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Relations among the minors of an evanes

cent determinant.

Case of equal roots.

343 c.

When there are equalities among the roots the

problem has generally solutions of the form

41 = (c1t + b1) e^t, ¥2 = (c ̧t+b.) eλt, etc.


To prove this let A, X' be two unequal roots which become equal with some slight change of the values of some or all of the given constants (11), 11, 11, (12), 12, 12, etc.; and let

1 = A1'ext - A1et, 2 = Â1⁄2'é1 ́t - Aet, etc...(6)' be a particular solution of (1) corresponding to these roots. Now let

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To find proper equations for the relations among b1, b2, . . . C1, C2, . . . in order that (6)"" may be a solution of (1), proceed thus :-first write down equations (3) for the X' solution, with constants A ̧,4,', etc.: then subtract from these the corresponding equations for the A solution: thus, and introducing the notation (6)”, we find {(11) X'2 + 11X' + 1 1 } c, + {(12) X ́2 + 12X' + 12} c2+ etc. 01 {(21) X' +21X' +21} c, + {(22)2 + 22X' + 22}.c, + etc. = 0...(6),

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{(11) X'2 + 11X' + 1 1 } 6, + {( 1 2 ) λ'2 + 12X' + 12} b, + etc.
=-[c,-b, (λ'- λ)] {(11) (A + λ') + 11}



— [c2 — b ̧ (λ' ́ — λ)] {(1 2) (A ́+ X') + 12} – etc.
{(21)λ +21X' + 21} b, + {(22) λ'2 + 22X' + 22} b2+ etc.
= - [c1 — b1 (λ' — λ)] {(21) (λ + X') + 21}



- [c2 — b ̧ (λ' - λ)] {(22) (λ ́+λ') + 22} + etc.



Equations (6) require that A' be a root of the determinant, and i-1 of them determine i-1 of the quantities c1, c2, etc. in terms of one of them assumed arbitrarily. Supposing now c1, Ca, etc. to be thus all known, the i equations (6) fail to determine the i quantities b, ba, etc. in terms of the right-hand members because X' is a root of the determinant. The two sets of equations (6) and (6) require that A be also a root of the determinant and i - 1 of the equations (6)' determine i - 1 of the

quantities b1, b,, etc. in terms of c,, c, etc. (supposed already Case of known as above) and a properly assumed value of one of the b's.

343 d. When X' is infinitely nearly equal to λ, (6)"" becomes infinitely nearly the same as (6), and (6) and (6) become in terms of the notation (5)

I'I C + I2 C2+ etc. =

equal roots.

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These, (6), (6), are clearly the equations which we find simply by trying if (6) is a solution of (1). (6) requires that A be a root of the determinant D; and they give by (5)" with c substituted for a the values of i-1 of the quantities c1, c, etc. in terms of one of them assumed arbitrarily. And by the way we have found them we know that (6) superadded to (6) shows that A must be a dual root of the determinant. To verify this multiply the first of them by M(11), the second by M (2.1), etc., and add. The coefficients of b2, b1, etc. in the sum are each identically zero in virtue of the elementary constitution of determinants, and the coefficient of b1 is the major determinant D. Thus irrespectively of the value of A we find in the first place,

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Using successively the several expressions given by (5) for these ratios, in (6)vil, and putting D = 0, we find

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which with D = 0 shows that A is a double root.

Suppose now that one of the c's has been assumed, and the others found by (6): let one of the b's be assumed the other

Case of

equal roots.

i - 1 b's are to be calculated by i-1 of the equations (6). Thus for example take b1 = 0. In the first place use all except the first of equations (6) to determine b, b, etc.:


d2 1


M(x+1)b,=={M(1,21,2) "{'x' + M(1,21,3) "/"

- {M(1, 2*1, 2)

we thus

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M(11)b, etc. M(11)b, etc.


Secondly, use all except the second of (6)TM" to find b, b1⁄2, etc. :

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Case of equal roots and evanescent minors:


Thirdly, by using all of (6) except the third, fourthly, all except the fourth, and so on, we find

M (31) b1 = etc., M(31) b2 = etc., M (31) b = etc....... (6) 1.

343 e. In certain cases of equality among the roots (343 m) it is found that values of the coefficients (11), 11, 11, etc. differing infinitely little from particular values which give the equality give values of a, and a,', a, and a', etc., which are not infinitely nearly equal. In such cases we see by (6)" that b1, b2, etc. are finite, and c,, c2, etc. vanish: and so the solution does not contain terms of the form tet: but the requisite number of arbitrary constants is made up by a proper degree of indeterminateness in the residuary equations for the ratios b/b1, b/b1, etc.

Now when c1 = 0, c, 0, etc. the second members of equations (6)x, (6)x, (6), etc. all vanish, and as b, b1, b1, etc. do not all vanish, it follows that we have

M(1·1) = 0, M (2·1) = 0, M (3·1) = 0, etc........(6)xil. Hence by (5) or (5)vii we infer that all the first minors are zero for any value of A which is doubly a root, and which yet does not give terms of the form tet in the solution. This important proposition is due to Routh*, who, escaping the errors of previous writers (§ 343 m below), first gave the complete theory of equal roots of the determinant in cycloidal motion.


Stability of Motion (Adams Prize Essay for 1877), chap. 1. § 5.


He also remarked that the factor t does not necessarily imply Routh's
instability, as terms of the form tet, or te1 cos (nt − e), when p
is positive, do not give instability, but on the contrary corre-
spond to non-oscillatory or oscillatory subsidence to equilibrium.

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343 f. We fall back on the case of no motional forces by Case of no taking 110, 120, etc., which reduces the equations (3) for forces. determining the ratios a,/a,, a/a,, etc. to

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+ 11a, + 12a ̧+ etc. = 0,


or, expanded,

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[(11)2+11]a, +[(12) λ2 + 12] a,+ etc. =0....(7).

[(21) X2 + 2 1 ] α, + [(22) λ2 + 22] a ̧ + etc. = 0 S


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The determinantal equation (4) to harmonize these simplified equations (7) or (7) becomes

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This is of degree i, in X: therefore A has i pairs of oppositely

signed equal values, which we may now denote by

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and for each of these pairs the series of ratio-equations (7') are
the same.
Hence the complete solution of the differential equa-
tions of motion may be written as follows, to show its arbitraries
explicitly :-

¥1 = (Aeλ+Bɛ−λ) + (A'ext + B'e-X't) +

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(A"ext+B'e "t) + etc.

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' (Ae^t + Be−λ) + "', (A'ext + B'e-xt) + ",, (A"ext + B" e-X"() + etc.

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where A, B; A', B'; A", B"; etc. denote 2i arbitrary constants,

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are i sets of i-1 ratios each, the values of which, when all the
i roots of the determinantal equation in λ have different values,
are fully determined by giving successively these i values to λ2
in (7').


Case of no motional forces.

Cycloidal motion. Conservative positional, and no motional, forces.

343 g. When there are equal roots, the solution is to be completed according to § 343 d or e, as the case may be. The case of a conservative system (343 h) necessarily falls under § 343 e, as is proved in § 343 m. The same form, (9), still represents the complete solutions when there are equalities among the roots, but with changed conditions as to arbitrariness of the elements appearing in it. Suppose λ= '" for example. In this case any value may be chosen arbitrarily for a,/a,, and the remainder of the set a/a,, a/a, ... are then fully determined by (7'); again another value may be chosen for a/a, and with it a,'/a,', a'a', ... are determined by a fresh application of (7′) with the same value for A: and the arbitraries now are A+ A', B + B',

C2 A +


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a2 A',

a1⁄2 B+a1⁄2,
+a1⁄2, B′, 4", B", 4'"', B'", ... A(-1), and B(-1),
α. a

numbering still 2i in all. Similarly we see how, beginning
with the form (9), convenient for the general case of i different
roots, we have in it also the complete solution when λ2 is triply,
or quadruply, or any number of times a root, and when any
other root or roots also are double or multiple.

343 h. For the case of a conservative system, that is to say, the case in which

12=21, 13=31, 23=32, etc., etc.............(10), the differential equations of motion, (1), become

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and the solving linear algebraic equations, (3), become

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V=1(114, +2.124,12+etc.), and

=}(11a,3+2. 12a,a,+ etc.)... (10′′).

In this case the i roots, X2, of the determinantal equation are the negatives of the values of a, ß, ... of our first investigation; and thus in (10"), (8), and (9) we have the promised solution by one completely expressed process. From § 337 and its footnote we infer that in the present case the roots A are all real, whether negative or positive.

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