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In Locos communes diftributus cum Indice Auctorum.

Catalogorum accuratior Notitia ita necessaria est Polybistori, ut Mapparum
Geographicarum Cognitio peregrinaturo.


Quisquis hujusmodi operis fategerit, ei non tantum multum Tædii & Laboris
devorandum, fed minime vulgaris conferenda in evolvendis Libris exercita-
tio. Fruftra id aggrediuntur qui titulo tenus duntaxat fapiunt.







S the Curiosity of Spectators, before the Sale, may produce Disorder in the Difpofition of the Books, it is neceffary to advertise the Public, that there will be no Admiffion into the Library, before the Day of Sale, which will be on Tuesday, the Fourteenth of February, 1744






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Thas been, for a long Time, a very just Complaint, among theLearned, that a Multitude of valuable Productions, published in small Pamphlets, or in single Sheets, are in a short Time, too often by Accidents, or Negligence, deftroyed and intirely loft; and that those Authors, whose Reverence for the Public has hindered them from swelling their Works with Repetitions, or encumbering them with Superfluities, and who, therefore, deserve the Praise and Gratitude of Posterity, are forgotten, for the very Reason for which they might expect to be remembered. It has been long lamented, that the Duration of the Monuments of Genious and Study, as well as of Wealth and Power, depends in no small Measure on their Bulk; and that Volumes, confiderable only for their Size, are handed down from one Age to another, when compendious Treatises, of far greater Importance, are fuffered to perish, as the compacteft Bodies sink into the Water, while those, of which the Extenfion bears a greater Proportion to the Weight, float upon the Surface.

THIS Observation hath been so often confirmed by Experience, that, in the Neighbouring Nation, the common Appellation of small Performances is derived from this unfortunate Circumftance; a flying Sheet, or a Fugitive Piece, are


the Terms by which they are diftinguished, and diftinguished with too great Propriety, as they are subject, after having amused Mankind for a While, to take their Flight and disappear for ever.

WHAT are the Loffes which the Learned have already fustained, by having Neglected to fixe those Fugitives in some certain Residence, it is not easy to fay; but there is no Doubt that many valuable Observations have been re peated, because they were not preserved; and that, therefore, the Progrefs of Knowledge has been retarded, by the Neceffity of doing what had been already done, but was done for those who forgot their Benefactor.

THE obvious Method of preventing these Loffes, of preserving to every Man the Reputation he has merited by long Affiduity, is to unite these scattered Pieces into Volumes, that those, which are too small to preserve themselves, may be secured by their Combination with others; to confolidate these Atoms of Learning into Systems, to collect these disu nited Rays, that their Light and their Fire may become perceptible.

Of encouraging this useful Design, the Studious and Inquifitive have now an Opportunity, which, perhaps was never offered them before, and which, if it hould

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Curiosity, without Exclusion of any Subject.

So great is the Variety, that it has been no small labour to peruse the Titles, in order to reduce them to a rude Divifion, and range their Heaps under General Heads; of which the Numbers, though not yet increased by the Subdivifion which an accurate Survey will neceffarily produce, cannot but excite the Curiofity of all the Studious, as there is scarcely any Part of Knowledge, which fome of these Articles do, not comprehend.

THE Heads under which they. lie ranged at prefent, but ranged without any nice Distinction, or regular Method, are those of,

Customs of Divers Places in

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Army, Treaties relating to Stand- Chymistry

ing Armies, &c.

Aftrology Judicial


Architecture, Antiquities, Pain- Dialling

ting, Sculpture, &c.

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Baths and Mineral Waters

Pank and Bankers

Battles by Sea and Land





Charity and Poor

Cafes of private Perfons

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