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ANTIQUI, Res ab illis per Galliam, Angliam, Apuliam, Capuæ Principatum, Siciliam, et Orientem gestas explicantes, ab Anno 838 ad annum 1220, folio, fine large copy, old calf, £7. 178 6d Paris. 1619

The contents of this volume are:

1. Gesta Normannorum ante Rollonem.

2. Chronici Rheginonis Excerptum.

de l'Histoire de Normandie, depuis le IX. siècle DU MONSTIER NEUSTRIA PIA, seu de omnibus jusqu'à nos jours, 8vo. sd. 6s 6d Paris, 1825 et singulis Abbatiis et Prioratibus totius Normanniæ, folio, fine copy, old calf, £3. 13s 6d Rothomagi, 1663 One of the most interesting and authentic works of ANGLO-NORMAN HISTORY.

3. Annalium in Fuldensi Monasterio Scriptorum Ex- EADMERI Historia Novorum sive Res Gestæ


4. Variorum Chronicorum Excerpta

5. Abbo de Obsessa à Normannis Lutetia Parisiorum. 6. Dudo de Moribus et Gestis Primorum Normanniæ Ducum.

7. Emma, Anglorum Reginæ, Encomium.

8. Pictavensis (Guil.) Gesta Guillelmi I.

9. Calculi (Willelmi) Historia Normannorum.

10. Orderici Vitalis Angligence Historia Ecclesiastica. 11. Gesta Stephani Regis Anglorum. 12. Chronica Normannice.

13. Annalis Cadomensis.

14. Catalogi varii Nobilium Normannorum qui floruerunt in Anglia tempore Guillelmi Conquæstoris.

15. Nomina Militum ferentium Bannerias in Normannia, etc. tempore Philippi II.

16: Feoda Normanniæ.

17. Scriptum de Servitiis Militum quæ debentur Duci Normanniæ.

18. Officium ad Ducem Normanniæ constituendum. 19. Chartæ plures Regum Franciæ, Ducum Normanniæ, et aliorum.

"Collection très-rare, utile et recherchée, dont les exemplaires ont acquis un prix assez considérable.". Santander. This work appertains equally to the Histories of France and England.

Historiæ Anglicana circà Tempus Conquestûs, Angliæ à Gulielmo Notho, Normannorum Duce, Selecta Monumenta; excerpta ex magno volumine, cui titulus est Historia Normannorum Scriptores Antiqui, à Duchesne edito; cum Notis plurimis, Anglico Sermone conscriptis à Francisco Maseres, 4to. (pub. at £1. 8s) bds. 12s

the same, 4to. hf. bd. calf, 14s

Lond. 1807 ib. 1807

This work contains Nos. 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 19, of the preceding volume, being those articles which more immediately pertain to English History.


Histoire Générale d'Angleterre, d'Escosse, et d'Irlande, contenant les choses mémorables et remarquables avenues aux Isles et Royaumes de la Grande Bretagne, d'Irlande, de Man, et autres adjacentes, durant 1600 années et plus, jusques à Jacques I. thick folio, fine copy, red morocco, £1. 11s 6d DUDLEY Historia delle cose occorse nel Regno Paris, 1614 d'Inghilterra, in materia del Duca di Notomberlan, dopo la morte di Odoardo VI. 12mo. calf, £1. 11s 6d Venet. Aldi, (Acad. Ven.) 1558 Copies of this rare work have been sold as high as £10. 108. The present cost the late Bishop of Lichfield £5. 58.

This work contains a curious account of the landing of the King of Spain at Southampton, his journey from thence to Winchester, and his marriage there to Queen Mary. DUGDÁLE ET DODSWORTH, MONASTICON ANGLICANUM, 3 vols. folio, with Hollar's plates, very neat, £9. 9s Lond. 1682-61-73 the same, Vol. I. folio, in the original boards, ENTIRELY UNCUT, a rare and curious state, £2. 2s ib. 1655 the same, Vol. I. folio, russia neat, £1. 11s 6d ib. 1655

the same, Vol. I, folio, wanting several plates,
£1. 1s
ib. 1655
for the new edition, and other works of Dug-
dale-See English Books.

Guilielm. I. II. et Henrici I. cum notis Joan. Seldeni, sm. fol. hf. bd. calf nt. 12s Lond. 1623 the same, sm. folio, Farmer's copy, but indifferent, hf. bd. calf, 8s ib. 1623 EDWARD III.-Rationis et Adpetitus Pugna: hoc est, de amore Edoardi III. Regis Angliæ et Elipsiæ comitissæ Salbericensis Historia, 18mo. white bds. gilt edges, rare, 14s Halis, 1612 ELIZABETHÆ (Reginæ Angliæ) Sævissimum in Catholicos sui Regni Edictum (29 Nov. 1591). Mit einer Erleuterung von And. Philopater, (i. e. Robert Parsons) 4to. German boards, 15s Ingolst. 1593 This German edition is excessively rare, and appears unknown to Bibliographers.

De Pii V. et Gregorii X. furoribus, contra Elizabetham Reginam Angliæ, Authore M. Renigero, small 8vo. rare, old binding, £1. Is Lond. 1582

Remonstrances de l'Empereur Ferdinand à Pie IV., sur le Faict du Concile de Trente, &c. Plus, une docte Epistre, par H. Osorius, à ELIZABETH, ROYNE D'ANGLETERRE, sur le Restablissement de l'ancienne Religion Catholique, sm. 8vo. bds. 5s Paris, 1563


CATIONS, viz. :

Bedæ Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum, recensuit Stevenson, 2 vols.

Rogeri de Wendover Chronica, sive Flores Historiarium, edidit H. C. Coxe, 4 vols.

Willelmi Malmesbirensis Gesta Regum Anglorum, atque Historia Novella, recensuit Hardy, 2 vols.

Codex Diplomaticus Evi Saxonici, opera J. M. Kemble, 2 vols.

Gildas de Excidio Britanniæ, recensuit Stevenson, 1 vol.-Nennii Historia Britonum, recensuit Stevenson, 1 vol.

Chronicon Ricardi Divisiensis de Rebus Gestis Ricardi I. curante Stevenson, 1 vol. TOGETHER 13 VOLS. ROYAL 8vo. LARGE PAPER, with facsimiles of Manuscripts, white boards, uncut, scarce, f.15. 1838-42 The small papers, in demy 8vo. may be had separately, at the following prices:Gildas de Excidio Britanniæ, 8s Rogeri de Wendover Chronica, 4 vols.£2. 8s



Willelmi Malmesbiriensis Gesta Anglorum, &c. 2 vols. £1. 1s 1840

Codex Diplomaticus Ævi Saxonici, 3 vols. £1.16s. Ricardi Divisiensis Chronicon, 7s 6d



Champs Elisées, entre
Charles Hier et l'Amiral Bing, 12mo. calf,
Arms on the sides, 3s 6d
FLETEWOOD (G.) Annales Regum Edwardi V.
Amst. 1757
Richardi III., Henrici VII. et Henrici VIII.,
16mo. Black letter, old binding, 6s

Lond. Tottell, 1579

FORDUN (Joannis de) SCOT CHRONICON, cum Supplementis et Continuatione Walteri Boweri, cum notis et variantibus lectionibus cura Goodall, 2 vols. folio, hf. bd. russia, uncut, £1. 8s Edinb. 1759 FROISSART, Chroniques-See French Books. GALE ET FELL, SCRIPTORES RERUM ANGLICARUM VETERES, 3 vols. folio, fine copy in old calf, £10. 10s Oxon. 1684-91 idem, 3 vols. folio, fine copy, russia, gilt edges, £11. ib. 1684-91 Vol. 1. I. Ingulphi Croylandensis Historia. II. Petri Blesensis Continuatio ad Historiam Ingulphi. III. Chronica de Mailros. IV. Annales Monasterii Burtonensis. V. Historia Croylandensis Continuatio. Vol 2. I. Annales Marganenses. II. Chronicon Thomæ Wikes, aliter Chronicon Salisburiensis Monast. III. Annales Waverleienses. IV. Itinerarium Regis Anglorum Richardi et aliorum in Terram Hierosolymorum, auctore Gaufrido Vinisauf. V. Chronica Walteri Hemingford de Gestis Regum Angliæ. Vol. 3. I. Gildas. II. Eddius. III. Nennius. IV. Asserius. V. Higden. VI. W. Malmesburiensis. VII. Anonymous Malmesb. VIII. Historia Ramesiensis. IX. Historia Eliensis. X. Thomas Eliensis. XI. Joan. Wallingford. XII. Rad. de Diceto. XIII. De Partitione in Schiras, etc. XIV. Fordun Scoti Chronicon. XV. Alcuinus.

The second volume wants the title-page.

GALE, Registrum Honoris de Richmond, exhibens Terrarum et Villarum, etc. infra Richmundshire Descriptionem, royal folio, plates, old calt, £1. 16s Lond. 1722

the same, royal folio, the Arms illuminated; with valuable Manuscript Notes by Allan of Darlington, neat, £2. 18s ib. 1722 GIBSONI Chronicon Saxonicum-See Languages, Anglo-Saxon.

Only 200 copies printed.


GILDAS-See English Historical Society. GIRALDI CAMBRENSIS Itinerarium Cambriæ seu laboriosæ Balduini Cant. Arch. Walliam Legationis accurata Descriptio, cum annotationibus Dav. Poweli, 4to. map and plates, bds. uncut, 16s 1806 GUILLAUME III Esprit Politique, ou l'Histoire en abregé de la Vie et des Actions de Guillaume 111. 18mo. portrait, old French red_morocco, gilt edges, 7s Elzevier, 1695 GUIZOT, Histoire de la Révolution d'Angleterre, depuis l'Avénement de Charles Ier. jusqu'à sa mort, 2 vols. 8vo. frontispieces, sd. 7s Brux. 1841 GRATIANUS (A. M.) de Casibus Virorum Illustrium, 4to. neat, 9s Paris, 1680 This work gives accounts, among others, of Henry VIII., Wolsey, Fisher, Sir Thomas More, Card. Pole, Borgia, Sfortia, &c. HARPSFELDII (N. Archd. Cantuar.) Historia Anglicana Ecclesiastica a primis Gentis susceptæ Fidei Incunabulis ad nostra fere Tempora deducta. Adjecta brevi Narratione de Divortio Henrici VIII. ab Uxore Catherina, et ab Ecclesia Catholica Romana Discessione, scripta ab Ed. Campiano, nunc primum in lucem producta studio Richardi Gibboni, folio, neat, vellum, £1. 16s Duaci, 1622

This copy contains the Historia Wicleffiana, and the Catalogus Monasteriorum et aliarum sacrarum Ædium in Anglia et Wallia.


et Hibernicarum regnante Elizabetha, 3 vols.
8vo. portrait of Elizabeth by Vertue, old calf,
Oxon. 17 7
the same, 3 vols. 8vo. portrait, fine copy in old
calf, £2.88

Isaac Reed's copy sold for £4. 14s. 6d.

HEARNE. GUILIELMI NEUBRIGENSIS HISTORIA, sive Chronica Rerum Anglicarum accedunt Homiliæ tres eidem Guilielmo à Viris eruditis adscriptæ, 3 vols. 8vo. neat, £2. 2s Oron. 1719 the same, LARGE PAPER, 3 vols. royal 8vo. plates,old calf, £7. 7s ib. 1719 TITI LIVII FORO-JULIENSIS VITA HENRICI V. Regis Angliæ accedit Sylloge Epistolarum, à variis Angliæ Principibus Scriptarum, 8vo. neat, £2. 15s ib. 1716

[ocr errors]

the same, LARGE PAPER, royal 8vo. tall copy, old calf, £5. 5s ib. 1716 the same, LARGE PAPER, royal 8vo. russia, gilt edges, from the Duke of Sussex's Library, £5. 5s ib. 1716 ROPERI VITA THOME MORI, portruit, very neat, £6. 6s 1716 ALUREDI BEVERLACENSIS ANNALES, sive Historia de Gestis Regum Britanniæ, 8vo. fine copy. old calf, £3. 10s

ih. 1716 THOMA de ELMBAM Vita et Gesta Henrici V. Anglorum Regis, 8vo. neat, £2.2s ib. 1727 the same, LARGE PAPER, royal 8vo. very neat, from the Library of the Duke of Sussex, £3. 10s ib. 1727

WALTERI HEMINGFORD Historia de Rebus Gestis Edvardi I., Edvardi II., et Edvardi III., 2 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. uncut, £5. 5s ib. 1731 CALL VINDICIA. Antiquitatis Academiæ Oxoniensis, 2 vols. 8vo.old calf, £2. 5s ib. 1730 FORDUNI SCOTICHRONICON genuinum, una cum ejusdem Supplemento ac Continuatione, 5 vols. 8vo. neat, £3. 10s ib. 1722

the same, wanting vol. 4, LARGE PAPER, 4 vols. royal 8vo. russia, marbled edges, £2. 2s ib. 1722 HEMINGI CHARTULARIUM Ecclesiæ Wigorni. ensis, 2 vols. 8vo. old calf, £3. 10s ib. 1723 MONACHI de EVESHAM Historia Vitæ et Regni Ricardi II. Angliæ Regis: accesserunt, præter alia, Joannis Rossi Historiola de Comitibus Warwicensibus; Joannis Berebloci Commentari ide Rebus gestis Oxoniæ; ibidem commorante Elizabetha Regina; et D. Ricardi Baronetti Narratio historica de Caroli, Walliæ Principis, Famulorum in Hispaniam Itinere, A.D. 1623, LARGE PAPER, royal 8vo. old binding, £5. 5s ib. 1729

[ocr errors]

the same, LARGE PAPER, royal 8vo. broken binding, £4. 14s 6d ib. 1729 Sprotti Chronica, 8vo. original edition, russia, rure, 17s ib. 1719 ECTYPA VARIA AD HISTORIAM BRITANNICAM ILLUSTRANDAM, ære olim insculpta studio et cura T. Hearne, folio, original edition, of which only 25 copies were printed, 50 plates of Antiquities, Old Houses, Seals, &c. old bds. rare, £2. 28 1737 Bindley's copy of this original edition sold for £11. 118.

the same, reprint, cloth bds. £1. 5s

for other Works of Hearne-See English Books. HENTZNERI ITINERARIUM Germaniæ, Galliæ, ANGLIA, et Italiæ, small 4to. first edition, in the original stamped binding, fine copy, very scarce, £1. 4s Norimb. 1612

"L'édition de 1612 est fort rare, vendu £2. 14s Crofts; £3. 10s Steevens; £1. 128 Heber."- Brunet. idem, acc. Monita Peregrinatoria duorum doctorum Virorum, etc. stout 12mo. with the folding table, russia extra, gilt, old style, £1.5s ib. 1629 the same, 12mo. THICK DUTCH PAPER, with folding table, £1.8s ib. 1629 2 H

HENTZNERI. - Monita Peregrinatoria duorum | LARREY, Histoire d'Angleterre, d'Ecosse, et doctorum Virorum, another edition, 12mo. with folding table, red morocco, gilt edges, £1. 10s

Lips. 1661

This copy appears to have cost its former possessor £5. 18s.

This volume contains an interesting account of the Court of Queen Elizabeth, and the manners and customs of London.

"Honest Paul Hentzner sets down the peculiarities of
an Englishman, with the same accuracy that Captain
Hall describes the new found inhabitants of the Loo Choo
Islands. What appeared to him was instantly put down
as it occurred, with the scrupulous fidelity of a trades-
man taking stock. All is fresh to him, and the result is,
that the description which he gives comes as fresh upon
us."-Retrospective Review.
HISTOIRE des Evenements Tragiques d'Angle-
terre, et des derniers troubles d'Ecosse; conte-
nant une Rélation des Conspirations contre les
Rois Charles II. et Jaques II. &c. 18mo. with
portraits by Romeyn de Hooghe, foreign bds. 7s
Cologne, 1686
HOLLAND (H.) Herologia Anglicana-See Books of

HORNI Rerum Britannicarum Libri VII. quibus
res in Anglia, Scotia, Hibernia, ab anno 1645
bello gestæ, exponuntur, 12mo. with full length
portrait of the Duke of Marlborough, by Vander-
meulen, very neat, 7s
Lug. Bat. 1648
IMHOFF, Historia Genealogica Magnæ Britanniæ—
See Heraldry.
IRELAND-Quomodo pervenire possumus in Pur-
gatorium S. Patricii in Hibernia, folio, black
vellum, without sign, num. catch, place, name, or
date, but printed about 1475, £1. 16s

This consists of two leaves only, and the copy is probably UNIQUE. The text is in German, and printed in coarse Gothic type. The reverse of the second leaf is occupied by a most singular and rude woodcut, representing that celebrated purgatory where St. Patrick saw such wonderful sights.

JAMES II. Mémoires de la dernière Révolution d'Angleterre (par Lamberty), 2 vols. 12mo. several English portraits, neat in calf, 7s

La Haye, 1702 JONSTONI (Joh. Scoti) Inscriptiones Historica Regum Scotorum, continuata Annorum serie a Fergusio primo Regni Conditore ad nostra tempora, with 7 rare portraits of the Six James's and Queen Mary-Jonstoni Heroes ex omni historia Scotica lectissimi, Lugd. Bat. 1603-in 1 vol. 4to. hf. bd. title mended, £1. 11s 6d

This copy has seven portraits: some copies have ten. JONSTONI (R.) Historia Rerum Britannicarum, ut et multarum Gallicarum, Belgicarum et Germanicarum, tam Politicarum, quam Ecclesias ticarum, ab anno 1572 ad annum 1628, folio, calf, marbled edges, 15s Amst. 1655 the same, folio, russia, joints, gilt edges, £1. 1s ib. 1655

"A work of great merit, whether we consider the judicious structure of the narrative, the sagacity of the reflections, the acute discernment of characters, or the classical tincture of the style."-Lord Woodhouselee. JUELLI (Jo. Episc. Sarisb.) Apologia Ecclesiæ Anglicana, 18mo. neat, 2s 6d Lond. 1637 LA BODERIE (Mons. de) Ambassades en Angleterre sous le règne de Henri IV. et Louis XIII. depuis 1606 jusqu'en 1611, 2 vols. 12mo. calf,


s. l. 1750 LANFRANCI (Archiep. Cantuariensis) Opera Omnia, edidit Giles, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £1. 1s) cloth, 16s 1844

d'Irlande, 4 vols. folio, with upwards of 50 beautiful portraits, engraved by Audran, Simonneau, Vun Gunst, &c. FIRST IMPRESSIONS, very fine copy in gilt vellum, from the Rendorp library, £2. 12s 6d Rotterdam, 1697-1713 the same, 4 vols. folio, portraits, FIRST IMPRESSIONS, fine copy in French calf gilt, and marbled LELAN DI COLLECTANEA de Rebus Britannicis, cum edges, £3. 3s ib. 1697-1713


Indice, 6 vols.

Lond. 1774 8vo, neut in old

Hearnii Præfatione, Notis et
8vo. plates, neat in calf, £3. 3s
the same, LARGE PAPER, 6 vols.
calf, £5. 5s
the same, LARGE PAPER, 6 vols. 8vo. calf, gilt
edges, from the library of the Duke of Susser,
£4. 10s


MOYNE Galerie des Femmes Fortes, 18mo.
with 20 full length portraits, very neat in French
calf, gilt edges, 9s
Leide, Elsevier, 1661
Including the Life and Portrait of MARY QUEEN OF
Scors. Colonel Stanley's copy sold for £3.

LINDEWOOD (William) Constitutiones Provin-
ciales Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ, 16mo. Black letter,
printed by Wynken de Worde, very neat in calf,
gilt edges, £1. 11s 6d
Lond. s. a.
gantly bound in green morocco extra, gilt edges, by
Clarke, £7. 7s
Lovan, 1632
MACMAHON, Jus Primatiale Armacanum in
omnes Archiepiscopos, Episcopos, et universum
Clerum totius Regni Hiberniæ, assertum per
H. A. M. T. H. P. 4to. complete, with both Er-
MADOX, Formulare Anglicanum: or a Collection
rata, morocco, gilt edges, very rare, £3. 3s 1728
of Ancient Charters and Instruments (mostly
in Latin), from the Norman Conquest to the
end of the reign of Henry VIII. folio, old calf.
£1. 8s
Lond. 1702
MA-GEOGHEGAN (Jacques) Histoire de l'Irlande,
ancienne et moderne, tirée des Monumens les
plus authentiques, 3 vols. 4to. hf. bd. £1. 16s
Paris, 1758-63
the same, 3 vols. in 2, 4to. hf. bd. £1. 16s
ib. 1758-63
ib. 1758

the same, 3 vols. calf gilt, £2. 2s

"Il y a beaucoup de recherches et d'érudition dans cet ouvrage, et l'auteur donne des détails très curieux sur la Langue, la Religion, les Mœurs, le Gouvernement et les Lois de ce peuple trop peu connu, &c."

Biogr. Univ.

MAHONEY (C. Hiberni) Disputatio Apologetica de Jure Regni Hiberniæ pro Catholicis Hibernis adversus Hæreticos Anglos: sm. 4to. only 100 copies printed, hf. bd. morocco, uncut, 10s 6d Dublin, 1826

"An attempt so excite his countrymen to persevere in their endeavours to extirpate the name, manners, and religion of Englishmen from amongst them."-Nicolson. MANLII Commentarii de Rebellione Anglicana, MALMESBIRENSIS (Will.)-See Engl. Hist. Soc.

ab anno 1640 usque ad annum 1685, 8vo. frontispiece, remarkably fine copy in old red MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS-Bisselii Medulla morocco, gilt edges, 15s Lond. 1686 Historicæ, &c.-Maria Stuartæ Acta, &c. 12mo. portrait of Mary, neat, 7s 6d Amberga, 1675 Very rare sold at Sotheby's in 1829, for £1. 16s.


MARIE STUART, Regne d'Escosse, nouvelle
historique (par P. le Pesant de Boisguilbert),
3 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. old calf, arms on the sides,
Paris, 1675
EXECUTION, oder Todt Marie Stuarts, König-
innen aus Schotlandt, welche 18 Feb. 1587,
in Engelandt, enthauptet worden ist, 4to. with
curious woodcut frontispiece, bds. 10s 6d

Magdeburgk, 1588
LETTRES Inedites de Marie Stuart, accompag-
nées de diverses Dépêches et Instructions,
1558-1587, publiées par le Prince Alexandre
Labanoff, 8vo. sd. 9s
Paris, 1839
huic editioni accesserunt duorum Offarum
Merciorum Regum, et viginti trium Abbatum
S. Albani Vitæ, una cum Libro Additamen-
torum, editore W. Wats, qui Variantes Lec-
tiones, Adversaria, Vocumque barbararum
Glossarium, et Indices adjecit, fol. portrait, best
edition, neat, £2. 8s

CONSTITUTION (De la) du Duché de Nor-
mandie (par M. de la Foy), 8vo. calf, 7s 1789
DEPPING, Histoire de la Normandie, sous le
Règne de Guillaume-le-Conquérant et de ses
Successeurs, depuis la Conquête de l'Angleterre
jusqu'à la Réunion de la Normandie au
Royaume de France (1066-1204), 2 vols. 8vo.
sd. 12s
Rouen, 1835
JUMIEGE (Guillaume de) Histoire des Ducs de
Normandie, publiée par Guizot, 8vo. sd. 7s
Caen, 1826
LICQUET, Histoire de Normandie, depuis les
temps les plus reculés jusqu'à la Conquête de
l'Angleterre en 1066, avec une introduction
sur les Hommes du Nord par Depping, 2 vols.
8vo. large map, sd. 13s
Rouen, 1835
NOUVELLE Histoire de Normandie (par Vau-
quelin de la Fresnaye), 8vo. portrait of William
the Conqueror, sd. 7s
Versailles, 1814
OATES (Titus) Narration véritable de l'execrable
Conspiration du Parti Papiste contre la vie de
sa sacrée Majesté, etc. 12mo. scarce, old calf,
7s 6d
(Elzevir), 1679
VETERES, 4 vols. 4to. LARGE PAPER, russia extra,
marbled edges, by Clarke, fine set, £37. 16s
Buckingham, 1814-26
ORKNEY ISLES-See Orkneyinga-Saga, in Northern
ORDERICI VITALIS Historia Ecclesiastica, edidit
Le Prevost, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 18s Parisiis, 1838
ORLEANS (D') Histoire des Revolutions d'Angle-
terre depuis le commencement de la Monarchie,
4 vols. 8vo. thick paper, russia extra, marbled
edges, £1. 16s
Paris, 1792
"Histoire ecrite avec jugement et éloquence, égale-
ment estimée des Catholiques et des Protestans."

Lond. 1684

"For sincerity of narration, truth of colouring, and extent of information, the Historia Major of the Monk of St. Albans, may be justly deemed as valuable a work as this or any other age has produced."-Berington. MATTHÆI WESTMONASTERIENSIS Flores Historiarum, præcipue de Rebus Britannicis ab Exordio Mundi usque ad annum 1307: accedit Florentii Wigorniensi Cronicon ad annum 1141, folio, best edition, old calf, £2. 58 Francof. 1601 the same, folio, old calf, short copy, £1. 11s 6d ib. 1601 the same, folio, short copy, in vellum, £2. 12s 6d ib. 1601 MAZURE Histoire de la Révolution de 1688, en Angleterre, 3 vols. 8vo. French bds. 15s

Londres, 1825 MELISII (Pauli) Schediasmata Poetica, 2 vols. in 1, thick 8vo. LARGE PAPER, limp vellum, £1. 10s Paris, 1586

"This very curious book is dedicated to Queen Elizabeth, to whom several of the Poems are addressed, with others to the Earl of Leicester, Lord Stafford, Chancellor Bromley, Walsingham, Sir Philip Sydney, Buchanan, &c. also to Aldus Manutius, Muretus, Victorius, Scaliger, and others." Mr. Hanrott's copy on small paper, sold for £1. 158.

MEMOIRES d'Angleterre, contenant l'Histoire des

deux Roses d'Yorck et de Lancastre, 18mo.

French calf, scarce, 5s Amst. (Elzevir), 1726 MERLINI (Ambrosii, Britanni) Prophetia Angli. cana, a Galfredo Monumetensi Latine conscripta, 8vo. vellum, neat, 7s Francof. 1608 MESSINGHAMI FLORILEGIUM Insulæ Sanctorum

seu Vitæ et Acta Sanctorum Hiberniæ, quibus
access. Sancti Patricii Purgatorium, aliaque
Monumenta, folio, portraits, green morocco extra,
gilt edges, rare, £4.4s
Paris, 1624
Towneley's for

Hibbert's copy sold for £3. 68.
£3. 188.

MONSTRELET, Chroniques-See French Books.
MONTVERAN, Histoire critique de la Situation
de l'Angleterre, sous les rapports de Finance,
Agriculture, Manufactures, Constitution, etc.
3 vols. 8vo. sd. 10s 6d
Paris, 1819
frontispiece, fine copy, in old calf, very rare,
Audomari, 1660
NOGAROLE Disputatio super Reginæ Britano-
rum Divortio, 4to. containing the Divorce of
Henry VIII. and Queen Catharine, hf. bd. gilt
s. l. et a.
edges, extremely rare, £. 11s 6d


for a Supplement-See Turpin. PERLIN, Description des Royaulmes d'Angleterre et d'Escosse, Paris, 1558-De La Serre, Histoire de l'Entrée de la Reine Mère (Marie de Medicis) dans la Grande Bretagne, ib. 1639 -the reprints, illustrated with English Notes, by Gough, 4to. folding plates, hf. bd. calf, very neat, 14s PITHSANI(Joh. [Peacham]), Arch. Canthuarensis, Liber de Ovulo morali, folio, Black letter, (the seven leaves of table are wanting at the commencement) 15s


s. 1. e. a. sed Aug. Vind. A. Sorg, circa 1475 Perspectiva Communis per L. Gauricum, curious woodcut, Venet. 1504-Capella Divina Proportione et Pacioli libellus, Venet. 1509in 1 vol. folio, woodcut portrait, £2. 2s

A note inside states this book to be very rare, and almost unique.

PITSEI (Joannis) Relationes Historicæ de Rebus
et Scriptoribus Anglicis, thick 4to. good sound
Paris. 1619
copy, old binding, £1. 8s
the same, 4to. slightly wormed, old calf, £1. 1s
ib. 1619
"Written in opposition to Bale."-Nicolson. This
work contains a very complete account of early English
writers and their works, both printed and MS.

POLLINI, Historia Ecclesiastica della Rivoluzion
d'Inghilterra, thick 4to. limp vellum, very rare,
£1. 1s
Roma (Aldus), 1594
POLYDORI Vergilii Historia Anglica, cura Simon
Grynaeus, folio, fine comy, hf. bd. 15s Basil, 1570
2H 2

PONTICI VIRUNNII Britannica Historia, Lond. 1585 -Giraldi Cambrensis Itinerarium Cambriæ, seu laboriosa Balduini Cantuar. Archiepiscopi per Walliam Legationis accurata Descriptio; cum Annotationibus D. Poveli (Powell) ib. 1585 -12mo. calf neat, 15s PORTERI COMPENDIUM ANNALIUM ECCLESIASTI

CORUM REGNI HIBERNIA, exhibens brevem illius descriptionem et succinctam historiam, small 4to. green morocco, gilt edges, UNCUT, remarkably fine copy, £8. Es

PRESBYTERIANS. Histoire des nouveaus Presbyteriens Anglois et Ecossois, et leurs Fauteurs contre le Roy (Charles II.) par M. F. 8vo. vellum, 7s 6d s. p. 1660 A copy of this rare work sold at Sotheby's in 1821, for £1. 168.


PRINCIPUM et Illustrium Virorum Epistolæ, ex præcipuis Scriptoribus, tam antiquis quam recentioribus, collectæ, 12mo. French red morocco, gilt edges, 12s Amst. Elzev. 1644

Among the letters in this volume are the following: Bede to Charles Martel: Henry VIII. to James IV. of Scotland: James IV. to Henry VIII.: Richard I. to Pope Cœlestin III.

RAVIGLIO, Historia d'Inghilterra, dopo la morte di Odoardo II. fino alla Guinta in quel regno del Sereniss. Don Philippo d'Austria Principe di Spagna, 4to. slightly wormed, vellum, 14s Ferrara, 1591 RERUM, BRITANNICARUM SCRIPTORES VETUSTIORES AC PRACIPUI, folio, russia extra, gilt edges, very rare, £5. Lugd. (Heidelberg, Commelini,) 1587 idem, folio, stained, with R. Farmer's Autograph, old binding, £2. 10s Heidelberg, 1587 idem, folio, neat in old calf, Lord Anson's copy, £4. ib. 1587 This is the collection known by the name of the Heidelberg Collection; it contains Geoffrey of Monmouth, Ponticus Virunnius, Gildas, Bede, with the Continuation, William of Newbury, and an abridgement of Froissart.

REVOLUTIONS d'Angleterre, depuis la Mort du Protecteur Olivier jusques au Rétablissement du Roy, (par de Bourdeaux), 18mo. very neat, rare, 5s Paris, 1670 RIBADEN EYRA (Pedro de) Historia Ecclesiastica del Scisma del Reyno de Inglaterra, thick 12mo. wanting title, &c. neat, 5s Madrid, 1588 RICARDI Divisi, Chron.-See Engl. Hist. Soc. RICHARD I. Bohadini Vita Saladini, &c.-See Oriental Books.

RINUCCINI, Nunziatura in Irlanda di G. B. Rinuccini, Arcivescovo di Fermo, negli anni 1645 a 1649, pubblicata per cura di G. Ajazzi, 8vo. sd. 10s 6d Firenze, 1844 ROGER DE WENDOVER Chron.-See Engl. Hist. Soc. ROOTH (D.) Analecta Sacra, nova, et mira, de Rebus Catholicorum in Hibernia, pro Fide, et Religione gestis, first edition, small 8vo. vellum, £1.5s Colonia, 1616 RYMERI FODERA, Conventiones, etc. inter Reges Angliæ et alios, 20 vols. folio, original edition, very neat in calf, £14. 14s Lond. 1704-35 the same, complete in 10 vols. folio, very neat in calf, fine copy, €12. 12s Hag. Com. 1745 the same, 10 vols. A REMARKABLY FINE SET IN OLD FRENCH RED MOROCCO, GILT AND MARBLED EDGES, ARMS ON SIDES, £30.

SALMONET (Mentet de) Histoire des Troubles de la Grandbretagne, contenant ce qui s'est passe depuis l'année 1633 jusques 1649, 2 vols. -Relation des veritables causes, qui ont contribué au restablissement du Roy de la Grandbretagne, 3 vols. in 1, folio, old red morocco, gilt and marbled edges, French Royal Arms on sides, fine copy, £2. 2s Paris, 1661 SAVILE (H.) Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores post Bedam præcipui, cum Indice, folio, hf. bd. 15s Lond. 1596

the same,

best edition, folio, old calf, £3. Francof. 1601

Contents:-I. Will. Malmesburiensis. II. Hen. Huntindoniensis. III. Rogerus Hovedenus. IV. Etlalwerdus. V. Ingulphus.


"William of Malmesbury has left us a work superior in composition to the annalists of the age, and to any preceding historian since the classical authors." SAXON Chronicle-See Languages, Anglo-Saxon,p.347. SCOTLAND-Charta authentica Roberti Seneschalli Scotiæ, cum Observationibus historicis, quibus Regia Stuartorum Stirpis natales ab inusta Labe vindicantur, 4to. plates of seals, sd. scarce, 10s 6d Paris, 1695 Guicciardi, Idea delli prencipi Anacoreti eroici Profili, small 4to. woodcuts, vell. 7s 6d

Modena, 1674 Among other lives is that of Pellegrino di Scozia. Loschi (Alfonso) Compendi Historici, sm. 4to. numerous large genealogical tables, including several Scotch, &c. vellum, 98 Bologna, 1655 Compendi Historici con Aggionta sino l'Anno 1668, 4to. with the genealogical tables, sd. uncut, fine copy, rare, 18s Vicenza, 1668

A History of the different countries of Europe. It contains a particular account of Mary Queen of Scots, and Charles I. and II. occupying above 50 pages. SCRIPTORES MONASTICI. Chronicon Angliæ Pe

triburgense iterum post Sparkium cum MSto contulit J. A. Giles, 8vo. cloth, 98 Lond. 1845 SHERINGHAMI de Anglorum Gentis Origine

Disceptatio, quâ eorum Migratiores, Sedes, etc. explicantur, Cant. 1670-Waræi Hibernia, plates by Hollar, Lond. 1658—2 vols. in 1, 8vo. vellum, 78 6d

SMITH (Rich.) Flores Historiæ Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum, folio, calf extra marbled edges, fine copy. £2. 8s Paris, 1654 SPARKE (Jos.) Historia Anglicanæ Scriptores varii, e Cod. MSS. nunc primum editi, folio, neat, £2.8s Lond. 1723

Contents:-I. Chronicon Johannis Abbat. S. Pet. de Burgo. II. Chronicon Anglicanum per Rob. de Boston. III. Historiæ Coenobii Burgensis Scriptores varii. IV. Vita S. Thomæ Cantuariensis a W. Stephanide. SPELMANI Ælfredi Magni Anglorum Regis Vita, folio, portraits, and plates of coins, old binding. 10s 6d Oron. 1678 ib. 1678 ib. 1678

the same, neat, 12s

STANIHURST de Rebus in Hibernia gestis, 4to. the same, folio, very neat, 14s vellum, 14s Antverpia, 1584 TANNERI Gesta et Missiones Jesuit.-See p. 197. THIELLE (P. H. de) Illustres ex Britannica His

toria Controversia quas Solenni Eruditorum examini submittit, 4to. vellum, 7s Argent. 1731 THIERRY Histoire de la Conquète da l'Angleterre par les Normands, 3 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £1. 4s) sd. 15s Bruxelles, 1841

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