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Dryden (J.) Astraea Redux. A Poem on the Happy Restoration
and Return of His Sacred Majesty Charles the Second, by John
Driden, FIRST EDITION, half morocco, very fine clean copy, with
some leaves UNCUT, and autograph of Anth. Johnson on title (size
12 by 7)
folio. J. M. for Henry Herringman, 1660



ONE OF THE RAREST OF DRYDEN'S PIECES, collation B-D. 211. each and title one leaf, there is no half title or other leaf to make up the sheet. The collation is the same as that given by Mr. Hazlitt.

188 Dryden (J.) To his Sacred Maiesty, a Panegyrick on his Coronation, FIRST EDITION, half morocco, fine clean and tall copy (size 12 by 7월) folio. H. Herringman, 1661



Dryden (J.) Annus Mirabilis: The Year of Wonders, 1666. An
Historical Poem
and describing The Fire of London, FIRST
EDITION, green morocco extra, g. e. 8vo. H. Herringman, 1667

Dryden (J.) Amboyna: a Tragedy, As it is acted at the Theatre-
Royal, FIRST EDITION, large copy, but one head line of dedication
cut into, unbound
4to. T. N. for H. Herringman, 1673


Dryden (J.) All for Love: or, The World well Lost: a Tragedy, As it
is Acted at the Theatre-Royal; and Written in Imitation of
SHAKESPEARE'S Stile, FIRST EDITION, dedicated to the Earl of
Danby, green morocco extra, g. e. fine copy




4to. In the Savoy by Tho. Newcomb, for Henry Herringman, 1678 *** "This is considered as the most complete dramatic piece of this author. The plot and general design of it are undoubtedly borrowed from Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra; Dryden says he prefers the Scene between Antony and Ventidius in the first act to anything he had written of the Kind," J. O. HalliwellPhillipps.

Dryden (J.) The Hind and the Panther: a Poem, FIRST EDITION,
with leaf of license, LARGE COPY, but wanting the last 2 leaves,
4to. J. Tonson, 1673

Dryden (J. and Mr. Lee) Oedipus: a Tragedy, As it is Acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre, FIRST EDITION, red levant morocco extra, inside borders, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf, fine copy

4to. R. Bentley, and M. Magnes, 1679


Dryden (J.) Troilus and Cressida, or, Truth found too late:
Tragedy, as it is acted at the Duke's Theatre, To which is Prefix'd
a Preface Containing the Grounds of Criticism in Tragedy, fine
copy, green morocco extra, g.e.
4to. J. Tonson, 1679

*** FIRST EDITION dedicated to Robert Earl of Sunderland; The Prologue was spoken by Mr. Betterton, in the character of SHAKESPEARE'S GHOST; at the end is a list of "Books lately Printed."

genuine blank leaf facing title

Printed for J. T. and are to be Sold by W. Davis
in Amen Corner, 1681

Printed for Jacob Tonson at the Judge's Head in Chancery-Lane,
near Fleet street, 1682
extremely rare in this state
folio. in 1 vol.

196 DRYDEN (J.) THE EPILOGUE. Writ by Mr. Dreyden (sic) Spoke
before his magisty at Oxford, March 19, 1680, single broadside
London, Printed for R. Royston, n. d.
PROLOGUE to his Royal Highness, Upon his first appearance at the
Duke's Theatre, since his return from Scotland, written by Mr.
Dryden, single broadside
J. Tonson, 1682

↑ A PROLOGUE, written by Mr. Dryden to a New Play, call'd, The
Loyal Brother, etc.... THE EPILOGUE, by the same Hand, single
leaf, printed on both sides
J. Tonson, n. d.

PROLOGUE to the King and Queen at the Opening of their Theatre,
Spoken by Mr. Betterton, written by Mr. Dryden EPILOGUE
written by the same Author (4 pp.)


J. Tonson, 1683
PROLOGUE to the Duke of Guise, written by Mr. Dryden... EPILOGUE,
I by the same Author... ANOTHER EPILOGUE, Intended to have
been Spoken to the Play before it was forbidden last Summer,
written by Mr. Dryden (4 pp.)
J. Tonson, 1683



AN EPODE To his worthy Friend Mr. John Dryden, To Advise him
not to Answer Two malicious Pamphlets against his Tragedy
called, The Duke of Guise, single leaf, printed on both sides

J. Grantham, 1683

PROLOGUE AND EPILOGUE to "The Pilgrim," MS. 4pp. 4to, in a
HE WROTE, when the Pilgrim was revived in 1700 for his benefit
c. 1700

The whole in the finest possible condition, neatly inserted, in a vol.
half morocco
Dryden (J.) Satyr To his Muse, By the Author of Absalom and
Achitophel, FIRST EDITION, half morocco, fine copy



4to. Printed for T. W. 1682

VERY RARE. Unknown to Sir Walter Scott.

198 Dryden (J.) Mac Flecknoe, or a Satyr upon the True-Blew-Protestant




Poet T. S. By the Author of Absalom and Achitophel, FIRST
EDITION, half morocco, very scarce 4to. Printed for D. Green, 1682
"One of the keenest Satires in the English language
position in which Dryden has placed Shadwell is the most mortifying
to literary vanity which can possibly be imagined... It is
inconsiderable part of the merit of 'Mac Flecnoe' that it led the
way to the 'Dunciad.' "--Sir Walter Scott.



have 1709










Dryden (J.) Religio Laici, or, A Laymans Faith, a Poem, FIRST
EDITION, half morocco, fine сору
4to. J. Tonson, 1682

Dryden (J.) The Medall, A Satyre (in Verse) against Sedition, fine
copy, green morocco extra, g. e.
4to. J. Tonson, 1682



FIRST EDITION, dedicated in an Epistle to the Whigs.

Dryden (J.) The Vindication: or The Parallel of the French Holy League and the English League and Covenant. Turned into a Serious Libell against the King, and his Royal Highness by Thos. Hunt and the Authors of the Reflextions upon the Pretended Parallel in the Play called The Duke of Guise, FINE COPY, half 4to. J. Tonson, 1683 FIRST EDITION, written in answer to Two Malicious Pamphlets against his Tragedy called "The Duke of Guise." Three references of Shakespearean interest occur throughout the volume:


"Twas our common business here to draw the Parallel of the Times, and not to make an Exact Tragedy. For this once we were resolv'd to erre with honest Shakespeare." - page 12.

"But these Lyes (as Prince Henry said to Falstaffe) are as grosse as he that made them. More I need not say, for I am accused without interests."-page 21

"For your Love and Loyalty to the King, they who mean him best amongst you, are no better subjects than Duke Trinculo: They wou'd be content he shou'd be Viceroy, so they may be Viceroys over him." - page 42.

Dryden (J.) Threnodia Augustalis: A Funeral Pindarique Poem,
Sacred to the Happy Memory of King Charles II, by John Dryden,
Servant to His late Majesty, and to the Present King, FIRST
EDITION, half morocco, fine сору
4to. J. Tonson, 1685



Dryden (J.) Britannia Rediviva: A Poem on the Birth of the Prince, FIRST EDITION, with leaf of licence facing the title, half morocco, FINE UNCUT COPY (measuring 134 by 8 in.) folio. J. Tonson, 1688 The Quarto Edition was issued the same year, and that has the Licence printed on the back of title. It is difficult to say which of the two is the earliest issue, but no doubt the preference should be given to the folio (see next lot).

Dryden (J.) Britannia Rediviva: a Poem on the Birth of the Prince (THE PRETENDER), green morocco extra, g. e. FINE COPY

[blocks in formation]

Dryden (J.) Don Sebastian, King of Portugal: a Tragedy acted at the Theatre Royal, fine copy, green morocco extra, g. e.



4to. J. Hindmarsh, 1690

FIRST EDITION. Dedicated to Philip Earl of Leycester.

206 Dryden (J.) Eleonora : a Panegyrical Poem: Dedicated to the Memory of the late Countess of Abingdon, FINE COPY, green morocco extra, 4to. J. Tonson, 1692

g. e.

*** FIRST EDITION. Dedicated to the Earl of Abingdon. This Lady died suddenly at a ball in her own house, to which fact Dryden does not allude; he was unknown to the lady and wrote the Elegy at the solicitation of a nobleman. See Prior's Life of Malone, 1860, p. 447.

207 DRYDEN (J.) ALEXANDER'S FEAST; or The Power of Musique. An Ode in Honour of St. Cecilia's Day, FIRST EDITION, with half title (containing the names of the stewards), half morocco, ALL EDGES UNCUT, very clean copy, EXTREMELY RARE IN THIS STATE

Dryden (J.) See Hastings, lot 278.

folio. Jacob Tonson, 1697





LOT 208.

U BARTAS. His Devine Weekes and Workes, translated and Dedicated to the King's most excellent Maiestie by Josuah Sylvester, engraved title in compartments, with leaf facing marked "A," woodcuts, and separate titles, FINE COPY, with some uncut leaves, red levant morocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford 4to. Humfrey Lownes, 1605-6

*** FIRST EDITION, containing “Posthumus Bartas, The Third Day of His Second Weeke, 1606," not in the Huth copy; has separate pagination, pp. 1-154, and starred signatures. The Commendatory Verses are by Ben Jonson, Saml. Daniel, Gaywood, J. Davies of Hereford, etc. Copies differ in collation, but this appears to contain more than usual.

Dubourg (L. F.) An Impartial Historical Narrative of those Momentous Events which have taken place in this Country during the period from 1816 to 1823, illustrated with engravings by the first artists, including some beautiful medallion plates by Stothard, and THREE FINE LARGE COLOURED PLATES BY DUBOURG, PROOFS, half cloth

roy. folio. Printed by Thos. Bensley for R. Bowyer, 1823

Du Choul (G.) Discours sur la Castrametation et Discipline Militaire
des Romans; des Bains et Antiques Exercitations, Grecques et
Romains, et de la Religion des Anciens Romans, numerous beauti-
ful woodcuts, Lyon, 1555-VEGECE (F.) DU FAIT DE GUERRE; ET
FLEUR DE CHEVALERIE, Sexte Jules Frontin, des Strategemes.
Aelian de lordre et instruction des batailles. Modeste des vocables
du fail de Guerre jointes a Vegece, black letter, 119 very curious
woodcuts, the full size of the page, including the portrait of Maxi-
milien after Albert Dürer on last leaf, Paris, 1536; FINE COPIES,
calf extra, tooled sides, g. e. by C. Smith, from the Yemeniz library,
with ex-libris
folio. 2 vol. in 1

211 Dugdale (Richard) A Narrative of Unheard of Popish Cruelties towards Protestants beyond Seas, or a New Account of the Bloody Spanish Inquisition, uncut (reprinted in the Harleian Miscellany) folio. J. Hancock, 1680

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