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'BECKETT (G. A.) Comic History of England, 2 vol. FIRST EDITION, Vol. 1 unopened, with specimen of original wrappers, 1847-48-Comic History of Rome, FIRST EDITION, n. d.; together 3 vol. numerous coloured plates and woodcuts by J. Leech, with A. L.s. of the author inserted, half green morocco, uncut

2 A'Beckett (G. A.) The Comic Blackstone, revised and extended by A. W. A'Beckett, 10 coloured plates, and woodcuts by Harry Furniss, half calf gilt, uncut


3 Across Country, by "Wanderer," FIRST EDITION, coloured plates, and woodcuts by G. Bowers, half calf gilt, uncut

Bradbury, Agnew & Co. 1882

4 Ainsworth's Magazine: a Miscellany of Romance, General Literature and Art, Vols. I-XIX. plates by G. Cruikshank, bound from the original parts, cloth, uncut


5 Ainsworth (W. H.) Jack Sheppard, portrait, and illustrations by G. Cruikshank, 1840; Windsor Castle, illustrations by G. Cruikshank and T. Johannot, 1843; Old Saint Paul's, illustrations by J. Franklin and H. K. Browne, 1847; The

LoT 5-continued.

Miser's Daughter, illustrations by G. Cruikshank, 1848; Crichton, illustrations by H. K. Browne, 1853; The Lancashire Witches, illustrations by J. Gilbert, 1854; Guy Fawkes, illustrations by G. Cruikshank, 1857; The Spendthrift, illustrations by H. K. Browne, 1857; Ovingdean Grange, illustrations by H. K. Browne, 1860; Boscobel, illustrations, 1874; together 10 vol. half red morocco gilt, uncut

6 Ainsworth (W. H.) May Fair, in four Cantos, FIRST EDITION, 1827; Rookwood, illustrations by G. Cruikshank, 1836; James the Second, 3 vol. FIRST EDITION, frontispieces by Buss, 1849; Mervyn Clitheroe, FIRST EDITION, illustrations by Н. К. Browne, with specimen of original cover and advertisements, and 24 page letter of the author inserted, 1858; The Combat of the Thirty, original covers bound in 1859; Hilary St. Ives, 3 vol. FIRST EDITION, 1870; The Good Old Times, 3 vol. FIRST EDITION, 1873; Merry England, 3 vol. FIRST EDITION, 1874; The Goldsmith's Wife, 3 vol. FIRST EDITION, 1875; Chetwynd Calverley, 3 vol. FIRST EDITION, title of Vol. I slightly defective, 1876; The Fall of Somerset, 3 vol. FIRST EDITION, 1877; Stanley Brereton, FIRST EDITION, 3 vol. 1881; Beau Nash, 3 vol. FIRST EDITION, n. d.; The South Sea Bubble, n. d., Tower Hill, and Talbot Harland, in 1 vol. illustrations; together 32 vol. half red morocco

7 Ainsworth (W. H.) The Tower of London, plates by G. Cruik shank, specimen of upper cover, bound in half calf, uncut 1845

8 Ainsworth (W. H.) The Tower of London, a Historical Romance,

illustrations by G. Cruikshank, half calf, uncut


9 Ainsworth (W. H.) The Flitch of Bacon, illustrations, 1854; Ballads, illustrations, 1855; The Constable de Bourbon, n. d. and others by Ainsworth, uniform, half red calf gilt


10 Ainsworth (W. H.) Preston Fight, 1879; Saint James's, 1879; The Spanish Match, 1880; Auriol, 1881, and others by Ainsworth, illustrations, red cloth



[Ainsworth (W. H.)] Sir John Chiverton, half calf, 1826-The Delicate Investigation or Authentic Documents containing the Acquittal of H.R.H. the P—ss of Ws, half calf, n. d. Addison (J.) Remarks on Several Parts of Italy, etc. calf, 1745, etc.


12 American Journal of Philately: a Monthly Journal devoted to the Interests of Stamp Collectors. Vols. I-XIX, numerous New York, 1888-1906

illustrations, publisher's cloth

13 Angling. A Collection of Right Merrie Garlands for North Country Anglers, edited by J. Crawhall, woodcuts, roxburghe Newcastle-on-Tyne, 186+




14 BARBAULD, ANNA LETITIA, 1743-1825, authoress, A. L.s. 2 pp. 4to. Aug. 10, 1815, to Mrs. Beecroft, referring to the campaign of Waterloo, and the presence of Napoleon at Torbay

15 CARLYLE, THOMAS, 1795-1881, 5 A. L.s. (one with signature cut off, some slightly defective), 13 pp. 8vo & 4to, to Robert Chambers, April 3-Dec. 21, 1842, about raising a subscription and obtaining a pension for Mrs. Begg, the surviving sister of Robert Burns; and an A. L. 4 pp. 8vo, June 6, 1842, from R. Monckton Milnes (afterwards first Baron Houghton) to Mrs. Begg, announcing that she had been granted a pension of £20 a year


*** The circumstances of the case, which Chambers evidently called to Carlyle's attention, gave the latter an opportunity for one of his characteristic outbursts:

How many tavern-dinners are eaten yearly in all quarters of the globe, and froth-speeches delivered, in elegiac commemoration of the brokenhearted Robert Burns, with "Ah, the barbarously-entreated Poet; ah, if we had him here now!" and his own Sister is yet here, and one of those tavern dinner-bills would be a benefit to her; and froth-speech is still all that results!... Such "Worship of Heroes" is like much else that it holds of a thing requiring peremptorily to be altered.

But Carlyle took a more practical interest in Chambers' philanthropic efforts for Mrs. Begg: he gave his own

'poor guinea; a kind of widow's mite, which, poor as all authors are, it will be a luxury to me to give.'

He collected some money from his friends, and secured the
powerful help of Milnes, who seems from the correspondence
to have been largely instrumental in obtaining the pension.

15* DEFOE, DANIEL. Signature to a small portion of a doc. on
vellum, rare-LONGFELLOW, H. W., A. L.s. 1 p. 8vo. Oct. 6,

16 GORDON, GENERAL C. G., 1833-85, A. L.s. 2 pp. 8vo, to Mr.
Anderson, May 19, 1865, and an Auto. memorandum, 2 pp.
folio, twice signed, of machinery required by the Chinese



*** At this time Gordon was back in England after the suppression of the Taiping rebellion.

17 HOGG, JAMES, 1770-1835, The Ettrick Shepherd, auto. MSS. 24 pp. folio of two sketches, headed respectively " The dorty wean" and "The History of an auld naig," addressed to S. C. Hall, Messrs. Westley & Davies, Booksellers, London, Aug. 7, 1829

(2) 18 MEREDITH, GEORGE, 1828-1909, A. L.s. 2 pp. 8vo. London, 7 Upper Ebury St., Pimlico, June 4, 1849, to Messrs. Chambers.

I have sent you the enclosed poem in the hope that it will be acceptable to your Journal. It was written immediately on receipt of the intelligence which it chaunts, and will I think even now find many an echo in hearts akin to the subjects and the name which christen it.

The poem referred to is Chillianwallah, Meredith's first published composition, issued in Chambers' Journal, -1849

19 MEREDITH, GEORGE, A. L.s., 31⁄2 pp. 12mo, June 12, 1849, to Leitch Ritchie, Esq., June 12, 1849.


I am obliged by your acceptance of the Poem. Would a translation of the life, etc., of Kossuth the Magyar suit the columns of your journal? The accounts of the man now afloat are flimsy and unconnected. I beg you to substitute for "hearts" in the 7th line of the last verse of “Chillianwallah" "hopes." Thus

"And the hopes of all will languish," etc.,

20 MEREDITH, GEORGE, A. L.s., 3 pp. 8vo, to the same, Nov. 30, 1849, care of T. L. Peacock, Esq., 22 John St., Adelphi, Strand, London.

I send you four sheet pages of "Kossuth." I trust it is not too late-but the fact is I was determined to ascertain if the character of Kossuth was as fine as I had imagined. You are at liberty to erase ALL passages which suit not the purpose or politics of the Journal. I accompany this with some Sonnets on Two Kings of England, which may if you like form a series.

I have been contemplating a sketch of the life of HERMANN who has lately died. There is as yet no English account, etc.



Probably the Sonnet on John Lackland, printed in the
Poems of 1851, is the only survivor of this series.

21 MEREDITH, GEORGE, A. L.s., 11 pp. 8vo, to the same, Dec. 1, 1849, I find I have forgotten to enclose the Sonnets mentioned in my letter of yesterday's date...I think they would do very well if taken in a series and I have a great many already finished, etc. Let me know about the article on Hermann as early as you can.

The above four letters are of extraordinary interest to students of Meredith's biography, though (with the exception of the above-mentioned Chillianwallah) we have not been able to trace the publication in Chambers' Journal of any of the Sonnets or articles referred to. Only one earlier letter is published in Meredith's letters (2 vol. 1912), in which collection these letters are not included.

22 WILKIE, SIR DAVID, 1785–1841, A. L.s., 1 pp. 4to, Oct. 8, 1828, to the Right Honble Sir Robert Liston.

*** Interesting letter, speaking of pictures he had painted in Spain, which, though unfinished, had been mentioned to George IV., who had ordered the artist to finish them for him.


23 [Aytoun (W. E.) and Sir T. Martin] The Book of Ballads, edited by Bon Gualtier, FIRST EDITION, illustrations by A. Crowquill, original cloth W. S. Orr, 1845

24 [Barham (Rev. R. H.)] The Ingoldsby Legends, or Mirth and Marvels by Thomas Ingoldsby, 3 vol. First Series, Fourth Edition; Second Series, First Edition; Third Series, Second Edition, portraits and illustrations by G. Cruikshank, J. Leech, etc., autograph letter of R. Bentley inserted, half crimson morocco gilt, t. e. g.


25 Barham (Rev. R. H.) The Ingoldsby Legends, edited by Mrs. E. A. Bond, 3 vol. illustrations by Cruikshank, Leech, etc., 1894-Spielmann (M. H.) The History of “Punch,” illustrations, 1895-Bartolozzi and his Works, by A. W. Tuer, engraved title, 1885, etc.

26 Bennett (C.) Shadows, 2 Series, coloured plates, original boards


n. d.

27 Bentley's Miscellany. Vol. XXXIII and XXXIV, illustrations by Leech and others, half calf gilt; Sketches by Albert Smith, Barham and Charles Whitehead from Bentley's Miscellany (Extracts) 31 illustrations by G. Cruikshank and J. Leech, half calf, uncut, 1842-47


28 Berkeley (G. F.) Reminiscences of a Huntsman, FIRST EDITION, frontispiece in colours, and plates by J. Leech, original cloth


29 Berkeley (G. F.) A Month in the Forests of France, illustrations by J. Leech, 1857 - Lever (C.) Tales of the Trains, illustrations, 1857-Comic Almanack, illustrations by G. Cruikshank, for 1848 and 1851, as issued, etc.


30 Bewick (T.) A History of British Birds, 2 vol., numerous woodcuts by T. Bewick, half red morocco neat, t. e. g. Newcastle, 1826

31 Book Auction Records, edited by F. Karslake, vol. 3, 1905-1906— Catalogue of the Beckford Library, in 2 vol. with prices and purchasers' names, half calf, 1882-83 - Catalogue of the Maidment Library, with prices, half calf, 1880, and other Catalogues


32 Book of British Ballads, edited by S. C. Hall, numerous illustrations, half morocco gilt, g.e., 1842-Quarles' Emblems, illustrations by C. Bennett and W. H. Rogers, 1861-Household Words Christmas Numbers, 7 in 1 vol. green cloth, 1871-80, etc.


33 Book of Scotish Pasquils, 1568-1715, with A Packet of Pestilent Pasquils [Privately Printed], in 1 vol. blue morocco gilt, t. e. g. Edinburgh, W. Paterson, 1868

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