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Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; and if any loss is sustained in the re-selling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulters at this sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend this Sale may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their humble Servants, SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 13, Wellington Street, Strand, London. Telegraphic Address: “Abinitio, Rand, London." Telephone: 3852 Gerrard. In sending Commissions please refer to this Catalogue as "RHODOPE." COMMISSIONS CANNOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE ACCEPTED BY TELEPHONE. OF VALUABLE BOOKS, IMPORTANT Muminated & Historical Manuscripts, AND AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS AND RELICS OF CHARLOTTE BRONTË. The Property of a Gentleman. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT 1. ONGREVE (William) Amendments to Mr. Collier's False and 2 vol. 2 Fielding (Henry) Don Quixote in England, 1734; The Temple Beau, 1730; The Modern Husband, 1732; Pasquin, 1736; The Wedding Day, 1743; ALL FIRST EDITIONS 5 vol. 3 Fielding (H.) Love in Several Masques, a Comedy, FIRST EDITION of Fielding's earliest play 1728 4 5 Gay (John) Achilles, an Opera, FIRST EDITION, with half-title-page 1733 morocco 1740 6 Milton (John) Paradise Lost, a Poem in Twelve Books, second edition, revised and augmented, portrait, one or two margins mended, 1674 - Literae Pseudo Senatûs Anglicani Cromwellii, Conscriptae a Joanne Miltono, 1676; and others B 4 vol. 7 8 9 Plays. The London Merchant, or the History of George Barnvell, by George Lillo, FIRST EDITION, 1731-Walker (T.) The Quaker's Opera, 1728-Hughes (T.) The Siege of Damascus, 1720-Miller (T.) The Coffee-House, frontispiece, 1737-Murphy (A.) All in the Wrong, 1761--Cibber (T.) The Lover, 1730; and others, mostly FIRST EDITIONS 17 vol. Poems. Parnell: An Essay on the Different Styles of Poetry, 1713 16 vol. Pope (Alexander) Dunciad Variorum, 1729 - Goldsmith: Citizen 16 vol. 10 POPE (A.) Miscellaneous Poems and Translations, by several hands, good copy, in original calf, with half-title and advertisement leaves 1712 *** This scarce volume contains, with other pieces, the earliest version of the "Rape of the Lock." 11 Pope (A.) Court Poems (wrongly dated 1706), FIRST EDITION of this scarce pamphlet, which contains pieces by Pope, Gay, and Lady M. W. Montague, cut close in fore-edges 1716 12 Tracts. Memoirs of the Life and Misfortunes of Mr. Pless, 1731Historical Account of the Order of the Bath, uncut, 1725-Life of Mr. Robert Lyn, 1729-Crito, or a Discourse on Beauty, 1752 -Deformity, an Essay, 1754-Roman Stations in Britain, 1726Account of the Emancipation of the Slaves in Jamaica, 1801The Court Secret, 1741-A New Miscellany for the Year 1738A Letter from the Hon. T. Hervey to Sir T. Hanmer, 1742-The Hazard of a Death-Bed Repentance, argued from the late remorse of W-- late D—— of D——, 1708-Account of the Origin and Effect of a Police (J. Fielding), 1758 - A Present for a Servant-Maid (E. Haywood), 1744; and other curious pieces (80) QUARTO. 13 Addison (Joseph) The Drummer, or the Haunted House, FIRST EDITION (some tears), 1716--Cato, 1713, and a Collection of Pamphlets relating to Cato-The Englishman, by Steele, 1714 7 vol. 14 Congreve (William) Love for Love, a Comedy, FIRST EDITION, with the half-title-page, calf, g. e. by Riviere 1695 15 Congreve (W.) The Double Dealer, a Comedy, FIRST EDITION, half morocco 1694 16 Congreve (W.) The Mourning Bride, a Tragedy, FIRST EDITION, with half-title page 1697 17 Davenant (Sir William) The Witts, a Comoedie, FIRST EDITION, calf, g. e. by Riviere 1636 18 Defoe (Daniel) The Dyet of Poland, 1705; The Reformation of Manners, 1702; A New Test of the Church of England's Loyalty, 1702; ALL FIRST EDITIONS; and others (10) 19 EDITION Dryden (John) An Evening's Love, or the Mock Astrologer, FIRST 1671 scarce 19A Dryden (J.) Tyrannick Love, or the Royal Martyr, FIRST EDITION, 1670 20 Dryden (J.) Marriage à la Mode, a Comedy, FIRST EDITION, calf 1673 20A DRYDEN (J.) The Conquest of Granada by the Spaniards, in two parts, FIRST EDITION, bound in dark green morocco, g. e. by Sangorski and Sutcliffe 1672 21 Dryden (J.) All for Love, or, The World Well Lost, FIRST EDITION, half niger morocco 1678 22 Dryden (J.) Aureng-zebe, a Tragedy, FIRST EDITION, calf, by 4 vol. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Dryden (J.) An Evening's Love, 1671; Cleomenes, 1692; Aurengzebe, 1676; Edipus, 1679; ALL FIRST EDITIONS-Tamerlane the Great, by C. Saunders, revised by Dryden, 1681; and other Plays, by Dryden, some imperfect 16 vol. Dryden (J.) The Medal, a Satyre against Sedition, FIRST EDITION, 1682; Britannia Rediviva, 1688; The Hind and the Panther, 1687; Religio Laici, 1683; Absalom and Achitophel, 1692; Absalon et Achitophel, 1682; Threnodia Augustalis, 1685; Three Poems upon the Death of Cromwell, 1682; The Medal, 1692; The Hind and the Panther Transvers'd, by Prior, FIRST EDITION, 1687; Eleonora, FIRST EDITION, 1692 11 vol. Dryden (J.) The Hind and the Panther, a Poem in Three Parts, FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION, before errata were printed on the last leaf, fore-edges cut close, affecting text in a few leaves 1687 Dryden (J.) Pieces relating to. The Hind and the Panther Transvers'd, by Prior, FIRST EDITION, with blank leaf before title, 1687; The Revolter, a Trage-Comedy Acted between the Hind and the Panther, and Religio Laici, 1687; The New Atlantis, a Poem, with Some Reflections upon the Hind and the Panther, 1687; in 1 vol. vellum-The Medal Reversed, 1682; and other Pamphlets relating to Dryden, by Tom Brown 5 vol. Garrick (David) The Farmer's Return from London, an Interlude, Gay (John) Polly, an Opera, being the Second Part of the Beggars' Printed for the Authour, 1729 lines cut 30 Nabbes (Thomas) The Bride, a Comoedie, FIRST EDITION, some head 1640 31 Plays. Catiline, his Conspiracy, by Ben Jonson, 1674-Tarugo's 3 vol. 32 Plays. Tate (N.) The History of King Lear, 1689-Duffett (T.) Empress of Morocco, no portrait, 1674-Rowe: A Fair Penitent, 1703 - Lee: Constantine the Great, 1684 - Vanbrugh: The Provok'd Wife, 1697-Steele: The Tender Husband, 1705; The Funerall, no half-title, 1702-Otway: The Atheist, 1684; and others, mostly FIRST EDITIONS 20 vol. 33 Plays. Congreve: The Mourning Bride, 1697 - Dennis: Appius and Virginia-Centlivre: A Bickerstaffe's Burying-Wycherley: The Plain Dealer, 1686; and others by Dryden, Lee, Crowne, Etherege, Philips, Durfey, etc. mostly FIRST EDITIONS, but generally cropped or otherwise defective 34 35 36 37 22 vol. Poems (of local interest). Newark, by H. N. Bousfield, in original wrappers, Newark, 1826-A Ride and Walk through Stourhead, 1769-Lewesden Hill, by W. Crowe, 1788-Killarney, a Poem, by J. Leslie, 1772-Heliocrene, Reading, 1744-Wensleydale, 1772-A Hymn to the Nymph of Bristol Spring, by W. Whitehead, 1751; and others 13 vol. Selden (John) Table Talk, being the Discourses of John Selden, Esq. 4 vol. 6 vol. 36A Sidney (Sir Philip) Memoirs, by T. Zouch, plates, uncut, 1809—Life of Colonel Hutchinson, by his Widow, plates, 1806-Works of John Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham, 2 vol. plates, 1723 Tracts. Marvell (A.) An Account of the Growth of Popery, 1677An Exact Relation of the Late Dreadful Tempest, 1704-The Trial and Conviction of Mary Butler for Counterfeiting a Bond, 1700-A Letter to a Person of Honour concerning the King's Disavowing the having been married to the D--- of M--'s Mother (1680) - The Man-Hunter, 1690 - Reflections on the Moral State of the Nation, 1701 - Self-Condemnation, Edinb. 1703-The Prince of Orange his Declaration, 1688 - Burnet (Gilbert) Fourteen Papers, 1689-Steele: The Crisis, 1714; and many others 38 Tracts. ** * (62) A large Collection of Seventeenth Century Tracts on Public Affairs, in 9 vol. old calf, some broken Among the contents are Mr. St. John's Speech concerning Shipmoney, 1641; A Learned and Necessary Argument to prove that Each Subject hath a Propriety in his Goods, 1641; God and the King, frontispiece of Charles II, 1663; The Oaths of Irish Papists No |