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city. 37 per cent. of the tidal capacity on a 30-foot tide would represent a mean increase of depth over the entire estuary of 11 feet; and as the increase was by no means over the whole estuary, the increase in the channels and lower estuary was much more than this, and although by this time the sand in the estuary had for the most part become quite yellow, sand was still being carried down into the generator.

In the meantime, as already stated, groins similar to those in Experiment VI. in tank F, had been introduced into experiment VII. in tank E, after 64,000 tides had been run with spring and neap tides. 60,000 more tides, which would be equivalent to about 27,000 spring tides, were run, the effect being that, notwithstanding the difference in the initial conditions, the state of the lower estuary was closely approximating to the state of VI. in F after 36,000 tides (Plan 2, Experiment VII., tank E; VI., tank F).

In the upper estuary in VII., tank E, the distribution of the sand is precisely similar to that in VI., tank F, but there is rather more of it, which is explained partly by the fact of the difference in the equivalent. tides run, 30,000 in E as against 50,000 in F, after the upper groins were put in, and partly by the much greater amount of sand still left in the lower estuary in tank E. Had it been possible to run 250,000 more spring and neap tides in VII., tank E, there is every reason to suppose the final condition would have been precisely similar to that obtained in Experiment VI. in tank F.

Report of the Committee, consisting of Professor FLOWER (Chairman), Dr. GARSON (Secretary), Dr. BEDDOE, General PITT-RIVERS, Mr. FRANCIS GALTON, and Dr. E. B. TYLOR, appointed for the purpose of editing a new Edition of Anthropological Notes and Queries.'

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THE Committee has to report that during the past year material progress has been made in the work of editing the new edition of Anthropological Notes and Queries.' The whole of the work is now in the press, and so far advanced that it has been possible to present an advanced copy to the Association along with this report.

The editors are of opinion that the value of the work would be enhanced by the addition of some additional illustrations to the first part--Anthropography.

The Committee considers the plate illustrating the colour of eyes, hair, and skin-also submitted to the Association-a decided advance upon anything that has been hitherto done in that way, and has every confidence that if a further sum is placed at the disposal of the editors for illustrations it will be spent to the best advantage.

The Committee request to be reappointed, and that a further sum of 201. be placed at its disposal for illustrations.

The Committee in conclusion reports that best thanks are due to the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (under the auspices of which body the work is being edited) for undertaking

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