22 23 24 25 26 BALE (John) ILLUSTRIUM MAIORIS BRITANNIÆ Scriptorum; hoc est Angliæ, Cambriæ ac Scotiæ Summarium a Japheto ad annum domini 1548 (fine complete copy, with the leaves at the end, “Additio,” sometimes wanting), large woodcut on title of the author presenting his book to Edward VI, and a smaller woodcut of the same subject, also a woodcut portrait of Wickliffe, FINE LARGE COPY, brown morocco extra, the sides tooled in blind and gold to an old pattern, g. e. by F. Bedford ** 4to. Excusum fuit Gippeswici in Anglia per Joannem Overton, anno 1548 FIRST EDITION, and the FIRST BOOK PRINTED AT IPSWICH. WILLIAM CAMDEN'S (the antiquary) COPY, with his Autograph and MS. notes on the last leaf and on several margins. AN EXTREMELY RARE AUTOGRAPH. Bale (J.) Actes of English Votaries, comprehendynge their unchast practices and examples by all ages, from the worlde begynning to the yere of our Lord, a M. Learne herein good Reader to prove al Spirites, and to judge false myracles, etc. both parts, black letter, a few head-lines shaved, FINE COPY, brown levant morocco extra, g. e. Svo. Imprinted at London by John Tysdale, dwellynge in Knyght Rydestrete nere to the Quenes Waredrop, anno 1560 BALLADS. A COLLECTION OF OLD BALLADS, collected from the best and most ancient copies extant, with Introductions Historical, Critical and Humorous, 3 vol. numerous plates, including that of the "Swimming Lady," generally deficient, FINE TALL COPY, red levant morocco super extra, g. e. by F. Bedford sm. 8vo. 1726-38 These scarce volumes seldom are found perfect and generally sold with all faults, but this copy will be sold as absolutely perfect. Inserted inside the cover of vol. I is the original advertisement of its publication. ** * BALZAC. LES ŒUVRES DIVERSES (sept ouvrages différens), 7 vol. cover *** THE RARE ELZEVIR EDITION. Barbier (J.) The Famous Game of Chesse-play. Being a Princely exercise; wherein the Learner may profit more by reading of this small Book, then by playing of a thousand Mates. Beautified with a three-fold Methode, viz. of the Chesse-men, of the Chesseplay, of the Chesse-lawes, curious woodcuts, brown morocco extra, g. e. fine copy, with the blank leaves at beginning and end ** 12mo. Printed at London for John Jackson, dwelling without Temple-Barre, 1640 FIRST EDITION of a rare little book in Prose and Verse, dedicated to Lady Lucy Countesse of Bedford. The earliest edition mentioned by Lowndes is dated 1672. 27 28 29 30 BARBOUR (John) THE ACTS AND LIFE OF THE MOST VICTORIOUS CONQUEROUR ROBERT BRUCE, KING OF SCOTLAND, wherein also are contained the Martiall deeds of the Valiant Princes, Edward Bruce, Sir J. Douglas, Earle Thomas Randel, Walter Stewart and sundry others, black letter, FINE COPY, two or three head-lines shaved, green levant morocco super extra, g. e. by F. Bedford narrow Svo EDINBURGH, printed by Andrew Anderson, and are to be sold at his House, on the north side of the Cross, Anno Dom. 1670 BARHAM (Rev. R. H.) INGOLDSBY LEGENDS, or Mirth and Marvels by T. Ingoldsby, Esq. 3 vol. complete, fine impressions of the plates by George Cruikshank, Leech, etc. blue levant morocco extra, g. t. UNCUT, by F. Bedford 8vo. First Series, Bentley, 1840; Second Series, ib. 1842; Third Series, ib. 1847 *** VERY FINE COPY, with the Preface containing view of "Tappington Hall" from the Second Edition added at the end of Vol. I. BASILLE (Theodore, i.e. Thos. Becon) A CHRISTMAS BANKETTE, garnyshed with many pleasaunt and deynty dishes, newely prepared by Theodore Basille, black letter, title within woodcut border, and woodcut on colophon leaf at end of Christ preaching, the blank margin of several leaves repaired, otherwise fine copy, blue morocco extra, dentelle borders on the sides, g.e. by Mackenzie ** * sm. Svo. Imprynted at London in Botulphe Lane at the signe A VERY CURIOUS AND RARE VOLUME, no copy in the British Beaumont (Sir John) Bosworth-Field: with a Taste of the variety of ** * 31 BECKFORD (W.) AN ARABIAN TALE from an unpublished Manuscript: with notes critical and explanatory, LARGE PAPER, BEAUTIFUL COPY, green levant morocco exra, g. e. by F. Bedford, EXTREMELY roy. 8vo. J. Johnson, 1786 32 RARE *** FIRST EDITION OF VATHEK, with the leaf of Errata published BECON (Thomas) THE POMAUNDER OF PRAYERS, “Pleasantly do I ** * A BEAUTIFUL LITTLE VOLUME (size 35 in. by 2 in.) woodcut portrait of the author on back of title. 33 34 BEHN (Mrs. Aphra) Poems upon Several Occasions with a Voyage to Bernard (Saint) A compēdius & a moche fruytefull treatyse of well ** * sm. Svo. Imprinted at Lōdō in Paules Church Yearde, at the syngne of the Maydens heede by Thomas Petyt, The Yeare of our Lorde God 1541 AN EXTREMELY RARE EDITION, apparently unknown to all Bibliographers. Dedicated to "Lady Mary, doughter to our Soveraygne the King." 35 Beza (Theo.) Christian Meditations upon Eight Psalmes of the Prophet David, made and newly set forth by Theodore Beza, black letter, FINE COPY, blue morocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford 36 37 ** C. Barker [1582] Bewick. Holbein (H.) Emblems of Mortality, representing Death *** The wood-blocks and many copies of this book were destroyed by Bible (The Holy) containing the Old Testament, Apocrypha, and the New Testament, newly translated out of the original tongues, and with the former diligently compared and revised by his Majesties special Commandment, appointed to be read in Churches, with leaf containing the Royal arms, the rare frontispiece of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Paradise, engraved title and printed title to the New Testament, VERY FINE COPY, in contemporary brown morocco, the back and sides covered with gold tooling, having in the centre the initials M. W. g. e. * ** 8vo. EDINBURGH, printed by the Printers to the King's most excellent Maiestie, 1633 FIRST EDITION OF THE AUTHORIZED SCOTCH VERSION, EXTREMELY RARE, and one of the most difficult Bibles to find in good condition, copies seldom contain the Apocrypha. Bound at the end of the vol. will be found: THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER, woodcut title, R. Barker, 1633; The whole Book of Psalmes collected into English Meeter by Sternhold, Hopkins and others, with apt notes to sing them withall, G. M. for the Stationers' Company, 1633, LOT 37-continued. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 the whole ruled throughout in red. This interesting volume, Biblia Sacra. Quid in hac editione à Theologis Louvainensibus ** GRAPH. Bibliography. Garrick (D.) Catalogue of the Library of David Garrick, Bibliography. Catalogues of the Valuable Library of Thomas Jolley, Bibliography. Catalogue of the Library of the late Duke of Rox- 8vo. 1812 Bibliography. Catalogue of the Valuable Library of the late B. Hey- Bibliography. Catalogue of the Library of John Horne Tooke, Esq. Bibliography. Catalogue of the Curious and Valuable Library of ** * Contains a wonderful collection of Shakesperiana and excessively 45 Bibliography. Catalogue of the Curious and Extensive Library of 8vo. 1807 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Bibliography. Catalogue of the Library of George Hibbert, Esq. Bibliography. Catalogue of the very Magnificent and Valuable Col- Bibliography. Bulletin de la Librarie Damascène Morgand, from Bibliography. Catalogue of Some Books in the Possession of H. Jadis, Bibliotheca Sunderlandiana. Sale Catalogue of the Extensive Library Bijou Almanack. Schloss's English Bijou Almanac for 1841, Poetically Binding. Two beautiful Specimens of Binding, a 4to cover, richly (2) Binding. Aicher (P. Ottonis) Epitome Chronologica Historiae Sacrae, Binding. MacKenzie (Joannes) Disputatio Juridica ad Tit. lib. 4to. Edinbergi, 1771 Binding. La Bible, qui est tovte la Saincte escritvre dv vieil et dv novveav Testament Tome I (Genese-Job), ruled, frontispiece, old French red morocco extra, the back and sides elaborately tooled all over to a most elegant design, g. e. IN BEAUTIFUL PRESERVATION sm. 8vo. Se vend à Charenton par Pierre Des-Hayes, 1652 |