LOT 362-continued. 363 364 365 366 367 doe, how he may hunt, how far he may pursue and follow after his chase, &c. collected and gathered, as well out of the Common Lawes and Statutes of this land, as also out of sundry learned and ancient authors, &c. black letter, FIRST EDITION, fine copy, brown levant morocco extra, panelled sides, g. e. by F. Bedford 4to. T. Wight and B. Norton, 1598 MARGUERITE DE VALOIS, REINE DE NAVARRE. CONTES ET NOU- *** FIRST EDITION WITH ROMEYN DE HOOGHE'S PLATES. MARKHAM (GERVASE) CAVALARICO, or The English Horseman, contayning all the Art of Horse-manship, as much as is necessary for any man to understand, whether hee be Horse-breeder, horse-ryder, horse-hunter, horse-runner, horse-ambler, horse-farrier, horse-keeper, Coochman, Smith, or Sadler, with the Discovery of the Mystery of horse-coursers, &c. woodcut titles to the eight parts, and numerous woodcuts, dedicated to Charles Prince of Wales, red levant morocco extra, panelled sides, g. e. fine copy 4to. Edw. Allde for Ed. White, 1617 Markham (G.) The Second Booke of the English Husbandman, Con- MARKHAM (G.) THE ART OF ARCHERIE, shewing how it is most necessary in these times for this Kingdome, both in Peace and War, and how it may be done without charge to the Country, trouble to the People, or any hinderance to necessary occasions. Also of the Discipline, the Postures, and whatsoever else is necessarie for the attayning to the Art, FIRST EDITION, dedicated to Charles I, woodcut frontispiece, brown morocco extra, g. e. fine сору Svo. Printed by B. A. and T. F. for Ben Fisher, and are to be sold at his Shop at the signe of the Talbot without Aldersgate, 1634 MAROT (C.) LES ŒUVRES: Desquelles le contenu sensuit, L'Adolescence Clementine, La Suite de L'Adolescence, Deux livres d'Epigrammes, Le Premier livre de la Metamorphose d'Ovide, FINE COPY, veau fauve, gilt back, with the arms of “COMTE D'HOYM" on the sides ** 12mo. Paris, par A. et C. les Angeliers frères, 1541 EXCESSIVELY RARE EDITION, only known to Brunet by the description of this copy in the catalogue of C. d'Hoym. 368 MASCALL (L.) A BOOKE OF THE ARTE AND MANER HOWE TO PLANT AND GRAFFE ALL SORTS OF TREES, howe to set stones, and sowe Pepines, etc. woodcuts, black letter, FINE COPY, brown morocco extra, g.e. by F. Bedford 4to. Henrie Denham for John Wight, 1572 *** FIRST EDITION. On the back of title are 32 lines in verse, "The booke unto the Reader," and at the end of the table are these lines: "Prayses be to God on hye, In all our worldly planting; 369 Mathematicall Recreations, or, A Collection of many Problemes extracted out of the Ancient and Modern Philosophers as Secrets in Arithmetick, Geometry, Cosmographie, Horologiographie, Astronomie, Navigation, Musick, Opticks, Mechanicks, Chemistry, Water-Works, Fire-works, etc. Not vulgarly manifest till now, Written first in Greeke and Latin, lately Compil'd in French by Henry Van Etten, and now in English, whereunto is added the Description and Use of the Generall Horologicall Ring, and the Double Horizontall Diall Invented and Written by Wm. Oughtred, folding frontispiece in compartments (no explanation?) and numerous plates in the text, brown morocco extra, g. e. FINE COPY sm. 8vo. Printed for Wm. Leake at the Crown in Fleet Street, 1653 *** See among list of books advertised on leaf before last title some of Shakespeare's Plays. 370 MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS. MARTYRE DE LA ROYNE D'ESCOSSE DOVAIRIERE DE FRANCE, contenant le vray discours des traïsons à elle faictes à la suscitation d'Elizabet Angloise...sont adioustees deux Oraisons funebres, et un livre de Poëmes le tout sur le mesme subject, FINE COPY, blue levant morocco super extra, g. e. by F. Bedford 8vo. Anvers, Gaspar Fleysben, 1588 ** * VERY RARE; the last 100 pages are in verse. Inserted is a beautiful pen-and-ink portrait of Mary Queen of Scots, which was found in a short letter relating to her written by Sir Walter Scott, which letter was sold some twenty years since in these rooms for a large sum. Probably the portrait was drawn by Sir W. Scott. 371 Mazarin (Cardinal) The Last Will and Testament of the late Renowned Cardinal Mazarini, Deceased Feb. 27, 1660, Together with some Historical Remarques of his Life (separate title dated 1664), superbly bound in brown levant morocco extra, the back and sides elaborately tooled all over with gilt ornamentation, g. e. by F. Bedford 12mo. Peter Lillicup for Wm. Gilbertson, 1663-4 ** THIS VERY SMALL (41⁄2 in. by 2 in.) AND RARE VOLUME was exhibited by the late Mr. F. Bedford at the exhibition where he obtained the prize medal. In Dr. Bliss' catalogue it is stated to be probably by Jas. Howell (?), and mentions a portrait not in this copy; some catch-words shaved. 372 MERE (F.) WITT'S ACADEMY, a Treasurie of Goulden Sentences, Similies, and Examples, set forth chiefly for the benefitt of young Schollers, frontispiece by Droeshout (dated 1636), brown morocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford, FINE COPY 12mo Printed by Wm. Stansby, and are to be Sold by R. Royston, 1634 *** THIS MOST CURIOUS AND INTERESTING WORK contains several allusions to Shakespeare, viz.: "As the Soule of Euphorbus was thought to live in Pythagorus, so the sweete witte soule of Ovid lives in mellifluous and honey-tongued Shakespeare; witnesse his 'Venus and Adonis,' his 'Lucrece,' his sugred 'Sonnets' among his private friends, &c." Again; "As Plautus and Seneca are accounted the best for Comedy and Tragedy among the Latines, so Shakespeare among the English is most excellent in both kinds for the stage." The printed title is "Witt's Commonwealth," as in the Huth copy. 373 METHODIUS, PRIMUM OLIMPIADE ET POSTEA TYRI CIVITATUM EPISCOPUS, sub diocleciano Imperatore in Calcide civitate coronatur, with 61 very curious large woodcuts, brown levant morocco extra, tooled sides, g. e. by F. Bedford, FINE CLEAN COPY sm. 4to 374 ** * Basilee per Michaelem Furter, opera Sebastiani Brant, 1504 St. Methodius, whose visions and prophecies concerning Antichrist are given in this volume, flourished at the beginning of the fourth century. The revelations are sixty in number, there being an explanatory woodcut to each one. [MEURSIUS]. GARNERI (Philippi) GEMMULÆ LINGUÆ LATINÆ, sive Colloquia Familiaria et Veneres, Colloquium VI, the paging on two or three leaves shaved, but a BEAUTIFUL COPY, elegantly bound in red levant morocco, the sides elaborately tooled all over to a charming CLOVIS EVE pattern, doublé green morocco, dentelle borders, g. e. by F. Bedford, enclosed in a morocco case 12mo. Amst. anno 1676 *** FIRST EDITION, EXCESSIVELY RARE, ONLY ONE OTHER COPY KNOWN, and that is described in Gay, vol. VI, p. 38, thus: "Ces Gemmulæ sont, selon M. Octave Delepierre, qui est proprietaire du seul exemplaire connu, la plus ancienne édition subsistant aujourd'hui des six premiers dialogues de l'ouvrage célèbre, mis plus tard sous le nom de Meursius." Unknown to Brunet. 375 MEURSIUS (Joannis) ELEGANTIAE LATINI SERMONIS, seu aloisia sigaea toletana, De arcanis Amoris et Veneris, ajunctis Fragmentis quibusdam Eroticis, 2 vol. beautiful frontispiece, old French red morocco extra, with elegant richly tooled gilt dentelle borders on the sides, g. e. VERY FINE COPY 376 12mo. Birminghamiae ex Typis Nonnullius, 1770 [See ILLUSTRATION.] Milton (John) The Judgement of Martin Bucer concerning Divorce, written to Edward the Sixt, in his Second Book of the Kingdom of Christ. An now Englisht. Wherein a late Book restoring LOT 376-continued. the Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, is heer confirm'd and justify'd by the Authoritie of Martin Bucer. To the Parlament of England. Publisht by Authoritie (42 pp.) FIRST EDITION, blue morocco extra, g. e. 4to. Printed by Matthew Simmons, 1644 *** Milton's celebrated letter to the Parliament occupies 7 pp. small closely-printed type, and is signed in full. 377 Milton (J.) The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, Restor'd to the good of both Sexes, from the Bondage of Canon Law and other mistakes, to the true meaning of Scripture in the Law and Gospel Compar'd.... Now the Second time Revis'd and much augmented in Two Books: To the Parliament of England, with the Assembly. The Author J. M. blue morocco extra, g. e. fine copy 4to. Imprinted in the Year (no name) 1645 378 MILTON (J.) CONSIDERATIONS TOUCHING THE LIKELIEST MEANS TO REMOVE HIRELINGS OUT OF THE CHURCH. Wherein is also discourc'd of Tithes, Church-fees, Church-revenues, and whether any maintenance of Ministers can be settl'd by law, FIRST EDITION, in the original calf binding, very rare 16mo. T. N. for L. Chapтап, 1659 *** Dedicated to the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England ; signed with the author's name in full. 379 Milton (J.) Εἰκονοκλαστης (The Image-breaker) In Answer to a Book Intitl'd Eikon Basilike, The Portraiture of his Sacred Majesty in his Solitudes and Sufferings. The Author J. M. Publish'd now the Second time, and much enlarg'd, printed by T. N. 1650-The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates, proving That it is lawfull, and hath been held so through all Ages, for any, who have the Power, to call to Account a Tyrant or Wicked King, and after due Conviction, to depose and put him to death, etc. The Author J. M. printed by Matthew Simmons, 1649; in 1 vol. old red morocco, 4to. 1650-49 g. e. 380 MILTON (J.) A TREATISE OF CIVIL POWER in Ecclesiastical causes: Shewing That it is not lawfull for any power on earth to compell in matters of Religion. The Author J. M. FIRST EDITION, in the original old calf, enclosed in a brown morocco case, by F. Bedford, fine copy sm. Svo. Printed by Tho. Newcomb, anno 1659 381 MILTON (J.) PARADISE LOST, a Poem in Ten Books. The Author John Milton, original calf, VERY FINE CRISP COPY sm. 4to. S. Simmons, 1668 *** FIRST EDITION with the fourth title-page, and having the seven preliminary leaves with the 3-line Address to the Reader, The Argument, Why the Poem Rime not, and Errata, added for the first time, so that this may be considered the FIRST COMPLETE EDITION. F 382 Milton (J.) Poems, etc. upon Several Occasions, both English and Latin, etc. composed at several times, with a small Tractate of Education to Mr. Hartlib, with separate title to the Latin poems, and catalogue of books at the end, good copy with many uncut leaves, in the original calf, back repaired 8vo. Tho. Dring, 1673 *** This volume is quite perfect and should not have a portrait. It contains poems not in the 1645 edition. 383 MILTON (J.) OF TRUE RELIGION, Haeresie, Schism, Toleration, and what best means may be used against the growth of Popery. The Author J. M. FIRST EDITION, blue levant morocco extra, panelled sides, g. e. by F. Bedford, FINE CLEAN COPY ** sm. 4to. Printed in the year 1673 The last pages, having so many more lines of printing than the others, are nearly always cut into at foot; in this copy the whole of the text is intact, with a fairly good margin, very rare in such condition. 384 ** MIROUR FOR MAGISTRATES (A) Being true Chronicle Historie of the vntimely falles of such vnfortunate Princes and men of note, as have happened since the first entrance of Brute into this Island, vntill this our latter Age. Newly Enlarged with a last part, called A Winter Night's Vision, being an addition of such Tragedies, specially famous, as are exempled in the former Historie, with a Poem annexed called Englands Eliza, FINE LARGE CLEAN COPY (size 7 by 5 in.) woodcuts, re-sewn into the original calf binding, back slightly repaired 4to. At London, imprinted by Felix Kynston, 1610 THE BEST AND ONLY COMPLETE EDITION, probably the finest copy known. It does not contain the Dedication to the Winter Night's Vision (which is usually wanting), no copy sufficiently large containing it has occurred for sale during the last twenty years. The two additional pieces mentioned on the title have separate titlepages (Query title in facsimile). 385 MISSALE SECUNDUM USUM ROMANUM, cum Calendario, RICHLY [See ILLUSTRATION.] |