des tumeurs phlegmoneuses des
annexes de l'uterus, 1835. This is
much praised by many excellent

MELLIER, Dr., Considérations pra-
tiques sur le traitement des maladies
de la matrice-Mémoires de l'Aca-
démie Royale de Médecine, vol. ii.
This paper drew attention to the
inter-dependence of uterine and
ovarian inflammatory affections.
MENIERE, Des tumeurs phlegmoneuses
de la fosse iliaque droite-Archives
Gén., t. xvii., 1828.

MERCIER, Dr., Mémoire sur la perito-
nite, considérée comme cause de ste-
rilité chez les femmes-Gazette Mé-
dicale de Paris, subsequent to 1838.
MERIC, Mr. de, A paper on blennor-
rhagic ovaritis, containing three cases
-Lancet, 1862.

MONTAULT, Dr., Observations et
recherches sur la peritonite puer-
perale-Journal Complémentaire
des Sciences Médicales, vol. xl. and
xli., 1831.

Sur les divers modes de termina-
tion de l'ovarite puerperale-Jour-
nal Hebdomadaire, vol. i., 1834.
This last paper resumes the three
preceding ones, which, however,
most deserve perusal.


NEGRIER, Recherches anatomiques et
physiologiques sur les ovaires hu-
maines. Négrier is a distinguished
professor of the medical school of

[blocks in formation]

PIOTAY, Tumeurs phlegmoneuses de
fosse iliaque dans les annexes de
l'uterus. Paris, Thèse, No. 462,

PISTOCCHI, Dr., and Professor at the
University of Bologna, Sulla Oofori-
tide, Bullettino delle Scienze Mediche,
1850, Nos. for January and Fe-
bruary. Very valuable papers,
containing several interesting cases,
one of which I have condensed.
POMME, Traité des affections vapo-
reuses des deux sexes. Second Edi-
tion, Lyons, 1765. A book well worth
reading for many practical views on
the treatment of nervous affections
by baths; and it contains two cases
of catalepsy.


RECAMIER, Recherches sur le traite-
ment du cancer. Two volumes,
Paris, 1829. There is a treatise of
general pathology at the end of this
work, to which Trousseau and
Pidoux are indebted for many of
the views expounded in their treatise
on Therapeutics.
RIGBY, Dr. Edward, Papers on ova-
rian pathology, in the last volumes
of the Medical Times.
RITCHIE, Dr., Contributions to the
physiology of the human ovary-
London Med. Gazette, vol. xxxiii.,

On general disease-Edin. Med.
and Surg. Journal, 1851.

[blocks in formation]

VIGUES, Des tumeurs sanguines de

l'excavation pelvienne chez la femme
-Thèse de Doctorat, 1850. This is
a very valuable contribution to ob-
stetric pathology, and a fair at-
tempt to thoroughly investigate the

VOISIN, Dr., Sur l'hematocèle peri-
uterin. The work embodies the
practice of Nélaton.


WAINRIGHT, Surgeon to the Northern
Hospital of Liverpool, Cases of ab-
scesses forming within the pelvis,
with observations-Provincial Med.
and Surg. Transactions, vol. ix.,

WEST, Dr., On diseases of women,
Second Edition, contains valuable
contributions to the study of ova-
ritis and hæmatocele.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

BELLADONNA, utility of, 90, 118, 251, 384.

Biliary derangement no cause of pseudo-narcotism, 116.

Biliary plethora, 178.

Bleeding in acute ovaritis, 424.

Bleeding, its advantages and dangers, 119.

Blennorrhagic uterine catarrh, 218.

Blennorrhagia, a cause of ovaritis, 314.

Blighting of the ovum, a cause of sterility, 355.

Blisters in sub-acute ovaritis, 385.

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