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§ 2, page 1.

¿à] often thus answers an où, compare § 16, piscator § 12.

§ 6, page 3.

Tаρà μкрov] add the saying of Socrates quoted by Diogenes Laertius II 8 32 τό τε εὖ ἄρχεσθαι μικρὸν μὲν μὴ εἶναι παρὰ μικρὸν δέ, 'a good beginning is not a little thing but within a little': that is, of the end.


Opén] the future is in sense about equivalent to the optative with av, so that here we have (as often) it substituted for the more common form of condition (as el éléλois......Tрépolo av). Compare bis accus § 17 el ȧkoújaιte......eloeo0e, gallus § 16 etc, and see on §.8 εἰ γένοιο......δόξεις.

ἤδη διέφυγεν] see § 15.

§ 8, page 4.

'slipped at once from my memory. For ἤδη

§ 10, page 5.

οὔτε... οὔτε... ἀλλὰ καὶ] for ἀλλὰ καὶ thus opposed to a negative see bis accus § 20 οὐκ ἀγνοῶ μὲν......ἀλλὰ καὶ ὁρῶ.

§ 12.

Ovvv so in de hist conscr § 39 Lucian says that the true historian should have an eye not to his hearers in the present but to those who will afterwards have intercourse with his writings (Tous μετὰ ταῦτα συνεσομένους τοῖς συγγράμμασιν).

§ 13, page 6.

åpels] giving up (following in their steps).


§ 4, page 12.

Pavμášw el doкeî] see on piscator §§ 32, 34.

ἀρχιτέκτων Ομηρος] see the story of the vision of Homer whereby Alexander was said to have been guided in the choice of a site for








his new city Alexandria. I fancy that Lucian is here thinking of this story, which Plutarch records very doubtingly, and giving a sly rap at the appetite for the marvellous displayed by the writers of his own day.

§ 5, page 13.

κατὰ τοῦ ὀλισθηροῦ] I find this construction again in Arrian v 7 § 1, where a pile bridge is said to be κarà тоÛ потаμοÛ, 'down into the river'.

§ 8, page 15.

TeOveσ0a] Milon died, it is said, by being nipped in a halfcleft tree which he strove in the pride of his strength to tear completely asunder. See Strabo VI I § 12 (p 263), Juvenal x 10.

§ 10, page 16.

φησὶν οὗτος etc] observe that Charon breaks in to explain The reason is that he can recognize the names of

Solon's reference.

two of his recent passengers.

§ 12, page 18.

oi oúrovтes etc] compare Juvenal VIII 258 pluris enim Decii quam quae servantur ab illis.

§ 20, page 24.

åeì &λλwv] so Horace epist II 2 174 permutet dominos et cedat in altera iura.

§ 23, page 26.

Kal Tóλeis] So Rutilius de reditu 1 413-4 non indignemur mortalia corpora solvi: cernimus exemplis oppida posse mori.

§ 24, page 27.

Vπèρ Tоû πedlov etc] compare Hamlet act IV scene iv lines 17-26, 60-65.


§ 2, page 29.

I τὴν γλῶτταν αὐτὴν] αὐτὴν merely adds a somewhat awkward emphasis, which points to the tongue being named as the offending member.

§ 3.

26 ἐπὶ τὸν Εὐριπίδην] perhaps Lucian is thinking of the story of the Athenian prisoners at Syracuse who were said in some instances to have gained the favour of the masters to whom they had fallen by recitations from the pathetic tragedies of this poet.


§ 4, page 30.

ayopas] compare Demosth p 121 (Phil III § 49) vûv ♪ ἅπανθ' ὥσπερ ἐξ ἀγορᾶς ἐκπέπραται ταῦτα.

§ 5, page 31.

I avrol] I am now rather inclined to follow Bekker in reading auró, comparing somnium § 17 avrà for the construction.

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§ 10, page 33.

&ПIveαyópa] observe that, while both are appealed to, Sokrates alone replies, and see on § 4 for Pythagoras' silence.

§ 12, page 34.

ovde......oude] see Introduction § 7 and compare § 13 below.

The eighteenth chapter of Johnson's Rasselas seems to have been suggested by this scene.

ἐπὶ πόδας] for ἐπὶ πόδα compare Xen Cyrop VII 5 § 6 ἀπῄεσαν, ἕως μὲν ἐξικνεῖτο τὰ βέλη ἀπὸ τοῦ τείχους, ἐπὶ πόδα· ἐπεὶ δὲ ἔξω βελῶν ¿yévoνTO, σтpapévres, and Arrian v 17 § 7, where Sintenis quotes the above.

ȧvéσTρepov] intransitive, as often in the later Greek writers. So Arrian v 27 § 6, 29 § 2, Plut. Alex. 66.

§ 13, page 35.

'discreet', 'sober'. The Lucian is fond of it: see He probably took this

Kbσov] 'orderly', 'controlled', hence word is about synonymous with oppova. somnium §§ 6, 13, and KÓσμos in § 10. ethical use of the word from Plato. See Phaedo pp 68 c, e, 83 e, 108 a. For the sense of this passage generally compare Milton Il Penseroso 31-44.

§ 20, page 39.

TOû yap avтoû etc] compare for the sense Plato Phaedo 97 d. SOKOûoa] the irregularity (plural agreeing with a dual) is occasionally found, but I think only in poets. Bekker conjectures do


§ 30, page 44.

κάλλιστα καὶ συμφορώτατα] referring no doubt to the terms com monly used by the moral philosophers of Greece, тò κaλòν the 'fair' =noble or morally right, and rò σuμpépov the 'expedient' material interest. Some teachers dwelt more on the antagonism between these, others on the reconciliation of their claims or even on the identity of the two principles. They appear in Latin under the names honestum and utile.

& 31.

VTоoxéσews etc] for the sense of the passage compare Seneca ep 88 § 2 an tu quicquam in istis credis esse boni, quorum professores turpissimos omnium ac flagitiosissimos cernis?

§ 35, page 46.

open] see dial mort 14 § 4 Aristoph birds 487, Arrian III 25 § 3, VI 29 § 3.

27 diádnμa] Curtius III 3 § 19 speaks of the caerulea fascia albo distincta that ran round the head-dress of the Persian kings.


§ 36, page 47.

Οπώρας] compare Plut Alex 50 ἧκόν τινες οπώραν Ἑλληνικὴν ἀπὸ θαλάσσης τῷ βασιλεῖ κομίζοντες.

§ 43, page 51.

6 Ev ye Toîs Xphμaoi] see dial mort 14 § 5, where Alexander is made to complain of Aristotle's teaching in this point.






§ 45.

Gépuous] so in Diog Laert vi § 86 the Cynic philosopher Krates is said to have declared that his gain from philosophy was Oépμwv te χοῖνιξ καὶ τὸ μηδενὸς μέλειν.


§ 8, page 59.

åσeßŵr xŵpov] see Cicero pro Cluent § 171, pro Sulla § 77, Sallust Cat 52 § 13, Plato Phaedo 113 e.

$ 9.

ol de Toû μiérov Blov etc] Plato Phaedo 113 d may perhaps have suggested this passage.

§ 21, page 63.

váλw] Capt Burnaby (On horseback through Asia Minor c_29) speaking of the village of Dudusa near Sivas says that some of the houses, instead of glass window-panes, had 'pieces of some transparent alabaster, which is found in large quantities in the neighbourhood'.

Tepixple] Diodorus II 15 gives an account in some respects differing from Herodotus, to whom he refers. His words TepixÉAVTES αὐτοῖς πολλὴν ὕελον agree well with Lucian.

Xéyw d'idwr] this suits very well with the latter years of Lucian's life. See Introduction §. 6.

§ 24.

Tapaμvlovтaι etc] compare Petronius § 111 'quid proderit inquit hoc tibi, si soluta inedia fueris, si te vivam sepelieris, si antequam fata poscant indemnatum spiritum effuderis? “id cinerem aut manes credis sentire sepultos?" vis tu reviviscere? vis discusso muliebri errore quam diu licuerit lucis commodis frui? ipsum le iacentis corpus admonere debet ut vivas.' nemo invitus audit cum cogitur aut cibum sumere aut vivere. itaque mulier aliquot dierum abstinentia sicca passa est frangi pertinaciam suam, nec minus avide replevit se cibo quam ancilla, quae prior victa est.


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