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the funds of the seminary, until the sum amounts to ten thousand dollars; and one additional trustee for every ten thousand dollars of contributions and donations, as aforesaid, exceeding that sum. The trustees shall be resident in the diocesses for which they are appointed. They shall be nominated by the diocesan conventions respectively, to every stated general convention, who may confirm or reject such nominations. The senior bishop present shall preside at every meeting of the board of trustees; and whenever demanded by a majority of the bishops present, or a majority of the clerical and lay trustees present, the concurrence of a majority of the bishops present, and a majority of clerical and lay trustees present, shall be necessary to any act of the board. Eleven trustees shall constitute a quorum. The trustees shall continue in office until their successors are appointed. In the interval between the stated meetings of the general convention, the board shall have power to supply all vacancies, from the diocesses respectively in which they may have occurred.

IV. For the present, and until the next stated general convention, the board of trustees shall consist of the bishops of the church, and of the twenty-four trustees of the general Theological Seminary, heretofore established by the General Convention, and of fourteen trustees chosen by the managers of the Protestant Episcopal Theological Education Society in the state of New York. These trustees shall exercise the powers of the permanent board, as detailed in the foregoing article, and agreeably to the provisions thereof.

The board of trustees shall always meet in the diocess where the seminary is established, at such stated periods as they may determine; and special meetings may be called by the bishop of the said diocess, and shall be called by him

at the requisition of a majority of the bishops.

V. The professors of the General Theological Seminary heretofore established by the General Convention, and the professors in the Theological Seminary in the diocese of New York, shall be professors in the General Theological Seminary hereby established in that diocess.

The board of trustees shall have power to remove professors and other officers; but no professor shall be removed from office, except at a special meeting of the board called to consider the same; nor unless notice of an intended motion for such removal, and of the grounds thereof shall have been given at a previous meeting of the board. The nomination of professors shall be made at one meeting of the board of trustees, and acted upon at a subsequent meeting; due notice being given of the object of the said meeting to every member of the board.

VI. The funds and other property and claims to funds or property of the General Theological Seminary, heretofore established by the General Convention, shall be vested in, and transferred to the General Seminary hereby established, as soon as an act of the board of managers of the Protestant Episcopal Theological Education Society, in the state of New York, shall vest in and transfer to the same Seminary, all their funds, and other property and claims to funds and property-and all engagements and responsibilities entered into, or assumed by either of the said institutions, for the purpose of their foundation, consistent with the other provisions of this constitution, shall be considered as binding upon the General Seminary, so established within the state of New York.

VII. This constitution shall be unalterable, except by a concurrent vote of the board of trustees, and of the General Convention.

The venerable Bishop White, at the termination of the convention addressed the two Houses in the following terms:

"Brethren of this Convention,

"I take the liberty of giving vent to the feeling which possesses me, at the conclusion of our session.

"I have attended all the meetings of the General Conventions, from the beginning of our organization. On some of those occasions, we assembled with apprehensions in the minds of many judicious men who had the interests of the church at heart, that the deliberations would be disturbed by angry passions, and end in disunion. In every instance, the reverse was the issue: which led me to hope, that there was in this matter a verifying of the promise of the great Head of the church, of being with her to the end of the world.

"The reason of this call of your attention to the fact stated, is the harmony with which we are concluding the present session; after having met with diversity of sentiment on some important points; on which, in consequence of mutual concession, and the merging of local attachments in the great object of general good, we are now sepa. rating with confirmed zeal for the great cause in which we are engaged; to be followed, it is to be hoped, by renewed endeavours for its advancement, each of us in his proper sphere.

"With this prospect before me, I invite you to lift your hearts and your voices, in singing to the praise and glory of God, a psalm appropriate to the occasion."

That our readers may form some notion of the plan of education to be pursued in this new Seminary, we extract a Report made to the Convention of New York by their Education Committee.

"The various branches of sacred erudition are divided into seven classes :

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"1. Biblical Learning: comprising whatever relates to the original languages of the Holy Scriptures, and the knowledge which is neces. sary to the critical study and interpretation of them, including Jewish and oriental literature, profane history in its connection with sacred, and biblical chronology and geography.

66 2. The Evidences of Revealed Religion; establishing the genuineness, authenticity, and credibility of the Scriptures with the interpretation of them so far as may be necessary to the full exhibition of the evidence of their Divine authority and inspiration, and a view of the character and effects of Christianity, and of moral science in its relations to theology.

"3. The Interpretation of the Scriptures; exhibiting the principles of scriptural interpretation, and the meaning and practical application of every part of the sacred writings.

"4. Systematic Divinity; presenting a methodical arrangement and explanation of the truths contained in the Scriptures, with the authorities sustaining these truths; a statement and refutation of the erroneous doctrines attempted to be deduced from the sacred writings; and a particular view and defence of the system of faith professed by the Protestant Episcopal Church; thus affording a minute exhibition of controversial and practical theology.

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5. Ecclesiastical History; displaying the history of the Church in all ages, and particularly of the Church in England, and of the Protestant Episcopal Church in this country.

"6. The Nature, Ministry, and Polity of the Church; comprising a view of the nature of the Christian Church, and the duty of preserving its unity; of the authority and or. ders of the ministry; with a statement and elucidation of the principles of ecclesiastical polity, and an

explanation and defence of that of the Protestant Episcopal Church; and also an exhibition of the authority and advantages of liturgical service, with a history, explanation, and defence of the Liturgy of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and of its rites and ceremonies.

"7. Pastoral Theology; explain. ing and enforcing the qualifications and duties of the clerical office, and including the performance of the service of the church, and the composition and delivery of sermons.

"The professorships for instruction in these branches are arranged as follows, for the seminary in the city;

"A Professorship of Biblical Learning the department of the Interpretation of Scripture being added.

"A Professorship of Revealed Religion, and of Moral Science in its relations to Theology.

"A Professorship of Systematic Divinity, and Pastoral Theology.

"A Professorship of the Nature, Ministry, and Polity of the Church, the department of Ecclesiastical History being added.

"The office of Librarian is also instituted, whose duty it is to take charge of the books, and assist the students in their references to them. It is his duty to attend at least one hour a day for three days in the week. Also, in conjunction with the Library committee, of which he is, ex officio, a member, he is to take measures for increasing the Library.

"With the fundamental regulation, that the expenditures of the Society shall in no case encroach upon its capital, or exceed its income, it has been resolved, that as soon as the funds of the Society admit, the salaries of the above professorships shall be at least 1200 dollars per annum, and that of the Librarian 300 dollars per annum, and that in the mean time such arrangements be made by the Board, with respect to the salaries of the Professors, as circumstances REMEMBRANCER, No. 40.

may render expedient and properit being understood, that until adequate funds are provided the services of the Professors and Librarian shall be gratuitous-and that, when such of them as may have parochial cures are to receive salaries from this Society, arrangements shall be made with their parishes for a proportionable relinquishment of the parochial duties and emoluments.

"The professorships for the Interior School of Geneva are as follows;

"A Professorship of the Interpretation of Scripture, of Ecclesiastical History, and of the Nature, Ministry, and Polity of the Church. "A Professorship of Biblical Learning.

"A Professorship of Systematic Divinity and Pastoral Theology.

"As soon as the funds of the Society admit, the salaries of these Professors will be at least 800 dollars per annum; and, in the mean time, and while they are engaged in other duties, and receiving other emoluments, their salaries are to be fixed by the Board of Managers as circumstances may render expedient.

"The office of Librarian for the Interior School is also instituted with the same duties as are assigned to the Librarian of the School in the city of New York.

Until statutes shall be prescribed for the regulation of the two Schools respectively, they are to be governed by such rules as the professors in each, with the approbation of the Bishop, shall adopt.

"The following professors have been appointed for the Seminary in this city, viz.-The Right Rev. John Henry Hobart, Professor of Systematic Divinity and Pastoral Theology; Mr. Clement C. Moore, Professor of Biblical Learning, the department of Interpretation of Scripture being added; Mr. Gusián Ċ. Verplank, Professor of the Evidences of Revealed Religion, and of Moral Science in its relations to Theology; and the Rev. Benjamin Ff

T. Onderdonk, Professor of the Na ture, Ministry and Polity of the Church, the department of Ecclesiastical History being annexedand the Rev. Hen. J. Feltus is the Librarian. For the Interior School of Geneva, the following are the appointments made by this Board, viz. -The Rev. Daniel M'Donald, Professor of the Interpretation of Scripture, Ecclesiastical History, and the Nature, Ministry, and Polity of the Church, and Librarian; the Rev. John Reed, Professor of Biblical Learning; and the Rev. Orin Clark, Professor of Systematic Divinity and Pastoral Theology."

To the Editor of the Remembrancer.

It was with some degree of surprise, that I read a letter, signed Bla, in the Number for February of your publication. It is, to be sure, short, and not likely, I should hope, to effect a change in the very laudable prac. tice of the illustrious individuals to whom it is principally addressed; but I am too great an admirer of your useful and orthodox pages, to permit what I consider its erroneous tendency to pass entirely unnoticed. Your correspondent observes, that "it is the custom of the judge, after passing sentence of death upon the criminal, strongly to exhort him to pass the few remaining hours of his life in prayer, and such other offices of religion, as may be most likely to make his peace with God." It is; and it is a custom which I hope never to see abandoned, for it seems better calculated to bring such a sinner to a sense of his most awful situation, than any other means which could possibly be adopted. It teaches him a doctrine-a characteristic, and to him, a most important doctrine of Christianity, which, probably, in the hurry and dissipation of his sins, he had never before had leisure or inclination to attend to, viz. that till the gates of death be finally closed upon the

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sinner, it is never too late to offer the sacrifice of a deep and sincere repentance.

What can be better calculated to arouse the workings of a seared and deadened conscience, than the solemnity of the situation in which he is placed; the momentous interests which he feels to be involved in it, and the religious sanctity of charac ter with which the judges of the land are most beneficially and most deservedly invested in the imaginations of the people?

But says your correspondent, "does not this tend to confirm the notion of the value and efficacy of a death-bed repentance?" And after. wards, "does not this practice, in some measure, account for the confident assertions that we so fre

quently hear expressed by the most atrocious criminals, of their hopes of salvation?"

Had he written as.

surance, and could have shewn that such a delusion had arisen from a

misinterpretation of the judge's ex hortation, I should have cordially agreed with him as to the danger. ous tendency of the practice; but his statement of the grievance seems to me to shew nothing dangerous in the practice of the judge, and nothing to be rashly discouraged on the part of the criminal. The true doctrine with respect to a deathbed repentance I conceive to be this-that it is then only effectual, when it is of such a nature as would lead the penitent, should life be prolonged to him, to renounce his sins, Now as and to lead a new life *.

I may here, perhaps, be allowed to remark, what a practical proof this consideration must give every one who has, been afflicted with a dangerous illness, of the great and awful risk that attends a reliance upon a death-bed repentance. If he has (as too many of us have) returned to the commission of sins, of which he then imagined himself to be sincerely penitent; danger which he has so providentially how strong must be his conviction of the escaped, and how fearful should he be of again relying upon a support, which has already so fatally deceived him.

this is a point which can be known only to God, it excludes the presumptuous doctrine of assurance, though it affords no ground for absolute despair. And why should your correspondent wish to exclude hope from the breast of a criminal, even though his offences may have been of the deepest dye? The feeling of assurance ought certainly to be discouraged, because it may lead him presumptuously to reject those means of salvation which may be yet within his reach; but hope, even though it may be founded upon an unsafe foundation, can never be injurious to him, and may perhaps snatch a few brief moments of his existence from the torments of a settled despair. Physicians are wont to administer lenitives and sopori. fics to the patient, when all hope of a permanent recovery has vanished; and I trust the judges, in the discharge of their high and important functions, will never neglect that not least important one, of exhorting the condemned criminal to MAKE HIS PEACE WITH GOD. Feb. 16th 1822.

R. P.

for an introduction into the Institution. Each member is expected to remain one year in it, and indeed, from the assiduous attention of the Superintendant, that period, with corresponding diligence on the part of the student, is long enough.

The men are divided into two classes. Those of the first are men who are noviciates-whose studies are chiefly confined to the rudiments of the Christian religion. Those of the second are men who, having gone through the first series of Lectures, and having passed the final examination in them, have gone on to more extended readings. this purpose the works of Paley, Pearson, Butler, and some other authors are well got up. There is an excellent library attached to the Institution, to which the students have free access.


The eulogia passed upon these men by the different Bishops by whom they have been examined for ordination, have been highly flattering; insomuch that at some Sees they have been upon the whole preferred to University men. From a letter in the "London Chronicle," for the 29th September last, it appears that there has not been a single rejection on application for

To the Editor of the Remembrancer. orders; and with the writer of that

Sir, IN one of your early Numbers, I recollect meeting with an account of the Clerical Institution at St. Bees, in Cumberland. The particulars of that account I have for gotten, but it has lately been my good fortune to see the Institution witness the course of study in itand perceive the beneficial effects that have already and are likely to accrue from it. The principle is good, and equal to any thing of the kind I have seen before. The members go through a regular course of divinity, and are extremely well grounded in it. A good acquaintance with the Greek and Latin languages is indispensably necessary

letter I lament that no preference is given (if indeed no preference is given) to these men. Their labours have already been productive of advantages in the church: and more advantages may be expected from them than from men who have not "like them gone through a systematic course of theological education." In the four northern dioceses, I believe, they are considered as equally qualified for the, sacred ministry, upon the general score, as the candidates from either University. Nor do I think it beneath the consideration of the Episcopal bench to reward these men by some preference. The safety of the church might be by this means in a greater measure secured, The con

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