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its real or imputed virtues are omitted. In the conduct of the articles, the botanical defcriptions are very generally fuller in the London edition; though in each, the Linnæan names are mentioned in this too they are longer, fometimes on account of the more diffuse style, sometimes occafioned by additional information. In this laft refpect, the articles of columba, colchicum, dolichos pruriens, oenanthe crocata,' and fome - others, are more valuable: thofe on the pulfatilla,' the quaffia,' and the ricinus,' are, we think, lefs fatisfactory, though farther extended.

The value of the Edinburgh edition is greatly increased by the chemical and pharmaceutical effays in the introduction, extracted from Dr. Webster's Syllabus: in this view it is unrivalled. The additions to Dr. Lewis are very numerous, and highly important. The chemical part is new, accurate, and fatisfactory. One or two typographical errors of fome consequence have, however, been overlooked; and two paffages are marked with inverted commas, as new, though really co pied from Lewis. These are trivial imperfections. The de fcriptions of the new furnaces, and the new table of elective attractions are very valuable; but they would require a plate to enable us to defcribe them.

From the new articles of the materia medica we can felect no fpecimen; for they are very generally compiled from works pretty well known, and, except in one or two inftances, are not very important: it would not have been difficult to have rendered them more ufeful. We ought, however, to add, that, though on old fubjects, the account of the bark and opium, in the Edinburgh edition, are new. The botanical discoveries relating to the firft, and the additional knowledge we have acquired of the laft, fince we have been lefs afraid of it, feem to require a new compilation. We must be allowed to wifh, that the materia medica, in both works, had been fuller in the number of articles; and that the editors had not been confined by the limits of either college.

We shall felect no fpecimen even from the part which we have faid is almoft wholly new; fince its great merit confifts in the very clear concife manner, in which fubjects, well known to the chemist, are detailed; and we have little room for compilations, even of the greatest merit.-On the whole, after having made a careful comparison of these two works, we must recommend the Edinburgh edition, as the most useful companion and inftructor. We cannot give it a higher character than to observe, that, in the present state of fcience, it is, what the original work was, at the time of its first appear



A Key to the Mystery of the Revelation: whereby all its dark Meanings, being reduced to one regular System, are easily ac counted for, and explained. 8vo. 45. in Boards. Goldsmith. NO object of theological difquifition feems to have been more fertile of keys, comments, and expofitions, than the Revelation of St. John. And indeed the mysterious nature of its contents, and thofe delivered in a style of the utmoft folemnity and grandeur, afford a very natural and proper fubject of enquiry to thofe divines, who have learning and leifure to pursue it. But whoever fits down with an intention of explaining the whole of this ænigmatical book, will probably mifcarry in many points. Sir Ifaac Newton fays, that 6 among the interpreters of the laft age, there is scarce one of note, who hath not made some discovery worth knowing, but that our greatest obligations are owing to three particularly, Mede, Vitringa, and Daubuz.' But neither fir Ifaac, nor, we fuppofe, any rational divine, has adopted all their folutions or conjectures. The learned bishop of Bristol, whofe Illuftrations of the Apocalypfe deferve no mean fhare of credit among those of the present times, obferves that to explain it perfectly, is not the work of one man, or of one age; and probably that it will never all be clearly understood, till it is all fulfilled.' Whoever undertakes to develope its mysteries with wisdom, fobriety, and reverence, will probably contibute fome new light for our guidance, and merit the thanks of the serious part of mankind.

The anonymous author of the prefent publication tells us, in his introduction, that he flatters himself he is poffeffed of the happy clue, which, he adds, was many years ago accidentally difcovered to a friend. It is no more, he informs us, than the fimple hint of confidering these myfteries as a regular feries of ecclefiaftical events, from the beginning to the end of time, but yet variously expreffed, agreeably to the feven parts into which they feem naturally to be divided.' The author gives us to understand, that he has found, from many years experience, the great efficacy of this Key, or manner of explanation now offered to the public; and that it is aftonishing to fee fuch a heap of feemingly wild and jarring matters, so easily yielding themselves to order and arrangement, by fo fimple a means. We were led, by this declaration, to expect more fatisfaction than we can confefs ourselves to have found. The fcheme it felf is, however, far from wanting ingenuity; but its fimpli city, which the author probably thinks its first recommenda tion, we are inclined to regard as its principal defect. A key, too fimply constructed, cannot be applied with fuccefs to the VOL. LXI. Feb. 1786. H wards

wards of a lock very intricately formed. But the author, without doubt, having conceived ideas very different from our own, of the machine he meant to open, lays juft claim to approbation, for his fincere and earnest endeavours to effect a very laudable purpose.

After all, we are candid enough to allow, this method may carry conviction to other minds; and if it should not, that at leaft thofe difcoveries which it has produced, may be of great ufe to other learned men who shall confider the fame fubject; and, united with preceding efforts, and the fullness of time, may contribute no contemptible share to the complete ecclairciffement of this august mystery. We, therefore, wish this performance may fall into the hands of all fuch as are able and difpofed to pay due attention to the fubject.

Whatever the Protestant churches abroad, or those of the diffenters at home, may think of this author's scheme in general, we are apt to believe his idea of restraining what relates to Philadelphia, in the prophetic vifion, fo partially to the church of England, will appear, in their judgment, to want liberality, and perhaps draw upon him the imputation of bigotry; a charge from which, on this account, we cannot imagine him to ftand entirely clear, even within the pale of his own church.

The comparison of the feven golden candlesticks in the Revelation, with the candlestick of Mofes, confifting of a stem or fhaft, and fix branches, is ingenioufly fupported. Our readers may not be difpleafed to fee the paffage, which we fhall lay before them, with a previous paragraph introducing the fubject. There is on one of the letter-prefs pages a draught reprefenting the candlestic of Mofes, our omiflion of which, we do not apprehend, will create any difficulty to the attentive reader.

The first thing to be confidered in the above vision must be the reprefentation of the feven golden candlesticks. In the midst of thefe was feen walking a glorious appearance of Christ, cloathed in all the pomp of majesty, as the great eternal high-priest of his people, both able and willing to avenge them of their enemies, and establish them in perfect peace and glory. These candlesticks are the feven periods or divisions of the church, and are made use of as a proper representation of religion, which is a ftrong burning light, illuminating the dark gloomy minds of erring mortals, and directing them in the way of endless peace and felicity.

In order the better to illuftrate the meaning of these candlefticks, we must compare them with that made by Mofes, according to the exprefs command of God. Though these are


represented as ftanding feparate, and that of Mofes as being only one; yet, upon a proper comparison, it will be found to have the fame typical meaning and tendency, and to be explanatory of many particular terms ufed in thefe myfteries. The candlestick of Mofes was to be made, with its several apurtenances, of a talent of pure gold, in the following manner. The middle part of it was the main fhaft, or ftem; from which proceeded fix branches, three branches from one fide, and three branches from the other fide. The two lowermost, extending oppofite to each other, were in a manner united by a knop, formed in that part of the shaft of the candlestick from whence they proceeded, directly under their connexion. Two more branches proceeded in the fame manner above them, and two more ftill above these. Every one of these feveral branches had lamps fixed to their extremities, and on the top of the middle stem was likewife fixed a lamp.

The two lowermoft branches, connected together with a knop, may fignify the two feveral periods of the church be fore the law, here called the churches of Ephefus and Smyrna The two other branches above them may reprefent the two churches under the law, called Pergamos, and Thyatira, and the two uppermoft branches express the two Christian churches, called Sardis and Philadelphia. The middle ftem, being as it were the parent of thefe branches, is the third Chriftian church, called here the church of Laodicea, and in other places of Scripture, the Great Church, as being that into which all the nations in the world will bring their glory and honour, as the prophets have every where loudly fung. We may now fee the propriety of Chrift's walking in the midst of the seven candlesticks, he giving life and existence to them all, and, like the fhaft of Mofes's candlestick, bearing and supporting all the reft. Thus we fee, likewife, the unity of our most holy religion, which, with its feveral branches, forms one glorious fyftem, that will blaze and flourish to the end of time.'

The metaphorical words blaze and flourish, at the conclufion, are not happily, indeed not properly, connected.

The Book of the Revelation of Saint John the Divine explained; In an hiftorical View of the past and prefent State of the Chrif tian World compared with the prophetic Vifions. By Thomas Vivian, Vicar of Cornwood, Devon. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Dilly. AFTER the ftate of doubt and uncertainty in which we were left by the performance last reviewed, we were prepared to receive, without difcontent, a much flighter degree

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of fatisfaction from the perufal of the prefent work on the fame difficult fubject, than we gratefully acknowledge it has given us.

This explanation evinces its author to poffefs no ordinary fhare of abilities, either natural or acquired; and he appears. to have conducted his important undertaking in the true fpirit of a Christian divine. Judgement, candour, and moderation, accompanied by a difcerning and temperate fpirit of conjecture, feem jealously to have watched his footsteps through the facred labyrinth, and to have enabled him, from extensive reading and erudition, to form a more fuccefsful clue than perhaps any preceding adventurer. It gives us pleasure to see this work, as its dedication announces, under the patronage of the author's diocefan, the bishop of Exeter. Its intrinfic merit, though it may not need fuch a recommendation, at leaft deferves the credit it will be thought to derive from this circumstance.

Mr. Vivian divides his expofition into seven chapters, which are preceded by a fhort introduction, fhewing the defign of the facred book, and the importance of the fubject; and are followed by ample annotations, equally inftructive and entertaining.

The plan of the work will be fufficiently conveyed to our readers by the heads of the feveral chapters, which are as follow.

Chap. I. Containing the Seven Epiftles to the Seven Churches of Afia, under the Infpection of St. John; in which are Directions, Reproofs, and Confolations, fuited to their different States.-Chap. II. Containing under Seven Seals, opened one after another, the prophetical Hiftory of the pri mitive, pure, and rifing Church of Chrift: a Period, extending from the Delivery of the Prophecy to the Reign of Conftantine, about Two Hundred and Forty Years.-Chap. III. Containing the Hiftory of the Chriftian Church, now delivered from the perfecuting Pagan Emperors, but departed from the Simplicity of the Gofpel. This Period extending from Conftantine, and not yet compleated, is defcribed under Seven Trumpets. Chap. IV. Exhibiting a permanent View of the internal State of the Chriftian Church, during the Period of the Seven Trumpets. Here the Contests between the and more corrupt Parts are defcribed under Seven Contempo. rary Visions. As this Part differs from the reft of the Book, it is distinguished by the Title of The Little Book.-Chap. V. Of the Seven Vials to be poured out hereafter on the apollate Part of the Chriftian Church, and putting an End to the



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