New Works PUBLISHED FROM THE 14TH TO THE 30TH OF NOVEMBER. With ADAMS (W. H.)-Memorable Battles in English History; Where fought, Why fought, and their Results. the Military Lives of their Commanders. Post 8vo. pp. 465, cloth, 7s. 6d. (Griffith & F.) [vide Adv. 700]....[3606 AHN (F.)-French Class Book for Beginners. 4th edit. 12mo. cloth. 1s. 6d. (Thimm) [3607 AIDS TO PRAYER. 32mo. pp. 140, cloth, 1s. 6d. (Strahan) ..[3608 Brief Essays, entitled. The Reason of Prayer, Humility before God, The Prayer Meeting, &c. .... AIMS and ENDS. A Novel. 3 vols. post 8vo. cloth, 31s. 6d. (Newby)....... .[3609 AMICABLE CORRESPONDENCE RELATIVE to SOME POPULAR TENETS as held by the United Church of England and Ireland. Edited by E. F. Svo. cloth, 4s. 6d. (Whitfeld) ..[3610 ANSTED (David Thomas) and LATHAM (Robert Gordon) -The Channel Island. With Illustrations drawn by Paul J. Nuftel. Svo. pp. 638, cloth, 16s. (W. H. Allen)..... .[3611 A complete physical and descriptive account of the Islands, the botany, zoology, geology, history, antiquities, and language, with chapters on the law and constitution of the Islands. The numerous illustrations which are interwoven with the tert are almost all from drawings executed on wood from original sketches, taken expressly to illustrate points selected by the editor. The volume is beautifully printed upon thick toned paper. ARABIAN NIGHTS' ENTERTAINMENTS. Selected and Revised for General Use. New edit. 1 vol. 12mo. cloth, 5s. (Lumley) [vide Adv. 877]..... [3612 ARTHUR; or, the CHORISTER'S REST. 18mo. pp. 126, cloth, 1s. (Christian Knowledge Society)..........[3613 BAILY (Thomas Haynes)-Kindness in Women. 12mo. pp. 250, sewed, 1s. (Railway Library) (Routledge).. [3614 BALDWIN (William Charles)- African Hunting, from Natal to the Zambesi, including Lake Ngami, the Kalahari Desert, &c., from 1852 to 1860. With Illustrations by James Wolf and J. B. Zwecker. 8vo. pp. 450, cleth, 21s. (Bentley) [vide Adv. 697] 3615 Every other page has a coloured initial illustration referring to the subject matter. BARHAM (Rev. R. R.)-Ingoldsby Legends. 18th edit. 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, 21s. (Bentley).. .[3618 BEETON'S CHRISTMAS ANNUAL. (Third Season.) Edited by the Publisher. Royal 8vo. sewed, 1s. (Beeton) [3619 BEETON (Mrs. Isabella)-The Englishwoman's Cookery Book: being a Collection of Economical Receipts from the "Book of Household Management." 12mo. pp. 210, cloth, Is. (Beeton) [3620 Edit. tertia. ....[3621 BENGEL (J.)-Gnomon Novi Testamenti. Royal 8vo. cloth, 12s. (Williams & N.) A commentary, philological and critical, upon important words and passayes in the original Greek of the New Testament. BORROW (George)-Wild Wales: its People, Language, and Scenery. 3 vols. post 8vo. pp. 1270, cloth, 303. (Murray) [vide Adv. 752]........ ...[3626 BOUGHTON GRANGE and SOME PASSAGES in the HISTORY of ITS OWNER. 12mo. pp. 260, cloth, 3s. (Religious Tract Society) .... ..[3627 BOYS' and GIRLS' ILLUSTRATED GIFT BOOK. Square 16mo. cloth, 5s. (Routledge) [3628 BRANCHARDIERE (Mdlle. Riega) - The Exhibition Tatting Book. Square 16mo. pp. 28, sewed, 1s. (Simpkin).. ..[3629 BREMER (F.)-Greece and the Greeks; the Narrative of a Winter Residence and Summer Travel. Translated by Mary Howitt. 2 vols. post 8vo. pp. 650, cloth, 21s. (Hurst & B.) [vide Adv. 801].. ... [3630 The work refers to the condition of Greece in 1859-60-61. BRITISH WORKMAN. 1862. Folio, sewed, 1s. 6d. (Partridge) [363! BRODERIP (Frances F.)-My Grandmother's Budget of Stories and Songs. With Illustrations by Thomas Hood. Square 16mo. pp. 200, cloth, 3s. 6d.; coloured, 4s. 6d. (Grillith & F.) [vide Adv. 700).. ..[3632 BROWN (John)-Rab and his Friends. Illustrated. 2d edit. 4to. (Edinburgh, Edmonston & D.) cloth, 5s. (Hamilton) [3633 BROWN (Abner William)-Recollections of the Conversation Parties of the Rev. Charles Simeon; with Introductory Notices. Post 8vo. pp. 396, cloth, 7s. 6d. (Hamilton) ..[3€34 The "recollections" are principally on theological subjects. The introductions consist of Biographical Notices of Mr. Simeon, and notes and anecdotes connected with him, illustrations of his visits to Scotland, &c. Professor Simeon is generally known as a somewhat eccentric preacher of the last generation and a leader of the Evangelical party. BRUCE (Thomas)-Man's Part in the Chorus of Creation : in Twelve Arguments. 12mo. (Edinburgh, Elliot) pp. 224, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Hamilton).... ..[3.35 An exposition of the religious duties of man. BRYANT (W. C.)- A Forest Hymn. New edit. 4to. cloth, 12s. (Low).... . [3636 ..[3637 BUTLER (Lady Rachel)-The Prophecy. 2 vols. post Svo. pp. 510, cloth, 21s. (Bentley) [vide Adv. 697] CAIRNES (John Elliott)-The Revolution in America: a Lecture delivered before the Dublin Young Men's Christian Association. 12mo. pp. 46, sewed, 3d. (Simpkin)....... .[3638 ........ CALENDAR of LETTERS relating to NEGOTIATIONS between ENGLAND and SPAIN. Vol. 1. Henry VII. 1485 to 1509. Edited by G. A. Bergenroth. Imp. 8vo. cloth, 15s. (Longman). .. [3639 CARLETON (William)-The Double Prophecy; or, Trials of the Heart. 2 vols, post 8vo. pp. 460, cloth, 10s. (Duffy) .[3640 CARTER (Rev. T. T.)-Family Prayers; to which are added Short Prayers for Private Use. 18mo. pp. 106, cloth, 1s. (Masters) [3641 New CASSELL'S Illustrated Family Paper. Vol. 10. Series. 4to. cloth, 4s. 6d. (Cassell) [vide Adv. 852] [3642 CHAMBERS (Sir William)-A Treatise on the Decorative Part of Civil Architecture. With Illustrations, Notes, and an Examination of Grecian Architecture by Joseph Gwilt. Revised and Edited by W. H. Leeds. 4to. cloth, 21s. (Lockwood) [vide Adv. 787] ....[3643 ..[3644 ....... CHARLESWORTH (M. L.)-Ministering Children. New edit. 12mo. cloth, 2s. 6d. (Seeley)...... CHAMPNEYS (W. Weldon)-The Spirit in the Word. Facts gathered from a Thirty Years' Ministry. 2d edit. 12mo. pp. 220, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Seeley) [vide Adv. 702][3645 CHILDREN'S FRIEND. Vol. 2. New Series. 4to. boards, 1s. 6d.; cloth, 2s. (Seeley)......... [3646 CHILD'S COMPANION. 1862. (Religious Tract Society)... 18mo. cloth, 1s. 6d. [3647 598 .... . [3648 12mo. CHILD'S STORY BOOK. 18mo. cloth, gilt, 1s. 6d. (Gordon's School and Home Series) (Simpkin) CHRISTIAN CONQUESTS. By A. L. O. E. (Edinburgh, Gall) pp. 192, cloth, 18. 6d. (Houlston) [3649 Brief stories illustrating the suppression of hatred, fear, jealousy, avarice, and other vices. CHRISTIAN (J.)-Jesus Our Ark. 12mo. pp. 150, cloth, ...[3650 2s. 6d. (Freeman) COLERIDGE (S. T.)- Poems. 18mo. pp. 302, sewed, 2s. 6d. ; cloth, 3s. (Bell & D.) [vide Adv. 842] ......[3651 One of the series of pocket volumes; printed by Whittingham, on toned paper. COLLINS (W. P.)-Christy Minstrels. 24 New Songs, with Choruses and Symphonies, and Accompaniments for Pianoforte. Edited by T. Westrop. 4to. sewed, 1s. (Sheard).. .[3652 COOPER (J. F.)-Satanstoe. Pp. 300, sewed, 1s. (Routledge).... .[3653 COTTAGER (The). 1862. Folio, sewed, 1s. 6d. (Religious Tract Society). . . . . . [3654 COUSENS (Frances Upcher)-Joyful Sunday Stories; or, Tales Explanatory of the Lord's Prayer. 12mo. pp. 170, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Dean) .[3655 CUNNINGHAM (William) - Historical Theology: a Review of the Principal Doctrinal Discussions in the Christian Church since the Apostolic Age. Edited by his Literary Executors. 2 vols. 8vo. (Edinburgh, Clark) pp. 1230, cloth, 21s. (Hamilton) [vide Adv. 794] ..[3658 Lectures prepared by Dr. Cunningham, and annually delivered by him to the students attending the class of Church History in the new College, Edinburgh. DANTE'S Divina Commedia. The Inferno. Translated by W. P. Wilkie. 12mo. (Edinburgh, Edmonston) pp. 212, cloth, 5s. (Hamilton) (3659 A literal unrhymed translation. D'AULNOY (Countess)-Fairy Tales. By J. R. Planché. New edit. 12mo. cloth, 6s. (Routledge) .[3660 .......... DAVENPORT (Emma)-Fickle Flora and Her Seaside Friends. Square 16mo. pp. 170, cloth, 3s. 6d. ; coloured, 4s. 6d. (Griffith & F.) [vide Adv. 700}.. [3661 DE QUINCEY (T.)-Works. New edit. Vol. 11. Post EDWARDS (M. Betham) - Scenes and Stories of the Amos Lawrence was a successful American mer- ELIOT (George)-The Mill on the Floss. 5th edit. 1 vol. post 8vo. pp. 1186, cloth, 6s. (Blackwood)..........[3672 ENGLISH BALLADS for SCHOOL READING. Edited by Rev. W. Benham. 12mo. pp. 170, cloth, 1s. sd. (National Society) [vide Adv. 866] .[3673 ETHERIDGE (J. W.) The Targums of Orkelos and Jonathan Ben Uzziel on the Pentateuch; with the Fragments of the Jerusalem Targum, from the Chaldee. Genesis and Exodus. Post 8vo. pp. 590, cloth, 8s. 6d. ..[3674 (Longman) [vide Adv. 765]....... The first attempt to translate into English the Targums or ancient Aramaic paraphrases on the books of the Old Testament. The translation is literal, and made directly from the Chaldee. FALCONER (Thomas)-On Surnames, and the Rules of Law affecting their Change; with Comments on the Correspondence of the Lord Lieutenant of Monmouthshire and Certain Officials respecting a Change of Surname. 2d edit. with additions. Post 8vo. pp. 92, cloth, .(3675 3s. 6d. (Reynell)... Written with special reference to the case of Mr. Jones or Herbert, of Clytha; and the additional matter to this edition consists of the correspondence of Lord Llanover and others on the subject of that gentleman having changed his surname without a royal license. FAMILY PRAYERS for MORNING and EVENING. Compiled by a Priest of the English Church. Fep. SVO. (Norwich) cloth limp, pp. 32, 18.; sewed in wrapper, 6d. [3676 (Masters).... FAMILY (The) AT THE SEA. A Tale of Home. 2 vols. Post 8vo. pp. 540, cloth, 21s. (Saunders & O.) ...... [3677 FERGUSSON (James)-History of the Modern Styles of Architecture. With 312 Illustrations. 8vo. pp. 550, half-bound, 31s. 6d. (Murray) (vide Adv. 752]...... [3678 FIFTY CELEBRATED MEN: their Lives and Trials, and the Deeds that Made them Famous. 12mo. pp. 316, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Ward & L.) [vide Adv. 852]...... ...[3679 FLINT (J.) Notes, Questions, and Answers on the Collects. 12mo. cloth, 1s. 8d. (National Society) .. [3680 FOOD for LAMBS; or, a Selection of Texts for Young Children. Square 16mo. cloth, 2s. (Religious Tract Society)..... ..[3681 ...... FOREIGN DESSERTS for ENGLISH TABLES: a Calendar for the Use of Hosts and Housekeepers; containing Receipts, Bills of Fare, and Dessert Arrangements for the whole year. By Author of "Everybody's Pudding Book." 12mo. pp. 160, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Bentley) [vide Adv. 697]. [3682 The instructions are strictly confined to the preparation of Desserts according to each month in the year and the number of guests. FOSTER (Frank)-The Age we Live In; or, Doings of the Day. Square 16mo. pp. 46, sewed, 4d. (Simpkin).. [3683 FOULKES (T.)-Sasirarna Potham; or, the Doctrine of Sasirarna : a Pedantic Poem. By Tatwarayaswami. Translated from the Tamil. 8vo. (Madras, 1862.) 1s. 6d....... ..[3684 GALL (James)-Nature's Normal School the True Model for a National Education. 12mo. (Edinburgh, Gall; pp. 270, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Houlston) [vide Adv. 857]] [3685 A history and a practical exposition of the system of education of which the author is the originator. GELDART (Mrs.)-First Steps in Life: Tales and Sketches for the Young. 12mo. pp. 340, cloth, 5s. (Seeley) (vide Adv. 702]. .. [3686 GLEANINGS from the ENGLISH POETS-Chaucer to Tennyson-with Biographical Notes of the Authors. 12mo. (Edinburgh, Gall) pp. 566, cloth, s. 6d. (Houlston) [vide Adv. 857}.. 3687 Dec. 8, 1862 599 GOLDEN LADDER (The) Stories Illustrative of the Eight Beatitudes. By Author of "Wide, Wide World." ..[3688 12mo. pp. 476, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Nisbet). GOOD WORDS for 1862. Edited by Norman Macleod. Royal 8vo. cloth, 7s. 6d. (Strahan) [vide Adv. 828] [3689 GRAY (John Edward)-A Hand Catalogue of Postage Stamps for the use of Collectors. 12mo. pp. 66, boards, . [3690 1s. (Hardwicke). 12mo. GRIFFITH (Thomas)-The Fatherhood of God. . [3691 pp. 280, cloth, 4s. 6d. (Hatchard)....... GRIMM: Household Tales and Popular Stories. Selected and Translated from the Writings of the Brothers Grimm. Hauff, &c. 12mo. pp. 310, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Ward & L.) [vide Adv. 854] ..... [3692 GUY LIVINGSTONE; or, "Thorough." 4th edit. post .[3693 Svo. pp. 370, cloth, 5s. (Tinsley) GWYNNE (Parry)-Word to the Wise. New edit. 18mo. sewed, 6d.; cloth, 1s. (Griffith & F.) ..[3694 HAMERTON (Philip Gilbert)-A Painter's Camp in the Highlands, and Thoughts about Art. 2 vols. post 8vo. pp. 910, cloth, 21s. (Macmillan) [vide Adv. 724] .... [3695 HANDBOOK to the CATHEDRALS of ENGLAND: Eastern Division - Oxford, Peterborough, Norwich, Ely, Lincoln. Post Svo. pp. 356, cloth, 18s. (Murray) [vide Adv. 752]. [3696 All the descriptions have been drawn up after careful personal survey, and with the assistance of the most recent works on each Cathedral. HARDCASTLE (Charlotte) -Family Troubles. 2d edit. 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, 21s. (Newby) ... [3697 HARDY (Thos. D.)-Descriptive Catalogue of Materials relating to the History of Great Britain. Vol. 1. Parts 1 and 2, royal Svo. 10s. (Longman). .[3698 HART (Rev. R.)-The Apostolical Succession of the English Clergy traced from the earliest times, and in the four Dioceses of Canterbury, London, Norwich, and Ely; continued to the year 1862. 8vo. (Norwich) pp. 28, sewed, 1s. (Rivingtons) ..[3699 HELPS for the PULPIT; or, Sketches and Skeletons of Sermons. By a Minister. 3d series. 12mo. (Halifax) .... [3700 pp. 350, cloth, 3s. (Tegg).... HIGHTON (Rev. H.)-A Revised Translation of the New Testament, with a Notice of the principal various Readings in the Greek Text. 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6d. (Bagster) [vide Adv. 809] ..[3701 HODGSON (Rev. F.)-Mythology for Versification. New edit. Revised by F. C. Hodgson. 12mo. pp. 220, cloth, 3s. (Macmillan).... .[3702 HOME and SCHOOL; or, the Neglected Child. By the Author of "Twins and their Stepmother." 18mo. pp. .[3703 186, cloth, 1s. 6d. (Routledge) ... HOOD (Thomas)-The Loves of Tom Tucker and Little Bo-Peep: a Rhyming Rigmarole. 4to. pp. 32, boards, . [3704 2s. 6d. (Griffith & F.) [vide Adv. 700} KRUMMACHER (F. A.)-Alfred and the Little Dove. By F. A. Krummacher. The Young Savoyard. By Ernest Hold. Translated from the German by a Lady. 32mo. (Edinburgh, Johnstone & H.) pp. 96, cloth, is. (Hamilton)..... .. [3712 LAMB (Charles)-Tales from Shakespeare. Designed for the use of Young Persons. 18mo. (Edinburgh, Gordon.) ..[3713 pp. 250, cloth, 1s. (Simpkin). LAND REGISTRY, 1862.-Collection of the Public General Statutes relating to the Registration of Estates, with an Indefensible Title; with the General Orders of the Land Registry Office, Forms, Tables of Fees, and copious Index to Acts and Orders. 12mo. cloth, 2s.(Waterlow)[3714 LANDON (M. E.)-Urbain Grandier and other Poems. 12mo. cloth, 5s. (Saunders & 0.) . [3715 LANGLEY (J. Baxter)-The Life Agent's Vade Mecum. 6th edit. 12mo. pp. 140, sewed, 18. 6d. (Tweedie).. [3716 LAURENCE (William)-Lectures on Surgery, delivered in St. Bartholomew's Hospital. 8vo. pp. 642, cloth. 16s. (Churchill) ..[3717 LEISURE HOUR, 1862. Royal 8vo. cloth, 6s. (Religious Tract Society).......... [3718 LEITCH (William)-God's Glory in the Heavens. 12mo. pp. 360, cloth, 6s. (Strahan) (vide Adv. 728]........[3719 Some of the chapters were originally published in Good Words, but nearly one-half the volume is entirely new. It contains twelve carefully-executed lithograph views of the moon, comets, nebulæ, and other astronomical objects, as seen in the telescope. LEMPRIERE (Charles)-Notes in Mexico in 1861 and 1862, politically and socially considered. Post Svo. pp. 480, cloth, 12s. 6d. (Longman) (vide Adv. 765]..[3720 The object of the volume is specially to make known the present condition of Mexico, and the circumstances of the French expedition thither. LEWIS (Sir G. C.)-An Essay on the Origin and Formation of the Romance Languages, containing an Examination of M. Raynouard's Theory on the Relation of the Italian, Spanish, Provençal, and French to the Latin. 2d edit. post 8vo. pp. 302, cloth, 7s. 6d. (Parker & S.) [vide Adv. 796]. 3723 Originally published in 1835, by Talboys, at Oxford. The principal object of the Essay is to refute the theory of the derivation of the Romance languages, from the langue d'oc or language of the Troubadours. LIFE and its PURPOSES-illustrated in the Life of Mary Lyon and others: a Book for Young Ladies. 12mo. (Edinburgh, Gall), pp. 200, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Houlston) [vide Adv. 857}... [3724 Mary Lyon was a philanthropic American lady, the founder and principal of the Mount Holyoake Female Seminary. The work is not strictly a biography, but a series of chapters on Modesty, Dress, Fashion, Spare Moments, Punctuality, Mental Culture, &c., illustrated chiefly by the facts of Miss Lyon's life. LOIS WEEDON HUSBANDRY AS IT IS. 3d edit. including "A Word in Season_about growing Wheat." Corrected and condensed. Post 8vo. pp. 80, sewed, 1s. 6d. (Ridgway).. ..[3727 LOVER (Samuel)-Handy Andy. New edit. 12mo. boards, 2s. (Darton) ..[3728 LOVER (Samuel)-He Would be a Gentleman; or, Treasure Trove. New edit. 12mo. boards, 2s. (Parlour Library) (Darton) . [3729 LOVER (Samuel)-Legends and Stories of Ireland. New edit. 12mo. pp. 380, boards, 2s. (Parlour Library) (Darton) [3730 LUTHER (M.)- Illustrations of the Life of Martin Luther, with letter-press description by J. H. Merle D'Aubigné. Folio, 218. (Day) [vide Adv. 849] . [3731 LYTTON (Sir E. B.)-Night and Morning. Library edit. 2 vols. Vol. I. 12mo. cloth. 3s. (Blackwood).......[3732 MACDUFF (J. R.)—Family Prayers. 11th edit. revised, 12mo. pp. 280, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Nisbet) [vide Adv. 775]{3733 MACFARLANE (Agnes Maxwell)-The Night Lamp: a Narrative of the Means by which Spiritual Darkness was dispelled from the Death-bed of Agnes Maxwell Macfarlane. New edit. 12mo. pp. 306, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Nisbet) [vide Adv. 775] . .[3734 MACKAY (Charles)-The Gouty Philosopher; or, the Opinions, Whims, and Eccentricities of John Wagstaffe, Esq., of Wilbye Grange. Post 8vo. pp. 340, cloth, 10s. 6d. (Saunders & Ö.)..... [3735 Essays on social, political and economical subjects. Reprinted from the weekly periodical "Robin Goodfellow," MACLACHLAN (David)—A Treatise on the Law of Merchant Shipping; with a Supplement. Pp. 910, cloth. 36s....... ..[3736 Supplement separately. Royal 8vo. cloth, 5s. (Max well) .[3737 MACLEAN'S BOOKKEEPING, ruled Books for. 4to. (Edinburgh, Gordon) sewed, 2s. 6d. (Hamilton).... [3738 MARRYAT (Captain)-Rattlin the Reefer. 12mo. sewed, 1s. (Routledge) [3739 MARSH (John B.)-Is the Pentateuch Historically True? Containing all Bishop Colenso's Arguments in favour of the Rejection of the Pentateuch and Book of Joshua; the Learned Doctor's Misquotations of Scripture Exposed; and a Humble Review attempted in Vindication of the Truth of the Pentateuch. 8vo. (Manchester, Heywood) pp. 24, sewed, 6d. (Simpkin).. MARSH (John B.)-Shakspeare Playing Cards. packet Is. (Simpkin) .[3740 32mo. [3741 Each card is printed with a riddle, selected from MARTIN (William)-A First English Course, based upon Svo. pp. 560, cloth, 16s. (Lɔngman)....... MICK TRACY, the Irish Scripture Reader: a Tale of Facts. By W. A. C. 2d. edit. Post 8vo. cloth, 3s. 6d. (Book Society)... ..[3746 MISTRESS and MAID. By Author of "John Halifax, Gentleman." 2 vols. post 8vo. pp. 670, cloth, 21s. (Burst & B.) [vide Adv. 801]... . [3747 Reprinted from Good Words. The authoress, Miss Muloch, explains that the object of the story is to illustrate the true relation between domestic servants and their employers. MONOD (A.)-Farewell to his Friends and to the Church. 8th edit. 12mo. pp. 200, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Nisbet) ..[3748 MORGAN (Lady)-Memoirs, Autobiography, and Correspondence. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 1,096, cloth, 36s. (W. H. Allen). [3749 MURCHISON (Charles)-A Treatise on the Continued Fevers of Great Britain. 8vo. pp. 640, cloth, 18s. (Parker & Son) [vide Adv. 791} ..[3750 ........ ORDER of the Administration of the Lord's Supper, with Short Notes and Devotion. 32mo. cloth, 1s. (Saunders & O.)... ..[3752 OXENDEN (Rev.) and MARSDEN (C. H.)-Family Prayers. 5th edit. 12mo. pp. 236, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Wertheim) ..[3753 PARLEY (Peter)-The Story of Peter Parley's Own Life, from the Personal Narrative of the late Samuel Goodrich (Peter Parley). Edited by his friend and admirer, Frank Freeman. 12mo. pp. 310, cloth, 5s. (Low) [vide Adv. 776).... .[3754 PARLOUR GARDENER (The)-A Practical Treatise on the House Cultivation of Ornamental Plants. Square 16mo. pp. 158, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Low) {vide Adv. 726] [3755 PARTHER (Rev. Joseph)-The Cavendish Pulpit: Discourses at Cavendish Street Chapel, Manchester. 12mo. | (Manchester, Bremner) pp. 310, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Pitman)....... .[3756 PERILS AMONG the HEATHEN; or, Incidents of Brief anecdotes, comprising the more striking scenes PHILLIPSON (Caroline Giffard)- Songs on Italy, and other Poems. Post 8vo. pp. 170, cloth, 6s. (Hardwicke) ... [3758 Brief pieces, chiefly relating to recent events in Italy. PICTORIAL JOURNEY through the HOLY LAND; or, Sketches in Palestine. Royal 8vo. cloth, 6s. 61. (Religious Tract Society) 13759 The illustrations are drawn on wood by the author of the letter-press. The series is extracted from the Sunday at Home. PICTURES and KNOWLEDGE. By Uncle Know All. 4to. boards, 1s. 6d. ; cloth, 2s. 6d. (Dean) [vide Adv. 748; ...[3760 PLANCHE (J. R.)-Popular Fairy Tales. New edit. Post 8vo. cloth, 6s. (Routledge) [3761 PREACHER'S (The) ASSISTANT; or, Outlines of Sermons by Author of "Helps for the Pulpit." 18mo. (Halifax, Nicholson) pp. 300, cloth, 1s. 6d. (Simpkin) [3762 PRIDHAM (Arthur) - Notes and Reflections on the Epistle to the Ephesians. 2d edit. Revised. 12mo. pp. 360, cloth, 4s. 6d. (Yapp)...... .[3763 PRIDHAM (Arthur)-Notes and Reflections on the Epistle to the Hebrews. 2d edit. Enlarged. 12mo. pp. 430, cloth, 5s. (Yapp)...... ..[3764 PRIDHAM (Arthur)-Notes and Reflections on the Epistle to the Romans. 2d edit. Enlarged. 12mo. pp. 420, cloth, 5s. (Yapp)..... ......[3765 PROCTER (Francis) -An Elementary History of the Book of Common Prayer. 12mo. pp. 144, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Macmillan) [vide Adv. 724] .. .....[3766 Intended to supply the reader with general results, which, in the author's larger work, are accompanied by more elaborate discussions, and references to autho rities, extracts from the Latin service-books of the middle ages, &c. PULPIT THEMES. By Author of " Helps to the Pulpit." New edit. 12mo. (Halifax, Nicholson) pp. 320, cloth. 2s. 6d. (Tegg) · .....[3767 PUNCH. Reissue. Vol. 20. 4to. boards 5s. (Office).[3768 RAGG (Rev. Thomas)-Creation's Testimony to its God. 10th edit. Revised and Enlarged. 8vo. pp. 410, cloth, 58. (Griffin) [vide Adv. 841] . [3769 RALPH SAUNDERS; or, the Schoolboy Friends. New edit. 12mo. cloth, 2s. (Book Society)...... ....[3770 RAMSAY (Rev. John) - Sermons on Various Subjects; with Occasional Prayers. Also an Inquiry into the Causes of the Infidelity of the Present Times. Post Svo. (Edinburgh, Paton & R.) pp. 400, cl. 6s. (Hamilton) [3771 RANK and TALENT of the TIME. With Illustration Post 8vo. cloth, 7s. 6d. (Griffin) .(3772 ......... RAWLINSON (George)-The Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World; or, the History, Geography, and Antiquities of Chaldæa, Assyria, Babylon, Media, and Persia: collected and Illustrated from Ancient and Modern Sources. 3 vols. Vol. 1. 8vo. pp. 616, cloth, 16s. (Murray) [vide Adv. 752] ... [3773 The author states that his object is to accomplish for the five nations, of which his work will treat, what Movers, Kenrick and Wilkinson have accomplished for ancient Egypt. The present volume comprises Chaldea and Assyria. It contains 230 wood-cuts interwoven with the text, and embraces the results of all the recent discoveries of antiquities, &c., in those countries. REASONS for Partaking and Reasons for not Partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ. 6d. per dozen, or 3s. 6d. per 100. (Norwich) (Masters)............[3774 RICHMOND (D.)-Katie; or, the Simple Heart. With Illustrations by M. J. Booth. Post Svo. pp. 310, cloth, 6s. (Bell) ..[3775 ....... ..[3776 ROBY (Henry John)-An Elementary Latin Grammar. 12mo. pp. 210, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Macmillan) [vide Adv. 724] ROXANA, the Spanish Maid: a Tale of Modern Times. 12mo. pp. 156, boards, 1s. (Tweedie) .. [3777 SAISSET (M. Emile)-Essay on Religious Philosophy. Translated with Marginal Analysis, Notes, Critical Essay, and Philosophical Appendix. 2 vols. Post Svo. (Edinburgh, Clark) pp. 584, cloth, 10s. 6d. (Hamilton) [vide Adv. 708]. ..[3778 | The author is described as a disciple of Plato, and as treating theological philosophy in the spirit of St. Augustine, Descartes, and Leibnitz. The work consists of a series of Treatises or Historical Studies on the Theism of Descartes, The System of Malebranche, The Pantheism of Spinosa, The System of Newton, The Theism of Leibnitz, The Scepticism of Kant, The Pantheism of Hegel, &c. A second part consists of Meditations, with such titles as Providence in the Universe, Is God accessible to Reason, &c. Generally, the tendency of the work may be described as antagonistic to the Pantheism of modern writers. SCIENTIFIC QUARTETTS. No. 1.-Astronomy. 32mo. 2s. 6d. (Houlston)..... ..[3779 SCOTT (Sir W.)- Kenilworth. New edit. 12mo. (Edinburgh, Black) sewed, 1s. (Longman) ..[3780 SCOTT (Sir W.)-Lady of the Lake. With Photographic Illustrations by Thomas Ogle and G. W. Wilson. Square 16mo. pp. 220, cloth, 18s. (Bennett) [vide Adv. 705] [3781 SCOTT (Sir W.) Life of. By J. G. Lockhart. New edit. Vols. 5 and 6. 12mo. cloth, 3s. each (Longman).... [3782 SELECT PIECES for READING and RECITATION: suitable for Schools, Meetings, &c. 12mo. (Manchester, Bremner) pp. 163, sewed, 1s. (Pitman) ...13783 SELMA (Robert)-Poems. 12mo. cloth, 5s. (Low) [vide Adv. 817].. .[3784 SERMONS: THE DIVINE ORIGIN of MUSIC. Preached at the Third Annual Festival of Church Choirs, held in the Cathedral Church of Norwich, Tuesday, September 30th, 1862. By the Rev. John Jebb, D.D. Crown 8vo. (Norwich) pp. 32, sewed, 6d. (Rivingtons)........[3785 WILBERFORCE (Bp.)- The Teacher's Office an Administration of the Spirit. Preached in Winchester Cathedral, Oct. 13, 1862, on the occasion of opening the new Diocesan Training College. 8vo. pp. 20, sewed, 1s. (J. H. Parker).... [3786 SHAKSPEARE. By G. Steevens and E. Malone. With Life and Glossary. New edit. 8vo. cloth, 108. 6d. (Rivingtons) [vide Adv. 897}............. ..[3787 SMITH (James)-Marvellous Mercy, as displayed in the Life and Experience of the Author. 32mo. (Halifax, Milner) pp. 560, cloth, 1s. 9d. and 2s. (Simpkin) ..[3788 Cheaper edition of the work published last year. STANFORD'S New Library Map of Asia. Sheets, 458.; cloth, 3 (Stanford)... .[3789 STANFORD'S Library Map of London and its Suburbs. 24 sheets on the scale of six inches to a mile. Case, 31s. 6d. (Stanford). ....[3790 ST. JAMES'S MAGAZINE. Vol. 5. 8vo. cloth, 5s. 6d. (Kent) .... [3791 STREDDER (E.)-Raven of Redruth. 3 vols. Post 8vo. cloth, 31s. 6d. (Newby)........ .....[3792 STUART (Rev. A.)-The Three Marys. Post 8vo. pp. 420, cloth, 5s. (Nisbet) {vide Adv. 775] [3793 Sketches of and reflections on the lives of Mary Magdalene, Mary of Bethany, and the Virgin Mary. STUDENT'S (The) GUIDE to the UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE. 12mo. pp. 340, cloth, 5s. 6d. (Bell) [vide Adv. 789).. .13794 Contains information about the usages and expenses of University life, articles on the studies and examinations on account of the system of middle-class examination, c. The various papers are written by the Rev. H. Latham, J. R. Seeley, Rev. W. M. Campion, Rev. R. Burn, Rev. J. B. Mayor, Dr. J. T. Abdy, Rev. E. Harold Browne, H. J. Roby. SUNDAY AT HOME, 1862. Royal 8vo. cloth, 68. (Religious Tract Society). [3795 SUNDAY EVENING BOOK. Short Papers for Family Reading. By James Hamilton, A. P. Stanley, John Eadie, W. M. Punshon, Thomas Binney, J. R. Macduff. 32mo. pp. 190, cloth, 1s. 6d. (Strahan) [vide Adv. 828]... [3796 SUNDAY SCHOOLS: Three Papers on the Management of. By the Rev. H. R. Nevill, Rev. C. T. Rust, and Rev. Salisbury Everard. Crown 8vo. (Norwich) pp. 34, sewed, 4d. (Bell & D.).. [3797 "TO BE or NOT TO BE;" or, Man's Present and Future Condition considered. By Author of "The Triple Judgment." 12mo. pp. 220, cloth, 5s. (Freeman).. [3807 TODHUNTER (I)-The Elements of Euclid, for the Use of Schools and Colleges; comprising the first Six Books and portions of the Eleventh and Twelfth Books, with Notes and Appendix and Exercises. 12mo. pp. 394, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Macmillan) [vide Adv. 724) . [3808 TURNER (J. M.)-Liber Studiorum. Second Series. Photographed from Original Drawings. Folio, 3 3s. (Cundall) {3809 TRACT_MAGAZINE, 1862. 12mo. cloth, 1s. 6d. (Religious Tract Society).. . (3810 TWO FRIENDS. (By Author of "The Patience of Hope." 12mo. pp. 136, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Strahan) [vide Adv. 8283811 VERSICLES from the Portfolio of a Sexagenarian. 12mo. cloth, 3s. 6d. (Longman) 3812 12mo. VOLPE (Girolamo)-An Italian Grammar, for the Use of Eton. 12mo. pp. 230, cloth, 4s. 6d. (Trubner) ..[3813 WARD (T.)-Willie's Home Exercises. Part 2. A Systematic and Graduated Series of Exercises in Arithmetic, Spelling, and Composition, for Home Practice. (Manchester, Heywood) pp. 78, cloth, 1s. (Heywood)[3814 WAR SCENES and other VERSES. By E. C. Post 8vo. (Chelmsford, Arthy) cloth, 3s. 6d. (Hamilton)...... [3815 WATERS from the SANCTUARY-Stories suggested by the Church Services. 18mo. pp. 186, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Seeley)...... . [38:6 WICKES (C.)-Handy Book on Villa Architecture: being a Series of Designs for Villa Residences, in various Styles. 2d series. 4to. half-bound, 27s. 1st and 2d series, 1 vol. extra half-bound, 50s. (Lockwood) [vide Adv. 786] ..13817 The first series was published in 1859. The specimens which accompanied the designs in that series also apply to the present volume. Estimates are given for each design. WILLIAMS (S. F.)-Essays, Critical, Biographical, and Miscellaneous. Post 8vo. pp. 296, cloth, 7s. 6d. (Freeman)... .[3818 On Genius, Thackeray, Longfellow, Crabbe, Cowley, War and Christianity, &c. WOOD (Mrs. Henry)-The Channings. New edit. Post 8vo. pp. 470, cloth, 6s. (Bentley) .[3819 WORLD of PHANTOMS: a Poem. 12mo. cloth, 3s. 6d. (Hardwicke).... .[3820 Books Advanced in Price. |