OF A CHOICE COLLECTION OF Aldines AND OTHER Early Printed Books. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION BY MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, Auctioneers of Literary Property & Morks illustrative of the Fine Arts, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, S'''RAND, W.c. On FRIDAY, the 13th of FEBRUARY, 1914, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. May be Viewed Two Days prior. Catalogues may be had. DRYDEN PRESS: J. DAVY & SONS, 8-9, FRITH-STREET, SOHO-SQUARE, W, I. The highest bidder to be the buyer; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the Auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than 1s.; above five pounds, 2s. 6d.; and so on in proportion. III. All lots are sold subject to the right to impose a reserve; and subject to the right to bid by, or on behalf of, the seller. IV. 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COMMISSIONS CANNOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE ACCEPTED BY TELEPHONE. CATALOGUE OF A CHOICE COLLECTION OF ALDINES AND OTHER EARLY PRINTED BOOKS. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT 1. A ESCHYLUS. Tragoediae Graecae, dark stamped morocco, EDITIO PRINCEPS, VERY RARE 2. Venice, Aldus, 1518 Apuleius (L.) Metamorphoseon siue de Asino aureo, Floridorum, libri VIII, etc. vellum Florence, Giunta, 1522 3 Augurellus (Aurelius) Opera, calf, FINE COPY Venice, Aldus, 1505 "Belle et rare édition."—Renouard. 4 Aulus Gellius. Noctium Atticarum libri undeviginti, FIRST Venice, Aldus, 1515 ALDINE EDITION, vellum 5 Bembo (Pietro) Gli Asolani, second Aldine edition, VERY RARE, vellum Venice, Aldus, 1515 6 Bolzanus (Urbanus) Grammaticae Institutiones ad Graecam Venice, Aldus, 1560 7 CAESAR (G. J.) Opera omnia, FIRST ALDINE EDITION, maps and Venice, Aldus, 1513 Linguam, vellum woodcuts, calf 8 Caesar (G. J.) Commentaria de bello gallico, etc. calf, sides of a contemporary stamped binding inlaid, Florence, Giunta, 1514 Tridentini, half calf 9 CANONES et Decreta Sacrosancti Ecumenici et Generalis Consilii Venice, Aldus, 1565 10 Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, Opera, contemporary stamped morocco, rebacked, gauffered edges, FINE COPY Venice, Aldus, 1515 11 Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, FIRST ALDINE EDITION, modern red morocco, monogram of owner, A VERY FINE COPY Venice, Aldus, 1502 12 Catullus, Tibullus and Propertius, Carmina, calf, the sides inlaid with contemporary binding, line tooled in gilt, with curious inscription Venice, Aldus, 1515 13 Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, second Aldine edition, vellum, Venice, Aldus, 1515 FINE COPY 14 Cicero (Marcus Tullius) M. T. Cic. Officiorum, lib. III, Cato maior, sive de senectute; Laelius sive de Amicitia; Somnium Scipionis; Theodoros de senectute, etc. half calf ** * The last work is in Greek. Venice, Aldus, 1519 15 Cicero (M. T.) Another copy, original stamped calf binding, repaired 16 Cicero (M. T.) Epistolae ad Atticum, ad Brutum, ad Quintum fratrem, libri XX, FIRST AND RARE ALDINE EDITION, half Venice, Aldus, 1513 calf 17 Cicero (M. T.) De Oratore; De claris Oratoribus; Orator ad Brutum; Topica ad Trebatium, etc. FINE COPY, calf, the sides from a contemporary binding, blind and gilt tooled Florence, Giunta, 1515 18 Cicero (M. T.) Epistolarum, libri XV, half calf 19 Cicero (M. T.) De Oratore, vellum Venice, Aldus, 1521 Venice, Aldus, 1559 20 Cicero (M. T.) Epistolae ad Atticum, vellum Venice, Aldus, 1548 21 Cicero (M. T.) De Philosophia volumen primum et secundum, 2 vol. FIRST ALDINE EDITION, vellum Venice, Aldus, 1523 "Très rare."-Renouard. 22 Cicero (M. T.) Another copy, calf gilt, FINE COPY 23 Cicero (M. T.) Epistolarum, libri XX, calf, FINE COPY Venice, Aldus, 1521 24 Cicero (M. T.) Philosophiae prima pars, Tusculanarum quaesVenice, Aldus, 1545 tionum, libri V, vellum 25 Cicero (M. T.) De Philosophia, original stamped calf Venice, Aldus, 1523 26 Cicero (M. T.) Orationum volumen primum, secundum, tertium, 3 vol. original stamped calf, rebacked, FINE COPY ** Venice, Aldus, 1519 "Un exemplaire complet et bien conservé est une chose de toute rareté." - Renouard. 27 Cicero (M. T.) De claris oratoribus, and six others, unbound, some defective Venice, Aldus, 1546 28 Cicero (M. T.) Ciceronis commentarii in Hermagoram, contemporary calf, with panel and fleuron (binding loose) Florence, Giunta, 1515 29 Dante. Le Terze Rime di Dante, full red crushed levant morocco, Aldine anchor on sides, g. e. *** The FIRST ALDINE EDITION of Dante. Venice, Aldus, 1502 30 Demosthenes. Cinque orationi et una di Eschine, RARE, vellum Venice, Aldus, 1557 31 EUCLID. La Prospettiva di Euclide insième con la Prospettiva di Eliodoro Larisseo, mathematical diagrams, half calf Florence, Giunta, 1573 32 EURIPIDES. Tragoediae septemdecim, 2 vol. EDITIO PRINCEPS, old morocco, with Aldine anchor on sides, VERY FINE COPY 33 EURIPIDES. Hecuba & Iphigeneia, in latinum tralatae Erasmo Roterodamo interprete, Eiusdem ode de laudibus Britanniae, Regisque Henrici septem, calf Venice, Aldus, 1507 *** VERY RARE, having been suppressed by the Inquisition. 34 Ferrarus (H.) Ad Paulum Manutium emendationes in Philippicas Venice, Aldus, 1542 35 FLORILEGIUM diversorum Epigrammatum in septem libros, calf Venice, Aldus, 1521 ** * Ciceronis, vellum Second edition of the Greek anthology. FINE COPY. 36 Fortunio (Francesco) Regole Grammaticoli della volgar lingua, Venice, Aldus, 1541 vellum *** FIRST ALDINE EDITION of this famous grammar. 37 Herodianus. Herodiani Historiarum, libri VIII, Graece pariter & Latine, calf Venice, Aldus, 1524 *** FIRST EDITION and VERY RARE. FINE COPY. 38 Hesiod. Hesiodi opera & dies & Theognis & Clypeus, etc. vellum Florence, Giunta, 1540 39 Homer. Opera, cum vita Homeri ex Herodoto, Dione et Plutarcho, 2 vol. vol. I containing the Odyssey, bound in contemporary calf, with panel and fleuron in gilt, vol. II, in modern calf in imitation of vol. I Venice, Aldus, 1504 *** The VERY RARE FIRST ALDINE EDITION of Homer, complete with the life of Homer, often wanting. FINE COPY. 40 HORACE (Q.) Horatii Flacci Poemata omnia, Annotationes Aldi Manutij, dark morocco, FINE COPY Venice, Aldus, 1527 41 Horatius (Quintus Flaccus) Carmina, FIRST ALDINE EDITION, stamped morocco, illuminated border to first leaf, the first four and last three leaves badly defective, otherwise a very fine copy Venice, Aldus, 1501 |