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the town of Newport, to assess and levy the rate assessed on their town by the Justices sitting in General Quarter Sessions, in Newport, December 13th, 1687, and Rochester, March 6th, 1687, have neglected to rate some persons having estates in the precincts of their town, that according to order ought to have been rated, it is ordered, that the said Rate-makers do and shall meet together on or before the one-and-twentieth of this instant June, to perfect and finish the list of the said rates, and to make return thereof forthwith, to the Constables of the said town.

At a General Quarter Sessions, holden at Rochester, for Rhode Is land, Narragansett or King's Province, and Providence Plantations, the first Tuesday in September, 1688.

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Edward Pelham, Henry Brightman, Robert Lawton, James Coggeshall, Robert Little, John Rathbone, James Reynolds, Thomas Gould, John Watson, Capt'n William Hopkins, John Low, Charles Hastleton, John Thomas, Henry Tibbitts.


William Mages, George Halsall, John Davis, Stephen Tabeer, Charles Beer, of Newport.

John Cook, of Portsmouth.

Samuel Albro, of Rochester.

Abraham Campanall.

Mary Sanford, Joseph Timberlake, of Portsmouth,
Benjamin Gorton.

John Eldred, Benjamin Mowry, Samuel Eldred, of Rochester.
The Court adjourned for an hour's time.

The Court called and sat.

Mary Cory, of Portsmouth, single woman, being called in Court, to answer to an indictment by the Grand Jury found against her for having a child born of her body, in June last past, appeared, and being demanded who was the father of the said child, she answered John Wickham.

The Court sentence the said Mary Cory for her offence to pay a fine of twenty shillings in money; and also that she bear the town of Portsmouth, free from all charges concerning, maintaining and bringing up the said child.

Martha Cook (alias) Cory, of Portsmouth, and Mary Blower, of Newport, on Rhode Island, single women, being summoned to appear at this Court, to answer to a presentment, each for having a child born of her body, found by the Grand Jury, in June last past, being called, did not answer, by the Court is ordered, that an attachment go forth against them, to appear at the next Quarter Sessions.

Francis Brayton, of Portsmouth, on Rhode Island, being summoned to appear at this Court, to answer to a presentment for selling drink to Indians on the First day of the week, being called in Court, appeared, and demanded guilty or not, confessed the fact; and referred himself to the judgment of the Court. The Court's sentence is, that the said Francis Brayton pay a fine of ten shillings in money for his offence.

Robert Lawton, of Portsmouth, on Rhode Island, sworn Sealer of the said town.

At a Generall Quarter Sessions, held in Newport, for Rhode Island, King's Province, and Providence Plantations, the 11th day of December, 1688.

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Lawrence Turner, Foreman. Thomas Paine, Daniel Stanton, Thomas Brookes, George Sisson, Stephen Cornell, Enoch Plaise, Lodowick Updike, William Palmer, John Warner, Joseph Woodward, George Vaughan, Stephen Remington.


Samuel Wilson, of Rochester.
Job Card, of New Shoreham.
James Sweet, of Prudence.

Whereas, there was an order made in the Quarter Sessions, held in Newport, the 12th day of December, 1687, for the prevention of damage by fire, in the town of Newport, that if any chimney in the said town shall be foul and take fire, and burn above the funnel thereof, that the persons using the said chimney, shall pay two shillings, sixpence; and by the said order there was no means provided for the collecting and receiving the same, it is ordered, that if any person or persons shall give notice of any chimney taking fire and burning above the funnel, to the next Justice of the Peace, shall have six pence for the same, out of the fine.

And it is further ordered, That one of the said Constables of the said town shall demand and receive the same; and if the

person offending refuse on demand to pay the same, that then by warrant from one Justice of the Peace to a Constable, he shall levy the same, by distress on the goods of the offender, together with the charge thereof, and the said fine (except the sixpence aforesaid), to deliver to the Selectmen and Overseers of the Poor of the said town of Newport, for the use of the poor. And also at the time aforesaid, it was ordered, that the owner of every dwelling house in the parts of the said town, the places called the Pond, and the land of Thomas Clifton, deceased, should provide a ladder to stand against the houses that would conveniently reach to near the ridge of the said house, within nine months, on the forfeiture of five shillings; and the said order having been hitherto generally neglected, it is ordered, that all and every person or persons, owners of houses as aforesaid, shall within three months after the end of this Sessions, provide a ladder or ladders, according as is directed by the said order (except such persons as have already provided ladders accordingly); or shall forfeit the sum of five shil lings, to be to the use of the poor of the said town of Newport.

And it is further ordered, that the Constables of Newport shall take care to see this order be performed; and if any shall neglect their duty herein, to receive and collect the said fine, and if any person or persons offending shall refuse to pay the same on demand, the said Constables or any of them, by warrant from one Justice of the Peace, shall levy the same by distress, together with the charge for the levying the same.

Whereas, the Treasurer of this Province or County, hath made report to this Sessions that several of the Constables have neglected to collect and gather the several rates levied on the estates within their respective towns, it is ordered, that the Constables and each of them, that have neglected to gather and collect any the said assessments, shall forthwith collect and gather the same, or else for the neglect of their said duty, they and every of them, shall be lyable to pay the sum or sums by them neglected to be collected and gathered, as by the said orders are provided and directed. And if all or any of the Constables shall neglect to pay the said assessments and finish their ac

counts with the said Treasurer, it shall and may be lawful for any two Justices of the Peace of this Province, &c., to grant forth a warrant to the Sheriff, or to any other person as to them shall seem meet, to distrain the same of the goods and chattels of all and every the Constables that shall neglect their duty herein.

Whereas, by the order of Sessions, held at Rochester, the 6th day of March, 1687, it was ordered, that if any person or persons shall kill any wolf or wolves, within this Province or County, and shall demand pay for the same, according to law shall within twenty-four hours bring the body of the said wolves to a Justice of the Peace, which order is found difficult to perform.

It is therefore ordered, That for the head and skin of any wolf by any person so killed, shall be brought to a Justice of the Peace in the time, it shall be sufficient for the Justice of the Peace to make record of the killing of the said wolf, and to certify the same to the Treasurer.

Ordered, That there shall be a rate of one hundred and twenty pounds levied and raised on the several towns in this Province or County, for defraying of the public charge thereof, and to be paid unto the Treasurer of this Province or County, on or before the first day of July, next ensuing, in the species hereinafter named, and at the prices hereafter appointed. That is to say, sheep's wool at eight pence the pound, butter at four pence a pound, Indian corn at fourteen pence the bushel. And if any person or persons shall pay money, he or they shall be abated the one sixth part; all which species shall be good and merchantable.

The proportion that each town is levied and assesed to pay,

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