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Majesty's sacred person; which nevertheless God's | cipal servants and counsellors; thinking, belike, that goodness hath used and turned, to show by such as the immediate invectives against her Majesty do miraculous discoveries into how near and precious best satisfy the malice of the foreigner, so the slancare and custody it hath pleased him to receive her der and calumniation of her principal counsellors Majesty's life and preservation. But in the other agreed best with the humours of some malecontents point it is strange what a number of libellous and within the realm; imagining also, that it was like defamatory books and writings, and in what variety, they should be more scattered here, and freelier diswith what art and cunning handled, have been persed; and also should be less odious to those allowed to pass through the world in all languages foreigners which were not merely partial and pasagainst her Majesty and her government; sometimes sionate, who have for the most part in detestation pretending the gravity and authority of church the traitorous libellings of subjects directly against stories to move belief; sometimes formed into re- their natural prince. monstrances and advertisements of estate to move Amongst the rest in this kind, there hath been regard; sometimes presented as it were in tragedies published this present year of 1592, a libel that of the persecutions of catholics to move pity; some- that giveth place to none of the rest in malice and times contrived into pleasant pasquils and satires to untruths; though inferior to most of them in penmove sport: so as there is no shape whereinto these ning and style; the author having chosen the vein fellows have not transformed themselves; nor no of a Lucianist, and yet being a counterfeit even in humour nor affection in the mind of man to which that kind. This libel is entitled, "A declaration of they have not applied themselves; thereby to in- the true causes of the great troubles presupposed to sinuate their untruths and abuses to the world. And be intended against the realm of England;" and indeed let a man look into them, and he shall find hath a semblance as if it were bent against the dothem the only triumphant lies that ever were con- ings of her Majesty's ancient and worthy counsellor futed by circumstances of time and place; confuted the lord Burleigh; whose carefulness and pains her by contrariety in themselves, confuted by the witness Majesty hath used in her counsels and actions of of infinite persons that live yet and have had parthis realm for these thirty-four years space, in all ticular knowledge of the matters; but yet avouched dangerous times, and amidst many and mighty pracwith such asseveration, as if either they were fallen tices; and with such success, as our enemies are put into that strange disease of the mind, which a still to their paper-shot of such libels as these; the wise writer describeth in these words, " fingunt si- memory of whom will remain in this land, when all mul creduntque;' or as if they had received it as these libels shall be extinct and forgotten; according a principal precept and ordinance of their seminaries, to the Scripture, "Memoria justi cum laudibus, at "audacter calumniari, semper aliquid hæret ;" or impiorum nomen putrescet." But it is more than as if they were of the race which in old time were evident, by the parts of the same book, that the wont to help themselves with miraculous lies. But author's malice was to her Majesty and her governwhen the cause of this is entered into, namely, that ment, as may especially appear in this, that he there passeth over out of this realm a number of charged not his lordship with any particular actions eager and unquiet scholars, whom their own turbulent of his private life, such power had truth, whereas and humorous nature presseth out to seek their the libels made against other counsellors have prinadventures abroad; and that, on the other side, they cipally insisted upon that part: but hath only are nourished rather in listening after news and in- wrested and detorted such actions of state, as in telligences, and in whisperings, than in any com- times of his service have been managed; and demendable learning; and after a time, when either praving them, hath ascribed and imputed to him the their necessitous estate or their ambitious appetites effects that have followed; indeed to the good of importune them, they fall on devising how to do the realm, and the honour of her Majesty, though some acceptable service to that side which main- sometimes to the provoking of the malice, but abridgtaineth them; so as ever when their credit waxething of the power and means of desperate and incorcold with foreign princes, or that their pensions are rigible subjects. ill paid, or some preferment is in sight at which they level, straightways out cometh a libel, pretending thereby to keep in life the party, which within the realm is contrary to the state, wherein they are as wise as he that thinketh to kindle a fire by blow-❘ ing the dead ashes; when, I say, a man looketh into the cause and ground of this plentiful yield of libels, he will cease to marvel, considering the concurrence which is, as well in the nature of the seed as in the travail of tilling and dressing; yea, and in the fitness of the season for the bringing up of those infectious weeds.

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But to verify the saying of our Saviour, “non est discipulus super magistrum;" as they have sought to deprave her Majesty's government in herself, so have they not forgotten to do the same in her prin


All which slanders, as his lordship might justly despise, both for their manifest untruths, and for the baseness and obscurity of the author; so nevertheless, according to the moderation which his lordship useth in all things, never claiming the privilege of his authority, when it is question of satisfying the world, he hath been content that they be not passed over altogether in silence; whereupon I have, in particular duty to his lordship, amongst others that do honour and love his lordship, and that have diligently observed his actions, and in zeal of truth, collected, upon the reading of the said libel, certain observations, not in form of a just answer, lest I should fall into the error whereof Solomon speaketh thus, " Answer not a fool in his own kind lest thou also be like him;" but only to discover the

malice, and to reprove and convict the untruths | subjects of England believe of great preparations thereof. abroad, and in great readiness to be put in act, and The points that I have observed upon the reading so to deceive on both sides: and this I take to be his of this libel, are these following:

I. Of the scope or drift of the libeller.

II. Of the present estate of this realm of England, whether it may be truly avouched to be prosperous or afflicted.

III. Of the proceedings against the pretended catholics, whether they have been violent or moderate, and necessary.

IV. Of the disturbance of the quiet of christendom, and to what causes it may be justly imputed. V. Of the cunning of the libeller, in palliation of his malicious invective against her Majesty and the state, with pretence of taxing only the actions of the lord Burleigh.

principal drift. So again, it is an extravagant and incredible conceit, to imagine that all the conclusions and actions of estate which have passed during her Majesty's reign, should be ascribed to one counsellor alone; and to such an one as was never noted for an imperious or over-ruling man; and to say, that though he carried them not by violence, yet he compassed them by device, there is no man of judgment that looketh into the nature of these times, but will easily descry that the wits of these days are too much refined for any man to walk invisible, or to make all the world his instruments; and therefore, no not in this point assuredly, the libeller spake as he thought; but this he foresaw, that the imputation of cunning doth breed suspicion, and the impu

VI. Certain true general notes upon the actions tation of greatness and sway doth breed envy; and of the lord Burleigh.

VII. Of divers particular untruths and abuses dispersed through the libel.

VIII. Of the height of impudency that these men are grown unto, in publishing and avouching untruths; with a particular recital of some of them for an essay.

I. Of the scope or drift of the libeller.


therefore finding where he was most wrong, and by whose policy and experience their plots were most crossed, the mark he shot at was to see whether he could heave at his lordship's authority, by making him suspected to the queen, or generally odious to the realm; knowing well enough for the one point, that there are not only jealousies, but certain revolutions in princes' minds: so that it is a rare virtue in the rarest princes to continue constant to the end in their favours and employments. And knowing for the other point, that envy ever accompanieth greatness, though never so well deserved; and that his lordship hath always marched a round and a real course in service; and as he hath not moved envy by pomp and ostentation, so hath he never extinguished it by any popular or insinuative carriage of himself: and this no doubt was his second drift.

A third drift was, to assay if he could supplant and weaken, by this violent kind of libelling, and turning the whole imputation upon his lordship, his resolution and courage; and to make him proceed more cautelously, and not so throughly and strongly against them; knowing his lordship to be a politic man, and one that hath a great stake to lose.

It is good advice, in dealing with cautelous and malicious persons, whose speech is ever at distance with their meanings, non quid dixerint, sed quo spectarint, videndum :" a man is not to regard what they affirm, or what they hold; but what they would convey under their pretended discovery, and what turn they would serve. It soundeth strangely in the ears of an Englishman, that the miseries of the present state of England exceed them of former times whatsoever. One would straightway think with himself, doth this man believe what he saith? Or, not believing it, doth he think it possible to make us believe it? Surely, in my conceit, neither of both; but his end, no doubt, was to round the pope and the king of Spain in the ear, by seeming to tell a tale to the people of England. For such books are Lastly, lest, while I discover the cunning and art ever wont to be translated into divers languages; of this fellow, I should make him wiser than he was, and, no doubt, the man was not so simple as to I think a great part of this book was passion; think he could persuade the people of England the "difficile est tacere, cum doleas." The humours of contrary of what they taste and feel. But he thought these men being of themselves eager and fierce, he might better abuse the states abroad, if he direct-have, by the abort and blasting of their hopes, been ed his speech to them who could best convict him, and disprove him if he said untrue; so that as Livy saith in the like case, "Ætolos magis, coram quibus verba facerent, quam ad quos, pensi habere;" that the Etolians, in their tale, did more respect those who did overhear them, than those to whom they directed their speech: so in this matter this fellow cared not to be counted a liar by all English upon price of deceiving of Spain and Italy; for it must be understood, that it hath been the general practice of this kind of men many years, of the one side, to abuse the foreign estates, by making them believe that all is out of joint and ruinous here in England, and that there is great part ready to join with the invader; and on the other side, to make the evil

blinded and enraged. And surely this book is, of all that sort that have been written, of the meanest workmanship; being fraughted with sundry base scoffs, and cold amplifications, and other characters of despite; but void of all judgment or ornament.

II. Of the present estate of this realm of England, whether it may be truly avouched to be prosperous or afflicted.

The benefits of Almighty God upon this land, since the time that in his singular providence he led as it were by the hand, and placed in the kingdom, his servant our queen Elizabeth, are such, as not in boasting, or in confidence of ourselves, but in praise of his holy name, are worthy to be both considered

and confessed, yea, and registered in perpetual | that worthy king to have advanced in such forwardmemory: notwithstanding, I mean not after the manner of a panegyric to extol the present time: it shall suffice only that those men, that through the gall and bitterness of their own heart have lost their taste and judgment, and would deprive God of his glory, and us of our senses, in affirming our condition to be miserable, and full of tokens of the wrath and indignation of God, be reproved.

If then it be true, that "nemo est miser, aut felix, nisi comparatus ;" whether we shall, keeping ourselves within the compass of our own island, look into the memories of times past, or at this present time take a view of other states abroad in Europe, we shall find that we need not give place to the happiness either of ancestors or neighbours. For if a man weigh well all the parts of state and religion, laws, administration of justice, policy of government, manners, civility, learning and liberal sciences, industry and manual arts, arms and provisions of wars, for sea and land, treasure, traffic, improvement of the soil, population, honour, and reputation, it will appear that, taking one part with another, the state of this nation was never more flourishing.


ness the conquest of that nation. And for king
Edward III. his reign was visited with much sick-
ness and mortality; so as they reckoned in his days
three several mortalities; one in the 22nd year,
another in the 35th year, and the last in the 43rd
year of his reign; and being otherwise victorious
and in prosperity, was by that only cross more
afflicted, than he was by the other prosperities com-
forted. Besides, he entered hardly; and again,
according to the verse "cedebant ultima primis,"
his latter times were not so prosperous.
And for
king Henry V, as his success was wonderful, so he
wanted continuance; being extinguished after ten
years' reign in the prime of his fortunes.

Now for her Majesty, we will first 1. Continuance. speak of the blessing of continuance, as

that which wanted in the happiest of these kings; and is not only a great favour of God unto the prince, but also a singular benefit unto the people; for that sentence of the Scripture," misera natio cum multi sunt principes ejus," is interpreted not only to extend to divisions and distractions in government, but also to frequent changes in succession: considering, that the change of a prince bringeth in many charges, which are harsh and unpleasant to a great part of the subjects. It appeareth then, that of the line of five hundred and fourscore years, and more, containing the number of twenty-two kings, God hath already prolonged her Majesty's reign to exceed sixteen of the said two and twenty; and by the end of this present year, which God prosper, she shall attain to be equal with two more: during which time there have deceased four emperors, as many French kings, twice so many bishops of Rome. Yea, every state in christendom, except Spain, have received sundry successions. And for the king of Spain, he is waxed so infirm, and thereby so retired, as the report of his death serveth for every year's news: whereas her Majesty, thanks be given to God, being nothing decayed in vigour of health and strength, was never more able to supply and sustain the weight of her affairs, and is, as far as standeth with the dignity of her Majesty's royal state, continually to be seen, to the great comfort and heartease of her people.

It is easy to call to remembrance, out of histories, the kings of England which have in more ancient times enjoyed greatest happiness; besides her Majesty's father and grandfather, that reigned in rare felicity, as is fresh in memory. They have been king Henry I. king Henry II. king Henry III. king Edward I. king Edward III. king Henry V. All which have been princes of royal virtue, great felicity, and famous memory. But it may be truly affirmed, without derogation to any of these worthy princes, that whatsoever we find in libels, there is not to be found in the English chronicles, a king that hath, in all respects laid together, reigned with such felicity as her Majesty hath done. For as for the first three Henries, the first came in too soon after a conquest; the second too soon after an usurpation; and the third too soon after a league, or barons' war, to reign with security and contentation. King Henry I. also had unnatural wars with his brother Robert, wherein much nobility was consumed: he had therewithal tedious wars in Wales; and was not without some other seditions and troubles; as namely, the great contestation of his prelates. King Henry II. his happiness was much deformed by the revolt of his son Henry, after he had associated him, and of his other sons. King Henry III. besides his continual wars in Wales, was after forty-second place in happiness, which is one of the great four years' reign unquieted with intricate commotions of his barons; as may appear by the mad parliament held at Oxford, and the acts thereupon ensuing. His son Edward I. had a more flourishing time than any of the other; came to his kingdom at ripe years and with great reputation, after his voyage into the Holy Land, and was much loved and obeyed, contrived his wars with great judgment: first having reclaimed Wales to a settled allegiance, and being upon the point of uniting Scotland. But yet I suppose it was more honour for her Majesty to have so important a piece of Scotland in her hand, and the same with such justice to render up, than it was for

2. Health.

Secondly, we will mention the blessing of health: I mean generally of the people, which was wanting in the reign of another of these kings; which else deserved to have the

favours of God towards any nation. For as there be three scourges of God, war, famine, and pestilence; so are there three benedictions, peace, plenty, and health. Whereas, therefore, this realm hath been visited in times past with sundry kinds of mortalities, as pestilences, sweats, and other contagious diseases, it is so, that in her Majesty's times, being of the continuance aforesaid, there was only, towards the beginning of her reign, some sickness, between June and February, in the city; but not dispersed into any other part of the realm, as was noted; which we call yet the great plague; because that though it was nothing so grievous and so sweeping

as it hath been sundry times heretofore, yet it was great in respect of the health, which hath followed since: which hath been such, especially of late years, as we began to dispute and move questions of the causes whereunto it should be ascribed, until such time as it pleased God to teach us that we ought to ascribe it only to his mercy, by touching us a little this present year, but with a very gentle hand; and such as it hath pleased him since to remove. But certain it is, for so many years together, notwithstanding the great pestering of people in houses, the great multitude of strangers, and the sundry voyages by seas, all which have been noted to be causes of pestilence, the health universal of the people was never so good.

The third blessing is that which all

3. Peace. the politic and fortunate kings before recited have wanted; that is, peace: for there was never foreigner since her Majesty's reign, by invasion or incursion of moment, that took any footing within the realm of England. One rebellion there hath been only, but such an one as was repressed within the space of seven weeks, and did not waste the realm so much as by the destruction or depopulation of one poor town. And for wars abroad, taking in those of Leith, those of Newhaven, the second expedition into Scotland, the wars of Spain, which I reckon from the year 86 or 87, (before which time neither had the king of Spain withdrawn his ambassadors here residing; neither had her Majesty received into protection the United Provinces of the Low Countries,) and the aid of France; they have not occupied in time a third part of her Majesty's reign; nor consumed past two of any noble house; whereof France took one, and Flanders another; and very few besides of quality or appearance. They have scarce mowed down the overcharge of the people within the realm. It is therefore true, that the kings aforesaid, and others her Majesty's progenitors, have been victorious in their wars, and have made many famous and memorable voyages and expeditions into sundry parts; and that her Majesty, contrariwise, from the beginning, put on a firm resolution to content herself within those limits of her dominions which she received, and to entertain peace with her neighbour princes; which resolution she hath ever since, notwithstanding she hath had rare opportunities, just claims and pretences, and great and mighty means, sought to continue. But if this be objected to be the less honourable fortune I answer, that ever amongst the heathen, who held not the expense of blood so precious as christians ought to do, the peaceable government of Augustus Cæsar was ever as highly esteemed as the victories of Julius his uncle; and that the name of "pater patriæ" was ever as honourable as that of | "propagator imperii." And this I add farther, that during this inward peace of so many years in the actions of war before mentioned, which her Majesty, either in her own defence or in just and honourable aids, hath undertaken, the service hath been such as hath carried no note of a people, whose militia were degenerated through long peace; but hath every way answered the ancient reputation of the English arms.



The fourth blessing is plenty and 4. Plenty and abundance: and first for grain and all victuals, there cannot be more evident proof of the plenty than this; that whereas England was wont to be fed by other countries from the east, it sufficeth now to feed other countries; so as we do many times transport and serve sundry foreign countries: and yet there was never the like multitude of people to eat it within the realm. Another evident proof thereof may be, that the good yields of corn which have been, together with some toleration of vent, hath of late time invited and enticed men to break up more ground, and to convert it to tillage, than all the penal laws for that purpose made and enacted could ever by compulsion effect. A third proof may be, that the prices of grain and victual were never of late years more reasonable. Now for arguments of the great wealth in all other respects, let the points following be considered.

There was never the like number of fair and stately houses as have been built and set up from the ground since her Majesty's reign; insomuch that there have been reckoned in one shire that is not great, to the number of thirty-three, which have been all new built within that time; and whereof the meanest was never built for two thousand pounds.

There were never the like pleasures of goodly gardens and orchards, walks, pools, and parks, as do adorn almost every mansion-house.

There was never the like number of beautiful and costly tombs and monuments which are erected in sundry churches, in honourable memory of the dead.

There was never the like quantity of plate, jewels, sumptuous movables, and stuff, as is now within the realm.

There was never the like quantity of waste and unprofitable ground inned, reclaimed, and improved. There was never the like husbanding of all sorts of grounds by fencing, manuring, and all kinds of good husbandry.

The towns were never better built nor peopled; nor the principal fairs and markets ever better customed or frequented.

The commodities and ease, of rivers cut by hand, and brought into a new channel; of piers that have been built; of waters that have been forced and brought against the ground, were never so many.

There was never so many excellent artificers, nor so many new handy-crafts used and exercised; nor new commodities made within the realm; sugar, paper, glass, copper, divers silks, and the like.

There was never such complete and honourable provision of horse, armour, weapons, ordnance of the war.

The fifth blessing hath been the 5. Increase of great population and multitude of famipeople. lies increased within her Majesty's days: for which point I refer myself to the proclamations of restraint of building in London, the inhibition of inmates of sundry cities, the restraint of cottages by act of parliament, and sundry other tokens of record of the surcharge of people.

Besides these parts of a government, 6. Reformation blessed from God, wherein the condition in religion. of the people hath been more happy in her Majesty's times, than in the times of her progenitors, there are certain singularities and particulars of her Majesty's reign; wherein I do not say, that we have enjoyed them in a more ample degree and proportion than in former ages, as it hath fallen out in the points before mentioned, but such as were in effect unknown and untasted heretofore. As first, the purity of religion, which is a benefit inestimable, and was in the time of all former princes, until the days of her Majesty's father of famous memory, unheard of. Out of which purity of religion have since ensued, beside the principal effect of the true knowledge and worship of God, three points of great consequence unto the civil estate. One, the stay of a mighty treasure The special within the realm, which in foretimes blished among was drawn forth to Rome. Another, us by the puri- the dispersion and distribution of those revenues, amounting to a third part of the land of the realm, and that of the goodliest and the richest sort, which heretofore was unprofitably spent in monasteries, into such hands as by whom the realm receiveth, at this day, service and strength; and many great houses have been set up and augmented. The third, the managing and enfranchising of the regal dignity from the recognition of a foreign superior. All which points, though begun by her father, and continued by her brother, were yet nevertheless, after an eclipse or intermission, restored and re-established by her Majesty's self.

benetits esta

ty of religion.

Secondly, the fineness of money: for Fineness of as the purging away of the dross of money. religion, the heavenly treasure, was common to her Majesty with her father and her brother, so the purging of the base money, the earthly treasure, hath been altogether proper to her Majesty's own times; whereby our monies bearing the natural estimation of the stamp or mark, both every man resteth assured of his own value, and free from the losses and deceits which fall out in other places upon the rising and falling of monies.

the navy.

Thirdly, the might of the navy, and The might of augmentation of the shipping of the realm; which, by politic constitutions for maintenance of fishing, and the encouragement and assistance given to the undertakers of new discoveries and trades by sea, is so advanced, as this island is become, as the natural site thereof deserveth, the lady of the sea.

Now, to pass from the comparison of time to the comparison of place, we may find in the states abroad cause of pity and compassion in some: but of envy or emulation in none; our condition being, by the good favour of God, not inferior to any.

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The kingdom of Portugal, which of late times, through their merchandizing and places in the East Indies, was grown to be an opulent kingdom, is now at the last, after the unfortunate journey of Afric, in that state as a country is like to be, that is reduced under a foreigner by conquest; and such a foreigner as hath his competitor in title, being a natural Portugal and no stranger; and having been once in possession, yet in life; whereby his jealousy must necessarily be increased, and through his jealousy their oppression: which is apparent, by the carrying of many noble families out of their natural countries to live in exile, and by putting to death a great number of noblemen, naturally born to have been principal governors of their countries. These are three afflicted parts of christendom; the rest of the states enjoy either prosperity or tolerable condition.

as Scotland.

The kingdom of Scotland, though at Prosperous, this present, by the good regiment and wise proceeding of the king, they enjoy good quiet; yet since our peace, it hath passed through no small troubles, and remaineth full of boiling and swelling humours; but like, by the maturity of the said king every day increasing, to be repressed.


The kingdom of Poland is newly recovered out of great wars about an ambiguous election. And besides, is a state of that composition, that their king being elective, they do commonly choose rather a stranger than one of their own country a great exception to the flourishing estate of any kingdom.


The kingdom of Swedeland, beside their foreign wars upon their confines, the Muscovites and the Danes, hath been also subject to divers intestine tumults and mutations, as their stories do record.


The kingdom of Denmark hath had good times, especially by the good government of the late king, who maintained the profession of the gospel; but yet greatly giveth place to the kingdom of England, in climate, wealth, fertility, and many other points both of honour and strength.

The estates of Italy, which are not under the dominion of Spain, have had


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