95 96 97 98 99 100 Brownists. Jacob (H.) A Defence of the Churches and Ministery of 4to. Middelburgh, By Richard Shilders, Printer to the State BRUNET (J. C.) MANUEL DU LIBRAIRE et de l'Amateur de Livres BUCER (MARTIN) DEFENSIONIS DOCTRINAE CHRISTIANAE, adversas sm. 8vo. Argentorati, M. Apiarium, 1534 Bullet (M. Architecte du Roy) Traité du Nivellement, contenant la 8vo. Paris, Langlois, 1688 BUNYAN (J.) I WILL PRAY WITH THE SPIRIT.... A Discourse touching 12mo. London, Printed for the author, 1663 *** SECOND EDITION. Two title-pages, one dated, the other undated. UNIQUE, NO OTHER COPY KNOWN. Dr. Brown, in his Life of Bunyan, says, "THE EARLIEST EXISTING EDITION of this is the Third London printed for the Author (1685)" [BUNYAN (J.)] STRANGE AND TERRIBLE NEWES FROM CAMBRIDGE. ** 4to. Printed for C. Brooks, and are to be sold at the Royal EXTREMELY RARE AND CURIOUS. This Tract was replied to, the C LOT 100-continued. Discouered, and The Strange and Terrible Newes from Cambridge proved false; also an answer to John Bunyan's Paper touching the imaginary Witchcraft, 1659." 101 BUNYAN (J.) THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS from this World to That which is to come, THE FOURTH EDITION WITH ADDITIONS (wanting frontispiece, last leaf in facsimile and some leaves repaired), otherwise a good copy, blue morocco extra, g. e. ** sm. Svo. Printed for Nath. Ponder, at the Peacock in the Poultrey near the Church, 1680 EXTREMELY RARE; according to the Advertisement to the fifth Edition, the fourth has many additions, more than any preceding." The earliest in the Huth Library was the fifth edition. 102 BUNYAN (J.) THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS from this World to that which is to Come, the Tenth Edition with Additions, frontispiece with advertisement on the back, and woodcuts at pp. 116 and 193, margin of front title, etc. repaired and restored, and two or three marginal notes shaved, tall copy, with four page Catalogue of Books printed for Nath. Ponder, blue morocco extra, g. e. 103 ** g. e. sm. 8vo. Printed for Nathaniel Ponder, 1685 Bunyan (J.) The Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to come, the Eleventh Edition, with Additions, and the Cuts, FIRST ILLUSTRATED EDITION, WITH WOODCUTS, blue morocco extra, sm. 8vo. N. Ponder, 1688 A VERY RARE EDITION (the British Museum copy wants 19 leaves). "The Cuts" are not the ordinary woodcuts on the text, but 11 woodcuts the full size of the page with verses under, and no text on the back, and two other woodcuts on the text. There is no frontispiece. These eleven woodcuts were issued in this edition for the first time. It contains the last Emendations of the author, only one other perfect copy is believed to be known. 104 BUNYAN (J.) THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS from this World to that which is to Come, THE SECOND PART, frontispiece and woodcuts, blue morocco extra, g. e. very scarce sm. 8vo. R. Ponder, 1690 *** THIRD EDITION, with the genuine frontispiece and woodcuts at pp. 47 and 148. 105 106 ** * Bunyan (J.) Solomon's Temple Spiritualiz'd, or Gospel-Light Fetcht out of the Temple at Jerusalem to let us more easily into the Glory of New-Testament-Truths, FIRST EDITION, wanting pp. 3-6 and 3 leaves defective, otherwise good copy, unbound sm. 8vo. George Larkin, 1688 BUNYAN (J.) Seasonable Counsel, or Advice to Sufferers, fine copy, FIRST EDITION, with original blank leaves at the beginning and end. 107 108 109 110 111 112 BUNYAN (J.) Reprobation asserted: or the Doctrine of Eternal 4to. Printed for G. L. and are to be sold in Turn-style-Alley *** FIRST EDITION, VERY RARE. BUNYAN (J.) THE BARREN FIG-TREE: or, The Doom & Downfal of the Fruitless Professor, To which is added His Exhortation to Peace and Unity, FINE COPY, blue morocco extra, g. e. sm. 8vo. J. Robinson, 1688 BURNS (Robert) POEMS, chiefly in the Scottish dialect, portrait, after Nasmyth, by Beugo, VERY FINE LARGE CLEAN COPY, green morocco extra, g. t. UNCUT, by F. Bedford Svo. Edinb. for the Author, 1787 *** FIRST EDINBURGH EDITION, with the half-title, 38 pages of subscribers' names and a glossary. It contains 27 Poems, occupying about 100 pages, not in the Kilmarnock edition of 1786. BURNS (Robert) VERSES TO THE MEMORY OF JAMES THOMSON, Author of The Seasons, by Robert Burns, the Ayrshire Poet. To which is added a Poem written in Carse Hermitage, by Nithside; by the same Author. And an Epitaph on Sir Isaac Newton, 4 leaves, sm. 8vo. No name or place, n. d. UNCUT AND UNOPENED *** EXCESSIVELY RARE AND IN UNIQUE CONDITION, ONLY ONE OTHER BURNS (ROBERT) AN ADDRESS (IN VERSE) TO THE DEIL, BY ROBERT ** * BUTLER (C.) THE FEMININE MONARCHIE, or The Histori of Bees, with the Bees' Madrigal set to music for four voices, and woodcuts, FINE LARGE COPY, green morocco extra, g.t. UNCUT * sm. 4to. Oxford, 1634 This early attempt to introduce phonetic spelling is extremely rare in fine condition. 113 114 115 116 117 BUTLER (SAMUEL) HUDIBRAS, THE SECOND PART, By the Author of the First, engraving on title of a bell, leaf of imprimatur, dated Νου. 5, 1663, facing title, and errata, contemporary Old English red morocco, Harleian panelled sides, g. e. rare in this state 8vo. Printed by T. R. for John Martyn and James Allestry at the Bell in St. Paul's Church Yard, 1664 *** FIRST GENUINE EDITION; A VERY FINE LARGE CLEAN COPY, measuring 7 in. by 4 in., printed on a much thicker paper than usual. BUTLER (S.) HUDIBRAS, in three parts, written in the Time of the late Wars. Corrected and amended, with large annotations and a Preface by Zachary Grey, LL.D. 2 vol. with the set of large engravings by Hogarth, used in this edition for the first time, UNCUT COPY, red levant morocco, super extra, panelled sides, g. t. by W. Pratt, VERY RARE IN THIS STATE ** * Svo. vol. I, Cambridge, 1744 ; vol. II, London, 1744 Butler (S.) Hudibras, the Second Part, by the Author of the First, woodcut of printer's device on title, leaf of imprimatur, hand-dyed calf extra, g. e. ** * ** * * 12mo. T. R. for John Martyn and James Allestry, 1664 FIRST EDITION in 12mo, with contemporary MS. verses on the back of imprimatur leaf. 66 BYRON (LORD) ENGLISH BARDS AND SCOTCH REVIEWERS, a Satire, [See ILLUSTRATION.] BYRON (LORD) LINES ON JOHN WILLIAM RIZZO HOPPNER, born at Venice on the Eighteenth of January, 1818, Translated into Eleven different Languages, FIRST AND ONLY EDITION, in the original blue marbled paper covers, UNCUT, enclosed in morocco cover, lettered on the side Svo. Printed in the Seminary of Padua, n. d. [1818] EXCESSIVELY RARE, ONLY SIX COPIES ARE SAID TO HAVE BEEN PRIVATELY PRINTED FOR PRESENTATION. Count Rizzo stood godfather to the child, and he presented copies of the above only to those personally interested. * 118 119 BYRON RELIC. An 18-carat gold ring, set with intaglio PORTRAIT *** This ring was presented by Byron to John Hobhouse, and came Campbell (Thomas) Inaugural Discourse on being installed Lord Svo. Glasgow, 1827 *** PRESENTATION COPY from the poet, with autograph inscription on half-title: "To Mr. Robt. Easton, from T. Campbell." 120 CARICATURE PORTRAITS. A SERIES OF TWO HUNDRED AND NINETYTWO VERY CLEVER COLOURED CARICATURE DRAWINGS, in 1 vol. half bound, lettered, "Sketchings by Le Wisus," A VERY CURIOUS roy. Svo AND INTERESTING COLLECTION *** The drawings include portraits of Prof. Darwin, Louis XIV and XV, Sir W. Raleigh, J. B. Buckstone (Actor), Signor Rossi as Hamlet, Mr. Santley as Figaro, Charles Mathews (Actor), Beau Brummel, Hunting and Cricket Scenes, etc., George IV, Prince Consort, ILLUSTRATIONS TO PICKWICK (Rev. Mr. Stiggins), Boucicault, St. Dunstan and the Evil One (6 drawings), Distinguished American Author, Lord Tennyson, Hamlet the Irvingite, Dr. Johnson, Cardinal Wiseman, Sothern as Garrick, Miss Nelly Power, Mr. Hare, Lionel Brough, several Clowns, and numerous Shakespearian and other Theatrical Characters. 121 CARTHENY (JOHN) THE VOYAGE OF THE WANDRING KNIGHT, shewing the whole course of Mans Life, how apt he is to follow Vanitie, and how hard it is for him to attaine to Vertue translated by W. G. of Southampton, Merchant... A worke worthy the reading: and Dedicated to the Right Worshipfull Sir Francis Drake, Knight, black letter, with leaf before title marked "A,” red levant morocco extra, panelled sides, g. e. by F. Bedford, FINE COPY 4to. Printed by T. Snodham, n. d. *** To this rare work it is thought that we are indebted for the origin of Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress"; William Goodyeare, a Southampton merchant, was the translator. Douce says: "The earliest edition of the Pilgrim's Progress that I possess is the fourteenth, and I never saw an earlier, I have sometimes thought that Bunyan had seen an old spiritual romance, called The Wandering Knight." Other accounts of this very rare volume will be found in Southey's Life of Bunyan, Dunlop's History of Fiction, vol. III, and Douce's Illustrations of Shakespeare, vol. I. 122 CATECHISM. Nowell (A.) A Catechisme, or first Instruction and Learning of Christian Religion, Translated into English (by T. Norton), black letter, title within woodcut border, and large printer's colophon on last leaf (a small rust hole in folio 44), brown morocco, g. e. FINE COPY 4to. Printed by John Daye dwelling over Aldersgate, A. N. 1575 at end, 1573 |