56 57 58 59 60 61 Binding. Rider's British Merlin: For the year 1774, Adorned with many delightful and useful Verities fitting all Capacities in the Islands of Great Britain's Monarchy, with Notes on Husbandry, Fairs, etc. old red morocco, the back and sides elegantly tooled in gold with birds, insects, etc. to a cottage roof pattern, g. e. silver clasps, well preserved, A VERY FINE SPECIMEN 12mo. 1774 Binding. Highmore (G. R.) Disputatio Medica Inauguralis de Frigoris in Corpus Humanum Potestate, etc. beautifully bound in light green morocco, the sides decorated with elegant gilt tooling to a CHIPPENDALE DESIGN, with birds, basket, wreaths, etc. a most unusual specimen, the author's own copy, with his ex-libris Binding. Svo. Edinburgi, 1778 Constitucion de la Monarquia Española promulgada en Madrid a 18 de Junio de 1837, Impresa de Orden de S. M. la Reina Gobernadora, frontispiece, morocco extra, blind and gilt tooling, with the Royal arms in gold on each side, g. e. folio. Madrid en la Imprenta Nacional, 1837 Binding. BION ET MOSCHUS. Idylles traduites en francais par J. B. Gale, ** * sm. 8vo. Paris, Didot, l'an III (1795) VERY RARE in this state. BLACK ACTS OF SCOTLAND. The Actis and Constitutionnis of the Realme of Scotland maid in Parliamentis haldin by the rycht excellent hie and mychtie Princeis, Kingis James the first, secund, thrid, feird, fyft, and in tyme of Marie now Quene of Scottis.... anno Do. 1566, black letter, curious woodcut coat-of-arms on title (slightly defective as usual, being too large for the paper, and three or four margins repaired), brown morocco, g. e. GOOD COPY ** * folio. Imprentit at Edinburgh be Robert Lekpreuik, 1566 This volume contains very interesting matter relating to SALMON FISHING, THE SLAUCHER OF RED FISCHE, FISCHING OF HERING, The making of SCHIPPIS FOR FISCHING, Hunting, etc. 62 BLAKE (WILLIAM) ILLUSTRATIONS TO THE BOOK OF JOB, 21 engravings within emblematic borders with suited words of illustration, selected by Blake, ORIGINAL COPY, brown morocco, g. t. UNCUT, by F. Bedford roy. folio. 1825 ** * JOHN FLAXMAN'S COPY, with his autograph on the fly-leaf, also the large paper label, with the initials of J. Linnell. Purchased at Flaxman's sale at Christie's. 63 64 Blake (W.) Wollstonecraft (Mary) Original Stories from real Life; BLAKE (W.) DESIGNS TO A SERIES OF BALLADS, written by Wm. Hay- ** roy. 4to. Chichester, printed by J. Seagrave, &c. for W. Blake, Felpham, 1802 VERY RARE. As usual, it does not contain the fourth part which was issued afterwards, but in a smaller number, and is wanting in nearly all copies. CLEVER SEPIA DRAWING INSERTED. 65 BOCCACCIO (G.) DE MULIERIBUS CLARIS, large woodcut of the Triumph of Fame on title, and 106 woodcuts of full-length figures, including Pope Joan, brown levant morocco extra, panelled sides, g. e. by F. Bedford, VERY FINE COPY 66 67 68 69 70 4to. Venetia, per Zuanne de Trino, 1506 BOCCACCIO (G.) IL DECAMERON di come lo diedero alle stampe gli Giunti, 1527, red and black title, VERY FINE TALL COPY (146 mill.) red morocco extra, tooled sides, with elegant gold borders, silk linings, g. e. by Bisiaux, with his ticket sm. Svo. Amst. [Elzevir], 1665 Boccaccio (G.) Fiammetta Amorosa, with colophon on the last leaf, woodcut initial letters (that at p. 40 very curious), the first initial letter drawn in colours, elegantly bound in green morocco extra, the back and sides elaborately gilt all over to a beautiful Grolier pattern, g. e. by Capé, fine copy Svo. Vineggia, per Giovanni Padovano, 1540 BOCHAS (JOHN) THE TRAGEDIES, gathered by John Bochas, of all BODENHAM (J.) WITS THEATRE OF THE LITTLE WORLD, supposed to 12mo. I. R. for N. L. and are to be sold at the West doore of Paules, 1599 71 BOETIUS (A. M. S.) DUO LIBRI DE ARITHMETICA, beautiful woodcut initial letters, and diagrams of MULTIPLICATION TABLE, etc. FINE LARGE CLEAN COPY, brown levant morocco extra, tooled sides, g. e. by Riviere 4to. Venet. E. Ratdolt, 1488 FIRST EDITION; works on Arithmetic of this early date are of excessive rarity. * ** 72 Book-Plates. Chippendale and Kindred Designs, including many (168) 73 74 75 very scarce Book-Plates. Jacobean (a Collection of Forty-seven), neatly mounted on Book-Plates. English, all dated from 1662 to 1901, including many 4to. (123) Book-Plates. Foreign, dated from 1529 to 1786, a small Collection of 4to. (24) SOME VERY RARE 76 Book-Plates. Picturesque Book Piles, etc. including many rare plates, (56) 77 Book-Plates. Miscellaneous Collection (182) 78 Book-Plates. Hamilton (W.) Dated Book-Plates (ex-libris), 100 illustrations, original cloth 4to. 1895 79 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER, STURT'S FINE EDITION, engraved throughout with illustrations within borders, BEAUTIFUL COPY, elegantly bound in old purple morocco, the sides tooled all over in gold to a very beautiful design, g. e. ** * Svo. J. Sturt, 1717 MAGNIFICENT SPECIMEN OF OLD ENGLISH BINDING IN SPLENDID [See ILLUSTRATION.] 80 Booke of Psalmes. Collected into English meeter by T. Sternhold, J. Hopkins and others (with the music), black letter, in the original calf binding, A BEAUTIFUL LITTLE VOLUME ** * 32mo. For the Company of Stationers, 1613 VERY RARE EDITION, few copies having escaped destruction on account of its diminutive size, which is 3 in. by 14 in., with colophon on last leaf. It does not contain any table of contents at the end, as is usual with larger editions. 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 BOURNE (V.) Poematia (Poems in English and Latin), FINE COPY, green morocco extra, g. e. Svo. Londini: Typis J. Bettenham, 1764 *** W. COWPER'S COPY (an ardent admirer of Vinny Bourne), with his autograph on the title "W. Cowper, 1779." Cowper thinks Bourne a better Latin poet than Tibullus, Propertius, Ausonius, or any of the writers in his way, except Ovid, and not at all inferior to him." Lowndes. BRANDT (SEBASTIAN) NAVIS STULTIFERA, cum Badio Ascensio BRANT (S.) STULTIFERA NAVIS ab Jacobo Lochero Latinitate donata BRATHWAIT (RICH.) THE ENGLISH GENTLEMAN: containing Sundry excellent Rules or exquisite observations, tending to Direction of Every Gentleman, of selecter ranke and qualitie; How to demeane or accommodate himself in the manage of publike or private affaires, FIRST EDITION, brilliant impression of the frontispiece in compartments, by Vaughan, and folding leaf, a Draft of the frontispiece," original calf, FINE COPY ،، sm. 4to. J. Haviland, 1630 *** Collation: Printed title, Dedication to Visct. Wentworth to the Knowing Reader, Table (6 leaves); in all 10 leaves, besides frontispiece and folding leaf, B-N N N in fours, last leaf blank. Contains a reference to Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis, see p. 24. BRAITHWAITE (R.) AR'T ASLEEPE HUSBAND? A Boulster Lecture; stored with all variety of Witty Jeasts, Merry Tales, and other pleasant passages, FINE COPY (no frontispiece), red levant morocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford 8vo. R. Bishop, 1640 British Poets (Portraits of), A Series of One Hundred and Thirtyeight Portraits by Pye, Engleheart, Edwards, etc. after drawings by Thurston, Clint, etc. OPEN-LETTER IMPRESSIONS, 2 vol. in 1, engraved titles and list of names, half morocco, g.t. roy. 8νο. 1824 Brome (Alex.) Songs and other Poems, the third edition enlarged, portrait by Loggan, red levant morocco extra, g. e. fine copy ** * sm. Svo. Printed for Henry Brome, at the Star in Little Brittain, 1668 With Commendatory Verses by Charles Cotton, Iz. Walton, and others. 88 BROWNE (EDWARD) A DESCRIPTION OF AN ANNUALL WORLD, or, Brief Meditations upon all the Holy-daies in the yeere. (Second title) SACRED POEMS, or Briefe Meditations, of the day in generall and of all the dayes in the weeke, 2 vol. in 1, frontispiece and two LOT 88-continued. 89 90 91 plates, one by J. Droeshout, FINE COPY, hand dyed calf extra, g. e. *** For an elaborate description of this rare book, see Corser's BROWNE (SIR THOMAS) [RELIGIO MEDICI] A true and full coppy of that which was most imperfectly and Surreptitiously printed before under the name of Religio Medici, engraved title, 7 prel. leaves and pp. 174, one side-note on p. 156 shaved, half blue morocco, VERY sm. 8vo. Printed for Andrew Crooke, 1645 RARE EDITION BROWNE (SIR T.) HYDRIOTAPHIA, URNE-BURIALL, or A Discourse of Browne (Sir T.) Certain Miscellaneous Tracts, portrait by Vandre- ** * 8vo. London, printed for Charles Mearn, Bookseller to his most Sacred Majesty, 1683 FIRST PRIVATELY PRINTED EDITION. The title from the ordinary FIRST EDITION, dated 1684, has been added. 92 Browning (Robert) Poems, 2 vol. FIRST COLLECTED EDITION, with halftitles, clean copy, in the original cloth, UNCUT, with the ex-libris of Sir Frederic Leighton in each volume Svo. Chapman & Hall, 1849 *** PRESENTATION COPY from the author, with autograph inscription on half-title of vol. I: “Frederic Leighton from his affectionate friend R. B. Aug. 2, '56." 93 Browning (R.) Dramatic Idyls, FIRST EDITION, 1879; Dramatic Idyls, ** * ** * 94 Browning (Elizabeth Barrett) An Essay on Mind and other Poems, FIRST EDITION, fine tall copy in contemporary grained calf, gilt back Svo. J. Duncan, 1826 On the fly-leaf are the following MS. signature and notes: “H. S. Boyd 1827. This beautiful Poem was written by Miss Barrett of Hope End at the age of eighteen. She did me the honour of paying me a first visit on Wednesday April 16th, 1828. A second visit on Friday May 16th and read the opening of Edipus Tyranus." |