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town there lived a surly, niggardly, old character, who was a decided exception to the usually frank and generous community in which he lived. A proposal was made one afternoon to call on the man, and endeavor to obtain some watermelons, as he was known to have a beautiful patch of them. On doing so, the old fellow stammered something about his vines being destroyed by insects and not "bearing" at all that year; but said, that a certain neighbor of his had a fine lot of them, and was rather parsimonious of them besides; and proposed to go that night and get some, saying he would like to accompany them. There was one in the company, a merry, roistering fellow as ever lived, who well knew the other party, and knew moreover that the man before us had long cherished something of a grudge against him. This fellow's name, we believe, was Frank Digsby, and taking the first opportunity, he told them he thought they could have some fun out of the adventure, if they would follow his directions. He kept his purpose secret from the rest, but wished to guide the party, as he was well acquainted with the whole section, and could lead them to the field of the man by the route most secure from detection.

The proposed plan was therefore agreed upon, and the hour fixed for starting out was late in the evening. The night proved unusually dark; a dense fog having risen from the marshes and spread its damp curtain over the fields. Young Digsby had told them he should take a circuitous route, in order to escape the notice of the dogs; and according to our informant, he did so with a vengeance. For two long hours did he lead them about, now through bogs and fens, into the deepest of which their friend the planter was always sure to get; now over hedges and ditches, till at last to the general satisfaction of all concerned, he told them they had reached the spot. Having selected the best melons they could find, and made a delicious repast, the old villain proposed to them to pull up a quantity of his neighbor's cotton. Most of the party were rather backward about that operation at first, as it might lead them into an unpleasant scrape; but Digsby so readily fell in with the suggestion, and was so warm in favor of it, that the rest at length yielded. At it they went in right good earnest, and had laid low something like a quarter of an acre of the "staple commodity," when the vociferous yells of a pack of dogs arrested their progress, as they came dashing and yelping down across the fields.

Stop, stop, for God's sake stop," shouted the planter, as he recognized the voice of his own dogs-" you are pulling up all my cotton." One long, loud, deafening roar from the whole party greeted his ear, as the truth of the joke flashed across their minds; which was in no way calculated to soothe his irritated feelings. The joke was too good, however, to be kept; and he was most egregiously afraid they would spread the story abroad, and besought them with most humble supplications not to divulge it. They were at first inexorable; but at length, moved by earnest entreaties, they promised not to do it, on condition that he should send into town to them a weekly supply of fruit, while the season lasted-with which terms he was quite glad to comply.

There is something of more than ordinary pleasure in meeting with classmates and companions, after several weeks of separation. As well known and familiar faces gather under the noble trees that shadow our dingy and time-stained walls, how will the boisterous greeting and the merry laugh fall on the ear! How will the fingers tingle and the joints crack again in the reciprocal squeeze! Many an incipient Sophomore is coming back to his wonted toil, who for a time has home returned,

"Making his simple mother think

That she had borne a man."

A day or two of general topsyturvy-tive-ness and "confusion worse confounded," and all things are going on smoothly and quietly.

"Throned in his chair of state, each tutor seems a god,

While Sophs and Freshmen tremble at his nod."

Ah, who is that new comer just crossing the college yard? His countenance is unfamiliar, and he has the air of one away from home. That, reader, is a Freshman. You know him by that hat of last year's fashion by that coat, which, though his Sunday one at home, he already begins to think not quite the thing; and if these indications are wanting, (we do not mean if the hat and coat are wanting, but merely whether they indicate his individuality,) you may know him by that curious and prying eye, taking note of every thing that is passing round him. Already is he catching the customs and cant of the place. Already does he begin to talk of "flunks" and "rushes," and perchance of "sleeping over" in the morning; it may be, too, he has taken one or two lessons in the art of "having a cold," or some other of the stereotype diseases that infect this atmosphere. Already is his young ambition roused; and from fame's lofty temple, the goddess with potent and mysterious finger is beckoning him onward. Already are the overwhelming honors of the day "when he is to graduate," looming up in the distant future.

Though his racked brain and hungry stomach ache,
And a good dinner smoking for him waits,
Still must he on in his wearisome plodding.

We chanced the other day to be passing the window near which one of them was reciting; and he was rushing at such a ten-miles-an-hour rate, that we stopped in utter astonishment. Verily, thought we, “if such things are done in the green tree, what will not be done in the dry!"

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But hold here we have taxed your patience quite too long; that is, if you have attended us thus far in our rambling and hap-hazard thoughts. The pleasant author of Outre-mer tells us, that in Spain a desultory discourse, wherein various and discordant themes are touched upon," is called a "tailor's drawer;" and such we have attempted to set before you. If you have rummaged and searched it through without finding

so much as a single scrap of velvet or satin, but only a handful of coarse and worthless bits of cotton and drugget, we pity your ill-fortune. If, on the contrary, you have wisely skipped over these few pages, both of us may have been gainers by your doing thus. We have sent it into your presence, with all its imperfections on its head, if head it had any to boast of; and we leave it as it is,

"A thing of shreds and patches."



"THE remains of the Rev. Samuel Wales were respectfully interred February 21st, 1794. The corpse, attended by an academic procession and a respectable collection of citizens, was carried to the Brick Meeting House. The exercises on the occasion, were a prayer by Dr. Edwards, a sermon by Dr. Dana, from Hebrews, VI. and 12,- -a prayer and a Latin oration by President Stiles. The solemnity was heightened by the performance of several well chosen anthems.

"And Samuel died, and all the Israelites were gathered together, and lamented him.”

"Dr. Wales was the son of the Rev. John Wales, of Raynham, near Taunton, in the commonwealth of Massachusetts. He was born March 1748. He graduated at Yale College in 1767, in 1769 was chosen a Tutor, and in 1770 was ordained Pastor of the first church in Milford. In 1782 he was elected Professor of Divinity in Yale College, and in June of the same year was regularly inducted into office. At the ensuing commencement he was honored with the degree of Doctor in Divinity, and at a subsequent period the same degree was conferred upon him at Nassau Hall, in the College of New Jersey.

"To a genius rarely surpassed for strength and penetration, the embellishments of literature gave a peculiar lustre. He was accurately acquainted with the learned languages, and well versed in the arts and sciences. His deep theological researches and ardent piety, aided by a singular dignity of manners, rendered him an eminent divine. In the pulpit, his eloquence persuaded-his reason convinced-and his fervor animated. He was the man of God thoroughly furnished unto every good work. His erudition, urbanity, integrity, sincerity, affection, tenderness, humanity and piety as a scholar, citizen, neighbor, friend, husband, parent, master and christian, were truly conspicuous. He was an ornament to Yale College, to the republic of letters, and to the church of God." Green's Journal, Feb. 1794.

This relic was furnished us by the Rev. Isaac Jones, through the kindness of Dr. Murdock.



Qui flore ætatis, vel in medio utilitatis, curriculo sublati, ac morte perempti fuerunt, eorum obitus, jure bonorum omnium consensu lugendi sunt. Non solum ob avulsos, suaves, tenerrimosque affinitatis et amicitiæ nexus, quin et utilissimis laboribusque consiliis amissis. Eorum autem obitus, qui præ senectutis provectæ imbecillitate, aut intempestivis, aut intactis, sive corporis, sive virium intellectualium, viribus abortis, media, vigentique ætate, necdum amplius apti, neque alterius cursu peragendo provenire valer orent. Etiam illorum inquam, mortes ad morem gentium, et sanctorum jure vitas plorationibus funereis commemorandæ sunt. Ideo, Abrahamus, Josephus, Samuel et Johannes, et plurimique omnium seculorum, pii sanctique senes, longeivitate provecti, ne amplius utilitate floruerunt, iis tamen emortuis, lugrubres lachrymas planctusque viventum susceperunt. Ideo, Zuinglius, Doddridge, aliique theologia inventores qui, vel viri juvenes operibus defuncti laboribusque publicis, et necdum magnis rebus inceptis finitis: avulsi et ob anfractum utilitatem deplorati fuerunt. Si qui haud diutius humano generi, et reipublicæ, aut ecclesiæ, emolumento impertire queant, eorum autem obitus utilissimos fructus viventibus, qui supersunt ministrare possunt; non solum amicis, sed confratribus ejusdem ordinis, ejusdem vitæ stationibus; tunc eorum exempla, documenta, consillia persuadendo, recolendoque, precipue nostras contemplationes ad beatissimas sedes immortalitatis transferendo. Itaque melius est luctus, quam convivii locum adire, et domicilia lethi et mæroris visitare; nam hic est finis omnium, et vivi, seria solenniaque corde revolvendo, beneficia durabilia deportabunt.

Memoria justorum sit benedicta. Benedicti atque beati sunt ii, qui domini causa emoriunter; quia laboribus requiescunt, et opera eorum et premia consequntur. Piissimi sanctissimique viri reliquiæ coram adsunt, decenter nobis terra collocandæ, donec tuba ætherem ultima sonabit, Ev Sapusλ, propheta noster simul atque sacerdos evanuit! Vir quidem optimus et magnus. Sive ingenii vires, sive ratiociniique spectemus; sive illum contemplemur linguarum peritia insignem; sive theologia qua maxime calluit; seu morum gravitate, dignitate, et urbanitate exornatum; seu denique arte concionatoria qua Boanerges extitit vere iminentissimus. In quibus omnibus eo claruit, eo versatus et instructus fuit, ut fratrum pluribus omnibus pene dixerim antecelluisse. Ilisce mentis muneribus ac virtute præditus, ad sacrum sancta theologia munus professoreum in universitate nostra suscipiendum et proficiendum. Optime paratns extitit, et eademque munera singulari felicitate et utilitate fungebatur. At tandem labores evangelicos finivit, ad astra προς πνευματα, ως παντοκρατορικω, πυθμένι, φερομενα, ad spheras spirituales avolavit. De aliis (heu quam plurimis) nihil esset bene speremusautem de hoc apostolico viro, nemo e nobis omnibus est, qui quicquid

dubitet, quin ille ad celestem beatitudinem sit evectus. Nocte celicola felix! inter angelos, et prophetas, et apostolos, et beatissimam sanctorum cohortem Jesu sanguine redempti. Oh quam iis beate, gratiam immeritam in ecclesia triumphali collaudans! Oh ineffabilem tremendamque solennitatem æterno operientis æternitatis jam expertus fuisti! et judicis arbitruim et adjudicationem jam attonito visu sustinuisti! et æterna fata a magistrate tibi denunciata! Oh hora solennis! Oh hora verenda! in qua rationem pastoralis officii, summo pastori animarum reddidisti! Oh quam sunt beati ii, quibus annunciatio benigna contigit. Euge! advenite servi fideles, a patre meo benedicti, ad jucundissimum gaudium Domini vestri, ingrediamini, et plauditote.

Fratres mei sacerdotales, recenti hujus viri, aliorumque fratrum nuper emortuorum decessu memineremus. Velim (quod omnium urna versatur, citoque uniuscujusque vices æternæ subeundæ sunt) ut experiremur; semper assidui simus atque soliciti, ne segnes in opere domini, sed unanimiter elaborantes, coronam, premia fidelitatis respicientes. Oh quam beati fuerimus, si demum a sacordote supremo aspiceremus! Deus conjujem viduam, orbatamque familiam benedicat, et solamen ejus et protectionem cælo demittat! Filios presertim, et filiolam unicam amandam, Deus amore paterno amplectetur. Oh progenies patris mihi, et vobis charissimi! Oh prolem paternæ mementote semper virtutis et pietatis !

Juvencs academica! diu documenta illius, et exemplar in vestris memoriis conservate, et diu sanctitatem ejus imitemini !

Incolæ civitatis hujusce! Cuncti pastores, sancti ecclesiarum, vicinarum, denique omnes qui dulcissimis laboribus gavisi fuistis, nomen, memoriam illius honore merito veneremini. Pracepta, et verbis oris illius gratiosa, intime infixa cordibus vestris retinete. Et sequaces estate, tum illius, tum omnium, qui fide, patientia, et sanctitate imbuti, promissa tandem adepti, beatissima cælorum premia deportarent.


We had thought, dear reader, to dish you up a ragout from our own especial stores, but other and more solid material has so cramped our space, that we will but kiss a finger and be off. A new year of our College has begun, and with it begins a new volume of our College Magazine. It is usual to say a great many pretty things on this occasion; to call you sweet, honey, and such-like unctuous names; to ask you if you have a head and heart, and other like appurtenances, and finally appeal to that touchstone of sensibility, your pocket. But, however rash it may appear, we presume you to have both head and heart, and make bold to demand your support, with the gage on our part, of our best endeavor to make the Magazine spirited, juicy, and entertaining. To give it a flavor which will "make your spirits dance," even as does a cocktail, rather than that fat, beefy character, which puts you to bed. And now if you will give us your right shoulder, we crook the "pregnant hinges" of our editorial knees. We had anticipated giving you a look into the Tombs,

"That grave of ambition where Death ever sits;"

but our limits forbid. We have several cases of "crim con." with the Muses, and a few instances of such presumptuous English, that at our last meeting we resolved to hold a "post mortem examination" over our mother tongue. The result will be given

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