123 124 125 126 127 128 Cavendish (George) The Negotiations of Thomas Woolsey, The great Cardinall of England, Containing his Life and Death, viz. The Originall of his promotion; The Continuance of his Magnificence; His Fall, Death and Buriall, Composed by one of his own Servants, being his Gentleman Usher, fine portrait of Wolsey by Marshall, red levant morocco extra, panelled sides, g. e. by F. Bedford, FINE 4to. W. Sheares, 1641 FIRST EDITION OF CAVENDISH'S LIFE OF WOLSEY. "One of the most interesting and valuable specimens of biography in the English language."-Lowndes. ** * COPY CENT NOUVELLES NOUVELLES, suivent les cent Nouvelles, contenant les cent Histoires, Nouveaux qui sont moult plaisans a raconter en toutes bonnes compagnies par maniere de Joyeuseté, 2 vol. fine impressions of the plates on the text by ROMAIN DE HOOGE, green levant morocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford, VERY FINE CLEAN TALL Svo. Cologne, 1701 COPY CERVANTES (M.) THE HISTORY OF DON QUIXOTE, the first parte, printed for Ed. Blounte (1620), printed title in facsimile, and wanting second leaf "To the Reader," small top corner off last leaf; The Second Part of the History of the Valorous and Witty Knight Errant Don Quixote of the Mancha, printed for Ed. Blounte, 1620; 2 vol. FIRST ENGLISH TRANSLATION by Shelton (no engraved titles), good tall sound copy in old calf (one cover loose) 4to. 1620 Cervantes (M.) The History of Don-Quixote translated in English by CHARLES I. EIKON BASILIKE: THE POURTRAICTURE OF HIS SACRED MAJESTY IN HIS SOLITUDES AND SUFFERINGS, Rom. 8, More then Conquerour, etc. Bona Argere (sic), & mala pati, Regium est, FINE COPY, IN SUPERB CONTEMPORARY BINDING of dark brown morocco, inlaid with red and yellow morocco, and richly and elegantly tooled in compartments of scroll and dotted lines, surrounded by a festoon border of acorns, etc. IN SPLENDID PRESERVA ** * TION sm. 8vo. no name or place, printed Anno Dom. 1648 AN EXTREMELY RARE EDITION, IF NOT THE FIRST. Collation: Charles I. Eikon Basilike. The Pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestie in his Solitudes and Sufferings; together with his Private Prayers used in the time of his restraint and delivered to Dr. Juxon, Bishop of London, immediately before his death, folding plate by LOT 128-continued. 129 Marshall with verses (Almack mentions a leaf with arms not in CHARLES I. The Kings Maiesties Declaration to his Subjects, concerning LAWFULL SPORTS to be vsed, FINE COPY, blue morocco extra, g. e. very rare 4to. R. Barker, 1633 *** FIRST EDITION, with the leaf before title having "A" within an ornament (usually wanting), and royal arms on back of title. 130 Charles I. A Forme of Prayer used at Newport, in the Isle of Wight, by his Majesties Directions, upon the 15 Sept. 1648, being the day of Fasting and Humiliation for the obtaining a Blessing upon the Personal Treatie Betweene the King and His Two Houses of Parliament, 8 ll. including leaf with Royal arms, and crowned C. R. half morocco, UNCUT, EXTREMELY RARE Svo. London, printed for Richard Royston in Ivie-Lane, 1648 131 CHAUCER. THE WORKES OF GEFFRAY CHAUCER, newly printed, with dyvers workes whiche were never in print before, as in the table more playnly dothe appere, cum privilegio, black letter, with woodcuts to the knights and squires tales, and a separate title to the "Romaunce of the Rose,” corner of title restored, but VERY FINE COPY, brown levant morocco extra, tooled sides, g. e. by F. Bedford folio. Imprynted at London, by Thomas Petit (circa 1538) *** The "Plowman's Tale" is here first printed and precedes the "Parson's Tale," in the edition of 1542 it follows it; see Herbert's Ames, p. 557, where, however, the capital error is committed of supposing this to belong to the same edition as that dated 1542, a mistake into which Herbert could not have fallen had he compared the two books. 132 CHAUCER'S GHOAST: or a Piece of Antiquity, containing twelve pleasant Fables of Ovid, penn'd after the ancient manner of writing in England, which makes them prove Mock Poems to the present Poetry, etc. catch word cut into, p. 55, brown morocco extra, g. e. Jolley's copy sm. 8vo. T. Ratcliff and N. Thompson for R. Mills, 1672 *** A very curious and rare volume in prose and verse. The first 36 pp. are in verse, then commences in prose "The Pleasant History of Prince Corniger, and his Champion Sir Crucifrag," which ends at p. 121, then one leaf "The Authours Friend to the Readers upon his perusal of the work," in verse. 133 Chinese Drawings in colours, on Rice Paper, of Shipping, Costumes, Birds, Flowers and Insects, in 3 vol. native silk binding oblong 4to. 3 vol. 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 Church-Government. The Form of Church-Government To be used Cibber (Theophilus), to David Garrick, Esq. with Dissertation on 8vo. 2 vol. Cicero. Those fyve Questions which Marke Tullye Cicero, disputed in his Manor of Tusculanum, Written afterwardes by him, in as manye bookes, to his frende, and familiar Brutus, in the Latine tounge, And nowe, oute of the same translated, and Englished, by John Dolman, Studente and felowe of the Inner Temple, black Ietter, dedicated to the Bp. of Sarum, FINE COPY, in the original calf binding ** sm. Svo. Imprinted at Londō in Flete-strete nere to S. Dunstons Church by Thomas Marshe, 1561 A VERY RARE VOL. in Prose and Verse, with the two leaves at the end, "Faultes escaped in printing,” and “Words left out." CICERONIS DE OFFICIIS, libri tres, engraved title, FINE COPY, ruled, red morocco extra, doublé red morocco, gold borders, g.e. by BOYET 12mo. Amst. Elzevir, 1677 *** This copy measures 134 mill. Clapham (Henoch) His Demaundes and Answers touching the Pestilence, Methodically handled, as his time and meanes could permit, title within ornamental border, brown morocco extra, g. e. 4to. (No name or place), 1604 FINE AND LARGE COPY *** On the last leaf is a Dialogue in Verse between The Publisher and his Friend. CLAVELL (JOHN, Highwayman) A RECANTATION OF AN ILL LED LIFE, or a Discouverie of the High-way Law with Vehement disswasions to all (in that kind) Offenders, As also Many Cautelous Admonitions and full Instructions, how to Know, Shun, and apprehend a Thiefe, most necessary for all honest Travellers to per'use, observe and practice, Approved by the Kings most Excellent Majestie, and published by his expresse Commaund, red levant morocco extra, g.e. by F. Bedford ** * sm. 8vo. For R. Meighen, 1628 AN EXTREMELY RARE POETICAL VOLUME, with leaf of errata at Cohen (Henry) Guide de l'Amateur de Livres à Gravures du XVIII 141 Coleridge, Lamb and Lloyd. Poems by S. T. Coleridge, second edition, to which are now added Poems by Charles Lamb, and Charles Lloyd, FIRST EDITION, hand dyed calf extra, g. e. sm. 8vo. Bristol, 1797 142 COMPOST DES BERGIERS. Le Grāt Kalendier et compost des Bergiers, compose par le bergier de la Grant Montaigne, Auquel sont adioustez plusieurs nouvelles figures et tables, lesquelles sont bien utilles a toutes gens aisi que bons pourrez beoir ty apres en ce present livre, title in red and black, with large woodcut beneath, numerous curious woodcuts in the text, gothic letter (wanting Kiii), FINE COPY, morocco extra, g. e. 4to. Paris pour Jehan Trepperel Marchant Libraire de mourant en la rue neufue nostre Dame a lē seigne de lescu de france, s. d. 143 Congreve (Wm.) The Morning Muse of Alexis, a Pastoral Lamenting the Death of our late Gracious Queen Mary of ever blessed Memory, FIRST EDITION, fine copy, half green morocco, edges rough, very folio. Jacob Tonson, 1695 scarce 144 Congreve (W.) A Pindarique Poem, Humbly Offer'd to the King on His Taking Namure, FIRST EDITION, very fine copy, half green morocco, ALL EDGES UNCUT folio. Jacob Tonson, 1695 *** On the last leaf is a list of books published by Jacob Tonson. 145 Congreve (W.) A Pindarique Ode, Humbly Offer'd to the Queen, on the Victorious Progress of Her Majesty's Arms, under the Conduct of the Duke of Marlborough, To which is prefix'd a Discourse on the Pindarique Ode, FIRST EDITION, half green morocco, ALL EDGES UNCUT (size 14 in. by 94 in.), beautiful copy, EXTREMELY RARE folio. Jacob Tonson, 1706 146 CONTARENO (CARDINAL GASPER) THE COMMONWEALTH AND GOVERNMENT OF VENICE, with Sundry other Collections annexed by the Translator for the more cleere, and exact satisfaction of the Reader, with a Short Chronicle of the Lives and Raignes of the Venetian Dukes, translated into English by Lewes Lewkenor Esquire, FINE COPY, brown morocco extra, g. e. 4to. J. Windet for Ed. Mattes, 1599 *** VERY RARE, Containing commendatory Poems by Edmund Spenser, J. Ashley, Maur. Kyffin, H. Elmes, and John Harington. The Volume is Dedicated to Lady Anne, Countesse of Warwicke, from Selsey, Aug. 1598. Spenser died Jan. 1599, so probably these lines are the last he wrote. Malone considered this work the principal source from which SHAKESPEARE DERIVED THE PLOT FOR OTHELLO. 147 Corneille (P.) L'Imitation de Jésus-Christ en vers François, Livre I-II, Rouen, C. de Sercy, 1653; L'Imitation de Jésus-Christ en vers François, livre troisième (Premier partie), Paris, R. Ballard, LOT 147-continued. 148 1654, 2 vol. in 1, FINE COPY, contemporary French red morocco extra,g.e. sm. 8vo. Rouen et Paris, avec Privilege du Roy, 1653-4 *** BEAUTIFUL COPY OF A VERY RARE EDITION, illustrated with 67 CORNWALLIS (Sir Wm.) ESSAYES by Sir William Corne-Waleys the ** * EXTREMELY RARE 12mo. E. Mattes, 1600-1 FIRST EDITION OF BOTH PARTS. The first part is very rare. Mr. 149 Coryat (Thomas) Crudities hastily gobled up in five months' Travels in France, Italy, etc. prepared for binding, LARGE COPY, but wanting several ll. (see list of defects) 4to. 1611 150 COTGRAVE (John) THE ENGLISH TREASURY OF WIT AND LANGUAGE Collected Out of the Most and Best of our English Dramatick Poems; Methodically digested into Common places for generall use, FIRST EDITION, red levant morocco extra, panelled sides, g. e. by F. Bedford, VERY FINE COPY ** * Svo. Printed for Humphrey Moseley, 1655 THOMAS CAMPBELL'S (the Poet) COPY WITH HIS AUTOGRAPH ON THE TITLE. A highly interesting volume, containing extracts from nearly all the Dramatists, including a great many from Shakespeare. 151 Cotton (Charles, the friend of Isaac Walton) Poems on several Occasions, calf extra, g. e. by F. Bedford, FINE COPY ** * ،، Svo. Printed for Thos. Basset, 1689 FIRST EDITION. MS. note The gift of Nath. Lee (Dramatist) to Devereaux Knightley," etc. 152 Coutts (Thos. Banker in the Strand) Life, with Anecdotes of his first wife Betty Starky, and of his present wife (MISS MELLON, the Actress), account of his immence property, n. d.; Addenda to the Life of Thos. Coutts, portrait by Geo. Cruikshank, n. d.; in 1 vol. yellow morocco, g. e. by F. Bedford, VERY INTERESTING COPY ** Svo. Fairburn, n. d. Illustrated with coloured folding Caricatures, Portraits, Play Bills, Cuttings, and AUTOGRAPH LETTER signed, 2 pp. 8vo, from the Elder CHARLES MATHEWS (Comedian), relating entirely to Mrs. Coutts, her age, and when she first appeared on the stage, etc., an AUTOGRAPH LETTER, 3 pp. 4to, of Thomas Coutts, the Banker, loosely inserted. 153 COVERDALE (Myles) A CHRISTE EXHORTACION VNTO CUSTOMABLE SWEARERS. The maner of saying grace, etc. with A SHORT INSTRUCTIO TO THE WORLD, IN VERSE, in twelve 7-line stanzas, |