Plant Diseases: Their Biology and Social Impact

Front Cover
APS Press, American Phytopathological Society, 1991 - Science - 397 pages
The Irish potato famine and birth of plant pathology. Introduction to the fungi and their life cycles. Pathogens and quarantines. Bacteria. Genes and genetic engineering. Plant disease epidemics and their management. Pesticides. Soil, the rhizosphere, and soilborne patogens. Fungi in food: natural poisons and gourmet delicacies. Rusts. Dying trees and parasitic plants. Viruses and more recently discovered pathogens. Environmental diseases and problemes. Pant diseases in a hungry world. Glossary. Figure credits. Index.

From inside the book


Introduction to the Fungi and Their Life Cycles
Chapter 3

15 other sections not shown

Common terms and phrases

Bibliographic information